Flesherton Advance, 10 Jul 1884, p. 7

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FARM AND GARDEN. TK Best Roses for Out of Door GultlvatioB. SALT FOR. LJ! Vfll STOOK. Hunt-.. Hrc-plni < htrkrsi ! -to>< IUK -.ia,ii n. i A Practical Afrloullurist'i Weekly Bud(l ) oumi i VlrU-Thr <.lrl. lo, I . Up In tb morning early, Jubt at the |H>ep of day, KtiAinlug tlie milk in the dairy, Turning the cows way. SWOBIM ',g HID Huor of tbe kitchen. UakiuK the b U up*tain, \S .hih>,' tlui lireakf j,t (lubes, Duitiug tne parlur chair*. brnahing the crumb* from the pantry Huotlug for eg < at Ilia barn. Cleaning Ib* turnip* fcrdmuer, Hpiuning Blocking yara, Hpn-atliuK the wultenu I lioen, Down on the bufthe* below, Kiuiackiug every meadow Where the red .trawbarrlee grow. Starching the Allure* for Sunday, Churning the suowy cream. ItiimiuK tlia pail ami itramer, Down i u the limpid stream, Feeding the geeix aud turkey*, Uakiug the pumpkin pie*. Jouinii the young ona'ii cradle, Driviuc away the flic*. <lre* In every motion, UNHIC in every tooe. ii**uty in form and feature, Thou taudM may cowl to own. Cheek* that rival ftpriug roess, Teeth, lha wbiuwt of pearl- One of tbe*e oouutry uii<U in worth A sccre of your city-ored girl*. -..it ler Lire meek. " What are all ihoea Umba doing around that black obj-ict over there?" inquired a city friend who a day or two ago wi walk- ing through tbe iheepfold with us. " Oh." we replied, " they are waiting their tarn to get to tbe eeJt." He was somewhat sur- prised when we reached tbe " blaok object " to bee a large, roofed box with open udee. reetiug on wheel*, aud containing a lump of c }are, reddish rook (all. weighing, per- baps, half a hundredweight, and no well licked that its larfaoe wan all curve* aud DO corner*. No doubt all stock-keepers wbo uudemtaud the oraviuge of hones, cattle and nheep take oare that Bait ihail always be witbin their reanh, though it is seldom oeoeaiary to force it on tbeir stten- lion. Young stock are particularly food of it, and wbtn lambe are folded on a rioh green breadth of vetches, trifolium and win- ter barley, as in the cane jait referred to, or on cabbage or rape, tbey always appear to as to pay special attention to th* sail box. We have teen a lamb go to the slat as often as ouoe and even twine au hour , he doesn't take much of tbe mineral at each vi*it. limply licking tbe lamp tbree or four times, then pooling and looking round witb au appearance of quiet atiafajOUon sur roundiug him, an I finally walking off for freab tuppliss of green food, but only prs neatly to return again. A small modicum of salt in or with tbe food ii essential to ths life of the highest animate. Ii i* com posed of the metal sodium and the noo- inetal chlorine, tbe former being an indis pensable constituent of that important digestive fluid, the bile, which is secreted by tbe liver, and tbe latter entering into the composition of tbe gastric juica whiob i* poured into tbe atoinaob from tho secretory oella of ita lining membranes. The) element* of common ialt alao enter into tbe ooDHtitution of tbe blood. Of tbs ordinary foods given to farm (took, common alt i* moet abundant in mangels, bul evsn then in imall quantity ; in grass and other green fodder it* proportion is even less, while in wheat, barley, oate and in meals made from tbeee grains, ai also in potatoeii, salt in absent. Vast herd* of buff aloe* will travel hundreds of ojilen to reach tbs salt springs of Northwest America, and in tbe central parts of South Africa tbe hunter who ooneeali himself beside a brine spring never has to wait long for bis prey. Lst tbe animals find they can get salt when tbey require it and they will be sure to take such quantity as nature demands, while tbeir own instinct will guard them from erring on tbe side of excess. Oar live stock, tike ourselves, should take their food cum gro.no tain. Alfrnd Colomb.