Flesherton Advance, 6 Nov 1884, p. 5

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i I I , t - 't * 'l - ' . . a JJI I J_J -^ fiiilin _J At the Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing- in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames^ a lar^e assortment. Copying and Enlarging- a specialty. Kr. ill. -. The. b.,yn ihil not 1'lay any very ser- ious prank* in l-'losh.-rt ,11 i> Hallowe'en. .Ju-.t r"'i'ivi-d ii Lit of Men* and wo- IIMM.S I! il'liers, (Ivi-i.-'i... -., :ill<l Felt IfcioUi, very i:lie;i|i at \V. Claytons, Klush- ertoii. -'-. Mi M. Akitt, <.f Eu'ji'nia. in just now |>.-i\ in',' canti fur wlie.it ami outs. i! d Conking BtoTM, with furnishing complete, can I*- putxh.i.si'ii at Strain's, Fleslu-rt.in, W 1!MMI, and ui>ward. Mi.. I II. i '!-. .11 proposes start- Markdnh- IK-IIIS. intl-Hrult An < kampionH. Bucklen a Arnica Salve. fl AT Tl TIT A HI /ITT TO I rTrom i.nr ., I'nrrrxi*.,, I '. ) T " "" A ' '''"' "' Tl "' -M*"*'. The Il.".t Salv.- in tht- * I |T|| W A I I H flX ' <> T I DrtK^ll- Wliili- I ilmir.. X-..III- , "nr.-.t :.-. r- -lt Kh.-uni. K..V.T Sor.-. T.-i'. \JUU4S 11 A* * VXXUW I On Tii.-Hilay ex, mm;, 28th <)-t, the ur per- , (,.,,,,,.,, (u ., ,. , (u n,u,,,, , .,>.. .,,,1 n skm i annual Sabbath School Anniversary, Tea- ineetini; and Cantata was held in the |j** the :'. coercion for n of ynir fellow beiniR, I fa<rtl,m. bo. Pi Methodist Church, in this village, aud t the same timo regret that an ii.t. was very largely attended, Wn.- tilk-d which 8> v promise of x. much in the to its turnout. Kev. Mr. Casson arh'ciat- futurt '. "'"'"Id permit the shadows ,,f nar- .-are-t l'iU-. ,>r 11.1 |,ay t 11 ornnt, , .1 tu yixn | ' motwv ri-fnii,|i-,l I'nci- -i r .ceiit (r 'orulchv \x lUchardaon. rUahartoo. * -.0 lor #'* ! A nvw How.- S.-win.' M.ichine will be Qll (//TO Uli.rl.ll in<{ as chairman NVu caiui.it sin-ak t..<i r " w '''^'"Tj l " becloud iu otherwise noon- aold for tliu alxix.- luii'.tiut. <,r xi ha- ti.U- .unshim... f,,r . ..J Milk r,,w Apply t,, T HK AD- ' '" " " (IKS TH .-. LADIES - Following well-known ui*k: Wn I Hi (i in. hihlv ,,f the Cantata, which was I.,,,, to it. li.,.,1 H..r."-Y,,ur re.he.rsal under the able leadership of Mr. '"^runty to an .|.|K.iieiit Ji as free and C. S II., xv,,, who ha, foryears been lead U'enerou. as is your adT.>cac-y of, to my r * 1 : I . * I -. , jiiK a cheesu factory in Fovernhaiu next er of the <-hoir, and a constant w.,rk.-r in c..niiocti,,ii with tint church and Sabbath >' <JU wl " ''*> '">' '"" '* indnidual- There was a school ar>>irrati,.ii in the Town Hull. Ka-tlieiton, lat KriiUy f"r<- 11 >on, \Vi. ilnl nut li-ini tlio piriciilars. (ularrli- i > Treat incut* I'erhap.i tlio most i-xtntorlmsry uncc'is |f Hint has h.i-ii an.i> v. i in ui<i. rn iii--.ii ni<- ' ban been attaint'.! l.y the 1'n, in tr>*. i..r Catarrh. Out of Z..MI patient-, tr. .t*J covering every /n t <>j M> vemcni mid MMM/Of one <in<l tico FINE . SchiK.l The choir anil tin- children nf '*'" *"*' ''"' '' l '" K ' rIt:s "f l '"' rci.m, AH held ilurina the |*t ii lu.nitli.v fully