Flesherton Advance, 10 Jul 1884, p. 8

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Saw 31111 & Timber Land For Sale or To Let. In the Township lf ArtOllirsill, in tin- ('onnty of lirey, 4 miles (rum Stutiuli, tin- Canadian 1'ucilie Rmlwav . Tin- Mill is ulimti.l ut I.iltle KalU, in u block of lU.ul I'm M<T- Timber l.aiul, with other tiuibtr luml BtirrouuiKne,. The building in >ub- :ui!uHy bttitt ou btone foundation.. The machinery is all (jooil *uil driven witli tfreat I'.jwet by a "28 inch J.rlTel wheel, under 81! feet head ut wate'. TUre are 1 Large Circular s i'.v fur C'tttinir luga ; 'I Small Circulars for sawing Laths aud llroom Handlcn ; 1 Ullage Laiho fr turning liruoiu Handles, <tc.; 1 Shingle Machine with .'.inter and 1'acker com- ;>Vt.-. \h* Water-Power in excellent, the e'.muM being rery regular. There are teveral olli'T 'Mil Mill Sites on the property. The litud in this valley is coui>idcreJ the best in 1 In- country. Tli pine* would muUc 1 au excellent Stock Tuna wlieu the timber is taken off 1'tiii iitl'i-rn a KIUM! opportunity for a practical, energetic unvi to go into this kind of business, as the place will bit sold or let 011 KAVoK \1;I.K TKKMS. The lui-u is no con- vi-nii nt tu the Mill, I";.-- can be trucked m summer time. Imiueiiiate pnsteafion given. A])|>!y to the proprietor, AVM. IIOC*C*, FLKKBEHTOX STATION P.O.. OXT. HE ARD'S Carriages and Waggons, arc Ul i le of the lw*t twlectod tinilHtr. and all the I^atext Improved Machiuury an' employed in king. Thu Hoxo* are set by a 1'atuut lluiing Machine, mi-1 are {.reaiied into the Hub by a l'rco.> f .i'l tun-* ptiw .-r, and can never gvi looe ah lioxoit do we.lK- d in tho old way. HKAKD'S \YaKgoue. all tiling coiiMJored, i* tliChm>i>tMt. Stiouuent. uiot Durable. auil the Kaiiest ttuuuing \Ya,'i,'i>n ..li.lu. llobert Boat uyn that tie could not draw bin Hone Tower up a very ateen lull without help on a a Wat&'.n. and he uyt lit- can do it with one of HKARU'8 \VagKoua. Ha kuowi that JOHN II Ii::AHL> makim the Kuieat liunuinij \VacK<>". Come and se ( * the Carriages and Waggons and Machinery for Making. FLESEERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KIM'S OF T::,;:, Couit of Kovision. Tin Court .f Revision of tlie towniihip df Cullintiwiiiiil In-Ill u -n-i.inl sitting :<i the townshiji hall , HUM '111111, in tin- suit! tuwiisliip, mi Ki-i(U\. .liu.i- lUlli. IKfM. Member* all prei-ent. The I ;. . i. in the eli'iir. Minu tuB of last meeting reml aud cm.- lirinej. Further iiptxsals to the said Court were ih, ii reml ue toU**JM : Whiiti-ly Una. to I >e assessed for on King Btruet, Thornbury. li.lin Strong, to liave Francis i'.sseme<l as tenant tr A 3, con. H. Andrew (irier, U> buve Fred. Wilson .I-M sst-il as ii'ii.-iut 1 ir sub-divisions 7 ami i H. lot 5. B w Alfred utreet, Thornbury; 1 Jiunes Liiidsay, owner. Thomas Veitch, tu \H> asseueJ joTutly j ui tenant with R. A. 1'itiniibell. Joseph Korku, to be assenaed us owner for lot , it ( 'lark r tre i. w of'KirerClarki- luirj;. 