* Anna de DiMhach, Annie Wood. haionil* Htnstettso, Baron*** RoUi*child. A committee of tbe Maesanhueetts I lorti cultural Society reoom mended tbe following for outdoor culture as ths best bardy roses for general cultivation : Marl* Baumann,* MarqulM de CaMll*ne, Maurice Hornardla, Mm*. Gabriel l.tiuet. Mine. HippulyteJtQiaiQ, Mm*. Victor Venller,* Mom Hiinceune, Man*. K. Y. Tea*,' Paul Noyron. H. J. II M. Ciniu, Tbonin Mills. lx>ai*Van Houtte. 1 Mile. Marie HaUy,! Pierre Molting 1 Duke of K'liBlM-ia-h. litieuii- ITI Kisber Holme*,* Pratiooli alicbelon.* Gen. Jacqueminot', luh a Hooper, Julee UarfUtin, Jji Uoaiere, Those marked ' are also reoom mended as oontinuons bloomers. The last three marked t are somewhat tender or un- certain, but the committee added them on aeeouut of their excellence. i lllUln. tl.Br.. Not many years ago aha bones of animals bad no money vain* and wers considered useless rubbmh. Later tbey cams la to use for making buttons, knife-handles, common piano keys, etc. ; then to supply phosphorus for friction matches aud other purposes, the demand for them inoreasing very rapidly. Soon their value as fertilizers was rrcignized, and now the farmer wbo does not save and make good use of all the bones he can find on his plais is behind tbe times. In the processes where large quan- tities of bones are used, tbey supply a valuable by-product in the way of fata or fatty acids, which are extensively naed in tbe manufacture of soaps and other articles of commerce. Two prominent bone products enter largely into daily use, viz., glue and animal char- coal. The trains of these two products aggregates millions of dollars annually. Huoh facts show the value of things too often overlooked, or so lulls esteemed as to be permitted to go to waste. Farmers generally understand that tbs chief f urtiliz- ing property of bones ii ths phoepbats of lime they contain, amounting to half tbeir dry weight. Tbe organio part, that which eaa be burned out, or will decay oat in time, contains much nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen sod ulphor, the sitrogen being valuable as a fertilizer. Tbs reduction of bones goes on rapidly in contact with fer- menting matters. They should be broken up and placed in a compact oompoet heap witb ashes, then covered with a thick layer il earth and the mass kept moist. It is letter if moistened with liquid manure. A well-made Wheel will endure constant wear from ten to twenty live years if oare i taken to use the right kind and proper amount of grease, but if this matter is not attended to it will be uited up in live or BIX rears. Lard should never be need in a waggon, for it will penetrate the bub and work its way oat around the tenons of the (tpoke* aud wheel. Tallow is tbe best ubricrator for wooden axle trees and castor oil for iron hubs, but many of the present axle greases are also excellent and have the merit of being cheaper and eaaier to handle. Just grease enough should be applied to the spindle of a waggon to give i a Blight coating. This Is better than more, for tbe surplus put on will work out at the ends and be forced by tne shoulder ds aud out washer into the hub around the outside of tbe boxes. To oil an iron axle tree, first wipe the spindle clean with a picoe of cloth wet with spirits of turpen- tine, and then apply a fsw drops of castor oil near the shoulder and end. Oae U ipoouful is sufficient for the whole. Other It urn i Retire. John Norris, of Wintereet Iowa, has a yearling colt weighing 1.30O pound* that be has been working since it was 10 months old. Locusts are creating much damage in the state of Vora Cruz, and coffee, tjbaooo, and sugar crops are threatened. They originated in Yucatan, aud probably they will extend mirth through the State of Yamulahas into Texas, or as far as tbs hot climate permits. In Sweden, when several dairy farms are located on lakes or navigable streams, tbe milk is collected and taken to factories by