Flesherton Advance, 23 Oct 1884, p. 3

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' TMB lit li.l |>V AT 'Hi I ^l<\ > a*. pK-na- V. r-lou el On- Fatal Aflrav I".. -I. I.I. ,.1111. il. A lnt Fridaj ) nigbt'k L mdon derpi'ch a)k: Ij.ii-i/,1 t-t -j.lit-nn, wbo in lu jul awalilUK trial a* au acoeoaory to the mur- der i.f bit brother ID-law, Katun Eidndge, al Nileniowu thne week* ago, uua'Je a TUB l>l.i ! K.qulrr. l>Tati.i,iunrc:i{. Vrrv <>illiHiral aud t url. wa. A dog rrqiiree tiui'emenr, and bai a oravinK for tue iuterem of uutrd objaota. Foed him well, aud ibut biuj ui> wjlouv iu euDUI ud bu iil tiue aud under beouin - au. au eouin taiemeul to County CJrowu Attorney troubled aud uuea-y f u r want of ooouu.iu/u Uutolieuron yeitrdaj. Biepheuk kaid or aoiu-etutul. If tbe window be left open. Ibal about ball au hour after du.k on ibe be will liud reeource iu lookiutf out cf it iKhl of September 16.b. be arrived at ^ d will Q1Vrrt LJU^.K ,, u , he VMIU ^ MiRiberfk tavern iu N.let)wn with hoen e, aud laking a lively oonoeru iu tbe Bidndge, having a lumber waijuon and fi,,^^ ot lllB olihu , Al , UH oa tne ,,.,_ duuul. team, aud after KOlutC luW the Tul . u a p i eM u re wh lb we lr . oe . uo itore be went into the bar-room. ' oloer ^uioj.i,, md j t , LOIi , nu eed. obrv iu M dl , K ,.. He had been drinking, aud bad won tbe __ - I . . la-'pf. *1 w n W..AWBMM14* !*! driuki from Launett ou a bel. Soon atler 1 peculiarly prone lu it. Tuey they went into tbe bar Eldridge came 10, tm.Q^i.v .oa,.!. We ihll Diver fo aud then a ^o d deal ol drinking look place. After a while Ihey waul uver lo Itjer'n taveru and had more driukn. Tbere tan no quarrillmif, but koma talk ab u' wheeling oriokk aud whal each mau oould io. Atler bait or three- quartern of au hoar be wei I bark to MuR/berla. El fridge had over a 1. 1 le before biui, aud when he wtit in w>ui Hiaudlug at the bar wub Mveral more, aud Btepbeua inuiubt they eie guiug lo hurt him (E dridg* ) The talk waa loud aud augry. auu be j'lin.d Ibe crowd, thinking to quiet lueui down. 8-t pbunn bad uot been mere Uxig bt fore aouia oue knocked bid over an J be wa! knocked dowu ecveral time*, *oiu< mek with a blow aud eometimei j-rked down. Tbere bkd been a struggle beiween Mouliy aud auotber man, but ibi* bad uo OUDi.eoiiou wub what occurred aflerwardn. Hiipii-un got away and wtntbebiud the bar. Lvnaitt waaooming over the bar, and fct p-ieua 1 1. ked up a bottle and knocked him back i f the bar, the blow bring giveu in ktlf d.feno. He oould uol tell whether Eldridge wa fi^htiug, but beard altjrwardi tbal be wan. Tbe Uudlurd andaomeoiberr got him aud Eldridge tbut up in a hick room opening into tJa yard, where ibey remained for a little while, the laudl .ni tbem to keep quiet, aa the others were waiobiog them. EidiUgd got auxioui to go home, aud weut oul into ibe back jard, H i phuuH f,.lioiug him, and tbey went arouud a w*KKun rbop to the rued where bia home! were. Ka.ilxe told hi m to get into tbe waggon and take the linen, aid be did no. Then Eldridga untied the horn i and they began to back, aud S :ephe ur aw two penoui ruDuing ao'O>! the ureet, earning from Bytr'u hotel. They got op to the wagKOD, aud one came aud grabbed ft., pheuk b) tue arm ai d irird to pull him ou- on tbe right baud kide, while Ibe otber diaapieared, gi.ii g aa be tbouKht behind the waggon, ibe hurbei beiDK on Ibe move all ibe time. St pbeni wai pilledtffibe waggon aud atruok on the head, wbelber io tailing or by Ibe mau be oould not y. He did uot remember clearly what occurred afiir tba', until he fouud I i-n ell rouniDK by Wilnou'* blaekaiuitb ibp after Ibe borae*. wbioh had gi t away aud ran toward* home. He bad au lodiklinct rewlleoiion of getting op after h* w.i k' ckad down, but oouiii not ba lure When ibey were nartiug from