8. T. Spinkinps, to have John I<aby :i<iosie<l as tenant jointly with Ouorge Teed ami George Telfer for n J 4, con:es ion 12. Wm. and John Reid, to lie nsaem-d as ti hurts fur w 4 3. ei'iiceu.-iou 6. Creightou Fergiis.in, tu IIMC ten acres uf lot .'fiJ, con. lai, enued from his OBSUSS- i meiit and assessed to Thomas Pliipp*. Joliu Park, aut-K.ir, against all palpab- le errors mi the asteunieut roll. R. McLean Fnnly, to have Rolvert Holms iiBsesscd for lot n w J ^7, s w Kinj; street. Moved bv J. W. Lunan, seconded by Wm. Hengill, that Jolm Raby be aiseas cj jointly with Oc(,rj;e Teed for n J 4. ' con. 12 ; that Thoniim \Vhipp be assessed ! lor s e j 35, eou. 1 _ Id acres; that (teorge , \Vhately be aHaeitsud for lot M, n c Kni street : that Joseph Korku be aSKessed for lot 8, s Clarke s lreet, w of Kiver, Clarksburg, aud the name of Mrs. Li<ugh- head eniited : tlia Francis Suggfth be asesc<l ns tenant for s H K>t 3, con. H ; that Thomas Vietch U> au.'essod a ten- ant for ]>t. 4 s w Alfrfd street ; that Ilo- bert Hontoii be assessed for n w \ 27, s w King strevl, half acre : that lut w i 3, I cou U IK; u*sei>c<l to \\ . and John Reid as tenants : that James Lindsay at owner and Fred Wilson as tenant be assessed forsw Alfred, subdivisions 7 aud 6 uf i park lot 5, as per request of the several | partial. .Mot it in curried . AVER'S ;FLE SHERTON Cherry Pectoral. Ku other complAintr are .-<> ni8Ulfrou in their nttaclia>lkiweffctiiig the throat ami lungs: iioncio trifliil with by the majority uf MIM, r- er*. Tin- i.niiii.iry couyh or cold, MMilling l-rliaiis from a trifling ur uueunronmv . i poture, is often but the beginning of u fatal Ickimn. AMU'- I'm KIII ri t H.IIAI. ILK well proven iu effleaey In a forty yvan' fight with Ihruat mul lung iliwun . iiuU tkuuld l Uki'ii ui all ciK-i Itbuut ili la) . A I. mi .1.- ...i K li Cured. In liOT 1 t'Hik aHrveri-niM, liiclnnW led my |UIIK>. 1 bail a tcrriMr eoiigli, ami IUIM-I-I! liliibl niter niglil witliiiut Klve|i. 'J'lif ili.i-t.-r.- jiii\e me u|i. I trleil AVKU' Cnr.Hiii I'li- ini{\i., which relieved my lunga, iniltii'i-il aleep mul ntfunled me ilii- real urrrMutry tnr Uie rvi-i.very uf my utrength. U> ih roiitlnueil UBI' of the I'KilultAl. a (--11.1:1- n-iit rure wan crt'eetvd. I inn li" i- )enr0 olil, bale and heart v, m| am vutiitiul >uur cm. Rut I'M num. Hvwl me. ll .ii\. i FAIKIIUOIIIIU." n, Vt., Juljt IS, IM-I-. Jewelery sroin;. J. R. TRIMBLE, DKALEK IN Moved b y Mr - -mlcd by J. Such &s Monuments. Tomb Tables, Headstones Counter and Table Tops in American and I w - Ll 't> a . that Itopnrt No. 1 of the com- Italian Marble and Granite, and niatlc on on Afwi-MiufnU lie had it thereby ad- short notice. Also Mantles in Murbk- :tnd Marbk'izcil Slate, Ac., Ac. Flcsherton, Aug. M, 1KK!. This is not (he "lied Flag" you have read so much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dealing Flag, carried by Mr. Thos. Duncan, Tailor, Fleshcrton. opted ; and that the l.