persons who run small boaU. Milk is njured less by being carried on the water than over tbe land, even if the roads are good and the carriage* are provided witb springs. Tbe recent increase of birds in tbe vicin- ity of Chicago is remarkable. In many localities bobolinks have become almost ss plenty as they are in tbe New England State*, though tbey were very scarce only a few years ago. Tbe robin-redbreast is also inoreasing very fast. During the past few years grows have put in an appearance. It is found in practice that beans are not a good crop to precede wheat. Oue reason possibly is that tbey leave tbe soil in too loose a condition, for tbe roots will not bold in winter. But the chief objection to beau* as a fallow crop is that they rob tbe soil of precisely the food tbal the wheat plant requires) phosphate and nitrogen. Farm- ers wbo grow beans this summer should save tbeir land for spring grain, which will givs opportunity for more plant food to accumulate before tbs pests are started in search of it. An Koglisbman wbo has given great attention to tbe manufacture of sugar in different countries thinks its product! on in Great Britain and ths I 'uited States will never be proA table if the beet is relied on to furnish tbe saccharine material. He says that the steaming process, whiob has been tried on a large scale in Germany, has disappointed ths hopes entertained re*prot i tig it. A poultry-keeper says that many flick* of (owls are affacted with scaly legs or " scab." This is the work of a small para mo worm which burro* s in the akin aud causes it to loosen in scales. It can be cured sanity and effectually by rubbing the leg* of affected fowls witb tbe following mixture : A tablespoonful of petroleum sod a bait ounce of lard thoroughly min- gled. i'our or five applications during five weeks will generally clean tbe legs of scales The petroleum whitens tbe skin for a time. aud sulphur may be substituted for the oil, being just as efficacious in killing tbe para- site aud not discoloring the skin of fowls. I III I OK> t !><> i \t nid t Ho. , .1 mo TIII,. Hear- In I arq.al .naiiea* is BMataU *>.,.-. When first perceived tbe tornado is generally described a* a dark, ( jnoel-shaped man*, hanging from heavy, dark, agitaud clouds. Ita roaring sound is heard as it oomee nearer ; and tbe whirling funnel is often seen 10 swing from aide to side, aud to rise and fall. Within its dark column various objects snatched from tbe ground may be ieen rising and turning round and round in tbe edd)iug winds; pine trees appears like bushes, and barn doors are mistaken for sbiugles. At a certain height these fragmsuu are thrown latter 1 out of the power of the ascending current, and then fall to tbe ground, often with violence, from their lofty flight. If such a cloud appear iu toe west or southwest, one should make all potwible haute to the north or south of its probable track ; but there is seldom time to . -pe. The rapidity of the storm's approach, tbe noise of its roaring, the fear that its dark- nee* aud destruction naturally iniipire, too often serve to take away one * presence of mind ; and, before there is time for reflec- tion, tbe whirl bat oome aud passed, and tbe danger is over for those who survive. Tbs force of tbe wind is terrilij. Heavy aars have been carried, free from the ground, at such a veloaity that, when tbey strike, the tires aie bent and twisted, and tbe spokes are broken from tbe hubs. Iron chains are blown through tbe air. Large IL. i i. ,..i i ., .1 . . el it M, . n . , ., The career of St. Oatien, wbo divided ths Derby after a dead heat witb Harvester, affords a remarkable illustration of tbe virisei tildes of a race norse. in addition to doubtful and unfashionable parentage he wa suob a mean, common-looking year- ling . at his breeder ordered his trainer to sell the colt by auction during one of the autumn meetings at Newmarket, soon after h* was