the houte, or wnila Ko'fg frum tbe botel to ibe w*gKi>n, Eldridge eaid be wa* goii'K hnme, and would nutie Ibe botae*, and told bttpheui that he bad beli.er get nut dm kuife aud u-e it iu defending biuieelf if attacked, a* tbe men u.rai t lo kill them if ibey ojuld. Hii pie did ro, aud bad hi. knife open in bin baud when be not into the waggon, and wheu the man all, eked and tried io p ill hiui oul he .truck at him with Ibe knife till be wai dragged out. Stephen* in q nte p< ii ive it waa Ni n'ty who attack ii biui, aud tbat it waa L ii.rvtt who ran behind the W*KK< He in vi-r aw Eldridge alive afrer belt g dragged oul of the waggon. When tbey were iu tbe back rx m be beard Ltnietl and Nunliy threatening lo kill bimnelf aod BlJndxe, aud umug very airt ox lauguage, aud it wan tbm thai made them exptoi ibtty ejoul i be attacked. 1b* principal point in the utatement 1* tbe poniuve ideutinoatii n of Noul'y and LinKfti a-* tbe meu wbo comm.tied tbe anil, during which Eldndge lo*t bit life. Ndwtouudlaud* appear are miueniiy looial. We ihll Diver forget a Newfoundland dug belonging to a provirion denier, witb wLoui wn had a klreel acquaintance. It waabi* but-mean t > go ab u. iu t ie wagKou ai a protector of ibe good thiuga Ibereio, aud a< be rode along klreol* inott uiauifent nd mem lively wa* the intereal he took koeue. Mo duohek* iu may not real!) have been ibe unnavory otato which diaturbed bu ruind. He rubably did nol ike Uuie enouMb to die Uae it properly. Time i a great eii-ential t ibe diuuer -table. Good di,<tiiiou oau .ever wail on appetite uijltki tbe miud la uudmturbtd and the u.o.ari oau unerato ree from Ibouxbte whicb iuierfere with lounged lu her carriage luxurious or a more nr.c- friud exhibited in ihe ii tbe moviug the laud ever wilh > rnoir l airibauour wa^ou. Ula tavurile attuuJe wai lyiog wuu bia fore- dangling over ibe front, aud bin great u J lolling ou them. Auy louaM plaice we remarked made him uneaay, aua be dn- playtd bit pleaaare *heu bu carriage Wa* again in met ou by dai-oing from, aide to aide like a parrol ou it* perch, aud uttering a q uol btrk of kati>fo.lou. ibe ourio-ily ul dugk ia am t n-r quality wbioli they Lavj iu oommou with our kind. N j waiter b >w failgaeJ a dog meVy bo, if be ik takeu IDto a tlrauge aparluieul be will not lie dowu 1C rekl uutll He linn takeu a aurvey uf tbe room aud rinellJ every article iu it. I) j*. ae we bave before attempted to prove, are roguei aud obeau like ujou, and ibey are alao uiuriri*ra, i i. a ooukOiouanea bf their criuilualiiy. Iu paoki ol bjuuda it ia uot very uuooinmou to ttud a dog killed by hn oomraxieM, aud we once beard a fux buuter deacrioe bu vi. K to k keuuel after oue of there anMaariuttioai. Haifa di Z)D ol ihe ljug-ia'ed bow-woi were | iu-i. OL their bauoohea iu one ooruer V.KU par- ticularly grave facet, whiob meant I. peak au luuLOeuoe tbal was uuluckily belied by tbe apola < f blood ou ibcir o >at-. Wnile be wai eiamiuiuK tbe body of the deceaaed tbey kepi yawning and liokii g ibelr chopa w tu their lung red touguea, a- if they bad uo uiauuer of ojnocru in what wan M>mg ou ; but it waa ev.deut tbal they were by uo nina.ni eaey iu tbeir luiudr. Tbe doKk wbiob bore no mark* of tbe fray, aud wbiob were preauuied to be i JUOOHUI moved ab >'ii a u-utl. wub qjile a, diffur- eul air. Ujttan UuJy- 1. II. .d ll.d A.l.,n|.|l,|| Ir.m Ibr Moat ii, inn-tern, and other* ai well, will igree wub tbe paator of Z.oa Church, biautforrl. A contemporary inform* M tbal tbe Rtv. Dr. Coobraur, tbe other Sab baxb, on making the ueual announcement! from the pulpit, m.dd aome txoellenl and praeiioal oouiinenli on Ibenol j ct of palpii adverliklng aud alao in refereLOa to koine otber matter! of practical imp irianoe. He Hated that if he were to read all tbe uolioen aid inviiationM bauded to him to be pub- Itahed.lbe ooLgreKation would need aooal focrteeu day* in t ie week, iuktead ot aeven, ii attend all thine demaudi made tpm their time. Some of theee nolioee be did Dot believe in, bui there were otben which Hmmtim Jewrllrrf. The making uf .j ar z j iwe.l-ry i* peon liaily a Clllorui iudu..ry. Iu uianulat.