-t pulpablu errori und oiniaiiuiiH un the Assessment Roll for the current year, ax more fully defin- ed and nut forth in the said report, and is appealed against by the assessor, shall bo and and is hereby ordered to lie cor- rected and properly i nte'i'd mi tliu ass- essment roll aforesaid Uy th Clerk. Carried. Movl by Mr. Hewgill, seconded by John Irwin, that the Clerk be and i- hereby authorized and re(|uired to make in.ik.' ull required clniugos and entries on thu iisfti'ssnient rolls, as to errors, oinisniiiu.t. valuations, ilesrriptions, ta. tute lul'.ir and npelliag i,( name*, as or- dered liy the court aud ns defiiied in the report of the Cummiltee <m Assehsnifiit- and certified to liy the clerk ; that rulls so amended be and are hereby declared l lug all parties concerned except in to faros tin- sume may be furtner amended mi appeal to the county Judge in accord- ance with the Assessment Act. Mt.ved by John Irwin, Second-nl by J. W. Lunan, that the Court o| Revision do now adjourn tin? i/iV. rroiiiineut aiuiuiK the greatest medical disoivrries, liy the ninny cureH it ban effected. McOreor's Speedy Curf leads th ran. Hob. to the minnte>t clinniical analysis, it lireu fiiiiinl tu etiiitiiin n.nie of those in- HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PI LLS& OINTMENT I^iver THE PILLS I'urlfy tin' lllou.l. i'i>i-i-,."t til DliiorUon uf tho n.ncl Th*yinviKraU'iunl rt-toreto laoi luliMl to Kmali' o( all a|!. Uo\vel. 'Diminution., and are Invaluable In all C'om- Koi Chiluri-n and tho axed they arc j.rieultiaa. THE OINTMENT l-i an in fall 1 1. !<- rauuMy for ll.ul IH-. Had Uriwstx. old Wound*. Horea and Ulcera. It l fainoun for (ui It uS MMMIMMa Kor iln-orderii of tin; ('hi'-t it IIIIM no i'i|lial. For SO UK THIiO.1'1, niHWCJIlTIS. COUClfS, COLDS (,: n lii:.-.rSwc!lin. anil all Kkin ni-iHRiK-i it )ia no rir.il ; and for contracted and mill joint* liai-t like a i harm. 1 .annfattiirr'! onlv nt l'rnfi>Kir flni.i.nwAY'H Kntnlillahliient. s, Xi-w ovii.ni sirM-t { i.-.ir 5:. Oxford Stn-ot }. London. ana nee suiil .:: 1> Hd , Ja W., 4. fid.. Us.. !. , and :wa. each Itnx or Pot, aud may be had of all Mrili 1-iin- \fn.hini thruni{hoiit tin- \\orld. .-; le specitics daily nflerud to the public. Kvcry iiiKivrtient POHKKH a pcnliar adapta- bility to thi) various d.iiipliiintH ior whirh it has been ciiiiipnUDiiml. :u..| Its efficacy is I', in.