Flesherton Advance, 10 Jul 1884, p. 4

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AND "STILL THEY COME!" Another lot of beautiful Goods just received at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. Consisting of Watches, Charms, Rings, Gold Plated and Silver Chains, Cuff Buttons, Lockets, Bracelets, Ear-Rings, Brooches, &c., which are being" sold at prices that cannot be beaten. Every article warranted as represented. No trouble to show goods. Watch, Clock, & Jewelry Repairing personally attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. THE ADVANCE. A. K Fawcett. Editor. FLKSHERTON : THURSDAY. JULY 10, 1884. VWV QROUXDS FOH BLOWING." A number of our esteemed, but ratliiT jealous contemporaries, have time and again accused us of " blow- ing," or boasting of the merits of THE AUVANCB. Now we arc not surprised at this, for we are aware that the ' esteemed " ijcntleineu referred to look with anything but pleasure on the growing popularity of THE ADVANCE. But, so long as the public continue to show by their hearty approval that we are meriting their esteem and patron- age, we don't care a button for the adverse criticism of ungentlemanly opponents. To show that we have good reasons to blow about Tn ADVANCE, we may state that we Uttt week received order* for ovtr too hundred ropitt of THE ADVANCI more tkan the regular number iuutd I On several former occasions we have recerred orders for almost as mauy copies of our paper ( over and bovo the regular issue I as in the instance given. Any public meeting or gathering of any kind, attended by us in person or by one of our uumerons staff of special correspon- dents is tally and faithfully reported. Men who have opposed us " tooth and nil " havo received equal justice at onr hands with our beat friends. Truth before favor "" Principle*, not mat," is and ever shall be onr motto. And, thanks to an intelligent nd enlightened public, who have rfbown their approval in the most practical and encouraging manner THB ADTAMCB has been enabled to tide over three years of its existence, and lias brighter prospects than evj>r for its continued success. SCOTT ACT MESTIZO. A meeting of the friends of Tem- pt ranee in this district will be held in uini Town Hall, Flesherton, on Thurs- day next, the 17th lust., to organize for the Scott Act campaign already commenced in this County. The necessity for the friends of so good a cause forming iu a solid phalanx, and fighting shoulder to shoulder for the passage of the Act, is the- more ap- parent when it is considered that thousands of dollars have hecii raised I'V wholesale brrwera to defeat it. A word to the wiae is sufficient. The Markdale Standard man tells us, that he was " overpowered with work " last week, That very interesting bird, Grip, entered his twenty -third volume last week, which wns not the least impor taut event of Toronto's semi-centennial celebration week. Grip is and always has been an enterprising, energetic, humorous, interesting, instructive, and clean cartoon paper, and deserves the hearty support of all Canadians. TUE The "glorious, pious, and immortal memory of King Win. Ill " will bo commemorated in Hhe,lbume this year l>y Artcmcsia Orangemen.. \Vc would like to have seen the cven! celebrated by the " boys " some place near home ; but K rum,; grumbling aside, u<- wish them a good time. Tickets will be issued we believe, at reduced nit/en lietween all stations on our popular!. 0. & 15. 1!. The Yandfli'iir OOtlMponJeot is somewhat excited, :m-l relieved his overburdened soul in last woclt's titandnrd. JIU p.tivts arc rather unstrung owing to our exposure, but we hope ho will snrviTO sufficiently to prpve to the public that he is even a '. Ifcjjger goose than we took him for. "Whistler* ' Keply. To the Editor of the Advance. Sir, Some time ago I mentioned in your paper, that Mr. Jenkina of Durham was making a tour through i'roton in the double capacity of Dominion Licence Inipector. and canvasser fur the i Vi./u<-7< Thii ha* apparently aroused Im uriK.