Flesherton Advance, 19 Jun 1884, p. 3

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NEWS IN A NUTSHELL. new Uigfc Mr. W. P. Chisholtn is tbs Soboul trustee in Oakville. Rev. E. lioberU but been elected Presi dent of the Bible Christian Conference. Kev. Mr. Oalbraith hn beu elected President ot the Montreal Methodist COD. ferenoe. Tbe Congregational Union of Ontario and Quebec baa decided cot to admit women to membership of tbe Union. Bitting Bull neto 950 week for exhibit- ing himnelf . A bear weighing y U pounds WM killed, lant week at MUladore, Wisconsin. Mr. Watkini, of St. Catharines, uae been appointed 1'ublio Bohool Inipeotor o( Klgiu oonnty. An KiglMbmen baa recently introduced on tbe Thames a real Venetian gondola and gondolier. There are no surplus men iu tbe aeld embraced by tbe Montreal I'uited Metho- dist Conference. 'I lie amount doe depositors of tbe Peno Back ot Pittabnrg is 91.4CC .(JOO, and tbe amount of overdrafts tl,250,0ua Mrs. Ford, of Harrison. N.J., aggravated by her son 13 years of age, became so ex- cited that she fell on a chair and died. Five of tue tix murderers hanged on a recent Friday in this country declined that rum had led them into crime. There are now 906 Presbyterian mission stations in the Northwest Territories a very eredilable showing. Tbe United States House of Represen- tatives passed the California and Oregon I.aud Grant Forfeiture Bill by a vote of 15'J to 10. Mr. W. B. Clark, who hax been for seven- teea years employed at the freight sheds of the Q. T. R. in Ooelpb, bas been ap- pointed station agent at Limehonse. Middlesex County Council bus under con- sideration the propriety of stopping the uss of tobaooo by tbe inmates ol the County House of Refuge. Yesterday afternoon Eddie Duftou. > bright lad of some '.< yean, son of Mr. J. M. Dot ton, of the woollen mills, London, was drowned in tbe Thames while bathing. A Vera Cruz, Mexico, young man barbar- ously kicked bis wife, recently, because she refused him 91 a week for spending money At fashionable dinner parties in New York, says the J/jiV, only tbe green tips of asparagus are served. Tbe committee of tbe Quebec Legisla- ture in 'charge of the legislative library have reported iu favor ot excluding works of fiction frouj its shelves. To-day the ratepayers of Toronto are called upon to vote for or against the by law devoting 9115,000 to certain oivio im- provements. A Londost insurance cosnpany bas re- ceived in the past 10 years over Ho.OOO " ooneolenoe money " from persons who bad fraudulently recovered insurance. Fifteen Massachusetts girls bavs en- nouuoed that they are going to lake a tramp of 300 milss in the Adiroodaoks tbis summer. They probably intend to do 30 miles apiece. The Duke of Rutland bas taken so heavily to heart the removal of the Duke) of Wellington's statue from Hyde Park that ke writes : It it were possible, 1 would resign my peerage." The new French ambassadorial abode at Home is tbe Roapiglioei Palace. A splendid houMwartaing entertaimueut was lately given. Cardinals were thick as Haok berries iu May. One Saturday night last month Edward Pummel of Castleford, England, returned home drunk and, it is alleged, ill used bis wife, who was found dsed nsxt mornirg with a newly-born child crying by her side. Tbe coffee, tobbacoo and sugar crops in Vera Cruz are being ravaged by swarms ot locusts, which have come from Yucatan. It is feared that they will extend through Tamanlipas into Texas. A farmer named Beshsaw, living in the township ot Anderdon, while quarrelling with bis son ou Monday, struck him on tbe bead aud knocked him senseless. A fatal result is feared. The teuts of " the Orsnde Ktrmesee ' in Place d'Armes Square, Montreal, col- lapsed during a thunderstorm ou Tuesday. A ohamab'* fancy fair in aid of Nortre Dams Hospital was ID progress aud a num- ber ef ladies fun ted. Tbe damage amounted to 19,000, but nobody was hurt. Councillor Palinerton, of Simooe. bas given notice that be will at the next meet- ing of the Council introduce a by-law to prohibit the erection of barbed wire