Flesherton Advance, 18 Sep 1884, p. 7

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A I.KP TO %. L.IPB. It,, II. . 01 ._ oi i- HIII. 1. .iiM.na. wfce U i ... J o >er Irosa ivi-r|ih Wire. .lohany M wkinlOTer in a chubby lillle ellowof 7 year*, who lives with hii pa'euts at NJ lit HUar * treat. New York. Adjoining (be house U a six-story factory on the aouthaait oornet of Hasler aud Elizabeth strel. Tat factory has a ll roof, which on rjjuiay* i* a retort (or tat people of tue neighboring boutta, being easily aaoeaaib'e by ladder from their o u roof*. Oa Sunday miming, about 9 o'clock, Jobony Mokiutover wat flying a kite on tilt roof ot tba ftotory. Bdginuing at one ead of tba 1 )u< building be rao witb hit kite tba eutire length. Most of the way bt ran backward, pall- ing tba kite alter him. So absorbed wat hi that ba riu too far, and, striking bit baeU on tbt low urd that bounds toe roof, ha fall over the edge on tbe Elizabeth itreet aide, turning over and over in tbt air a* he fall. Lankily (or Johnny the telegraph wiret at ttai* point ara very high above the street, and tne boy aftar falling about ten (eet, by a gooi fortune that wat hardly lets than a mtraolt, caught one of the lowtr wire* in nit uacit and bung thera, about fifty feet abova tba ground. There wai DO other wire within hu reach. A (aw perilous had teen tbe little fallow (all, and in a moment a crowd bad gathtrtd. rouble to render tho alight*** aesulaoa* **s people ttood paralyzl witb horror, gvzing up at tbe boy dangling between heaven aud earth. Mot a cry escaped tbe lad'tlipi. Hold on tight aud I'll tave yon !" cried S)lr i.. prl Oa the wbolt, and always exoepting the Chicago pig-tbainbles, 1 am duposed to think Niagara tbe sigbi bout wotta seeing in America, Uiough I will utver return thira until the paosr-mill taall have been removad. 1 will nut attempt to describe the iudisorioable, aud would merely note, tor tba ixtutut o( future lrave>llera, tbal tbe effect of Niagara is as (olio**. Oa toe first day it M disuuotly disantijinuog , tht roar of the water It nut so IjaJ, toe tail so higb, or tbe ourreul so neroe aa waa imagined. Oa tbe second day thi* natural tuougb irrational disappointment had been gradu- ally and unaouaoionaly (wallowed up by tbe waterfall, which naa beoome omnipre*- sut, tremendous and oul -absorbing. Oa Uie third day Niagara baa grown a monster so oppressive to soul aud seuae that tbt visitor hurries from tht place with a feel- ing that another day's communing witb the waters wuuid make turn mad. tiuob, at auy rate, wars my sensations, and I found them almost ideu- uoal with those of my three fellow- travellers. The last, though by no meaui tat least, annoyance oonneoled with Niagara is the au-pervading presence of oridea. When a young Amerioan's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.be vibrato* to Niagara M tbt noodle to UM pole. Utre be brings hu bride fur the honeymoon, whether from tbe facilities offered tor suicide, or for other aud more recondite reasons, unconnected with tba beauty of tha soeuery, I kuow uol ; tuougb iny uut. founded oa prolonged oo*erv*ilon, it that the oooiou u due w the tact tnal Niagara it tbe place in tha world watro two peraoat, who have nothing j say to eaoh other, can fit l tl.t-MMill r.K HIUKt BOW l.rn. lal ttCOtt nJ BOW 111- I. II. Was Blt.ra Url> rl Twice tU, ap< 4 A .1. r Inm Frank Neumann, a youth of 18 years, who lives m the same bouse witb Johnny. He had bsea lying on tba top ot tbe house, and, attracted by tbe noise, be ran to ths edge of the roof. Young Neumann look in tbe situation at a glance, noting that Johnny hung nearly opposite tbe fire escape. Bat tbe tire escape extended only to tbe tittu atory and not to tbe roof. Without losing a moment, Neumann clam- bered over tbt edge ot the roof, and, supporting himtelf by his fingers on the narrow line ot brick outside tht guard, hung directly over tbe flee escape. Ob, Frank, cried tb lad. do hurry up if you're going to do anything. I