broken. Ths colt bad previously been offered for sale privately at 1 100 to several people at Newmarket, including llsyboe (Mr Rothschild's trainer) wbo consented to take tbe youngster in li.juid lion of an account of t'iO. bul dsoliued to ive tbe " century." At Sherwood had only two or tbree bones at ths time, be consented to train the colt at SO shillings a week, instead of at the standard charge of 50 shillings, on condition that Major Brace made it cr to him if St. Oatien turned out well. He won all tbe three races for which he started at years old, and as his owner continued anxious to sell, Bt. Oatien was purchased by Mr. Hammond for 11 1,400 during tbe winter, with a contingency of " another thousand " it be won the Derby I liar veeter, en tbe other hand, cost 8 600 guineas at auction only a month before the Derby and the dead heal between the pair has been waggishly compared to Herring's well known pictures of " 81. Gils* and St. .lames." Sir John Willoughby is an officer in tbe Ontrds, but unlike the HaoNaba, wbo bosmt of the possession of a boat ol tbeir own at tbe fljod, Mr. Hammond began life in Ooldiug'a stable at Newmarket. From that employment he worked hie way into the position of confidential commis- sioner to many of the trainers and jockeys at Newmarket a vein of racing one which has secured him a fortune. London World. I h. P.M. , m .0.1 <hr Weal. Mr Cbilders, tbe English Chancellor ol the Exchequer, has a gray goal wbiob paces up and down opposite bis residence in Piccadilly, and la a great pet witb the public in that locality. Be has also a policeman similarly pacing up and down, placed there by a considerate nation to protect him from dynamiters. Tbe dim oulty which this policeman basin dividing bis protective attentions and seeing tbal the goat is not in mischief, and that, while so seeing, Mr. Ohildert may not get into trouble, and vit< vtrtt, affords much amuse msnt thrown with such strength penetrate the firm earth more. Children, aud even often been carried many beams are that tbey a foot or men, have feet above tbe ground, sometimes dropped unhurt. A velocity of wind ex oeediug loo miles an hour is required to produce suob effects. Strange ezam|>ls of tbe ffiud'e strength are found iu tbe treat- ment of small object*, nail* are found driven head first into planks . a cornstalk is shot partly through a door, recalling tbe firing of a candle through a board. More than this, tbe wind sbowe signs of vsry unequal motions in a small space ; bedding and clothes are torn to rags . harness u stripped from horses. Nothing can with- stand the awful violence of tbe tornado's centre ; and yet, at a little distance to ens side or tbe other, there is not only no harm done, but there is no noticeable dutnrbauoe in the gentle winds. Tbe track of marked disturbance averages OL!J bait a mile, and tbe path of great destruction is often only few hundred feet wide. from Prof, icork on H'liirlteiiuli, CycloHfi ant Tonadort." 1 III VKKV I I t-l ! fe>r r*e4lee A Novel Watrfc-fhalM I h Paimeol . i i h r r**to*l. In poodles : Russian towelling is tbe new- est coat for tbe poodle toy dog, so that tbey oanaojoy tbe bathing with their mistreeses at the beach. A novel watch chain has alternate links of gold and three odd coins joined at inter- vals. Fisld flowers, snob as buttercups, daisies aud dandelions, are tbe summer bouquet of corsage. Bracelets of oxidized silver &nd coins of Louis XIV., suspended, were worn by a lady lately on a visit to New York, aud greatly admired f jr their antique pattern. The parasol of the period has a mer- maid's head adorned with lifelike roses tor a handle. An advertising dodge of noise, it not weight, is a wound-up top which spins in front of a dry-goods store and bears a device of some artule within painted on il. The top is worked by electricity and spins for a quarter of an hour at a time. What -. i ralrv l*> Talakl|. 