Flesherton Advance, 19 Jun 1884, p. 4

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Mr. Henry G. Vennor, the weather prophet, died at his residence, Montreal, last week. Whatever opinions may prevail as to his success in the weather business, it is evident he was highly respected as a citizen. Russell&apos;s Noted Jewelry Store! Richardson&apos;s Blndk. Flesherton, For Bargains ! People wonder at the prices, and ask, " How can he sell so cheap 9 " The reason is, he BUYS DIRECT PROM THE MANUFACTURERS FOR CASH, and therefore sells at WHOLESALE PRICES, giving the public the greatest bargains ever offered. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Repairing a Special! y ; Satisfaction (inaranteed. Sales for Cash only. i THE ADVANCE. .7. It- Fawcctt. Editor. FLESHERTON : THURSDAY. JUNE 19, 1884. THE LIQUOR MUST GO. The following from Canada&apos;s great nit only cartoon paper, Grip, ia a jiaineut on the leading cartoon in that various and outspoken journal which, iiv the way, has never yet given forth any "uncertain sounds " on the Tern- I >i ranee qut stion : Notwithstanding the frantic efforts &apos;jl tlie friend* of Ruin, their cause in this Province is doomed, and the day - not far distant when that unspeak- able desperado, the Liquor Traffic, will b lynched by a long-suffering oinmunity. It is tolerably certain that a goodly proportion of the conn- ii&apos;-s now being contested will be car- liud for the Crook&apos;s Act. and the workers for that end ought to be in- -(ired by the knowledge that us soon i - a majority of the counties declare f*: Prohibition, the government in 1 to grant it. In the meantime i he campaign is going on briskly, not . little h*lp ag.xinut the traffic being .iniishrd by the disinterested mem- lors of the Exceedingly Benevolent Trade, who are so injuilicious n.s to itt&apos;>iupt an :irg:imcnt in the public press. Nothing is better calculated to . .iuv an intelligent reader of the I&apos;U-tensible character of the wl.iskoy insiness than the labored apologies of .!- votaries. " THE l&apos;KO/f/RlTIO\MOVL&apos;. ME XT. &apos; .\ letter from a clever correapon- dent, under the above caption, appears 1 n this issue of THK ADVANCE. AH we a VL> ever been actuated by the spirit it equal rights to all." we give the li tier a place in our columns, however niucli tlie sentiments contained there- in may be opposed to oar own views ;.hc Temperance question. The .u-itrr seems disposed to think, that &apos;PMnpnranrc poop&apos;e have no right to interfere with the &apos;&apos; privileges " of ii.i<y who indulge in intoxicants. If II men, or even a respectable portion f i i|i.-i latter clasa were really mn<lrr- &apos;/ drinkars and never got any worse -the question wonld present a much liflcrent aspect. As it is, there arc l&apos;->ur lirunkanU to every nun who KiuS n )t drink to excess. Druiiknes* 14 a fruitful Bourcc of crime ; therefore i*. is just as n-ieeasary that laws b n.tcU&apos;d to prevent crime through .l.iinlincss as through any oil. er chan- nel. The Grey Rtvietc last week admin- istered a well deserved drubbing to the Chronicle on the absurd stand taken by the latter paper in regard to the Scott Act. THK Flcshertou AKVANCE entered on its fourth volume last week. The Au- VAMCK is a sprightly and promising three-year old, and is among the most welcome of our exchanges. Shell*** tret Prett. Mr. Henry (r. Vennor, the weather prophet, died at his residence, Mon- treal, last week. Whatever opinions may prevail an to his success in the weather business, it is evident lie was highly respected as a citizen. An End to Bone Scraping. Edward Shepherd, of HarrisbarR, 111., says: " Having received BO much benefit from El- ectric Hitters, I feel it my duty to I it suffer- ing humanity know it. Hare running .-.iv (.11 my I.