fences on the streets ot that town. A Chinaman ingeniously evaded tbe law in British Colombia which provides that a second story shall Dot be built on tbe top of an old House, by raising tbe old Louse with jack screws and building a story un- derneath it. For ways that are dark, etc. New Brunswick is the only Canadian Province tending exhibits to Urs Forsstry exhibition which takes place tbis year in Edinburgh. Sixteen large eases of wooden goods, specimens of wood snd foliage, etc., have keen forwarded from that Province. Miss MoFarlane, a respectable young lady of Quebec, committed suicide at Montmorenoy Falls Wednesday evening. It is supposed that she entered tbe river above tbe falls snd was carried over the boiling surf. Her body has not yet been recovered. Mr. John James Redpatb, a member of an old and respected family in Montreal, died yesterday. Inberiuugan independent fortune from bit father, who commenced life humbly, be gave up business years ago and lived on bis income. Us was ons of tbe founders ot the great sugar refinery, in which he was a large owner of stock. Tbe Tilsonbnrg Obterver says tbe passing of the Bootl Act in Oxford baa been tbe means of badly tumbling the value of hotel property in tbe county. The Woodstock hotel in Woodstock, which cost 139 000 to build, wrs sold last wssk for 93,600, and tbs Royal hotel in Thamssford, which cost 96,000 a tew yearn ago, was sold the other day fee 11,960. Tbe rtesnt speech of the Right lion. Mr. Chamberlain, President of the British Boanl of Trade, in moving ths second reading ot the Merchant Shipping Bill, occupied three and three-quarter hours), and is said to be ons of the longest ever '1 slivered in the House of Commons. Be npuke wi|bopt pausing even to take a drink of water, giving Herenoe to what would fill aixtees or seventeen columns of the tsVfJsV .,..< lll.u I. A .1. , Ths lengths to which keen competition carries modern advertising would make a better book than bas yet appeared. There is hardly any field of labor in which so much ingenuity, fancy, skill and money is expended, all of wbicb, ot count), every- body knows. Tennyson not long ago wrote a poem for an Eastern magazine for tbe confessed purpose of advertising it. Be received $15,000 for tbe effort. Now I bear be hid been offered 9100,000 lor a poem advertising a certain manufacturers' wares. My Lord Alfred, most people will b% in- clined to remark, will Da a goose if he doesn't accept. Advertising has given certain impetus to art. Not a Isw ot ths struggling young artists owe much of tbe euooursgemeut they have received to go ou to the- liberality of merchants who buy their pictures to oatoh custom with. The most original aad cleverest idea I have ueerd of, however, is that of a Chicago man who proposes to hire a phalanx of bald hsads, paint ths name of his compound upon their shiny scalps, and exhibit them every night iu their historic front-row Mats at tbe theatres - 1 Inter -Oeeum. ' Lounger," in Is* Chtcagt Ul.<|nnlmt.l. 'John," said a father to bis son, yon have disappointed me greatly. 1 have given yon every opportunity to learn something, but it bas been just money thrown away. You are the stupidest young man I ever saw. You know nothing." "It is true, father," said John, with a sigh. "I never see you with a book in your hand," pursued tbe father ; " you pever take up a nswspspsr ; yon know nothing of current events. Yon don't take after your mother or me, for we've both got good natural intelligence. What you're going to do to earn your living is a piuzle to me. There isn't a single earthly thing that yon can turn your band to." " But I'm not altogether an imbecile, father. I can count up to a hundred." " 1 know it and that's what vexes me." " Why T" " Wby, don't yon see, if you didn't know that much yon would make an excellent juryman tor criminal trials, but your know- ing that mush entirely disqnalitiss you. It's a sad case." Sonif OJHIM. . ni I . , r . II. . III. A Delaware farmer bas ploughed under 40,000 herrings ss a fertiliser. An Ogletborpe, Oa , boy bas invented s