'At the commencement of my third year as an nuder-graduate," says Dr. Paley, tbe author of the celebrated " Evidences of Cbristiauity." and other theological works, I was awakened at 5 o'clock in tbe morn- ing by one of my idle oompauione, wbi stood at my bedaide and said . Paley, I have been thinking what a fool yon are t 1 ould do nothing profitably if I were to try, aud can afford tbe life I lead ; yon could do everything, and oauuot afford it.' I was so struck," adds the great controversialist, with tbe visit and the vintor that I lay in bed a great part of the day and formed my plan." What tbe plan was can be irnagiued from tbe course of life on wbiob the learned doctor thenceforward entered, and for a century hs baa been considered a riUar of orthodoxy and one of tbe most convincing apologists of Christianity. 1'el it seems that, as far as Cambridge is con- cerned, Dr. Paley mubt just as well have stopped in bed altogether and never writ- ten bis " Evidences," for at Cambridge he will benoefortb be dethroned. Hitherto, oaudidatee for tbe " previous examination " at the university have been requised to land an examination in the " Kvidenoes ," but in future tbey can, if they like it, sub stitute "elementary logic." Even at bis own univsrsity, a prophet i* net always sure of being held in honor. Tbe change, it may be said, is one tbe principle of which has been admitted for some time past at Oxford; and possibly it is tbe last blow alruok at tbe old notion that tbe Eugliib universities are tbe oboesn seminaries of tbe Church of England London TrlrgrafK. ChlMrra. Tbs Prince has three children a daugh- ter, the Countess Mary, wbo was born in 1 1 l-v and married about lour years ago to Count KoUiu, and two sous, Counts Herbert and William, both of whom ar* >OULK -r than tbsir sister, and unmarried. The lormer is in tbe diplomatic service, and has in his official capacity been attached to several ambasaiea, and recent!) to that in London. The latter, wbo bears a strong personal resemblance to hi* father, has devoted himself to the legal profession, and has been a member of tbe German Parliament. Both served at first as pri- vates in tbe Dragoon Guards iu the last war, during which tbe Prince evinced much anxiety on their behalf, riding out after them as often as circumstances per mitted. Bath of them work from time to tiinaiu the immediate neighborhood of ths 1'nuoe, in whose buroau binaou m law also found employment. I may mention, too, tbal tbe 1'riuoe is tbe happy possessor of grandchildren, Dae, sturdy little fellows, the eldeet of whom occasionally pay* a vuit at bis grandfather's palace, with tbe cap of tbe yellow ouirarsiers on bis fair, young head. t niiii.ii oru.iin Halr< In tbe Uoepital of the Koyal Guard* at Paris was a private soldier who bad re- ceived a violent kick on tbe back of bis head from a horse. Tbe excitement of the , hair produced was extreme, and could only * be kspt under by almost continual bleed - lugs, both local and general. Amongst a teries of phenomena produced by tbe state of preternatural excitation, the sensibility acquired by tbe hairs of tbe head was not tbe least remarkable. The slightest touch was felt instantly, and cutting them gave great pain, so that tbe patient would seldom allow auv one to ome near bis bead Baron Larrey, to put him to the test, gave a bint to au assistant, wbo was standing be bind ths patisnl, to clip off some hair with out bis perceiving it. This was dons with great dexterity, bat tbe soldier broke out into a volley of oaths, succeeded by com plaints, and II was some Urn* before be could be appeased." tt'oudtri of Naturt ad Art." The best teat of a human life is tbe amount of good i*. has been and doue to others. Mrs. Lydia K. 1'iokham may given a seat of bonor among loose wbc Lave helped to change siokuees into health and to transform the darkuea* of *ul! jriu into tbe eunshiue of rest aud hope. A