-. s;;,l,|,,|,,.,i by tntimonialii hourly n - i-fivul. W.. urc thcrefoi, e<inndnt that we lm\e a preparation winch we can offer tn (( inililir with tin Hindrance that it will be fnuiiil r.iitinily a relief but n absolute cure f(ir DrupcusU. I^iverCiinipliunt, Indixcition. (Vnt-ti)iMti..'i aii<| luipure Itlnod. Free trial bottles nt llicharilHon's Drug Htorc. THE MARKETS. PLE8HBTON. Hour 5 00 to 5 50 Fall Wheat SO 50 to 1 (Mi Croup. -A M..ti,.r. Trlbut*. "\Vhllu III llin-.iuiltl V iMt Wllltvr II. V Hill* Ixiy. three \i-araold, waa ukun til will) i-ruup; It HH'iiu'il iu If In- Mi-ulil 'In- Ir. .in Mritngu- latluli. One "I lli family uuge*il ll.x nan of AlKlt'H CUEIIKY I'K( nillAI., M biillle uf ivlu. li KIIK aliiy k|>t In thu IIOUM. 'Ilila wai tried In imall ami lri'i|iient ili*r>, :unl Ho our delight in lea* than half an l.< ui I he luili: palleiit war bn ulliini: eai-lly. Tin- diM-- tiir Mill thai lln- < 111 Kill I'l-i IUK4I hail avi'il my ilurting'K life. Can >u HUlidvr at our gratitude'.' Sinecri-ly Mium, MBS.BMMA firiiMtv." 1 Weat ltli Si., New York, ^l> It;, I.-K.'. "I li:iv.- (UFll AVKR'.4 ClIKIIIlV I'll n l:M. Ill m family fur nvvi-ral year*, ami *> nut hwitate lo |iniiiiiunee it Ihi- moat flfeetnul remedy fur cuughs ami culiln we li.m \i tried. A. .1. I'll VM.." JjikeCr>aUl. Minn.. March I.:. I .>:. '*lauffered furel|>lit y. rimfrmn Crnnohltia, ami aflur trying many rvmeilk' with nn in'- eem, I wa cured by the ne ut AVKK'H Cm R- Bl I'KiToHAL. .l.i-l I II W.UIH N." Vyhalia, MUi., April :., I-:. " I caniuit ay onou|!li In praise uf Avi'ii'4 CIIKKKV l'i i ri.it \ r, ItvlittriiiK na 1 ilo thai Imt for it> ii>. I 1. mil. I li'iijt ilnce kavc illvd from limn truuhlra K. IIRAUIH.N." I-aleitlne, Twan. Aprllr, 1>J^. Kn cao of nn affectli.li of Ihe tlin.at or lung> exlt> which cannot be greatly ri-lieved by the li-.- of AVKR'8 ClIMIHV I'l . 'l: >!., and It will ii/-(ij,f <iirf vht-ii the ilitoaau u not already beyond the couirol uf andieme. i-iiri-Mii n iiv Dr. J. C . Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mast. &uUJ by all X>ruKj(mlB. Wm. Lucas & Co., I ?:i i i 1. !- . Markdale and Dundalk. Tranuct (ii-m-ral HanlsiiiK lliinlnoM. l)i(t i - iiil |>\alilf it auv office of tin 1,1 MIII.MIN s Hi,k tiottt I>i*<-:,iiiitl (i ml Money to Loan ttl liiiifiiinlilc A'./r. .. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, $c. No Bogus Discounts I ur other Clujy-frujt Induce meats offered, but Hcllyou (rOO ft* fix l()ir (l.\ tltt'l/ Cfflf. be figured emisixtrnt trit/i HONEST TK1DE. Watch Re|miring a specialty. Alt Work (Guaranteed- HARVARD'S 'YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. An pleuoat to take. Contain tbeir own Is s MX., lore, and ettitrim^l in Children or AdUs> PATENTS MPHS A CO., of the Scimsnnc AVKRITAX. ono- llnuftiim't an S..llt.n> tor fitU-no, CkTtBt&TrMS Mu-kv CuprriKbU. for UM Urnuxl tUmtr*. Cank Interest Allowed on Deposits WM. I.rt'AS * CO. EUGENIA Grist Mill, Ul . Bniclwul. Pnuiiw. (irmnj. .-. Iliuiil . ok l.ut I'mt-nOMnt fl... ThlrtT^Tnn r<!ni' niwrlrnc*. i>Unl(obtaln*<>U>r<iiwhMt > NN A (X> aroDtXlerd iniiii-m-iiMTiric AHkuirjiN. Hi.' tancvM. hot. uul twl4<-lir rlrmtalM lu'l-'nluV imurr. UJITr. w.