- lure wan benuu in ibe early da)a lk,lluiu tbe gold dl-cjvery. It la uo. otieu t i uiluerk ouuie auroak rock wblcb ujay be uied m lue manufacture of j,lUr> 1 1, (j'jid baa to be eveuly dinlr.buuj a,ud nui luuupy, no tbat ader it baa |avej tbrouitb the nnoeaitary alagea wbiob prepare II for noil. UK lue >polk aud keauik of H' 1.1 are well noalter. d throuxb ibe rock. Tue quant ae lakeu by the jiw. Her w bro Kh lu luuipa weiguing fruuj oue lo leu pouudr aud in tnia couduiua u i* bauJed over to a miobauio fur the pui p >re of being oul into alabe. Tue prooei-a u au etwy uue auii nearl) mujilar lo lUat followed b) u.e tuaib e ouilere. Tbe kaw by which luik operation i - performed in circular aud made uf kbeel un ai.d onarged wiih wa er aud emery Tbe quariz ia held up lo it and iu r.a revu luliobk it divide* tbe quarts. Tue lab- luto wbinh Iba rook u out do uot Keuerall) exceed oue-elgbtb uf au mob in tniokueaa Tbe preliminary work Ik men over. ll H uol till ibe jewellery u ma^e, the n>tiDK aa it were, ibat tbeee klaba are agaiu oul tbeu tilled iulu ihe K"ld aud cemeuled. ll ie ibeu ground off level with ibe gold and finally pollabed till ll ankUiuek lUai bllgbl utaa aa wheu expokld for lale. I . I, .,. . I..I, , Tbe brief telegrapbie d*p%teh from Vienna, "Fanny Eiinier iad)iu|(," baa a airauge aud ghaally Uvor. 8*ge celt bntieB really die when tiie ourliiu dtrken- tbe footligblk for tbem tbe laal time, aud any farther removal frum the klage of life emn a oioel aooiualou* iU|jiduiiy Eipioially ii tbii Irue m a out* IUB Ibe preaeul, where tbe glory tf th* acirem ao nmote. Tbe Fanny Kllileir wboae matohlemt grace de i;niud our falbera c.n uol be dying in V.euna to-day any m ire than ahe oau bave been lm..g . hr. al 1'iene year* A woman bearing bar o>mr reeoukinteutwithtbe workof tbeoburcb. ' Irue, and tveu preeerviug aome St II he th i hit all aonouuoemen'.! if her identity, ba* been quietly and dully eiis ing there, but Ibe Fauuy ElUler no il la uot cay to make tboee wbo bave been reared on traditioukof a beauty aud grace ae other adveriinenie'ut* are, anoT kbouid ! t<0 iu01 mpirable to be hidden, believe tba ouieide of iherpacial bui-iuemof tbe oburob ibonld be made t ublio throUith tbe advr- o iluiunn of Ibe prear, and be paid f >r, ool be made from ihe palpi', a* the mored dark oould hardly be o nn-nl -red a fining and tppropiate plioe from which to imue advvr iiauiueutB. Canada I'rtibyttria*. < I.H.I. . i, . >iii, > . "When yna think twiae do vnti alwayi waul a button -hole to button il iu ?" !*kd Ijlilile girl. No, my dear," laid her mother, " bat why do )i u auk utiori a Hirange qu*lion ? ' Well, mamma, I alvraya bearu p >pa ray 'Button keooud tbounhi' when be getk uniTed in au argument." Ob, ma, I f i ibruinh a hatchway and bnrt me at*full< I' kobbed a In tie bjy, aa he oan.e bumping into tbe hone. " Wby, there lau'l auy batobway on tbe pmniiiMi* tbal you oould fall tnrough," te| I *d hi* mother. " Y r, tbere i', ma. I fell through the maiLgrr where p> net Ibe black ben." ti.m old wuman who is lyiug at death' door there lu Vieuu*, u Ibe " divine Fa*n y , wboie daueiug E>uerkon aud Fuller otllnd " poil.-y " and Hvitun Advtrtiter. Margate A I 1. 