Flesherton Advance, 23 Oct 1884, p. 8

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HEARD'S Waggons, Manufactured at Flesher- toii, * the Cheapest, u nothing but good wood ii UMK! iu them. They are strongly ironed, run. cany ad well Painted. Farmers and others wanting the Cheapest and Best Wsgifou will do well to examine the ma- terial carefully. HKAHIJ'S Waggon* are warranted (or 3 years, and sold at very low price*. No Freinht to pay Running Wear. Ho, Spring Seat, Neekyoke and \Vhiffletree ..... ............... TS.OO (or cash .............................. 66.00 Manufacturer of Hii^ies, Democrats, Waggons, futtern, Sluijjb), Iron Harrows, ami Ageut for P '" _ JOHN H. HEARD, Flesherton. Saw Mill & Timber Laud For Sale or To Let. com;., i >s r i)i << B: \Tkr k,nt-- .,., *L trip uptiilutiM i fi>i' Hlilll'tt I ,i,,xftiiulrl>l*. J lu the Township of Arlrniesia, in tlie County of Grey, 4 miles from Fleslierton Station, tin- Canadian 1'acinc Railway. The Mill u situated at Little Fulls, in a block of tout 41 i uiTi-s Tinil'i r Land, with other timber laud mirr.miiding. The building is sub- tautiolly built on atone foundation. The machinery is all good iud drivpu with great power by a 23 inch LeSel wheel, under 36 feet head of water. There are 1 Large Circular Saw for cutting logs ; tt Small Circulars for sawing Laths and Broom Haudlet ; 1 Ullage Lathe for turning broom Handle*. ic.; 1 Shingle Machine with Jointer and I'acker cotn- |Hete. The Water-l'ower in excellent, the dream being verv regular. There are nevoral other good Mill Sites on the property. The land in this valley is considered the best fa the country. Tin- place would make an excellent Stock Farm w lien the timber is taken off This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into thii kind of business, as the place will be sold or let on FAYORAHLE TKUMS. The i.u.-li is to con- ventual to tin 1 Mill, log* can be trucked iu summer time. Immediate possession given. Apply to the proprietor, WM. HOO-C* FLKKHKHTON STATION P.O..ONT. FLESHBETON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF , Such aa Monuments, Tunib Tallies, HeadstoneR Counter and Table Tops iu American and Italian Marble and (irunite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marblt-i/eil Slate, Ac., Ac. Flesherton, Aug. :tO, IKK:!. GET YOUR Fall & Winter Clothing MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE Tailor.. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLO WAYS PILLS&OINTMENT Liver, THE PILLS I'urif v thu Hlood, correct all Dmnlors of tlin lii<iii'y, tincl 13<>\velf<( Tney liiviunrateiiiiil restore to health Uebilitntcil CoiihtitiitiniiB, lirt an- iiniiliml.l. in all Con)- pUllitH mi i.li'iitnl to Ketuales ul all ,. 1 m I lo|.ii<-ii anil tin- oie<l tlioy iiiu |ii ii:olcn THE OINTMENT N an infallihli- ri'in- ly f,,r Had Legu, Hixl l!reatn. Olrl WIMIII<IB. Sores and flci.m. It is famous for Gout anil l<ln<iiiustim. For disorders of Uha CBM( tl has no equal. THHOAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Gln tular HwfllinK. "'l all Skin I)ianae it ban no rival; and for contractod knrl Htiff joints it ctH hk. i a eliarni. Knnufiu-turea only at 1'rofi^Hor HOM.OWAT'B Establishment, 7. W O \ iin-,1 Mn . t ( late 5:3. 