cash drawer for which be bas refused flO,- 000. A Lsedville girl name Daily is reported to have oonghed up a needle on Monday which sbs lost in her knee a year ago. New York pickpockets have a new dodge of securing ladies' purees. A boy ot 14 or 1 '. strolls slong behind a lady and bounces a rubber bell on the sidewalk so that ft rises and falls close to her dress. While she is watching the motion of tbe ball ber pocket is quickly ruled. Miss Jennie Casseday, cf Louisville, who is incurably confined to ber bed as an In- valid, is nevertheless prominent as super- intendent of a flower mission, and now shs wants to send bouquets, on June tub, to all tbe orisons, penitentiaries and reforma- tories in tbe United States. She thinks it will humanize the inmates while tbe flowers last. HWW 10 1 t K H 1 1 f. < Kfc t M nhlr II lo I. /tb.Mi ,h, M !.... r i < Mhlrfc tlo.i f..pi. Arc PSBMk At home it is quite impossible to produce all the many varieties of ioe cream without more or lees care and expense. "Tbe heoret of making goed ice cream of any grade," said Miss Juliet Corson, whose re- cipe* are here given, " lies in the freexing. Tbe old way of frssrtng cream, which is still in use among small confectioners, con- Hinted of occasionally stirring tbe cream while it was freezing in a tin oan, set in a tub of ice and salt. A more easy snd expe- ditious method is within tbe reach of the average housekeeper in these days of patent freezers. Tbe asms principle underlies all the best known patsnts . . , the mixing of tbe cream by a wooden beater, which re- volves inside tbe can by the same motion that slightly changes the position of tbe oan in the outer tub of ice and salt. This freezing mixture should be composed of three parts of ornshtd ioe to one of coane salt, of which care should be taken that it does not reach high enough around the sides of the can to penetrate to the in- terior and so spoil the cream. Tbe water formed in tbe outer tub by tbe melting of the freezing mixture need not be drawn off while the cream is being frosen unless it is likely to get into tbe o*u, eacause the water is intensely oold. If it is dssired to pack the cream after it is fro/en, the water may be drawn off and enough more ioe and salt placed around the can so reach nearly to the top. Ice cream packed in this way can be kept over night, or longer, if the freezing mixture is properly renewed. When ioe cream is molded ' or packed in moulds of fancy shspee, all the epenings should be closed with butler or oiled paper fixed about tbe apertures of tbe moulds with paste or gum Iragaoantb. " Ice creams of tbe most ordinary sort are made with milk thickened with arrow- root or corn starch in the proportion of a tablespoonful to a quart dissolved in oold ater and then boiled in tbe milk, which is cooled, sweetened and flavored before it is frozen. The sort of ice cream usually mads at home is composed ot milk with a small proportion of cream, with eggs and sugar added to it ; tor instance, dissolve half a pound of sugar in a quart of milk place it over the lire and lei it heat to boiling point ; meantime beat three eggs to cream, pour tbe boiling milk into them and then return to the fire and stir until it begins to thicken ; then at ones remove it from tbe fire; stir until it is smooth ; then flavor it cool it. and when it is cool freeze it accord ing to direction given. Frozen custard it made in tbs same way, only five eggs at least are added to a quart ot milk. French ice-cream, thick and yellow, is made by boiling a quart of cream with a long vanilla bean, aud cooling and strain ing it ; then the yelks ol twslve eggs are beaten smooth with a quarter ol a pouni of sugar , the cream U then mixed with the eggs aud stirred ovsr the fire until i begins to thicken ; directly tbs cream begins to thicken, take it from ths fire enc stir it for flvs minutes . then cool ant freeze it." Ne York Evening fott. < ..m.rnlr. .Tllresjn. We have all seen on tbe plains here, swys tbe Coluia SUN, beautiful sheets of water in appearance, in which men would look like