1 1. .,i AU larrr. Judge ('o the wilnent) -' Are yon a mir ried woujau? ' Wit. ee-l Well, or, .ledge, not exrt'v Juduie " Not exactly a ua-ni-d woman D > )ou meau ibal >ou are a i low f ' vViiuech Th. t n a lilile more like it Jrdge, but "till I'm uot txaotly a wido Mliber " Judg " Tnn will bave to explain your lelf. YJU lay ib.t)ou are Dot exactly i married wnmau nor rxaolly a widow. Ar )nu a kingle woman ?" Win. fn I KUO* I m little of al three, JedKe. I've HIM! mx men for breau of pruminD." A. IT York 3Jercury. Live, like fear, n,akt* un btluva every l.i I'nii. .1 II llriaell. 11 Wi'l you pull the bell ? " *be askrd of a roan acronn tbe aide a* Ibe or reaobtd tbe 8 >rni r. ' No, madam," he answered with a bow, " but 1 will be in M happy lu pull iheairap which rn gn the bell " Ah I but uever miud ! The utrip in con- nected with two hell., aud you niigbl aton Ike wrong end uf tbe car.' 1 Aud the look nbe turned upon him wa* . full of uiutmh vuend iih cayenne ul nney uoideuta that happen fro j^fgtt. to wk uu .hip boari. i .. IM > M .. i > ii i i -.u J til tu - Aballl t ,,-n. .11011. Very few p-ople, uu'uriun.My, think .ugh of the. d.nuer labln for heir gixx). ia Ibe idea if ton many prrooun llmt inner should be di.cjnaed like pulilioM urriedl), paMionaUtly, or un a | urn jailer uf buriueaa. Et'-iug la of uiure mpurtauoe) io tlie individual ibau ("I. i oa, noe healthy frauie*. wbiob Oouie (rum diai relionary liabilk lu tbe ui.titr uf tkliug, rad to Lob.o tbouabu aud berc.ia detdn. p leou ia laid Io bave lo>t oue of .it.e.0 buoaune i f an ill-cooked potato. i i- It heir aa 1 . iafaolury aotiou. ciii.i-r u tu kit duwo Tbe way lo lo table after hakiog i ff tbe oarea uf ibe world. Loi be noup u .lue iu bet and nmoklng. Take l with a jojouk Lerl. Couveriie witn oar farjuly while you toy wnu be bread which rbould aliva.)! icoimpany it. Ceuvertatiou i* ao aid to ngeatluu, and bread help! down Ibe kuup. ->j not be in aburry fur )our L-h. Have be reltve* served prouiptly wbD the emova la made. M<-auwl i e oouveriatiou kbouid be auimated. Noibiug belu* the I g-kiuu or whelk the ipnetit > ur i oiore provocative of tf od feelli g tt Ibe table boueil. heart), talkative mood, aud all lla borrnr* readily give lace iu.ojd buiuored talk, wbiob la iue laaioondiuienl tbal Ihe wurld ha* kuowo I'ne Catfier. a 01 -g zi ie which devotee ;r. a'j deal uf attenll ,n ti tbl* kutj-Ot, >ayn he p eakurea ol I ie table aie uol cufijtd to tue act of ealiug, aud tbal It u.iui be 'iau an laid dowu Ibe axiom Ibat a gi<od humored laat will brigbteo tbe braiu aud IKUICU ilia heart more Ibau au i 1 uuinonad ea-t l>j not trouble )uun-elt abuut ibe brealeoed eitiLOllou uf terra) iu ur tbe neii.cied diiltue of the cy-tleri. Both hi la deleolable article, of f K.d Wil lawl be lifetime of ibe ordinary man. Ibu. k luly about tbe dinner have uo 1 1 ir c re>. f ore that be. Let tb* kervice beiiuj|le, but ample. Many a ciuuer bai bieu I ..lid by a ooiubi nation tf dlabee. Above 11 tbiugN, reoomuieudk a wiiier iu ibe Catirer, alrive to have a change from tbe u*ulkteroiy ped dinner of wiutu, peculiar liabea and name! iu Frinob wbiob t>ve)u ew waller a cu nuderaiaul. TtjftfHHC EUimF.Y I-..'Jfc_>st Ne\VH li-orn All pver the World. The lumber m: Ha io < x 'ie'ec will likely 9ae dowu about ihe eua of tje month. Belleville lumbermen are gettii.K all ibe ihauiyuieu they nquire al i w wage*. ' ueraliuua are not ou ti tltjunive aoaie of the Tbe COL factor of tbe city ball at Winni- peg aatigued ou Saturday, ai d work ou the building baa been eiu| ped. It IB u.ui-r p.rtien will u ia k lete ibe work. Orange dik nrbanoen are again deieU p IDK at Harbor GraOf, NttJ. Ibe gait I ol tne ooLVent were torn d< wu and fluug n t j tne >ea ou Tburaday. u .e H vrbead man waa beattu aJuijkt 1 1 d.alu bv Tbe London E*t liquor dealer* met on Fiilay and decided uol to O|.JOB <b? So >ti ADI Uioveuient iu ibe ouuuty of M ddierex. piudlug the dcoikiou of tbe (Supreme Curt uu ibe validity of ibe I>ominiuu aud Pro- vincial Lioeu-e Ltwi. A t- rikly t uiden death occurred at Bow mauville ou r. .a.y evoini/. J epb J. Muukley, an t nip > te iu the Upi* r Cauada Furuilure Factor), while digging pula o -r I hm gaidau, waa takeu 111 aud dropped di*d before bp o >uld be got into tbe houae Hit wife wai with bun al tje I uie aud . t I chtd a m - i.,.i r fur tbe d .c nr, but M u klry waa dead before tbe doolur oauie Ibe oaua* of di-atb la upi<o*d to bav* Ceeu aouie obl' uction ol Ihu heart rerun log from i Ver-t itrtii o Deceaaed Wa a uieu.borof We'liuitlou Lodge of tbe Hour of Lin leaven a l'e ktd lar 1 liKb.rar I. !