nr the sch,,..! rendered thc-ir parts very cred- frtfc in th- .S-tt Act. I .ll f,,l ha,,,.y itiibly n ,.1.,.,1. After the Cantata was t<> cmw pens with The i,,i-n-ct majority ;. -umt the concluili-il, a few remarks were heard Scott A, t in Pi.! is I'.HS. The barley ijucstinii did tin; iniitrhief, an it is eteii-iM-ly tr"Wii in that o.unty. very UII'K, KUlu-ri..ii, are noted fur in th. In :ixn->t 'i'nin.iii- in con- Jiecti..n with the them. ' Th Onartrily M Sti.vis suit] hy si-rvico* in the Mutli.nlit church, Fl..slu-it..ii, l:u>t Sun- day, wi-rv l;n-.-i'!y atti ii'ii-.i. l!i-v. D. C. McU.iwcll pirachrd |.\nl!..nt sunnons, ' and i-v.-nin;;. i'.l this wci-li a lur^'r stock of Ciikin, Parlor, :u >i', at bot- fruin tlietr chairia.-in , Mr. \Vils.. n. Respectfully y..ur. IL M. Lt-nr. Glenelg, Nnv. IM. IHKI. rur. 1 of tl.lH >l ii.ii.- th.' ! n htarliiri; It in P iiH-iribi-ri I that nut MX-.- pr ,-> nt. of pan. nt" pn -Mini? t hetnselTes to the ir pra.-titioni r at. l-nt ntt-.l, while tli. p:>fc*it in- .it.- n- - mni ..ii..-r advrrliiv't u. 1.1 r. ,, r.| H .'.r. HI all. Starting itb tbi- " most .1 :- 'I ! ',. till '' yr, > -i,. .'1 Ii r > ill till) tinniif. The D.K-tor is t.) bu coiiKrat- ^ 11 """' 1 - ""'- >'inV,.l |., r i.anv -. . w Mr |'ix,.n at on,-.- n.l.ipt. ,1 th.-ir niid al.h, ."" ' " ,''* ," 1 i"","'!', 11 ' """ "'' "*"' f '"" t'-rni!iiatMi this MfoBplialMd. >M ekisM ami aide logs, which tmttl.-.l -" - -' ---- ' Presbyterian Mininter, then succeeded, addressing the audience at some after which, Ur. Sprnile, M. P., waacaJ A Srccuwrci. Rmn-T. Mr. U|,x>mt-r. led upon. ulated for the Silver- ware , , .. for , BU .. m ,, u until manner ii. which he delivered lint U-iiL-thy j^ *rf4ertBloa4BMIin. wUMsfMi. m, 1 Vr,!-7i^ln,pV. > M 1 i" B '^. 1 s,".'-',!", 11 " ','ffi .'".-'i ^VCtldlnil KlIl^S ! }V(itrii nlrd addrew. Ilov. Mr. <irand/ n,:ule a few llv and cnndiut. .1 [.layii. afti-r a perfect cure. evuiiins:, to di[KW> ..f thu toni pn..-e-i at M rain's, Klculierton. We din,! t!i.- aiti-iitioii of our read ITS to Mr. \\ \. |!]',i,\ in advertiM.'- by the la.lies. Tin- social wa* all ment in this week's Ai>. \\, K. Mr. e-.tilil U- ,1,-sir, -d, takini,' int., i-..nid. ra Itrowii'a repir.ati'Hi as a watchmaker and timi that then- w;u no pro^rame provided which tin- chairman yave the clomntr ad- , .. band for i-ale v.-rv cheap for nt- h a drew. Kev. Mr. ( lu-t.-mn announced to f rwmsdy n famous new Organ, harmc foort*. the auill,,,,,', U'fore dispers,,,, for their s,,,,, , ,,,.,.,,,,_ ditfunnit home*, that a social would be held in the Mine church on Thursday \ |II.MI, lix linn f, ur xi nr ,- -till. No .ii.- - . Ti:KU.ol.|i, K n, lias Oil "' li "~ W"" 1 " ' ; ""' "' ' [| " r "'.'no nt ha* .-v.-r con I Catarri .-atioii ,-( ill" an, I c.-in ! ,|>,ii>' t ,n ,f tht- y,-itr i- ti.. Inr lines ural 1, f.,r i - .i.-ni .-iir.v !,. iuj". itmi-nt Miff, r itii M. -M-. A. II. 1>. ft I'll r tn.t w.-t, '1,'i'iit.,. r inailit. taiini for tli, ir t . . Catarrh. tn-iil - SlritlKbt l< iiltni;. ri'^u Tiro iirn I n hull Hi i H...