0\ l.iril MI-,,! >, I., union, mill are sold t In. 1 Jd., Ht. W.. 4s. M.. 11s., 22n.. anil :. purh Box or Pot, and may be hart of all Meili clni> Vonclors throiiRbout tho SVorld. &" Purch'wrx .1/imi/./ Innk if. >he ].<ill m, !! l',,h ,, w l )t.m. If thf, mldreu M tutt 53,1, Ojcfurd Utrri't, Ijnulm, thnj lire .i;>nrtfMM. The Advance till Jan, 1st, 1885, for 15 cents. To Hit K<iitl- Of II. .|./l'0,,v. Dear Sir, in |n>riiMin<; a copy of y laai vri'ek'n issue, Ifty attention WHS 'h;i\*i'i to mi Mticlu uudef the heading, " S>tt Act Slanderers." After reading two f>r thrtM) sentences of it I felt convinced that aiiti-pn'liiliitionist blunderer, " L. M. L. 8..," Hl vainly ell'U'iivoiiiii; to uiai'ple with what you have very properly depil- ated, "The Question of the Hour. " Iiu- auine my surprise to *itid the nnint 1 of A. Muiihaw appended \t the bottom in- stead ! Wonders will never cease, nar4, I to myself : mistakes will happen sofrrft- t HIM H. guard agaiiikt them how one may. Til* lust sentence >f the letter is as fine u sample uf unadulterated misrepres- entation at I have come in contact with for many a day. Hy what authority does Mr. Munshaw oiMmc, that the cause he refers to (presumably thu Scott Act) re- quires "the foateriiiL; influence of false- hood tn uroir.ote its success ?" The re- cent victories in Haltoii, Simooe, Dun- das, Stoniiunt, Olengiir), SUinstead, and other places are Mi eni]>hatic refutation to this ridiculous and false assumption. Stick to the facts, friend Munshaw. As usual, Mr. Munshaw ii)><>iite very. He says Firth s "iiu-aiiiicu stinks in the nostrils of high Huaven !" It iniijht not U- <iut of place to ijuotu the old adage right here, fur Air. M's edification : " 1'uople who live in glass houses should never throw stones. ' I know very little about Firth except in connection with IHH late difficulty witl> Mi. Munshaw, and my tint letter on the subject was I't-rfi-ctly in accordance with the fiicts as 1 gleaned them from stn.t talk, and from what 1 considered reli.tnle sources. You say I exaggerated ,' at least you imply M much. i Vi hap* I cMd, but certainly it waa far from my intention to do so. If Kirtli was four inontha in arrearage for rent, and died tu ''sneak" away from the pivinmes (its Mr. Muushaw says lie did) then I say he acted very meanly indeed and deserved the treatment he received. But, iu driiying the truthfulness of my allegations, - which in itself wan all that ;i in,, i s.-ti \ Mi. Mmixhaw deVot- the greater part of his letter to abuse of the Scott Act ami its promoters : thus showing that the "question of the hour " has a stronger grip on his mental fac- iiltii'i than most people ima^mod. Therefore, how easy it is- without itretch- ing nn's imagination very much, either, and how natural it ia. ton, to assume, that Mr Mtiiixliaw'H judgement might In- swayed, iit ninny times, by these consid- erations. His letter it* so bitterly hostile to the Scot Act, that inie might imagine he brooded nvi-rit, and felt anything but plrasaiitlv diMponed towards <m;/ of itf " promoters," let aloiiu thu man whose " meanness stinks in thu nostrils of high heaven." Evidently he has Scott Act on he brain. I might go on at great length and en- umerate many "little " things not gener- ally