can't stand thia any mare. I'm going to drop." ' Hold on tight a minute longer and I'll bo there, ' shouted Neumann. Swinging hi* body backward and tor- ward like a pendulum be cleared the wall and lal go bu bold. Like an arrow be shot down through the trap in the fire escape tt the fifth floor, and caught with his band* the iron rounds of ths ladder between tbe fourth ttnd fifth stories. A loud obeer eLt up from tbe crowd in si. It wa* a fearful leap, but a al one. " You'll have to move lively, Frank," said ths boy. I must 1st go." " Just one moment yet," said tbs young man. He get a precarious hold on tbs ladder witb ui* feet and one arm, and loaned fur out to that be could just grasp the lad'a wrist. Tbou be drew him in amid the obeere of the crowd. Taking the boy in hi* arms they descended the ladder until they rsaohed the third fljor, when his strength failed him and be let go his bold, dropping with tba boy to ths ground. Neither waa dun. Thsn ths crowd shouted itself hoarse. Tba little taUow'e face was whita. Frank, I wouldn't try tbat again, If I was you," was ail be said. Then he ran away and hid himself in a cellar, where be re- mained two hours, fearing the paternal wrati. New York Herald. remain silent witbout ambarrasiuieu tor tns longest period of time, tbe uuie ot tu* water torbiading all but pantomimic con- versation. However this may oa, brides and bridegroom* are everywhere to be seen, making demonstrative if ailsnt love under every tre aud on every point ot danger overnaugiug tbe tor- rent. Tuera are, perhaps, enrinly condi- tions in which tue identity ot a bride may remain concealed, for oilier women beside* her are demonstrative m their affection aud wear new frock*. But Niagara, witb its almost perpendicular descents M tbs river, is peculiarly favorable to the di*play oi tb* feminine tool aud aukls , auu ins orids invariably wsars new boots, wbiob is dona by no other sane women on a country excursion. Tbe time to visit Niagara is in too early spring or in the late eutums, before tue arrival, or after the departure, of tour iw, and wbeo all the hotels save ons are cloeod. Tba visitor may than, for a lime, be happy, especially if be has induced Mr. 1'atriuK Ford, tbe editor ot the Iriik World, to blow up tbe paper mill with ths dynamits collected for his scientinj war wiUi Kugland. Ihe tirtut JttpMhc. IHI.I> III frit- Hew Tkry Moan (<- Ui l.rfi-s. UellRX*. BIH I'l I ! fr K A BtjtVAKB Tl K 4 I % tnr..llr ol H./ Hack*?. In the oral months ot 1860 times were tough OB tbe Comsiook. Supplies could not bt brouxht over tba mouuiaias from Call torn i , aud before apiiog many of tbe Conutookers went hungry to bed about three nights a weik. Tbal winter a jolly crowd made tbur headquarters in a cabin tbat ttood on tha bill above the Opbir oftioe, Dearths CaliforLia shaft. Tbe cabin was a soit of emve. 1 ne root was oompooed of a layer ot bru-.ii, a strktam ot dm, and over tbia a oaavas oovtr to bold it all in place. The cabin oouteined four bunks. John Uackay bad ' oe lower bunk on tbe nortl tile, and Alexander Kennedy slept in tbt upper oot. 1'atriok J. Corbetl, at preeeot United Statet Marshal Corbett, an i Jack (J linen occupied the south bunks. As tines grew rougb and grub scarce tbe number of lodgtrs in tht cabin increased. Jaok McCaffrey wae taken in on tbe under- stand i ag that be was 1 1 f ornieb wood f or tht bouiebold, aod Johnnie Walker in consid- eration of bis doing all the cooking. Tbe new-comers brought their blankets and slept on the fljor. As tbe winter wore away provision* of all kinds became toaroe, and famine pnott ruled for a time early in tba spring. Finally Lunger oot into tbe cabin, and not a man except Maekay bad a cent ot money. An attempt to starve tbe more abiftless into " ruttling (or grab" bad proved a failure. Maokay had jutt 930 left ; it waa all tbe money he had in the world. " Here, Pat," said he to Corbett, handing him a twsnty and a ten in gold, ' go and BOO if you can get a sack of