-I ir I. Yi'llow Oil ,,f the toui-hi-i. tin- n^lit up. t i-v. ry tinj. u n> n ap- .xid.-.l ''""' '" r r '" ""iiituin. m-'i ii --! ! mi, .-. n. I intrriuillx f. r cold*, that g. (n? throat, ee., it in , i|iia!ly iuUlhlh 1 . \'< r. Work jeweler it l<> well known t.. n-.piiro any |iecial rniiiiiii-nr at our hands. His stock >f wat.:li -s. clockH, ji-w.lry, A'., is, if any - thu.- . mi. lite than ever it haa hoen. - Trial jimve.H that II..IH-.-H in the best |Hi|ic\ in niwlioinc as well an in . -tli.r thiiiL"*. Avi-r\ Snr*.iparilln in a geuuine ]'M.|..iiati..n, an iinei|iinl!eil 1.1. ..id purifier, .11 .ithel<. - Kl.-sln-it.iN ,| , T him just till nearly all hail aaaeinl. I. -I I' Mr in a-^nin acting as chairman. up,,,, 1 A GrcrU Dibcovery. Mr. Win. Thumas f Nt-wlon. I . Medical. MX if. has bwti art ,,, "''' '" r tw.-ntr tl vy. t. -..i -. .rrly than rx.r ' c.intrihut.- an U-st th.-y could t..wai.: - ^' tln-audi. n, . \l- I 1 i try Dr. Elan's N** I'l^.-.m-ry. ili.i i V IMM.'ll. I 1 >!. ! I I \ -II . Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCB&, PI:ICK\ il.l.i:. i'M\iuo. i-losed a \.-ry Mireessfiil season, having ijiny fr,,ui tin- laru',- alli-nd.inee .-n b.,th nucct-ed.ul in di; all the cheese i " colv ' i """' ''"'>' '""*' ll:ivt ' f''-' 1 ''-''" 1 inaiii.Ui'tiired at very ,.!.. I priem. Mr. I ill draw this to a coiicliiiioii. ^ 'iirx trnlv. nl.I) IMinXVI.KK. othen., t.M,'i-tlier with the valuable a-M Mod bottU has absolutelx tanoe of tin- choir. As each one called lai i. k utn lor thirty >..- ^^ ^~ ii|.oii had , inly a few nuniit. i uartiini.', tlii-y did rt-inaikably well. NVi- have n, t h-.nni-d bat the pr. ..-. -e.U anioiintid t.. taken at the door either ni^litu : but, jml- Inir I'r W. A. BROWN. .11 Nil I Lit. Markdale. CORDOIVJ'S IIAHNKSS SHOT M. -ltirliardw.il, utir eKteeim-d and popu- lar men ''.int. h,-!.l t!.. j . sit ion of banke r for th. palions, and hall, Ueil Hi-veral tlioii Hand d"!lai< to tin- i "fall con- oemed. Th,- I'.visi'in r.,:irt in Fleslierton |.wt T!i ir. 1 iv i itti-ndeil. One of the principal cased was that of Madill , Meldrum, which was decided in fnvur JUDICIAL SALE BLACK vs. WHITE. tfarrta. John W, Armstrong. :, public holiday (Thank* |> DIMsniV U vl.l:l \.K ' of the f.. nn. r. hnndnoiiie Mini. \- \ >>n t:iin-and >j..i.-,- will be limited this ,rk ,-n a.,, nut ..f i. . t . M tl,.- H. /,.,', // '. '. il : flnk'rt-'M, on <li. I .f/. ./i./ ,.' . ,. 'it ll,. I: ... n- |>r- at i t- > Vs. M< Id ruin. C.IH.II, / ll' / Tlie else of Madill Meldrnin w;* tried ill the l>mi,,ti C..uit, I'l Which STRAIN A LARGE / . ninl ( 'mi Inn -. Frot A Front, ton, laM Tbnndaj, xiai.,in- . tin- Will kli'iKII ill i'l pupiil.ir I len Siiiinil able lllten <t t,. the people of this loc.llity. l-iwyi-:->. had alarm nuiulH-r Thumps., n, the K!.-*h. it. ;i baker. w.,n * -mil fi r h u:d bill. Mr. l,im..n, th Duudalb I. m', .T, liad cpnti- a iniinVx-r ,,f to ;, . ; .Ma.plit-rson. wl'.-lh.-r tin- anioutit ple.lii h"l. II 'dredjof li'tli-r* fri.ii: those u.sine Ayer's Man \ ii;.ir at lent UK value as a re- ntorer - r L-rny liair I. it-, nntunl i-.,|..r V a itiiiiiilaiit ami > iitinj; and ip-ll!,. I, M.i>-.iii f..i j.tlf. and Ki-~t A l'i r for , doft. .'