giants, sheep like buffslo. and small bouses like great castles. Portions of a level plain will sometimes seem to rise and a ridge appear, where, in fact, there ie no ridgs. The prettiest mirage we ever ee>w, however, appeared te us the other day just above Jacioto. A Held of bright yellow poppies was raised to an apparent height of about twenty feet, so that they appealed as an immense bouquet set in a inset of water. Tbs delusion was so perfect that it was bard to realize tbe fact that these flowers were on level land . perhaps lower than tbe intervening country, and that they were really not over a tool high and on a dry plain. >...,. T , .1 . , , u , . .1 I r Tbs impenetrable mystery that has hitherto shrouded tbe tragedy on Luni Island, Nisgara Falls, in which Mr. Peal son lost his life, as was supposed at ths bands of bis brother-in-law, V odder, auc which was deepened by tbe letter's com piste disappearance, bids fair to be cleared up at last, the holy of tbe latter having been found yesterday in a good state o preservation in tbe Cave of tbe Winds. An inqusst will be held to-day. A i>>. I oil - i(l *. I .< KllrrIUiri t. lion b, sTallMr whm ( hi DlsteufcrrU iro kss silks. Medical men, says the New York Timti, will be relieved by the resull which has en reached m a singular cess before tbe English court*. Tbe plaintiff was tbe atber of a child wLoiufferedfrom "croup." I being neoeasary to insert a tube iu the bild's throat to relieve it from threatened uttocation, tbe operation was skilfully performed. After tbe insertion of tbs nbs tbe physicians requested ths father to free it from the accumulated matter with bis lips, which bs instantly lid, the doctors neglecting to tell inn that be incurred any nsk. Tbs child lied, and its diseaee proved to have been diphtheria, by which tbe father, in turn, fas soon attacked. He sued the doctors 'or damages. The case was tried twice, kc-1 was much discussed in the Bnglisb iress. I! poo tbe first trial the jury dis- agreed. But Lord Coleridge told the second ury that the doctors were right in telling ibe father to free tbe tube, and a verdict 'or ths defendants was found. Tbe prin- ciple, we suppose, is that it is no part of a doctor's duty to incur danger in ths dis- charge of his profession, when tbe act to bs performed requires no particular skill and >an be devolved upon another standing in relations of blood and affection to the pa- tient II.. U i !*! ol III . I. On a Saturday night in 1859, when Dan Bmmsll wis a member ot Bryant's Minstrels, New Y <rk, Dan Bryant cams to him snd said : D*n, can't yon set up a walk around ? ' 1 want something nsw and lively for Monday night." Dan went M work and by Sunday afternoon he bad ;be words commencing " I Wish I Was) In Dixie." This expression was not Southern, rat appeared among the circus people of the North. In early fall, when nippUg froete r ould ovsrtake tbe tented wanderers, the Hoys would think of the warmth ot tbe South, and the common expression would be: "Well, I wish I was in Dixie." This gave the catch -line, and the rest of the song wss arigioal. On Monday morning it was re- hearsed and highly commended, and at night a crowded house caught up the refrain and half of them went home singing Dixie. The song became tbe rage, and W. W. New- comb's, Buckley's Minstrels sod others gave Dan 9600 eaob for the privilege of using it. Mr. Werlean wrote to Dan Emmett to secure tbe copyright, but, with- out waiting for a reply, published it with words from Mr. Peters. Pood, ot Hew York, secured it from Km'nett for 9600; but VVerlean sold tbouaudn of copies with- out giving bim a uiuael. Not only was Kmmstt robbed of the i r. tils of bis song, but the authorship of it was disputed. Will S. Hayes claimed it as bis own. Pond brought tbs matter before a music publish- ers' convention, and settled Ibs authorship : but Dan reared no benefit from this tardy justice. Italian.! Time$. til. *..! r|BB DBC l.arlpk HrrrhsuM. I <.! '* Pittas; BI. u, Jesp ill- it-da. A Monday eveniLg'- '.! cram from ( iuslph ssys : Charles I .