-tt], ,1 |i|,,,..| And the poor fellow ponn out hi.H wrath on me, the ADVAMCI, and in fact everybody else who may be BO unfortunate a* .lot to be Chrontttt sub- scribers. Ho inform* ui, that hit tour was not very successful ouly one party, Mr. Scarlett of HnpevilU, applying for license in the whole Towuhip! And that gentleman auhscribed for thu Ckronitlt! And Mr. Jenkinn calls him by some fancy pet namoi. He aayi : Mr. Scarlett u a tAojntt^a/y KnmoralAf man. " Me thi as it my, I feel very grateful to Mr. Jenkiiu for telling the public through hit paper, that the village of Hopevi)l a part of the Townahip of Proton hai a valuable citiicn. It should bo well fur that village to have soch a worthy man amongst them. Who can doubt it, when it comet fnm a man who. I have heard, i* likely to lead theDv-ham hmnchof the Salvation Army! Lot of old WM promised from on high thmt Sodom and Gomorrah would bo aaved if only to righteous people were found in those cities, and I think there is a chance for Uopeville yet. How, w> to the abase ahowered on you, Mr. Editor, I have only tp say I have fonn4 yon very mild and different from the manner in which you are panted in the Chronicle. My advice ia doa't both- er Jenkins thii hot weather, or there will be a ease of spontaneous combustion some- where in the neighborhood of Durham. Yours truly, WHISTLER. [ We heard of a certain editor of a Con- servative paper once, who played the lick- spittle and toady with a prominent M. P. P. (now no more) in order to prevail U|mn that gentleman to nuut him t krtji hit nfvjtpaprr /nuttiest o/luai; although this self-same editor was at that very time boasting f his Urge circulation and ex- tensive patronage ! ! We als* heard of an editor who was so drupk while attending a Township show iuths village of Price- ville, that he had thu audacity to insert, that he at one timu wrote editorials for the Toronto Mail /which, it. u needless to say, was a f aim: lux id pure and simple. These are merely a few instance* showing the littleness of soul and want of principle of the editor wu refer to ; and iliould we hear of a case of " spoutaneoiu combus- tion" occurring in a certain locality, wu will not be very much antonwhed. ED. ADVANCE. Where are Thoe The Maxwell Propnet Requested to Rise and Explain. It will be ii'ini mU'ii-d by our readen, that a rather startling prophecy wu published in THE ADVANCE last spring to thu i-ffi vt that the villages and towns of Ontario would bo over-ran by Fenians sometime during Ik* tii week in June last. The public Were advised to seek seclusion in the caves and <>cky fastnesses until the storm blew over. Mr. Sterling of Maxwell, in the Township of Oaprey, was the originator of this remarkable prophecy. As before stated he founded his predictions on something said con- cerning Armageddon in the, book of Joel. Now what we want to know is, why didn't those Fenians turn m> per promise) 1 What averted the predicted catastrophe ? June has come and gone, and still wo are in thu land of the living, and we didn't have to ''seek seclusion in the caves," Ac . A- iv worth a cent. What doe* Mr. Sterling mean by disappointing us in such a manaer anyway ? We don'tlike to be humbugged, and thu fact of the mat- ter is, we won't bo humbugged unless we can't help ounelvus. Therefore, Mr. Sterling, prophet and what not, be kind enough to explain what you mean by predicting things which do not cow to pan. and thus humbui(gjng a lespectable community. A Sri'usN ATTACK. All people, and es- pecially travellers, are liable to sudden attack "of Cholera Morbui, Colic, Diarruaa and I'.Mwntnrv. Pr. Fowler's Wild Straw. berry is tlie most prompt and reliable remedy known. RESTOHATIOII. Mrs. Adelaioe O'Brien, of Buffalo, N. Y . was given up to die by her phynieians, a* incurable with Consumption, It proved Liver Complaint and was cured with Burdock Blood Bit' tors. GHKAT FATAI.TY. The ravage! of Cl.oleri liifiiiitniii ttn.l Summer Complaints aiuoi g chtl.lreti i* truly aliirminf. Tin; in^st icli fthle core is Dr. Fowlor'n Wild Strawlicrry. Every bottle guaranteed to giro satiific- tion. A Ooon Tixi:.