flour." A man baa packed in from Plaoerville tbal day, and Fat foond him near where tbe Bank of California now stands. Tbe price was I'M. Pat banded tbe Plaoervil- lian the gold, got back $4 in silver, aud. shouldering bi flour, climbed the bill to the cabin. Mackty t >ok tbe 14, and, giving it to the cook, ttnt him io search ol bacon, tea and sugar. When the flap jacks began to brown, and tbe savor of tbo bacon per- vaded the oabin, tbe spirits of both the regular inmate* and transient boarders went up to the fair weather notch, and it seemed that there wa> nothing more in tbe world to be desired. Very abeurd itonoe might be told of tht exptrienoee ot bargain buyers. There is a tale of a country parish, too poor to afford an organ or harmonium, tbe vicar of wbich secured at a salt a very large mutioal box, which played the Old Hundredth " and other hymn tunes. Delighted witb bia bargain (tbe box bad betu .''-, u.eaply), it was arranged tbat its music should aooom- pan v hiH singen on tht ensuing Sunday ; and the box played tbe hymn tune to tht gtneral satisfaction. But wbal were tbe leelings of the vicar when, instead of decor onsly stopping at the end of tbo last verse, the profane box itruok up " Tbe Blue llelli of Scotland I" Tbo clerk bnrried to tht rescue, but, unfortunately, touched a wrong apring, and only converted tbe booltisb song into tbs yst more indeooroua melody of " Drops of Brandy. Amid tha a tided titters ot tbe congregation, tht offending inttrumtnt was hurried out ot oburob, and wat beard at intervals in the ohurobyard cheerfully carolling a succes- sion ot lively airt. Tbe bargain loving vicar was afterward* content to manage witbout music as heretofore. There wat an old method of " making an April tool," by giving tbe victim of tne hoax a letter con- taining the words send tbe fool on." These credentials having been duly de- livered, tbe recipient of tbe epistle wrote a timilar message to some one elst, till tbe nofortunate letter-carrier had mads a tour of the parish. A somewhat similar custom prevail* among buyers of bargaina. They are generally extremely eager to share tbeir good fortune with their neighbors, and readily hand on tbsir bargaina to another dupe. " How could you oraek up his prsaobing so much '.'" said a Sootob elder, reproaching a frisnd wbooe high lau- dations bad induced hit congregation to elect a very unsatisfactory mmi*tir. Ob," said the otbsr, drily, you'll be ready enough to oraok him up if you see a chance of getting nd ot him w< vert I" The traveller of the present day, at be in harried along by the lightning express, u its buffet oars and palace uleopers, seldom revert* m thought to tbt time when tbe stage ooaoh and packet were tht only- means of communication batween distant points. It is rare that one of tht real old- time stage-drivers is met with now-a-daye, and whan tbe writer recently rao aoroee Fayette llaskell, of Lockport, N.Y.,he felt like a bibliographer over the discovery of some rare volume of " forgotten lore." Mr. Uaakell, althoogb one ol the pioneers in stage driving (bo formerly ran from Lewis- ton tc Niagara Falls and Buffalo), is bale and hearty, and bids lair to live lor many years. The strange itonea of his early adventures would fill a volume. At one time when going down a mountain near Lewiston with no lew* a personage than General boon as a (lassan ger, tbe brake* gave way and tha ouach came on tba heals of tbe wheel boraea. Tbe only remedy was to whip the leadtrt to a gallop. Graining additional momentum with each revolution of the wheels, the coach twayed and pitched down the moun- tain sidt into tht street* of Lewiston. Straight ahead al tha foot of tbe ttaap hill flowed the Niagara River, toward* wuioU tbe four horses dashed, apparently t> cer- tain daatb. Yet the Arm band never relaxed its hold, nor tbt clear brain its conception ot what must be done in the emergency. Oa dashed toe horses until tbe narrow dock was reached on the rivsr bank, when by a masterly