>> fr ularr llnr. Mr. Qjaitirmain E*l bai Uken a irui-beil buuae iu litii|i>Lir fur tbe liohborue olaiiuanl ou In relvine frouj i>r<m>r. Il i* LOl dewmed a<ivi-ahle to make ibe < xot rpot | uolic Tbe cuitnaut will t one* tike up Li* ab"de ll ere uu bit eleaae from prikou. l)url"H the iini.ri.-on- ueul ul liieir fatuer, Mr 1..-1 ba I .kon M ".n bluiMlf tbe rn|i.iiiijii 1 1 bf n.u ud eduoaling tie claimant'^ two m. Tbe yi'Ung Kirle hava lit al the advantage! tiijijed by tLe oti Jrru of tbeir promior, and tbe elder wi<l, upon lier f Uier reUaMi, u" to live iiu i linn I krp bouee. lu ordvr iu*t Ibe cla uitut iu) uoi, at *DJ rti for on,t- luue to ooiue. be won led about pnoauir> iuturi4, Mr Kt 1 1< p m* uiakii/n biuj au >iu(l wekl) klluwkuoe of luuury, i d ill f irtlirr pUoc a cou-i lerblo turn of m >oey iu bin btudu ou tbe day i.{ bi fkM. Altbou^b Ibe rlkimtut will t>r t ilrd to bin liberty oo Ojlober 111 b. it I* amall cbudren to the ouari \ uf tbe world. Another oaee wbiob BUOWI ibu Unty of tbe Pruvii/ciil luukoy law* ba* jju bfL bti ux''i to I gilt iu Uuu real. About two y.f - a^o a tuau Lamed Ueu Farmer w luirrdl.tod at Ibe r. i_lei of bin tt a ivm uu i lie Mrouud of bkbuual druukeuue. k.aud luioi dia'ely afterward* be w*e Ukeu to UM(U Pjiuta A-)luiu audcuiu.ml ibere u,Oa uo utber power tliau ibe oertiaj*t ol bi> luierdiotiou. Heoeuil) i-Ln * lu bu wife, bo wae very ill, be riijiicetid ueruii-kiuu of tbe anylum auiburi u, bui tlilx wkirvfuaed. Tbe uiau, buwever, out. invrd to make hie aap, aud fuuud bi- way to the b< daide of ui> wife, from wbiob lu a few da) a be waa turn away by ibe auxboruie* and ,iu oo nu.d iu the ayiuui. Tbe oe LVII K betu pl>o<d by a brother uf Ibe ui^funuuaie tuau iu ib btnde uf a law fl m. bu relee w > oiiutd i b komt d tli mity. Tbe f-i t uf k man btiufc krpl lu an iui>*ue a)lum fur two yeari kuli I/ ou a oei t Qoata uf lulerdic- liuu lor druukeuumi baa givau riee to uiucb oouiujeut. T iiii-)n of the Frebeh in Tut. jum U laid to b very critical. 1, .,ii.J bw> uut tx-eu iuvit id to th U T lib o Ji.fertLOa rUt v to lue Irceiiciu v.f uotntueiotf t f ibe Cj> g * oouuiry. U mrck baa prepared a pr< o'. by uo UIK i tbat be will be relttd ou thai day. It ia hi* deeire lo be left aloue talk famil), at Irani for a time, ai"l there I* abaolulely uo truth whatever r 4riouH rumor* ibal are >tt at a> future plane and prij oted I'ail JVa,; CfiutfM. ('( lor | Inl CO. A remedial agency uot commonly retot ted to b< beu rcoeu;ly bioaul t uudcr uuiioe by M Debove fur tbe relief of u^uraUio aiatiot, aayi tbe /.anrrl Tbil phyiclD eetut io Lave Diet vtiib oonnidrrDie auo oral ID tbe trtximrnt uf ronlica by Ire* /IK ibe km. Robaid-nn'i etber pr>y not proTiu|| eatit.fotory. M. Uabuve u ployed ibe obloride of rueil yi, wbiob my KIV rn> to a drgree of o >la repreoeuied by 33 grrM (J. Tbln agent biu the adv*utk|ie of not beiOK tipaoeive. A jet of tbe flaid u made to pUy ou tbe i>kiu along the wbole Kth of tbe limb oorrepuudiug to ibe oouree of tbe ci*tio nerve aud i' ma n brauohea. Tbe gimd tffco'.e are tkii to be moiautaneou*. Tbe upraiiiD m nl o Uitaed to bui little paiulul ; tbe *ma true In uot <> ((real aji trit eau*td by tbe li .1 iriu. VfKioalion bat followed tbe employ meut of tbie remedy, but Lever any nlougb- . Tbe ixieuxit-u