-, m Ppli-ndld eriKrnvlnini an.l lnU*ntlnf In* fomutlnn. Hpeammnipr . f i 'n. HrlriulBc . wrr- ! Mnt tTfa A.ldn-M Ml NSaCii , -U'lSMTinc AHBBICAX om<*. r,l Broailwar. Nw York. The Dominion Organ and Piano Co. Having iuai|er\ti-nsi\e iiuprovenients in my j Grist Mill, Iumc..iiii.|,'nt I can (jive good '/XU iHtXK ASY DAY l M.I. , I !';, ur always nn baud. Custom Sawing and Bills filled mi the -ilii>rt< st ti'.iiri . LIIIII- i" I mill I.ilt ll lllmo'r. nil , ' n.ffl,n\ X',../. L::,,.!,,,,, Ikfll Illl. The Advance till Jan, 1st, 1885, for 45 cents. Sjiriji^' \S'hcat (I 50 Harloy li 5( Oats I) }(5 I'm* o <;o r.ntti-r o 12 s, fresh 12 () :to Pork 7 do Hay, per ton i; :,() Hi'lcs 4 00 \Vi.l 15 M Diu-kn, per brace ...... ChickcuH, pt r brace... . Wool .................... 00 00 15 1 on I) C.ll I) HH (55 o ir> 00 05 7 50 7 (10 C 50 IH 1 (Ml 0(1 (K) 00 18 WANTED : 1'ln'rry, Itutternut, White Ash, Black Ash, Bamiurood, 1'inc and lloiiUuck Logi wanted. M. AKITT, EUGENIA May 1st, l -:. Canadian raeilic Kaihvaj. ONTARICTDIVISIOIT. Change of Time. ('111/1/11. -/K'lil;/ M'.llil'l'l, .V/'(l/ /.'', 1.*,^',. -- i Toronto, Urcy & ltro|-<- Division. HIM tie uxrK'-t and mrxit minph-fo factory In tbv lJuinlnlon ISOxlSA. Bigtif. S::cn ctir Awtrlii to uj KUtT is Ut Worll Mi-ilil mul Diploma at Crnti'iiiiUI, IVDI. Medal and Ulplomaal Sydnrv. luniralla, IHTT. ' i. n M Ui-ilnl at ITiivlurrnl F.IhlbttlaD.I oroat*. UH- Awarda tt Indumruil ICxblbltluB, Turontr, >VE AKS xow M - . ? IWKISU SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. TU-rr IN i if E MARKET. Corrmpondpncr Botlrltrd Hcod for innttrttmf .' Inifiir. Mifttlt >1 frrr. Addn*M DOMINION OIUIAS AND it iwiiA\ VILLA' . OKT. JZ>O TUIMWTO, rtiTrt ............... ....'.!. 7 SOa.m. S p.ni. do. arrlvo ................... In r, It) * NUTK. Mixi'il train Ion yen Piu-kilale T Klarn. Y />/r/.s7(.v. TIIIILNTO. ih'|irt. 7.10 n ni., 1 .d.1 u.iu . <M inn iiiiiv-. O.'KI :i 4; " 7.00 " Null Mixl truln h-nvi'K PnrkdalH 1 a.m. r- An aiMltional train will bo run in UOUDOC- tion with tho Canadian Pacific Uteaimltip Lim\ Leavini; Toronto, ll;:wm. \V \\HYTK. D. MtNICOCD, titSLSrp'T. iii:\'Ll*ASS. AOT. TKAI.NS l.K \\ I FLESHEKTON STATION: OoliiK North. t II 4.1a.m. S:.W p .in . ,vfl:15pm OoillKHoiltl ..... at 11.4:1 a.m. IMOMjii.. A .V4T li in Hteamt liiji Kxiiruaa, fioiutf North. -.' J.i t.m " S. .nth. 12.1-1 u.U. Ftaimnr trw LISTS OF "FADM FOR SAIE" MO "FABMI W*irrto DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL Tnr \T The KvcBlir<l Neilluiu tor I ami til- % rll .. ii. ul. Anil cohlAin more of them than ill u'krf Canfl. AHVI RTI5FMENTS pr"lnnm for Sl" iv1 'Tanr,. U'.-ii ml.' M ,k r ' Scct IKS*le"ar "WMUad" m^ri. .1 i . III! vui'KI.V MAIt..>lprm<ipei ordMUkluafltaa. M Httt'i trn ftr word f..r r* :Mt.ftt.-mt. tit In THK DAtl.V MAIL ! / n4 * kat/ <r*tl |.< I mjt\ Mill InMrtlua. THEM All. Tort*to.Cm*l*- ' .1

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