- boot and shoe merchant charged wi'.u n. endiarism, has skipped out. He i. i ; released on bail, giving 9^00 m bis -e aad two sureties in 9400 each. 1 . to have keen disposed of befm I > re w this morniug. His Honor eal at 10 o'clock. Counsel on l '.h -dee were present, and after waiti...; . ue time for Kirk to put in *n ap( vu.it, jet , inquiries were made, when it was lean:*! that he bad not been seen sr. % 1 r. lay Us*, on wbieb HHV h *> t hr -.o Toronto to an...,,- r. u.c u.ait-.. It stems, bowsver, that hi* d was the States. His wife foil. . u Satur- day morning, and his bu .' ' now in the bands of bis creditors. . 'ge ordered his bail escheated, and !> : . warrant tor his arrest. Tbe block . ? whieh he is said to have nred .iel in ths city; fortunately only -lii;li: >oiage WM dons. -r. oes. An Kuglisn doctor reports the case of a lady who had a regularly recurring series of abseessee upon tbe ankles. On enter- ing ber sitting-room one day he noticed a pair of her shoes, and on tbe impulse of the moment, he directed his patient to use a large broad-heeled shoe. She did so, itnd has bad no trouble for two years. Her former shoes bad a long, tapering heel, set nearly In tbe middls of tbs sole. A Detroit despatch says John M. and Elisha Warner, who nearly killed Trea- surer Crnsoo, of Lafayette, Qratiot County bavs both been sentenced. John gete ten years and Elisba tour. They are Caoa- dims, bailing from Gnelpn, and attacked Crnson with the intention of robbing him. Tbe Hungarian papers, and especially those of Jew-baiting proclivities, now de- olare that tbe monsy of German Jews was liberally used and was largely instrumental in fomenting the recent election riots; in Hungary. A similar feeling against ths Jews and Germans is also prevalent throughout Bohemia, and bas just found expression in the formation of the ISoehnjer Waldbund, an anti German league, at Prague, with branches through- out the country. Three tramps commanded a woman at Crestline, Ohio, to cook a breakfast for them. She said coolly that she would do it ; but shs brought in a cooked pistol in- stead of food, and they fled for their lives. She bad more bravery than strength, how- ever, and has since been a raving maniac. Speaking of Bir William Thompson's announcement of a belief in a " possible magnetic sense," the AUeniit Nntnlogitt thinks that we might as well be logical ud liberal, and add to tbe present senses ths touch senss, tbs self sense, the power sense, the logioal sense, and ths psysbio, mus- cular, and electro- magnetic senses. To divids and sub-divide U believed to be a rawing habit with medical writer*. An Oswego (N. Y.) firm bas orders lor a million torchlight bandies, in view of tbe approaching political campaign. Tbe thirteen -year locusts liave appeared in East Felioiana pan b. Louisiana, but not in sufficient numbers to do any damage, Tbe inscription on Beaooustield s bust in Westminster Abbey is " Lord Bsaoonafield, twice Premier of England." Two hundred and twenty-five thousand persons live in furnished lodgings in Paris, aud most of them possess no reserve of pecuniary resources whatever. The poor and despised are much given to boasting ; they feel tbst their position is equivocal and they brag to make it lees so. It has been said of Millet's " Angslns " that it u the only picture in which sound bas been painted. CILTIC MOHAI.UIMH. Scene A shieling in tbs north. Tonal (who is a rapid upholder of " use and wont " on reading the debate on Dr. Cameron's Cremation UUI) It's awfu' ! awfu' ! tey've profaned ta kirk wi' tere organs) an' hymns an' fat sot, and noo tore trying to profans ta kirkyaird pi purnin' ta ashes o' ta teid in pottles I Rain has fallen copiously n all parts of tbs Province and tks territory. Tbe crops are in splendid condition and promise well. Keeping a gaming-house bas been decided to be a felony by tbe Supreme Court of Tenneesee. Westohester County, Ntw York, is suf- fering great damages from tbs ravages of tbe apple worm, tbe pests being so nnmsr- ous that people are obliged to take the middle of tbe road