exhibition of nerve and daring, tbe ooaob was turned io scarce lit own length and the horses brought to a stand-still before tbe pale looker*-on could reali/ ) what bad occurred. A purse was raited by Oeneral Scott and presented to Mr. Haskell with high compliment* for hie skill and bravery. Notwithstanding all hit strength and his robust constitution the strain of continuous work and exposure proved too muota for Mr. Uaakell 'H constitution. Tbe oonttant jolting of tbe ooaob and tha necessarily cramped position in wbiob he was obliged to sit, contributed to this and, and al nines ba was obliged to abandon driving alto- gether. Speaking of this pariod he said : "I found it almost impossible to tleep at night ; my appetite left me entirely and I bad a tared feeling whieb I never knew before and could not account for." " Did yon give up driving entirely ? " No. I tried to keep up, but u was only with tbt greatest effort. Thit slate of things continued (or nearly twenty years until la*t October when I went all to puose." In what way ? " Ob, I doubled all up, and could not walk witbout a cans and was incapabls of any effort or exertion. I had a constant desire to urinate both day aud night, and although I felt like pavtslng a gallon every ten miuutee only a lew drops could aaoape Repeals the oft repeated atory tbat Fat nam'a Painless Corn Extractor ig tbe bast, least harmful, most certain and prompt of all preparations tver offered (or the removal of corns. Ktunedy .1 Callard, London, Ont., writes: Nothing ever introduced bat given tbe satisfaction thai Putnam's i'aiulesa Corn Extractor has. We recom- mend it." Beware ot cheap or poisonous substitute*. Slid by druggists and dealers in medicine everywhere. Poison A Co., proprietor*, Kingston. Alwayt safe, barm- lets and sure. It is very bard, my Lird," said a con- victed ftbo at the bar to Judge Burnt'.. " t> bang a px>r man for itealing a bone." " You are not to be hanged for stealing a boras," replied tbe Judge, " bat you ars to be hanged tbal horses may not be stolen. A Hazelburtt, Miss., man bat started a new industry. He tbipt toads to Louie vills floriitf, who ue them to rid tbeir plants of inaeoto, wniob it is said they do vary effectually. Enthusiasts in cold waste cure oil*) tbe alleged fact in natural history thai animate with a broken limb nave frequently beoo. known to bold tbs member in running water until it bad healed. With Poison's NiiviLi.Nt, the new and certain pain care, ie used with satisfaction in every instance. There u abundant reason tor this, for it perform* all that ie claimed for it. Nervilina is a never-failing euro (or cramps, paini in tbs side or back, lumbago, sore throat, chilblains, toothache. Nervl- lioe is in (act a tnrs remedy (or all paiue. both internal and external. 1 ry a 10 coat sample bottle. Largo bolllee only 25 cento, by all druggists. By Russian imperial ordar, tbe delivery of tat works of 12.1 different authors, native and foreign, to horanen and public reading room* is airiotly prohibited, as well as ot eight Russian nsweptper*. At the soil, however rich it may be, can- not be productive without culture, so the) mind witbout cultivation can never pew- duoe good fruit. A 10 cant bottle of Poison's NIBVILIVE will cure neuralgia or headache. A 10 cent bottle of Narvilme will cure toothache or faceaohe. A 10 otnt sample bottle o( Nerviline ia aumaient to cure col i*. diar- rL *i, epasms, dysentery, etc. Nerviline is just tbt thing to cure all paint, whether internal or external. Boy a 10 cent sample bottle of Nerviline. the great pain curs. Bats, prompt and a 1 ways effectual. Large bottles al any drug more, only 25 cents. If you hit tht mark, yon mutt aim a little above U; every arrow thai dies (eels ins attraction of the earth. No lady ol refinement likes to resort to tuperncial devices to supply a becoming embJauoe of her former beauty. Il u health alone tbal lights the countenance and brings back fresh tiuts to tbs faded cheek. It anything on