known in connection with the pannage of the Dimkin Act in this County some vei'.m ago: how a certain hotel-ki r| T was so mad that he closed his shells to the public, and was guilty of many other mean " little " acts, which left him open to charges, such as I preferred againut Mr. M. Ml my lust letter on this subject but I forbear. In the meantime 1 might say to those who are so terribly an- xious to ascertain my identity--" aiut yer glad ye found out I" As ever Yours, VALK.TTINE MrnoiNg. > rmii !<<<. m. i 10 rV*hf i ,-:- fruM u Lttrr d< </u frtitn, vj'Tl- \Ve xpeed away over the liruinl Trunk from 'I'lirmifo, down thro' tl.e province "..ell- and yi-iloW ' in bei .uituinn Un-.-,. whose liright green wheat t:eliln form a sinking eoiitiiutt with the dark -brown of furrowed tields and golden hue of mimim woodland. Crossing the river at 1'ort Huron, sweeping across Michigan am! Indiana, the wheat, gives place to corn tields motttly cut, but as we pass onward thro' Illinois tlie corn harvest appears K'tter, . past its noon-day here all is brown, ex- i cept the woodland which, as yet, retains , greenness. Still rushing onward across , the prairie grass lands (that lie around Chicago,) dottetr with innumerable hay- stacks (for this portion of the state none vast meadow, broken only by the heavier growth of the irnirsh land) we reixih the suburbs of the city enveloped in smoke ami black u ith coal dust. Running under check acrotut the network of rail- ways, work hteaililyup thro' the city until at la.-t the terminus is reached at I'Jtli street, and now as the hack taken usthro' the business part uf this great city, some slight idea of the mnLTiiitiidc of its trade can be funned. Just across the river they set us down at the Chicago North Western Depot. After a good square breakfast of surloii> and linked potatoes' we take a street car fi<h- thro' the north side as far as Lincoln 1'ark. Here we lunl them removing tin- annuals to their winter quarter, the perishable rlowers and plants dug up, the park presenting a very dilapidated appearance. From there we. go across to Lake 1', irk, unU-r*thu expo- sition building, take in the sights, and wend our way back to the < '. A- N. \V, again, enter the train once more, 'J.'KI miles north-west, out through the north side, parks and beautiful suburban town of K\ .-inston Passing out of Illinois into Wisconsin, we run intr> the prairie lands of the state, through Hanni; and Mil- waukee, striking the wheat l>elt again. Here are splendid farms, largely (Topped with fall grain of quite luxuirant growth. A few more hours ride and we arc Hearing the pine licit and Inune I'eslitigi' at last, with its familiar streets and t.in . recog- nizable tiven by gas Kj[ht. J. W. P. Wife What's the matter now, John ? lliixliiind (Hi, that neuralgia and toothache near kills me. Wife Why don't you go to Hichard mi's Drug Store and get :i bottlo of Fluid Lightning ' Ymi know it cures all sin h tilings an Toothache, Neuralgia, Hi'adacho, Lumbago, Earache, 8ore Throat, etc. It gives instant relief. $50 for $*H: A new Howe Sewing Machine will be sold fur the above amount, or exchange for a good Milk Cow. Apply to TIIK AD- VANCE oftico, Kleshprton. C. TREAixioi.n, Flcslierton, has on hand for sale very cheap for cash, a famous new Organ, having fourteen . six acts of Reeds. KING'S EVIL Wai the niuno formerly given to Scrofula because of a eutx-ivtiiion tliat It could bo cured by a klnx'-* touch. Tho Torld U Uer now, aud knowi that SCROFULA can only he rtired liy thorough rmrKiov tlon of" the |I|IH|. 