to avoid being covered by them as they drop from tbe trees. Karl Oranville aad M. Waddingtou bavs agreed upon the basis of tbs conference ol of Egyptian affaire. Thsy affirm tbe principle of a temporary occupation of Egypt by England, to which, however, no limit Is fixed, and propose an international control of the powers to audit tbs whole ystem of revenue and expenses of Kgypt Kugland reoognizss the suzerain rights u( tbe Porte throughout Egypt, including the Soudan, and Francs formally abandons al claim to a dual control. The Iszy and tbe industrious oan never live happily together ; the lazy despise the, industrious too much. Be loving, and you will nsver want for love ; be humble, and yon will nsver want or gu i ding A paper read before the Forestry Con. gress estimated tbe cost of ths railroad ties ('M UBS* <! . |r used in the United yearn at 914,784,000. States every seven Because It Is silly to believe everything, there are some so wondrous wise as to selieve nothing. In Dr. Sargent's recent lecture on "What Shall We Hal to Gel BtroLg?" bs said iu the course of bis remarks : " It bas been customary to train athletes on len beef and mutton, but he thought this a mistake, as tissue-making food should be used in combination with these, and tbe diet should bs so changed as to meet the requirements of tbe organism of the per- eon using it, for to establish one diet for all persona was ridiculous. Beef alone is not superior to meal, beans, or other farinaceous toed, and the sise of tbe mutcles of a man is not indicative of bis strength. Farinaceous food tones a man down, and will tend to give him more en- durance, A man who oan sinks a blow equal to four hundred pounds would be called a strong man, but this strength cannot be kept up for any length of lims on animal food, as it oomse from ths base of the brain, and endurance must be sought for in othsr kinds of food. To reduce tbe weight of a man in training lean msats may do, but when he is down in weight be must go back to food containing more carbon, such as bam and sanaagee, which should always be eaten oold. Three years ago this would have been considered ridiculous by trainers, but for a diet for running, walking and rowing it has been found that saaobar ILB food, with beef or mutton, is Ibs nest . tea ooflee and alcohol, as well as condiment*, are objectionable ; indeed, it is not toe quantity of food a person eats that strengthens him, but tbs amount assimi- lated and worked into tbe organism. llamrd Herald. I ...ftl.u sTrall Shepherd plaid is ver i Pinking is much used ' Ball dresses ar t still I New leather bolts are u. : the Udder style. Oriental wraps are very Stumble for the seaside. Ropes of pearl aud o- '. -Js are sold for bat trimmings. New lace paras-jl co .- uade in the accordion style. Handkerchiefs are t-oker-board designs, in different col Ankle-ties and the L> hoes make the feel look Urge. New largo pockets an . >ltiog, with painted sprays of flowen-. Patent leather vaiup* il tops are tbe fashion for ladies' sL - Tbe dye of black at and crape veils ie iwuonons to m Psncils of Indi ink ar at dsmand tor use ou eyebrows ai.d eyes. Orange, ochre and terrs are the colors most In demand i '. :ckings. Ths narrow strips of 1 uibrotdery make tbe prettiest mantt . . juice. Many pUin white !aUH have tbe flounces, yoke and block . ' <jne hem- stitched. Some handsome chair - 'e entirely of brass, lib, plutb cu- - 1 on. Tne ugliest new boi. ; :. appears to Its ordinary eye ta be ' tcissors. Brocaded grenadine c\ ' d now ol all colors outlined with -<-!<:, red beads. Valenciennes lace is ressy trim- ming on SWISH uulm d - > nan on tbe oriental. I'okers should be mad. - : >i and laid on the sweet omelets a. : . 'kee after Ibey are sugared. Nothing can be pretti. cidsnmmer wear at watering pUc i the new shirred white and ecru D . ' hat. A new light -gray cluu . made with a polonaise, is heavily i . with silver on tbe vest and p<uieU ( Very elaborate afgb. . made for ills' carriages ol sat.. v..n painted designs and mottoes, or ..: ; .