of Una meaiiue to otbcr Lt ural((ia le advocated. fur lilt paicbake by lh Kuipire of all in- aya uuw uwbkd by lue UiHcIei.1 icJernl a jvrrnujiuu. It i reported Etrl Granvill* * nrgotiat IUK > treaty witb tbe Dulob G >vruiueul |i ed^iuK KuKlai.d to lutiulaiu tbe ludt fcbiltuoeul UolUud. Tbe In.b Hepublieao Brotherhood ha* ireued a ciioular waruieig ibe Di'Hiu Cur I or.liou uul to ue Hie uaiueii ul Futlaue lu teuaujluH the ktree k. Eleven pj|,ili bf tbe School of Atf'ioul late, UulueaUI, dlfd f n lu the itl<.cl ul k>tii.g luu^i, np^ored to be uiubfuoiu>, iu'*' 1 ""od i" the wuoda near tbe ecbuul. ('I t P. urnier, who wan wounded lu tbe duel wub M Huubefurt, I nt uiuob blood, but remkiued u >UIM u*. II . b jok baud> t i bu autg luut, O'npliiueullL|j him ou tered cu-i' iu<-r* ia c n-( j.enoa ooil.p-e nf ibe O -uld linik. 'I huk. Bu t Radical member of Parlia- ment for Murpeib, ban publitbvd a i at.- c e uu lOor lu America H<a i n u n, a* t b reruit of a Vlall, In Ibal wlillo the) A uerioau working , l-'t- n .... t .e wbule are better p.iii t lau tbo-e of K gland. Ibe (-ml i u of ihe Aiil-rnai l.bjfer 11 UUO4I Uueerlaiu. Uik cuiet advantage it lu tbe ea y *)0ean lo laud laud being rabidly appropriated. Ha oouoiden lii uut.ook Uu'avurable. The coming ief non of tbe Briti.h Q >ui* promiaek to be very li v, ly. Tue | ru.niueul j cu of ducunriuu will be the Francbue BJl. the Rdi t ibutiou acbetue, and ibe oondllloo if the navy, all of whiob will b* * the kutj-oi ol lei g'nv debate, i->poially tbe tu latu-r. lu dl t. .u the limn party li l>ud lucv UK amendui'Dii to ibe (J icen n rij^ech ocU'U.lnK 'he li vern- uieui lur refuklnK t . I. q lire i.jto Ibe Ma*m- traaua o ml i i-K u- ana me manner lu blob ine trial ot ibe Dublin ncaudal c..ta wa* conducted. The excitement over the jubl ca'i ni ol the Rcdi.lribuiiuu aubeme iu ibe .>.'. aliil oontmuee. It bak beeu tbe Ooi triune i f di-cukri.u ai tbe clubn, and tbe i.niut. Uk ilioiled are uu tbe wl.ole nol far- oratle. The Home Rulere i>| p a u loolb aud ball. They ra) il uul onij ive them uo increaae to iqualio Ireland n pn por- nouaU) r*pre*ei.t >nou wilb tbe adaiti. ual meo.bt.rn itiveu lo K .gUnd a^d rjoutland, but II (Keen them al a dtoided di.ad- vanlage lu Ibe Li-.frai.cLi-eii.eut ut tbe Mitt i n borough', which reiurn at (irekent a rnrjj-rily ol lljine UuUra aud Cjnatrv- a.l.i k. Au ultimatum ha* been lenl to the Trankvaal UuveiDnieut by Orrat Br Um. ualilLg allenti.iu to .he repeated Vi, lailonl ul trealit-k and aolk o( vulcice ouujinitled bytbeBtra. It demand, uf IbaTiaul- vaal Ci-ivertmenl due i>l>f- CLIOU fur iheae aou ; ibe n preaaauu ul ibe B .er Dlitumera abd a Ihuroutb ubaelvaLCe uf the ariiclo* of ibe la-t o i v-uiiou. It ia reported ibe brr.i.b W.r Olli w u preparltg au upedi- uou of H 000 o-.eu lu proceed to b utb Africa, a p.ition uf which will be drawn frouj tbe Eaal India army. The with- drawal of me pruclnuialiou aemxitgtb* Moutciva* Wrr Ury ia uol tX|ecd to a.t -r the pokiuou uf aff.irt , aa tne Boer* ouniiuue iu hold ibe laudk. TLe announcement tbat the Iritb Natiouiluta are ab.ul tu import lrih- AtueriOkUip akera baa cauaed au Unix- (ruted >eu>aii"n iu L .nd. n. Tie Couaer- v.l Vek aud (Jranaeuw-u am organ l ng LL.ee II UK" lo UeU-ral.ll ihe i ff 01 if the liu urled tliquei.ee. They are a nu t.klug practical meajaurea to bead i ff tne Iri-u- ineu wbo are OotLlug frum Amei i ia. 1 hey li.ve recured Iruiu certain oille* la Ibe I jlli J h.aten aUlbeUUOtt d repo, H ul tiuleut >i eeikrk made b> Mr. At- lai.der Sullivan, tbo late P e.ldeul of ihe lnb Le.ga -, Mr I'.tnrk Fjrd, tbe nditur of ibe /'ii\ lltrii aid Mr. J jhu F.uerty. who >.