'If t'li- i, tii-vrlcelfil, the iliM-aw inTjM'iiiuli x (ti tnint throikti geniTation ulti-r ,< in riiiimi. Alnunx \\f e:iriit-r yin;i'ii. iij.ie il, \ ( lo| im'ii'- in Ke/ein;i, ( inaneoiio Ki luitioni. 'I u mors, !<iis, < a, in. it i<>->. I:. \ ,, elm, i'liriili in I'lrcrs, Ni'f.ons aiiil I'hy- Irnl < nil i|i>o. "T. l! n'SiWr.l to i-nn- tllllli 1 . Ii K'llllUllli IV S'Mlllllf.lls t'l? tarrli, Klilnny ;<n I I. Ivor I > i -,i -asp*, Tul;-:-eular f - o::->i. in pi ion. und \iirl- OU9 Otlll-l i.':lll|;el'iiUi I/I lUUl UlulkUil.4, urd produced by it. Ayer's Sarsapar/lla A Startling Discovery. Mr. Win . Johnston, of Huron, Dak., writes tlmt his wife liiwl been troubled with acute liroiu-liitis for many yearn, anil that all remedies tried gave no per- manent relief, until hi- procured a bottle of l>i\ Kini/s New Discoverv for consump- tion, Coughs, and Ooldi, whioh had a magical effect, and produced a perman- ent cure. It is guaranteed to cure Di- soaaes of Throat, Lungs, or Bronchial Tubes. Trial bottles Free at W. Uich- ardhon's Drug Store. Large Size 11.00. DR. LOWS PLEASANT WORM SYRUP An agrcpable, f ( - and effectual remedy \o remove all kind? of worms. llth nnl'i riferfnl ar.d a'.ii-i' blood-j>i' i .,/'/'/,, i.i-./ic, ii i- MI i Mi -t- iinl an Blin.i.ive tiint i: t: -in the Bysteili 3 'rcilii.iu y Sero'ul i, i,n4 tho k'.n'l'nl i :n-on. i f ii.n'.i and njen-i". . A' tl.n n-<w 'h'V- I' en- riches nml vllalllCH lln- b: nl. ri-lorinij ht-iiltjiful :',! JQ to tin >i..u r :.n and rcjuseuatmg tin eiitlri: i-j stein. TLUgreat Rsgensrative Wcclicine In corniKwd of the crnutri> Knmlvrat Karfapurilla, v.-itli Ttllci' lt--k. Htil- lin'iia, the lodiiltt uf PetawfMl und Iron, and otl ,r lugrtali n' i<f i^rcat po- tency, can TuiTy jinil n-i iitifirnMy onm- poundod. Its forniu'u Ii ;:i n- rully known to the mnlioal iirofeaslnn. ii.il tin- bent phrlr.|ans rnnxtnntly prescribtf AYEK'8 UM an Absolute Cure For nil dlsca'c^ caused b)- tli? vltintlonof tbe blood. It Is conn 1.1 : :>'. <\ to the lil(;h- *st practlccblo UJTII-O, far beyond any other propane i on for \vliieh like effects ire chimed, iinJ Is I!K roforc tlin cheipfst, u well as the best blood purifying medi- cine, In the world, Ayer's Ssrscparilla PREPARED BY Or. J. C. Ayer t Co., Lowell, Mast. [Analytical CbemliU.] Sold by all Druffil*t : prlc<; $1 ; tU bottle for 96. : Ii - of il ; : . Sliam- ii . -^ f *Pi-..: anioiij' tnc greatest medical discoveries, by the many cures it li:is if fected, M, -fr't if/or-'* ft/,: !'! Cn/> leadii the van. Sulijeoteil tn tlie iiiiiiuli nt chemical analyaix, it has heen lound to contain in'iie i>l t hot.- mjimnim ingredient* char- acterizing the wort hi em specifics daily offered to the public. Every ingredient posweBs a peculiar adaptability to the var ions complaintH for wliieh it has Insen e<>ni|.nmidcd, and iUeftieacT is ln-in^ es- tabliahed liy testimonials hourly received. \Vc uro therefore confident that we have I'M'liiii-.itiiui uiiich MI- can oticr to the pnlilic with the a-Miraiu-i- that it will be fi, und not mily .1 ,,/,,( I, in mi iii.t'Jiit, run- for Ityspeptij.i, laver Complain:, In- digectioD, ' lon.it ipatii iii and Impure III"..'