esrtb will do this, it is Mrs. Lydia K. Piokbam's Vegetable Compound, wbiob has already brought health to multitudes with whom all other means had failed. Oatmeal 1s Victoria's. a favorite dish of Queen and tbsy thick with sediment. Finally it ceased U flow entirely, and I thought death was very near." What did yon do then .'" " Wbal I should have done long before . listen to my wife. Under her advice I began a nsw treatment." And with what result. " Wonderful. It untt jpped tht closed pasaa**,aud what was a till more wonderful regulated tba flow. Tbo sediment vanished ; my appetite returned and I am now well and good for twenty mere years wholly through the aid ol Warner'* Safs Cure tbal has done wonder* for ma as well a* (or so many others." Mr. llaskell't experience is repeated every day in tbs livee of thousands of Ame rioan men and women. An unknown evil is undermining the existence of an innum- erable number who do not realua tbe danger they ars io until bealtb has entirely departed and death porbepa itafos Ibsm lu the face. To neglect suon important mai- lers IB like drifting in the current of Niagara above tha Falls. Mirr M ejSMCfe 11 1 III. Fint New York Detective Here is an order to shadow young Grimes, tbe banker. He lias taken seven million from tbe vaults. Second Now York Detective And you want me to help you catch him, I suppose ? Yen , I hoard that he has bought a ticket for Quebec." " The train ttarts at midnight, don't it ?" " Tot." ' All right then. We will begin watching T horn, lu Irrlnna. In Ulster the thorns are sacred ; no plough approaches within some (eet of them, says Harper'* H'ecUy, aud even to touch their branches is unlucky. Innum- erable are the tale* of foolhardy person* who, after many warnings, insisted 01 breaking off leaves or boughs from such trees, and who were punished by losing tbt guilty hand, or by lit being so torn by the thorns as to bt crippled (or lift. Sometimes a man alone al work in tbe fields would bear his own name distinctly called, and, looking up, would see all the little (oiks in green dancing on the hillaida or playing among trees, and while he gazed hey would all vaniah again. They are in popular legends tbe very embodiment of caprice and fitful zeal (or good or evil, ror no apparent cause. some man or woman is suddenly singled enl (or every sort of favor ; tbs ashes on their hearths ars changed by night to glittering gold, tbe empty cans art filled with well water by the toil of tbt tiny friend*, tbt housework is doos, and the barrel kept full of meal ; and then on a sudden they forsake tbe favorite of a fortnight, and pelt him with pttty woe* till be 1s half wild, or maybe, dry up the supply of milk, lame hii horses or blight his child. Their love ot children and their longing to carry them away have inggested many touching ballada, and they are H opposed to be willing to give any good gift to a household in return (or leave to rock tha cradle. his house parly CfU. next wek." Philadelphia A stunning article A club. Hew Oftmmf ' -.oy . .1 The smoksr lie* curled up, with hit bead oung on a bamboo or earthenware pillow about five inches high. Nar him >tnds an opium lamp, the flame at which u pro- tected by a glass shade low enough for tbs point ol the flams to project abova the top of the shade. Tbo smoksr sakos a wire and dipt U into a littlo box containing pre- pared opium. A small quantity adheres to tbe point of the wire, wbiob is then bsld ovor tbs dams ol tbe lamp until tbe hsal baa swollen it to about tea limeo it* origi- nal size. This is rolled over on the flat tide ol the clay bowl, tbe opium all tbe time adhering to tbo wire. When it has boon rolled Io a soft, solid mass it ia again applied t j the lamp, and this alternate roasting and rolling is keft up for at least ton minutes, by which urns it it in tbe tbapo ol a pill and ready for use. Tbe aperture in tbe pipe is so small tbat it can only receive the smallt>t quantity, and tbe most careful manipulation is needed to