* me hunting edilor uf ibe Chicago l .r.i/j), aid la nuw a >_/oi nrr*. man. Tbe**) bave hi *u furinali) aur milled lo the 1) .bl n Ct-'le auth iriiiei witu a view ni iuducn.14 Earl B^xuetr to |rjclaino t e u ettugi al wbiob Uajm. fA l vn, FurU jud Finerty are tx t eo f ed io nueak. Ail uf ibere itenlleiueu aud aome uiher good r|eakera will arrive lu Ireland -ou after ihe general tleol>ou* In tbe I' .lied S alea. Their v. l -en ill. ol . ..urre, be raited lu favur ut the ii^uj* Ruld party. I'JM" ' ""' il< JIM- A ola*a of paper* have come into the j lurualiatio ti-ld in tbe interest ot labor, ibe editora ex u, UIK from tbe rkuku c I Ibe pei p e. iu whore behalf Ibey are uubllnbed, e publioatioue are olanaert and lu-diiy t i labor p W venture lo my, i ,1 tell tbe Kuiti, that tbe meo who o njducl tbeiie ad vi oaten cf labor, are Di t out) ekeltig out a iLi-erable exikteuoe, bui abuxe i* freely beetowed upon tbeir beadr.beoauri tbey do not ibit tba ideal of every reader, while tbet-e Haiue meu J i uot tiuci a word ol (r ult when iu Iba prereuce uf ibe men who are ktriviuK bouently to prrieut the view* of ihwethey repre*ei>t. Ibvre are to day b um publiebtd a It Ij. uuru**- if lab. r (i'|.err. ai.il all o m p m ol Ibe tuppoit tbey reoelvc, while kun.e have Root down, t<> be rev'vxri auani, i_tUern uever Io rme. I'leitluitii Ut'trng- r. [rioted at lea ar n't UD o in IH n. Tbe practice of |>ubl pat't r uu botnl thii'n wan inaugurated ou ibe meauier Oreal B-'itaiu, whioh kiar><1 f. r Australia ou Hie HI t if Aij*u>-t, l >.,_ 'i'liii'f neab.'in j .urnaln do in rh to r- li ve Ibe iiKMn.li n) uf the p^range, filled an lby are with ktuiien, burienijue teleumm* aud j.kilbylbe paeoeuiierk, and all tie drift week ou khip It Ureporfed ibat tb- Djobew of Albanv, at ibe teriuluaU iu o f bar term of uauuru- lot. will iarry tbeC.uu Prince of Wur i. mburK, who 11 ibe widower of tbe Ut- [)jke ut Albany ' tiller, the l.te 1'ti LOOM IIOO. Tbere were rumeroan demooitratioae on KukUnd di^-ukaiun Sir Wil i*m Veruon S.iur<1y il.r l ibe Frauobue Bill. Haroourt, Ibe Marqui* of Bilmbury, the of Ua t iiK'i'U, Mr. Fun.er aud uti.ei H delivered addreaee*. Max Orell'* new book on Ibe women of lUglaud la full of briKbl Ibingn, wbinh tbe iigliob paper* are etgerly ojp)iug. N itl iK o .uld be belter Iban bin de-ori| tiou of E nurb omrtiug ; the Irankutba of their I ublio endear meiiMi puzzle* the Auieiioau abd otber foreigner*. ii rumor i il that tbe viiit o{ the Cana- diau Premier, Sir John MaoJooald, to .nd will reruit iu an arrangement ib) tbe We>t ludia Coloniei will be kduiitied into the D iminiou uf Canada. In an interview on Sa unlay K.tl Derby Htated tbat tbe H HUH U ivernmeul would acquierou iu nuob a propoaition. Tne 1'arii Gaulan Bay* it in i lie t ) con oral Ihe fact lual Admiral Ln-|.n ban failed befi.re Taiunui. He Wan unable to break the line of torpndoe* or dinperre tbe l'i nit-re foroa guarding tbe l<>rr.edo pokia. Tbi Ik kunlber luitai.i H uf attrui|it|ug too uujh i li an n.ait'i'ut j force Tbe failure will etc urage Cuiueke vanity to further re-iatauce. Tbe f'n.iiT,o/ Qatrttf. of Berlin, a- Doh-idy oreaujn of a War uf tbe uuittd 3 t* 1. 1 1J jrupe aaiun| thei Brl i-h aruiada, bui It le i.ecehaary tbat K..ifl*int kbuuM reuouDM the illu-iou that kbe holdk tbe empire . f tbe fen-, and ibat hbe ouly need* to |Ut her tiiKuaiure to a iibeet of paper iu i.rder that ail tbe onaxt* aud lelauda ul tje earth rh-.ll beli>n. t > ''"- Mr. CU'in ID'J deoinon t] eitablinh a rrottoinriftte uv.r N ~ u^.