H.h. l-r.l.l. , Along the west and north shore of 1. ike Outario, from Niagara to below Belleville, tbe water is almost covered with dead shad, commonly called " shiners." Muob con- jecture has been indulged in regarding tbs phenomenon. Tbe most plausible reason that has yet been adduced for tbe unwonted mortality among this species of fish is that it has been largely caused by a parasite which attaches itself to tbs gills. Tbs parasite is supposed to be bred in places where sewage was permitted to flow into tbe water. There is also a slight mortslity among the small sunflsh and rook baas in Lake Simooe. Tbe Natural History Society, of Toronto, will make an investi- gation shortly, when tbe result will be made public. Net Celebes' Is) a Be*. Delighted young husband-- What a treasure yon aie, my love I I thought yon were ao bound up in music and painting and embroidery and sueh things that yon would not think of giving attention to mob uupoetic things as meal*, but htre you have one of tbe moet delicious plum-puddings I have ever eaten." Blushing bride" Ob ! 1 do not forget that yon always liked nioe things." " But getting me snob a delicacy must have taken yon considerable time 7" " Wei 1 , it did , but that was because neither Bridget nor I kner bow to get il open." "Get what open, love?" " Why, tbe can the pudding came in." Th* Wlie-s " My dear," said a young wife to her husband, who bad already fallen into ths habit of going to the lodge in the evening, and who was just preparing to go out, " I am going up street to interview the Super- intendent of tbs post-offics thissvening." " Ab! indeed ; on what business pray T" 14 1 want to see if be can give me any advice in regard to getting a habitually late male in on time." The husband blushed, pretended he was looking for a newspaper inatead of his hat, and there was a member absent from ths I >dge that night. VEGETABLE COMPOUND,', . . IS A POSITIVE CURE * *" ->'i 1 I For all of ihu.r I'alni.l (rlavlei* aa1 u . ,u i, ...... ae . urn "i. .M lo ear ! i ^j . . i i 'i 11 i run i t i in v e IT WILL t t HI fSTIHELT TBS W'ISflT PXJBJI OF 1 HALS < 'Uri-AiMv AIL OVAKIA* TKiH BLBS, In) 1 AH ATI '* AMI I 1. r-RATI > FAT I t Ml AI O I I.A< EMEfT*. AMU TUB CONSISTENT >MNAL \VlAB sa*. AMI is rAjmrCLABU-Y ADAJTEI TO MAV..E nr Lirs. * s * e * e * e" IT WILL I.I**M E AXD nxrri. T' MOM raoi TVS' I'Tsni -IN v- i KI t FTAI.E r pn M I-ME-.T Turn TKM-r.v \ T''< AN' Men - Hi N iK- TtlKKEl" UB< aEB>* Er arniMi.Y BT IT* i -s . e i IT movi KAIITKE-*. FLATiiKMrr, nsvraovs ALL i KAUM. r.'i:-r:i I.A>T SJrBBBDJaVBl WsaaM UMIIf Till '.lAI II 1: INU.11EAD-] UK, Sr.Ht"! 1 I'HiieTBATIn*. I.ENEKAL 1>UIUTT.' llri'KI'-l 'V AMI IvillxCSTIIIX. * * e * S THAT rrr.i IN>, op REARING !><' v AI -IMI PAIH. WEII.IIT AMU HArKAi IIB. I- AI <\ I tHMkTLT i KBU sr IT i -i. **e*e* IT WILL AT At. I. TlVBft AM' I NDEIt AI I CISCTBV I kV> AIT l<l UAUXiiNt WITH TUB LAW* THAT TUB rCALC BY-TEH * * e * S i KIIB i- -< >I.KI.Y r- uTiiri ri.:riATS B* UN* Or PT*l1fr ASli THE kEl Ir. r i,F I'AIH. AMD THAT IT !! Al.l. IT i I .!. T i l"i. Tlliil -AMMOP IAS I.LAUK n-Iirt "a ( , Kua TUB iias or KIUM\ i .mi-LAiitn n B1TUBK rt\ TIIU UB1>T I- I \-' 1.1 A--rii e I Y HA r- riXKHAX-B VCOETAMJC lPOt TO B) at L.TBa. MA rYln- SL Kit b,<t!- t.w SJL - el by naau. fv***. paid, u (orm f F**> plnktuun'l -OkJ to II m- U- mi,.-d rrwUesf Lady .ndln* Mmrae. I it ii'nfll illi'li ian nil ~ No family ikouM t without I Yi"A r rlMtmin k FIIIJI Tt*7 i'ur*- > >rw'.it 1: UOIIMIIMI mm ( tW IjTi-r ' . . " What nonsense '" exclaimed Bertha ' Tbe idea of telling Mrs. Brown that you were only 33 !" " But didn't I do right dear/" replied Edith. " i ou know mamma has always taught us not to exaggerate. 