-H lor eight years ; niy doctor* told uiu I would have to ha?e the bone aci-aped or leg im|nitUd. I used instead three bottle* of Electric Bitters and wren boxes liucklen&apos;s Arnica Halve, ami my leg is iiow -ciun.l and well." Kin 1 trie Bitten are Hold nt fifty cents a bottle, and Uuekleu&apos;i Anno* Halve at 25c. per box by W. Richard- " Truth&apos;s " statements conceniiug the Rev. Thos. Graudy, in our last week&apos;s issue, arc replied to in a vigorous! manner by two of our most esteemed correspondents in another column. Apparently the writer of the " Truth " article should have assumed a name more in keeping with his ungentle- manly remarks. The Flcsherton Advance " entered upon its fourth volume last week, and seeing that its editor is alway alive to j the interests of his constituency there is no probability of the faucet of pros- perity being turned off.Shelburne Lonnomitt. Cruelly Murdered. In the Province of Ontario ever)- year thousands are buiug ilowly murdered by taking unsuitable, untried nostrums for Mich romplaiuU as Costivenes*. Indigestion, Liver Complaint. Kidney Troubles, etc . who might easily regain lost strength and energy by as- ini; McGregor&apos;s Hpeedy Care. To convince them that such is tin- rase we will give them a free trial liottle at Richardson&apos;s 1&apos;rug Store. Priee Site, anil II. Hee testimonials from persons in your uwu town. THE MARKETS. FLEHHKRTON. The Fleslicrton ADVANCR ban enter - &apos;<! tii>on its fourth year. It is ably conduct* d by Mr. A. R. Fawcett and meritH the hearty support given it. Me only know of one paper that is as well printed, and mod sty prevents us from naming H.Chnky Knterjtritt. Flour 15 00 to Fall Wheat $0 50 to Spring Wheat 50 Harley 50- Oats 85 Peas 60 Butter 12 Kggs, fresh 12 Potatoes 80 Pork 7 <MI Hay. per ton 060 Hull i 4 OU Wool 15 Sheepskins 50 (i.-ese (Mt Ihu-k*, IMT brace OU Chickens, per brace.... 00 Wool ., 15 5 50 i oo i oo o 00 88 U I&apos;,:, 15 00 05 7 50 7 00 G 50 18 1 00 00 ool 00 18 JAMES G. CARSON, -GENERAL AGENT OF THE- \orlh American Manufacturing Co. (Limited) For the Counties of GREY, SIMCOE, & DUFFERIN, TVaxnef* of North American Harvester and Tvrine-Iiinder, 6 ft. cut. i ft. cut. Mr. W. .). \Viitson. the late excell- . V. editor of the McafonI Minor, is n,v editor of the Barrio Ailvince. The rftixcn* of Mcafprd gave Mr. Watson 1 1 a 1 1 w.;ll murjted " BOIM! off," i.i tli" 1 s&apos;lapi&apos;of a well ftllod purse and j;\tly wonU-d address. The princi- i . U I&apos;liix.&apos;n.i ni" the town took an active .ni in tlio ixfTiir. While, we are sor- ry to In- ft&apos;i.-li a gentleman DS Mr, W.itaon from th-&apos; ranks ofi Iho news- ,&apos;i-\*r m.&apos;-n 01 (trey, wo wish him -r rater Ktircy Ihau evpr iu his new. Corrrcsi>ondents making vicious and uncalled for jwrsonal attacks on pub- lic men, under cover of assumed names, are little above the hyena or jackal in point of moral courage ; and) it will be found in many cases, that they are suffering from diirate nf the intrllect. We like a manly, honest, above-board opponent no matter how vigorously Lu strikes out from the shoulder, so long as he faces us fairly and squarely " like a little man. " Hut there is no word in the Kugliah lan- guage strong cnongn to denounce the villainous cut-throat who, under covtr of a mask, strikes a in ai-lieronn blow on the back. You have no opportun- ity for discovering your assailant and administering the castration duly earned by such rascals, but must "grin and bear it" as best you know how. Rnlhrrfurd .>!!,._,. S.imu l>u<ly lia* nent us u Catalogur of I the mentioneil tV.llogc, and judging fruni the readinx that Iniiitiou is doing a great and good woik, in North Ci>n>lina, we notice among the names of numerous ntu- 1 dents, those ,,/ Mian. A.laline Mntil.la; Hunly, and Jone Harlan Pnnly, cliildrrn if our old friend Mr. Win. 1&apos;urily Into of Kugenia, Ciruy Co. Out. wu nr* ploasc.l t.. loarn thnt they liavo n|>|>ortiintty f<T a Oolle/iate Education. Miw Anna Itutli- 1 clla I&apos;unly, it seems, |>rufers "kuciiing the house in ordur&apos; and practicing nnwu-, to (.