!, r'ree trial bottlua at Itichardioo't I Drug Store. NK\\ ADVKirriSKMI'NTS. STRAYED. CA3i K into tbi- |M i-iiiihe# of tbe snh^rritK-r, Lot K, conci-Hiiiiiii i:i'l, -iiuth lini 1 . At t''in,-Mu. onor Ixillt tin- It-tut Antiilkt. Two Ki", mill Two Laff%* one a !. ion) the other H Itiou. Owner c-iin have tin- HIIIIII- by ftrovlnt; |>r|ic-rty sod IIHVIMH t-xiieliM-h C'H.VS. MtKINXOS. Oct. -Jl, 18W. fEACHER L WANTED. TIHC11KK. biil.linu ^ei-nuil ..l Thir.l Claw Cvtifloato, wanted tor s s. No. '.i. Art^mesla, for ln r > applloaUoni will INI rrei-iu-il up to (Mb November lu-xt. In i-itlirr nf tlie mi'li i -H-'lied. BD1.0MON 'I'l'UNKH, M- m TART. Ki:m-i,i P.O. or, JAMES MI!M)1,KTON, Klcwherton P. O. Oct. -I -i 1NK4. STRAYED. rmo Into the pn mi^cn of the miburriber, Lot 100, T. <t S. mail. Arti-menU. s Harmw 1'itf Owner can hftVe Halm h\ proving prnp-rt\ top] iiayinR iK-|iKiiH. ANDREW ROB, Arteu1i.-t.fa. (let Ilitli, 1NW. Kli-shi-i tun P.O. TEACHER WANTED." Tvaclu-r wioit..! f. ir Sclmol si-riii M No r,. Art*- ine-iH. liiil'linu >>. , "inl <ir TMr<l Cln^- < , itinctte Duties t ciiiiiini'iii i- on th.' anil <liiy nf .lauutry. 1HKJ. Appl) . rtutui).' >alary t,, DaMdOet.mb.lflH. N HA/ Mil). TFUM, ,- --, . Tre F\RM TO RENT. (It KOIt >Al.l. (It KOIt >Al.l. A -,,,,,1 Kar.u. MtunUid on c.ni. in. l,.it:iK. in tli<- T(iwiilii|, ,,t \i-ii i ,- - .. .. >i ittyrlB TIMreare, or sbont. 00 acres ekared, with UCKMJ hnoM, sprina creek : excallent noil, >, i'S"il> wirkeil. 'I'll., - ,il .it ,,i n,i,rh hull iu value. I inn nivi-n f,,r m,,,i i.f |ivni^ut~ V|'l'l> !! the vii'U-iKih'nul, Klt-kUfruin l'ot-O' W. KKlNt. Oct. 14th. 1HM. J. w. BATES, Furniture /Vv//, / ,///,/ FLKKHKKTON. OXT. Loan. u Xti;ii<jht LtMv UTI I H Iiiti-n-i imld yearly, not In n.lvaiiM.No' ' ' i-iiiiiiiiiHlnii charKuil. A|i|ih M v i;n i: THOKMtlRT. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. _^ Are planapt to Uke Contain their own PmgatiTs. Ii a tafe, sure, anil rttfctufl 4*****f*r tt warm* In ChlldreD or i JKO I iimine the Lint OF "FAHMS FOR SALE" AND "FARMI WHmo Inthf DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL TIIK MAIL hMbMSSM The KrrniznUril Mnllum for Karat AsV vi rlls. in, in, AnJ i "ntiin* morr nf them than nil ofhrr Oni'li >n nkpn cn l-i*,l. llha*35G.Momderaof the n^ht clas^ AIIVMKTISKMMNTS of "I urm. tot S.llr" Ind Firm. Wnn(rd.-"*i|.. l k"nf Seed for S \h " or WniitMl" \n\* I ill. wi:i ki Y MAIL.Xn'uttpv word nek i.ert. ,. M ,.*', ,rft p-'T word f,.r filt IHirrrt.'Hi, . r in Till-; DAILY MAIL .it tmo and a kai/ ttxtt per word ea^h insertion. Addre- THE MAIL Tomtit. C***t*. EUGENIA CJrist 31 ill, $0 ui I:t!i 11. Havinp raado oxtensivi nuprnvi menta In my- Orinl Mill, I am rimfi,li.|it I ciin i ivegood DONE A.\r DAY. OoodFl:iur ulwnvH on linnd. Ciisfona and Dilln filled nn tho li<irti st nolioe. Lnm- l>er "inl Lath nlwnyit on hand. WANTED : Cherry, butternut. White Ash, i,| H >-k Ath. l. 1'ine and Hcmlork I-< y wanted. M. JfcKITT, : % I I r , i '*-. r , > . .

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