^ea bin been II-HI. lidbr ibe rt jorle ul a *reat luoreane if ibu rlave Tide uu tbe ooait. I.th-.r <-Hfln fri'in (j i-enrlaud bav br-eu e>ai the i.ativt-r, i.d iu one Inrtanoe ihir i_ht nntivi n w -re rlinl by the crewk. A Itritixh gunbiial captured a rlavr .laden robooner and eeut ibe crew to Cjukluwn for trial. Tne cahlo rtrktnrr F*rirlay i< 'o be eil>|.lii>P>1 ill U\j in III" C Inm.rrlal C in naU) 'r 0bl brteen Watervi I at.rl II . v , Walter H)in, of Iowa, bM made hiin-i-lf talked nh ul hv rum g tbt, uuder the I qi'ur law ( f Ibat tf ale, a tuau who I I \r HIP *(iy, or trie* io induce meu to el! i.r diiuk iniuxioatii g beVeraKv*. ti an tu an ibu actual oul, ril. Tbm will rmu-t lu ibe practical anuu'meiit of tbe law, mioe no oue will Dare lo *j -nnfy iu euob a o ur agaiiint ibe I q i r deali-r. " I'tHrruHUiu " bserH now being nl 1 ii Ciu.dian oi.ien. M) k ibe Hoobert, r llfra'd The procenk <jf p taifuiilitiuu rn|'irt> the I rauuK of the . ., d to a | int > t-il't -t-n' lo deniroy the vitality i. f j>ea> t o*lU ai d other I ro .- to make t m o 'iineoti' n of thn i e Ki-rinn Thin I- Hnonuipllnhtd ny a t. mj.er- O'linpany between I'tUud and France, .tare ol over 131 3 I br*i.beit, na ll i < Tbi wi.rk will bn (Ui.tn-'l a-< r, i,t| a. ibe A l I.. 4,, . Vt ,,,,,,.. A Menota arol ID .li'nint, Benor D -u Dtiuaau 8 iloujayur. wbo baa devoted )ea:i b<j the ktudy of Altec u>ouumenu* and tiia- pleo, proferaea to bave made imperial I die- oiveriea in tbe biera'io wri'ium of the At eon. lie feele ooitil-nt tbat the dn c. very be ban made ail enable him 'O d>o p'ler tbe Chaldean writii>Ki ai d other uj).eriei of II e far Orient, frum wbiob b* traoee tbe euiixratiun uf tbe early roee wboxettled llii^ oouuiry. writ'i aoorrtt- [i ludiut frum M iiou. Wbeu Dr Le PIOO- ni-nu uf New Y nk wae btr>*, nouie tLr-e )eare ait", be fell tqually o i n lent h- I ai fouud a kiy to the bir<>K'\ pba uu th- lem- plee and la'aoen uf I'.lei.jje and Utmal. l)r L- Ploo<|e<iu aud hia euerxt t a wile, to whoae omr>ge aud iudukiry tbe Metrop li tan Mueuiu of New Y rk la ludebted fur o ipiea of the mural deeiKue of tbe palioc* "f inoee lui >ed oiliea, rpeul i>iu )eare in YdOatau makiOK rekrarobel. We wi aid) be glad to bear how far tbey aree ailb 8otoma)er an to tbe m)nteriek t > be aolved aud revelation! made by the hi) to Ibe Aatee hif ogl) phi, whica they bkiieve u> theiti. ..!.. l.or.l.,,1 . II... I, ll'ir The reoeni cable deepatchre givo 01 car arki real n'm pe uf lile lu Q irdn' camp at Kliartm. in Amcbg ulber tbli K' It ll rultied ibtt in a btttie ou M trcb lij -b be ordered two native cbiefe to he iu>lautly | ut to deaib for treachery. Tin i- hn i.l j ay. Gordon tbarei all bardalup* wiib bia r>ldieri; but be | uui-be> wub dialb ihe li t n.u of duobedieLOe to ordere. When utifprekkioK tbe Taepn K rebeliinu ID Cniua a number if native t Hi -ern ri^LeJ a round robin protenl aK^inrl au urder Ibal ibere hi ul 1 be uo pilltge. He lurtautly r niiinai drd all of Ibem tu be put to death. Due old lellow ramtd rucb au uu'cry al iiii that OorJnu OiLcHidtd be < the riunleader, aud bia head waa < in an inrtant. Tbeu ibe reetal foil on their kueei rw kK i i'g fur mercy, and it pruved tbal U .id >u waa riitbl in hia kunpionnia. 8 i be p ired tbeir livee. Tbik i-et-iu* like cruelly i. u it m tte only way di>c<plii.e Can be maintained amouK Ibe people wi.b wb<>rn be i dealu.K 1 !> fear nulbiug but death. .Vfv I - rk Tribune. bet ihould be lime. lor a eouniderablej wnaiher will of ilia oo.i. i'i y rj The Ij mdon i ffio.aU wauy regia- S. 'di-r IrKui-d penuiti>bip i obeoiere, aim t ie up lop of fa-hinu m d cltred io be tbe o<>[>|ier place altlr, jj^ta* it in dor* OQ the bead ut the pat,e lu toliool wiuiug tx ke. The Pr>re ha* nrratrd a Br>rr!io'ine abb.) i i NeWkik N J , wr.h j in/ncti n ('mi Miin Io Virginia, and anulber 1Q N .1 ill t'aiol ua. The N-w Y -ik TnLvne yenterday printed an inlrivitW uf I'M n (. n'ative w t - r M.ol.iiull a' ihe \V.u '! r II -lei, ben Hie Cau>niai Ir -urer raid : ' Wbila tbe>fl.irkof the 1> . uiniiiu will IHK-. my attention i"a k na'er or la>i eiieut wbeu I am lu 1. ij.iai.il. mill I have uo Ipeclal objoOl lu the Vlall, tXOnpl health."

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