transfer the tiny ball ol opium from ths end of tbe wire to the bowl ot the pipe. Tbe point of the wire is in- serted into tbe hole ot the pipe and worksd round and round till tbs soft opium forms into a conical shaped ring around tht wire. By twirling tbe wire the drug it grade ally detached from it, leaving a hole through the opium about as large at tbs bole ot tbe pipe bowl, with which it com- municates. The pipe is now ready and the bowl is bsld over tbo lamp so that tbs opium comes in contact with tbe flame. A spluttering notes ensues as ths smoker auoks at bis pips. Alter eaoh suooessivs draw ba ejects from nose and mouth a volume of smoke, tbe very smell of which is onough to turn a hone's stomach. By the end ol the fourth or fifth whiff tb* pipe is empty. Ths smoker scoops up enotuer dose of opium, rolls it iutc a pill and re- peats the operation with tbe same patience as before and smokes away until tot pipe falls from bis hands and bt is lost in dream land. It tobacco smoking were only half tbo trouble tobacconists would soon have to shut up shop. Youth You say you are in love with two i;irlH, both beautiful, one "divinely tall,' and the otbsr " a perfect little fairy." Marry tbe little one. She won't need so much Staff (or a Jress. Assyrian chariots, a mew investigator writes tO the l-i-** I h. \ .. . .- ,k. M ., ,.i That many with tha glad consent praise nsw. born rsmsdier. especially if they pay a larger profit, no one conversant with the substitution practiced in this respect will deay. and when you ars told by interested peruse that such and such a preparation ia ss "good or belter tn to tbe great euro pop- corn euro Putnam's Paioleeo Corn Extrac- tor- just for a momsnt consider if your bsnent prompts tbs advice, or if tbe small additional proni secured by tbo sals of inferior or poisonous substitutes lies at tne bottom of ths noggsstioa. Ws say. than, buy only Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor , the safe, sore and tested remedy for corns will be found in Putnam Painless Cora Extractor. H. 0. Poison A Co., Kingston, proprietors. A \ . j.nn M ! ink in, A London cablegram says : A number cf weddings in high life ara arranged to take place during tha interim. Tbe grandest of tht approaching nuptial events will be the mamagt of Lord Stafford to Lady Millioent, daughter of tht Earl of Rossi) D. Ths bridegroom i* ths eldest living son and heir of Sutherland. Bt is S3 years old, and wae formerly a lieutenant in tbs Second Life Guards, and is now a member of Parliamsnt for Sutberlandshirs. Tbs brids is only 17 ysars old, and is at lovely at she ie youthful. Tbo guests will include soots of tbs highest nobility of England, and as the Prince and Princess of Walen ars to be present, it goes without saying that invitations to tha wedding ara easterly sought. I LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S * VEGETABLE COMPOUND . . IS A POSITIVE CURF ' ." * . > For all ef la-oar I'ulnf*! C'eiaplmlsi* ** U . ,k n. ... M .on, ..on to oer SweC FK.TIALK POFVUtTION.* . ,y IT Will. r|-B EHTIBELV TBS WOB*T V Of VLB C"l'l AIM-. AIL IIVAHIAI TRy'lBLE*, 1 PLABSATIOB ASDt'U-ERATlOB. KALJ IN.) AXO rt-A< EBFVTS, AMD TBE ..4Sft\T Kj'IN AL WKAft BBSS, AND IS PAST* I LASU.T ADAPTED TO* I'HABSB OP LlPS. * o * * * * * IT wiii 0BBXH.TB AMI sxrBL Trvoo* pans) VTB TKMIKV - III KOIU.TUUZ15 V EMT H-StUllY ST IT OS. * IT nr >- KI%T, FLATVL<> r. I>BTBOTB' ALLTMAMN (FOB "III I-4*T*. ANDKII-HVM W KASVJ !>*-. nr ; vi u. IT i ' ait Hi .>TIIU. HBA] 4. HE, V :.. . I'l;. *Ta4TI>1. LIBERAL DSBIUTV*' I>EnM'l\ AMI lM>lt.TIUS. * O * O THAT nr 1 110 up UEAHJXU Down, rAr*i*a FAISV, \\ Fli.HT AM> 1U. VI III. l ALWAl* rEBSAIESTVT i-VBCD I IT I k * * S *, IT WILL AT ALL TIME* AM. HUES ALL (ISfmsV r .VI- AIT M Inan.'XT WITS TUB LAW* THAT ... , a TUB "SHALE M -TEB S * S * O sVlTi rrmnE u soLKLT roBTMBLCurniun HBAU*4 OP DV>f *. AMI THE MJU-IEP UP PAIN. AJBS THAT IT I-E- U 1. If . ; tl*> T ' INI. TBK>rAJ(lMI S*f LAOIE* AS SLAULI TEJTrir. -S * e * K.PB TB IT as UP kiimiT I'osPLAiim at srrasa x ntt* SEBEUT u rmru-AxBD. MM* E. IIMtHMTB VBIETASlJI limrTWIlO S> rvfand 41 LToa. Baa FTW SL Mi b.lM for SB. AW.1 N| all <lm<vU<4. a nl t>7 lull. p.Urfv |j.t. Ix ( at nib or ! l < I SH. -i Woodstock College. WOODSTOCK. OUT. ror ladles and fsatl*msn ; terms very i ate ; facilities uumallxl OollsftaM Coore*. Lad* LevllM'ttns Art* Course, Pr-|.ari.r Court*. Openi Heytaiiibarl ror oatalocas* aonswaUw lull Uifoi iilili*** KK V M. WOLVKBTOM. BA. rrlsusjal. 