-! 1 Tli i-UM-n w de-ided in f.iv.ir of i,, 1 , 1 ,.!,^,', Madill. It -..-. HIM. that pttf. R, ! ft xvhi-ii a ili*]nitu an ne as to J. M. Wobstci*, to b,- haxi- ln-i-n #.Vl ..r Xtn Ill id the former a, u unit, ,aJi won by Maddl. . I, .iit.tlMlii; . . : li.-id- T HI L xi . rLKSHKHTOX. MONEY to LO A N ! hoiild . paid n ls honor thus th,- 'urn R.I I w Alexander Brown, i ' , .ft.-n i-iirin- baldii.-^i, and ele m-ini; anil T " ""' '''''''" "' '/"'- .!' o..v. iootlnn 'he -.,-al;., it< use . rinn, t I , tr.,ii|y Ii eoniini-iided. l.catiiie Fir* i i: <: Ti-mr-ile fc'lortliei-ton, and ulluria f "l ||k ' '', 't 1 I, MrXt feW ;.b. : I.-avinj; . MOIIKI - < >:h, r irti.-in will ! H ihsp..od o " v.-ry ' IV prbM i i )irly and All ; i in'.- ni"iie\ wlu-th.-r for -u!iM'iipi...iM. job work or HI!\I inning In the pi-opvi.-t.T ..f I'M \i.-. \v, i:, are llidivi,ln.i!!y and <-, .llert.x ,-iy invit-.l tlttl. Of M Sir, In .. '- r. ni-e to a Mali-mint in y,.r | ,|.. I ,'l I, f- M.- kF Hf . tlillt F l.'dn llil |.i;te w -t!i Mi. ( ii.-.ir -..n. ,,f Kii|.|irini. I \>n t.'I.Ky the stud nn nt in- t n | I v.i MI-. < >t. u .-.. in r-.i 'lit ill ( 1 1 ,.xi ii-h.p. ar. I bad nn ,!nj)nti- with him bat.x,r. Id, nut Hrnv tint I ha,l n .lip,tt" -ill. y..uni; Crnii-l>lniiik, but 1 as i-rfi MX II I' w hut I ill, I. Ill pint;. S.r. Umt wln-n nrit Ton write up \x i snythfnk'i4 tins .,rt ,-n will I, i II..IKIC fill - l.. t I i main. i ; ' |.' 'I,!- I \l I- \V. .1. HKLLAMY. .1 //..- /.V.sT/i'.I.V'V .U/A'.Vr i'itl.1 /-.I'Tu/:. .l/V77".V/.7.7;. i '"in/' ">!/'"' .-it Loin-xt /,'-/ JAS. LAMON, ' 7 7'"/:. /TV >d. h L03T SHEEP. f.rtU j'l^tilii ! 111 '' "-" " ' ' ...Ill-fill.' Il 1 I Tl iit yon write np \\,,'! ., i .-, .-..'/' .ill Ir HIT' ,'ir. llH\in . ' . . i . . - Kin, 1 ;!; I.!.\ F.I;. Sloam I lour f y.,'ir -t itrnii-iits, J n (l'''f' or. *ti.. v. < >. \v AT fLfSBEBTOff STATJOff, For Salre! * . i , >-, I rK.M< S|iriii}; Sti-. r Ciihrs. I-'ulli-r r:ii; ,-u "I (UVI'll --.. l I IIN. N (l \ . ' . \ AM-! M V K ^ A A..T liirs on sii'.iil liills. Anv ivill ' ta1 : AK A I Ii, - who trv .. . . Jlurdnck I'.l I ll.it.Ts , ,. r.-1'.ln'..r of th.- intnniiatioil leading tu tin- n TOM l> of .|,,,.i,,.,i,,,, ,, ; , .), ,| H1 . iMWel-. or to purify tin 1,1, ,..|. -|,| ,|L... h t(,,ii above fntllf will l><- Well 1. xvi riled. " Ktl ' ""' "''"r. I* I r-nlle tl,,' In , ;i,,,l ki.ln, vs. ,-r s tn,,, K tbei, w ,, l-l.-llll qSAHOH * JIORKIHOM ^ ^ " u (. llrn.1 ni,>.,r \> . U 1 I t l\ I. I I . . > I tit * S-llu . Or 111. I, I all limkl i;i.-Ht I II \ II t III tl- .Inature. i.r.- a^r..e,.l,ly ..iiri.rii.,1 at tlio ' _ J M vssov work with ahlutrlaW wrlv, for | .prompt b-m lit ,li rivrd. FlcsllOHOll. Nov. I , 1 K. 1 - I . JUrtV ' Dwen Souu 1. '" '" H HAI.LKTT A < o . l-jUUi,.!. M.u,.- Vc%i ouu ' ' "infit trot. ryi<- ' i FARMS !-2. TO RENT OR SELL. lkUi wll U -.! , :-v All in tl. Vof lartbor parti.-i'.ixn. a|>|>ly to ROGER LEV I Plohert'H I' <l ,( ^

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