&apos;ulluye Btiulirst, kuccuds to nil who , leave fun ida, but Iwttcr success to those wlro renmin. Cures Cholera.Cholera Morbus. Cy- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea S;c/> rpssand Summer Complaint ; alto Cholera Infantum, and a I Coir.&apos; plaints peculiar to childrj i teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T. MILBURN & CO., Proprietors, Toronto i i.-il Harvester, improved. Diploma Harvester and KM|T. Improved Model Mower. J. P. Mauney Mower. I X L Reaper and Mower, Combiimi, " Single Reaper, " Single Mower, Hay Rake, F. F. Grain Drill, North American Seeder, Improved Hill Plow, Improved No. 13 Plow, Corn Cultivator and Scuffler, Large C. Bon for Hone Powr, Little Bos Horse Power, Horse- Power Jack. Also Job o Detn-e celebrated American Plows; Horw. Power.. Separator*, WeMsm Rmpifi- MI anil Hollera . CouiMued l*ortabl<> KUKIUCM and Hv|>arator. and Horn* 1&apos;owtm * Beparatui - s Mill Machinery, Ac.. Ac. Agents Wanted in Every Township I FOR FIRST-CLASS Cistern Pumps, and Sinks! Earle Strain&apos;s Tinware Emporium! KL. ES 1 1 K K.TOIV . The Dominion Organ and Piano Co. WM. CLAYTON Has on hand a Largo assortment of Mens, Women s & ChiMrens BOOTS AND SHOES. Ksr&apos;Suitable for tl.e Summer. Call and see tlain.-%sj Quality and Price Second to ITone ! WM. CLAYTON. - FLESIIEKTON. Tin iin-fil of IIII-MI for in-onii&apos;tiii? jn-r-c n i] | stboticii it iln> tn .1. C. Aver A do., whew i iii-..ini]i.iiiii.] H.in Vigor in a uuiversal bcaa- tilicr of the luiir. lUrnili-K-;. effi-etivo, nnee. I .t\>\r, it has tak^n rank sin m^ the iiiilisptniwble nrtirlen r.f the luik-t. To scan- &apos; ty lock) it gire< hnurimioi- , mvl witliernil ! hair it rhitbus with tlic I. UP of yontb. % Han tin- largest and mmit complete factory In th Uumlnlun -IMM55. Highlit Bncri irir iwaritd to as? lUkir la U* Wwli. M&apos;-.UI and Diploma at < mi- un;l, 19711. M&apos;-dai u<l Diploma >t s>-ilM..y. Australia, IW7. <iM M.-.IIII allTuvlnrlal FiMbltlon. Tnronto, IIT8. HiKtifnt AwnrtlM m iBduatrtal Kxhtbltlofi, TorovUL KfTS-WNl. Wa ASS ow M .M-r,. n HIM. SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Bur IK mi MAIEIT. Cormponitrne)! Holleltvd . s, n.l for IllnilraU4 Ca alogue, malt<*4l frvc. Addrtw* 1&apos;iiMIMnN OIM1AN AND PIANO COMPACT. BOWBAKTILLE, OUT. Burdock BTTERS < &apos;nrf.i D,;;iit,&apos;M, LttufJffftitt, Indiijcitwn, littiwsnets, Dyspepsia, J<ivn<licc, Affect ions of t he Licer ad Kidney*, Pjmpl.&apos;s, Bbtclus, fruit, Htanors, Salt Rhran, Scrofula. Erysipclix, and all duxaset ariginy from Impure Blood, trmffA Stomach, or irregular action of th<- Botcelt, tin I horou- h in . ,i Uurhiini Hull Thr Thoruunli-hred Dnrhan Hull " DTIFFEHI1T," will t*tan<l for the cervicn of cow* tlio soamni of IMMI .1 ?^t |1 iMtKait. T. AH. lloaxl, Aitrn.otit. near Klesljertou. rKDK.HKE. The pli4|rco of UufTeiin runs tlironi;li tin Hi iiit.li Aiuorloau, Aiiii i< an. ami Kn^lii-ii Hero mM)kn t aii<l in Qifct-l&ttM Iu uvvry pnitiLulai "Viftoiln wan i-nt by Horti-rtrk ilmii.) nl H A H. B.) ; dam Norab, by Duke of Oiuagh [aOT3l i.,fi. \ H I*, i , u ilhin i. -.LI- M ni . i iltat:rn> 2nd, [91] 1 7D9T A. R. B.) :nl ,)aui Valentin*, by n..n~t i.iin . l.f. 1*1 K. H. Hi. For Iwlauco ol I&apos;odHjiri&apos; >w Hvcrctary&apos;n untrien. TKHMH, Q&apos;i ir giailf cow , >|>uial atraimn mi utt, with itartlt^hrinylnt; tlioruughbreil tatl>t I HMiliU- June I- UW AltCH. CAIVNK. 1&apos;ropr letor. "PRINCE ARTHUR/&apos; will tnnii fnr the net vice of cuws tin staaea i>l 1HH4. at Ix> IflO. T * H. Iliad. Artiimorts. H.li.vis. TtMnU |>r con, to b MM Jan ]( 1K8 . , KI uulin fw 10 ci ntx. to IHI paul a* tluir of rvi, i. I&apos;adttpiM to b ioon at tho pTOVrutor rnidfiit-c WM. CAUK fAKKFK. I*ro|irirtor STRAYED HEIFERS. sti ni . <l froui tin- jirMaiiwa ol the unrtailRnod. [iOtMs\T. %v B. U<>ad, AiUoiwla, two yeaTlinn Reiforn <mu re.1 in color and the other rt.au Any |Miriiii Klvinc Infntuiatlon leading to th^ r,-t<-vn j nf the above will tw suitably rewarded. WM. CAJlR PARKER. r i

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