30 DAYS' TRIAL * d . r 1 1 i.in t heats 1 1 1 " II has become so common to begin aa artiols, lu an elegant, interesting style, "Thou run it into eomo advertisement that we avoid all such, And simply call attention to tbe merits of Hop Hitters in aa plain, honest terms as poaaibls, To indues people To give them one trial, which so proves Ibsir value that they will never use any- thing else." Tas KEMEUT *o favorably noticed m all toe pa perm ReiiKioni and secular, i* llariog a large sale, and la *up|'lautlu! all other medicines. " There I* no JeDyins; tb* rlrtas* of tb* Hop plant, and the proprietor* of Hop Bitten bar* liowu great hnwilnoa* aad ability In ouDapouoiliog a medicine whose virtu** art K iial|>*bl* tu rsrv uoe obssrvatioa." Hhr llr f No: V..I.TI!'- rri.T*ri.t . ,. * M-i.t .n *i !> i MEN HM.V. V. >!<-. '''.-> J' <f.-i Inc from * i DSS)SUtV,U rtAltjl. WAHTIMI Wr4"i*. iii^J 'suao .HSt^a rr*.u. ll4Tt-a, ri.lU lrul Aal'*as4 ITtm 0c*E.^p.*<ly relief an-l J.mlAMJ r-M.ir*tn t> FVM.TH Tioos B| - i,i-*. -T.-I-II B-i I ocs fur I!lu.xl< . i rr. A.:-'n* Voltaic B'^lt Co., Marshall. Mich. WULETAN LADIES' COUilE HAMILTON. CANADA. Will reopen on September tnd, 1 oldest ao.l larasst I di M'Uollnc* ID MM. II IS I _ _ ntb*Domi Ha* ovei : 1B sradoatss. The batMlni 110 000 and baa OTOT 1*1 ro*m*. Kaeulty - ootlameu and twslTe ladlea. slaate and apeelsltlaa Addrsa* ib* Prloetpal. A. BURNS D-D, IX.D. 8 be lingered and suffsrod long, pining away all ths time for years," " Tbe doctors doing her no good ," " Aud at last was cured by this Hop Bittsrs tb* papers say so much about." Indeed! Indeed! How thankful we should (be lor thai medicine." A i>n**Kfcir! maery. "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed ot misery, " From a complication of kidney, liver, rheumatic trouble and Nervous debility, "Unoder the oaro of tht best pbytioiant, " Vvbo gave her disease various names, " Bat no relief, " And now she is restored to us in good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bit- tsrs. tbat ws bad shunned for years before using it." Tfl PARENTS, I lh, r I. .rillaa- Will. " My daughters say : " How much better father is since bt ussd Hop Bitter*," " Hs i* sotting wall after hi- loog suffer- ing from a disease declared incurable." And we are so glad tbat be used your Bitten." A la; T of I. tioa. N. T. ssjrNone (enalns without a buns ol sjreen Boss on the wblte Isbsl. Shan all ths vile. elliptic iron polaonosa itud with "Hop "or ' Hope" In their WknTtn .-ur* i ..u i...i - tun* 4J lh l>4 llfm t' "^ ****&&& ;rv vsarysm t in > i. MEN u I 4 n THIt*. TE ToLTAUO BlLT Co.. Of Marshall. Mil offer to iod their eelebrated BLBc BKLT and utbar KLEITKIO AtHsaMl OD for thirty Oays, o men iyoon or SM) atn with nrroa* debility, lac* oj TlieJity and hoo.1. aad all kln.lrtd tnioble*. Also for mattun, neora'gla, paralyl* an.l many llnnil Camplelt rwloration to beaJtb. i*ja au.l uanbood caarantexl. No n*k I* incurre* aa thirty .lay* trial li allowed. Writ* theoi SS ono* for lllualrassd i-smpb let Iras. EYE. EAR UNO THROAT. DR. G. 8. BYBR80N.L.R.O.P. 8. ft., Tjoetenr oo tbs lys, Bar and Tbrsa* Trinity stsdloel Oollsss. Toraota OeslMa* AnriM to tb* Toronto O.naral Boeptlal, ki Olmloal Awlrtanl Koyal Ix>o4oa Oplitbahnto BMpltal, M.on.fli.11" sod Central IJSBOJOSI Tkrost sad Bar H*pltal. sit Cboroh I Toronto. Artlnolal Human Byaa. st SFT a I Oeero sUob at fliimnailss Poa t M tb* HfRNUM itnUnM CKJIJ.BU OtreslapB tre*

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