1 s better to under rather than over -state ou know." A Imllliitf l>l.i o. . n A startling and important discovery was mad* when, after long aud patient expari menu, tbe combination of NKBVILIMI was reached. A grand victory, iudeed, for Ib suffering have an ever ready. '.prompt, ttt: cieut; aud cheap remedy at baud. Do yol know that for lo cents yon can buy a trial bottle of Poison's Nervilme and test its great power over pain of every description I'olsoo's Nerviline cures chills, pain iu th stomach, aide, and back, rheumatism , in f tat all pain. Bold by druggists au< country dealers. A pompous and opinionated man, whs dienussing a certain matter witb a lady exclaimed " I know I am right, madam I am perfectly sure that I am. I will be my ears on it, madam!" "I') you thiu it right to carry betting to such extrem leugths?" quietly responded the lady. 1* Aavtr* fheap f We think not, for if disinterested it has like every good thing been dearly pnrobaeec A fool may offer, but it requires a wise man to profit by it, aud you, my reader, ma offer or accept a little practical advios t'ss or tell your friends to use ocl Putnam's Corn Kxtraclor, for thousand have testifled, after a practical test, lha it is the only ears, eats and harmless remedy for corns in ths world. Bold every where, by druggists and dealers in medicine all over the country. Beware of substi Irrb. r. lo Ik. OHM. The steamship Lake Nepigon, of th Beaver Line, just arrived in Moctrea reports having passed numerous iceberg* some from two to tbree mile* long, off Cape Race; alao, that on the 20th June sh passed ths derelict barqaeutine Elbe Blanche, of Charloltetown. The Nepigon passed quits close to ths wreck aadaoundei her whistle repeatedly, but obtained n< answer. Two aftermasts of tbe K.he Blanche remain standing. A company in Connecticut manufactures nearly all tbe liquorice used in tbe United States 17, 000,000 pounds a year. Con- feetiouery and medicines take about 1.500,- 000 pounds, aiid tbe remainder goes into tobacco. w ANTED, LADIES OB YOUNG Hen In elly or ooantry to lake nioe llfht d plvaaaul wurk to their own boiuee , 9i m s* a day eaally and quietly made ; work aenl by mail ; no oaoTusiof : no stamp for reply PieeMaditreMMBLilABLBl MTU 00. PhllaJ*! ois. Peoa. U. C N. i NEVER BE WITHOUT COOK'S BEST RIEND SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. . JL nanuu ELIXIR IIu stood the test Tor Firrv-TlitKB YEAIS, and has proved itself the best reni'My knwn f<r the cure of Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough] and all Lung Diseases ) ' i ' > .*'LLt EviKVtVllalB. Price JS'. L)6WNS'"ELIXIR I 30 DAYS 9 TRIAL <:TI i 1-1.1' III.' \.M.TAir nri.T anil i ">. r ri*rr|.- i AIIIIAIII* an- tent ua :n Days' Trlel JO MKM ONLY. VOCSO OR ol.li. who ar* cosTer |n from Wii\ .rs I>HJTV l.ier VITAUTT. WATI-'I Wr 4ii anil all IBOSS illmr of a I'lMikioL NiTiat, r.'ciililon Iroro AKfau aafl l rrii i a CAtneu. Il|xi1y rrlh-f r I o.mr4i r-ii>rilii to flALT Viena and MAimo< (i-Aii4NTFrn. S. fi-1 a_t oav for nliutrmMil Voltaic 'Belt Co., Marshall. MicL Wonderful ! Wonderful ! rhouaana* "f y<"ittit nw-a arveiolalra AM ihv alnive wvrrj lav aft^r uala* II K, X>.?^ Ktj l _ C'Mlll'rly UMI mil; rellalilr prr|ian> tl<>0 fT,-r i.lTrml M lh pulillr trial will ,on- In < lk m.l i Ilrwarr t htm Unllall, iu l>Kit|lil. In jilalB riipr. on uf prli^>. SI i" prr ( ->i r l.I.vxit n.. :*, loixl-in. . AFTEM I'SINK H,<| Ajt'-nl fiT V H and Canaita. EYE, EAR AMD THROAT. DR. O. 8. RYER80N, L. R. O.P. H R Leeraro nn tbe Bye, Bar and Throes Trinity MMIeal OnUnce. Toronto. Oonlletaal Aari*t to th* Toronto nenerml Hoepltat. , i Ollnloal Api-itni Royal Uoodrni O|ihthalmle R'wintal Uuonfild'B an. I Central Loadon Tkroal and far Hnepltal SIT Cliareh "" Toronto. Artiflclal Htinian Ryes. KHTABL.IHHBD 1HH9. < . I I M A i J A I . 1 .< ) >V All kind* of Hes. l>r*ktf*ir*B hesrfhNl. also stirr <'brr. ksnie. PvejNrr, I ll Pat Ru Oarrlcr* (applied. ii<-ii-i. <a Uolborne str ne street Toroolo Cestej Ml*** !!.. K <o*eopea Hastaes ilneattua at Dmawrtsa res) manetolp at *b* FlI*Ue IAN B\~" OtresJsnlns

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