--Wlieti i< ihp hMt timp to take a blirfiil pnrirlir? When evir the l>lood }!< fciul nti'l bnaon nppi-iir. or when th Hvuteiu U dcbiliiated luku linnlock liluod liittem. Bucklen'o Arnioa Salve. Tho Itest Slv<- In the worlfl fur Cut'i. Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dy- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea SICK- ness and Summer Complaint ; also Cholera Infantum, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T, MILBURN A CO., Proprietors, Toronto SULPHUR IRON ITTERS Soren. fli-i.r-.Hiilt llhfiim. Ki-vr HiTe", Ti'ttir, Chapiwd Handii. ChlHilalB*. Corns, an<l all l-kln , Bmpuona, and ponltiTslj me, Pllv*, or no ) ar r>n|itlr4. It injunmiiti f.l to KIVII |i>-i ffi t i.tii faction, or inimev n< fun. 1ml. nto* MOM I box. feti.-ialo by W. ~ Health & Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE .. Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, And every species of disease arising from Impute lil'xxl, &c. &c. ruii-Airii >r mi I Chemical Company, MONTREAL. JAMES G. CARSON, -GENERAL AGENT OF TIIE- Vorl li American Manufacturing Co. (Limited) For the Counties of GREY, SIMCOE, & DUFFERIN, TVnmew of North AVICI i.'sin Harvester mid Twine-Binder, G ft. cut. oft. cul. Imperial Hnrvester, iinprved. Diploma Harvester and Reaper. Improved Model Mower. J. P. Mannty Mower, I X L Reaper and Mower, Combined, " Single Reaper, " Single Mower, Hay Rake, F. F. Grain Drill, Nortli American Seeder, Improved Hill Plow, Improved No. 13 Plow, Corn Cultivator and Scaffler, Large C. Bo:: for Horse Fewer, Little Boss Horse Powir, Horse- Power Jack. AlK>Johu,p M) re'.clbrate<lAiiierlcuPlowi; Herw-Pown. Heuvstoni. Wentorn Kmpife uil*Msch1n "r* ' A ?"" Poruble KnglDM and e|.rtor. and Hc,ri 1'ov.or. ft Se|.iU>r. Agents Wanted in Every Township ' FOR FIEST-CLASS Cistern Pumps, and Sinks [ Earle Strain's Tinware Emporium t WM, CLAYTON Has on hand a Largo aftaortment of BOOTS AND SHOES. K^f Suitable for the Summer. Call and see thorn. -^i Quality and Price Second to Hone ! WM^LAYTON. - FLESHEUTON. The Thoronith-bri'd Wvrhain Hall The Thorough-bred Durhnm Bull " sDITFFEEIIT," u PRINCE ARTHUR," will utand fur the Kcrrlco of cow the neanon of INN4 at lx>t 14U. 11 Eait, T <t H. K..,l, AituuiMla, i PUfOBM Tho periiRrco of Utiffcrln run thrnuch tho BhUli American, Aineiunn. and BngllaE II. <d Ikxditi, anil U flrHt-clami in oMtry parttmliir nuffnriu wan ant by Koilorick i In>|v) \\-tu It. A. H. R.| . dam Sorah, by Duku .f ()iuali . :w,:\ I 17THII. A II II I. g ila'lil llutti'ii'iiii. liy IliittorHv liuil. I'.ilJ CIKtl A. II II i :u.l dam Valentine, by H.III.I-.I 'I i .1.1 i U, 040 K. II. l; ,. For balance of |*ilii;iee hue Secretary's elitri. TKIlMH.-*2 iwr frrailo cow; f<|wcial arrant'f ' ineut* with |iartlef< Iu lii|{inKtlir<iiiKlibi<lcaUlu t payable Jau. Ut 1IMS. AIICII. CAIUNH. will ttand for the fctricc <<f CKH the nouon i.l 1HHI, it Lot 1M, T. A S U. d. Arti ii.twla. TKhMH, "jrentr. (,n c, ,w. t,, 1.. i, a i,i J, n Ut lHH'.:rooiii fee 10rnitn.it. he | i,| at time of nervice. I'txIiKm to bo non at tl.e |n iip WM CAUK PARKKK. STRAYED. Froia tliv premlne* >'. tl.n nmli.r- lulled, tot:*. f>th ( mi. ArU-mwia a tu< \.-n .11 >t.-i v m itl red color. Ally (ici-'ii. ii\n . n.i ,niatx>n lead Inn M the reiovorv <( the l i.vo . I be n.i'i I .K rewarded. \\.N1 H. HI.MrniLI, Arteinecia. .Tune ! . I i i BITTERS <'<ir<-i Diuautt, Lett ef Afpittt*, /<// /..,/i, ., J)i/Kj)r[>siu, J,intln;-, Affections of 1hc, Lin-rand Kidney*, Pimple, Matches, Hails, Human, 8<i!t Rheum, N.rofala, Eryslpclis, and all <l t #cascs arisiny from Impure lilaod, d Stomach, or irrryular action f the Hone'*. *

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