-.u with sm- An elegant new tcreet. ' . i tbe bough of its paiutsd tree a reel .uffed owl perched and osJmly ooou. u ; : ing a golden moos in the right corner Sorim, which comes i. br l:iant eolsrs fifty inches wide, and only :nae eents a yard, is in great dsmsnd :ur w.udow, door and bed drapery for suuiu. . u- . Parasol- holders to bar .ir in rooms are made of kid i * long, foundation, with two ur desirsd. Golden rod or i-.t, is painted ou eaob pooket. k. WeSMia. in Oar ll.ur. .r II, .. One Philadelphia woman bas been mads a lawyer, another a iquire and tKi 1>nn sylvania State Medical Society bas admitted women to its membership. The woman is marching on. She oan practice law, shs oan sit ou tbe bench and bold court, sbs oan edit a newspaper, she can run a steam- boat, she oan practice medicine, she oan sharpen a lead pencil, she oan tis a bundle, she can ride a bicycle, climb a tree and talk bees. Beloved sister, welcome, a thousand times welcome, to the ranks of man. Bless you, dear sister, bless you. Take these tr srs ; you have earned them nobly , wear 'em with honor. In all truth and soberness we do rejoice in your " emancipation." We are glad every time you score a success, and no man will try to bar you out ol bis own profession unless be is afraid that yon will take first place, and be be only made a foil, in whose ignorance ber skill shall, like a star i' tbe darkest night, stick fiery off indeed. (Original. Witb William Shake- peare.) liaicktyt. He is doubly a conqueror who, when a conqueror, oan conquer himself. Modera- tion and mercy shed over the laurels of ths conqueror the lustre of true glory. It a man is determined to do the beet he oan, whether be drives a cart, conducts a business of a million dollars, or preaches the Qospel, be cannot fail. In order to impart dignity to tbe town of Maroa, 111., forty ot ths merchants have signed a pledge to wear nigh silk hats, instead of the wide-brimmed slouches that have been u, fashion there. Falsehood U in a harry , it may be at any moment detected and punished. Truth is esUoi, serene ; its judgment is on high ; its king come tb nity. out of the chamber* of eter A big thing ou ice The NTIU PoU. An ice man is not alway s % u.oe masj. Delaware is a great !-utt> for freest peach. A frigid frown is first > < i-m to an isy smile A " chilled " plow is rev. j m winter. A game of ' freeze ou: -sometime* warm work. It is a rold day when .bunk of ioe doesn't get left. Few men are " cool ss a cui-.:uber " when they get in a pickle. A cold day for defe . candidates makes them red-hot for rt \ A Harlem amateur garc.c with a nigh Hakle the other A Gotham youth call- Cream " because she is cool An impecunious youilr- - ut bis loot girl lee 1 kweet. 1 congeals when bin gsrl eyes cream ami i*ks him to treat. Coflalf J by (V .NVip 1' (. Jtumal. Tkr It .11 . i ! it One day a tew weeks a , cne of tbe richest men in Chicago w*-> *.*ked for a private interview by a mrauger, who explained : " Yea an very rich. You have had wonderful luck. Tell me what to speculate in that I may make money ?" " Never (peculate at all,' 1 was the serious answer. " But you havs made money in railroad stocks, wheat, silver mines, canal stocks, etc." " Not a dollar young man I In fact, that's tbs way I bavs lost thousands." " Why, then, bow have you made you wealth ?" " By inventing a spring bed ,u<l k iatsnl- ing a hoot- jack. Let all speculations alone, and turn you attention to th solid wants of the people." H'aU Street Xtt. A sarrei Brsslaerr. 'There isn't a button ou this shirV' dismally observed the you' i: husband', shaking the garment before bis wife's eyes. " I'm sorry, my lovs ; it mtgtr. have btajj remedied if I had had time." " Why, you've got nothing to do. What do you mean by saying -f ycu had had tints ?" " I mean to say that if there had been DO occasion for me to trim over a last spring bonnet tor this spring's wear, I would nave had time to look after your clothes." Ons of those rare, birds, k white reWaj wss seen at Plymouth, Mass . a few dsyi

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