Flesherton Advance, 5 Jun 1884, p. 4

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Born. -In Flesherton, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. W. H. Elder, of a son. In Tyrone settlement, Artemesia, on 1st inst. the wife of Mr. Wm. Parks, of a son. Russell&apos;s Noted Jewelry Store! Riehardsoa&apos;s Block, Flesker ton, For Bargains ! People wonder at the prices, and ask, " How can he sell so cheap ? " The reason is, he BUYS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS FOR CASE, and therefore sells at WHOLESALE PRICES, giving the public the greatest bargains ever offered. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF, Repairing a Specialty ; Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sales for Cash only. ME ADVANCE. .7, R- Fitwcett. Editor. FLESHBRTON: THURSDAY. JUNE 6, 1884. : a VOLUME IV. With this issue THE ADVANCE tillers its fourth volume ;and it is.with feelings t&apos; deep gratitude to its many readers ind friends, thai Ihe Editor records the fact. We have been nobly sup- ported on every side, duriug tbe three yuan we have filled the editorial chair >f THE ADVANCE, hy true and tried friends. Seldom has tbe lot of any country editor been cast in such a I&apos;ll usuui place as has been ours ; and liow much lighter our toils and cares have been made by this fact, can only l>e truly understood by those similarly situtatud. However, here we are entering our fourth volume under very favorable auspices, and with a stronger deter- mination than ever, to make Tax AD- VANCE the best local paper in Grey, Onward," is still our motto. JUGULY CREDITABLE. From the report of one of our coras- i-judonui. it, will be neon that tbe tin- .inces of the Eugenia circuit of the Methodist church aro in a flourishing .-onditioii. Rev. Thos. Grandy, the nial and popular pastor, has worked .on UTS daring the three years he has been in charge, and deserves much iTedit. We regret most sincerely that the time has at length some accord- ing to the custom of the church when ho will remove to some other circuit. Our best wishes for his continued suc- cess in the ministry go with him to &apos;iis new field. THE CROPS. Notwithstanding the rather nnfavor- blc season, the crops are looking well ill over the country. The fall wheat lias been rather badly killed in places ; but in the Heaver Valley it will be ">re than an average crops ; unless HOiuothing unusual happens between now and harvest. The fruit crop, under favorable circumstances, will be &apos;lie best fcr many years. At the pro- fit tiiuo there is every indication ofa ni&apos;Mt bountiful harvest. REV. MR. MCDOWELL. Rev. D. C. Me. Powell has now been pastor of the FJeshcrton Metho- dist Church two years. Ho has ever .shown himself an earnest, devoted, iisistent Christian, and has earned esteem and respect of the public vnerally. Of every few men wheth- r ministers or laymen can it be truthfully said that their every day life has been in perfect harmony with their S.J)bath day professions. Mr. Me.- i >owell is consistent in this as in tvcry Dther repsct. He is fearless in the utterance of* his honest convictions, nil strikes at the root of popular fall- acies with an unerring aim and witli- >&apos;it gloves. If there were more men "f his 8tamp.in the world, and less of those wishy-vfashy, milk and water -ops, who are a curse to both pulpit ;uid pew there would be less skepti- cism, than there is. EDITORIAL KOTES. The Mt. Forest Advocate is now the best country newspaper on our large list of exchanges. The union of the various Methodist bodies was consummated on Sunday hist. The Ontario Conference meets in Toronto next week. Mr. H. Benner, of the Port Elgin Free Preu, has purchased the Mt.- Forest Confederate. It is said Mr. Stovel will start a third paper under the circumstances. We do not agree with our correspon- dent, " Valentine Muggins," that our villagers are always behind the times in all matters affbctiug their interests, whatever our opinion may be in re- gard.to his statements atieut our school house. The annual session of the Supreme Lodge of the World of the Ancient Order of United Workman assembled in Toronto on Tuesday morning last. A number of delegates from different parts of America arrived on Monday. The session promises to be a very in- teresting one. Mr. Trull, the Thombury weather prophet, has made some very good hits so far, but he made a great mistake when he predicted a famine. At the present time there are not the slight- est indication!; of a famine. Even suppposing the crops should fail, thcro are enough other things raised by the farmers to prevent a famine. The Toronto World is strongly op- posed to the Scott Act. It has taken the trouble to send special reporters out into the County of Halton to ascertain the state of public feeling concerning the working of the Act. The reporters did their work well at anyrate they interviewed everybody except temperance pen/tie. The horse usually driven by the mail carrier, Mr. Waite, between here and Flesherton, and owned by Mr. W. Taylor of that place, died in the Roy- al hotel stable on Saturday afternoon. Inflammation we hear was the cause. Meaford Monitor. Yes, and Mr. Waito has since been discharged from Mr. Taylor&apos;s employ meut on what grounds, we are not aware. Prof. Blendmann, an eminent Ger- man astronomer, has at length suc- ceeded in proving that there are ac- tually towns and villages, cultivated fields, deserts and oceans plainly dis- cernablo on the surface of the moon. Tliis is the most remarkable discovery that has taken place for hundreds of years. Who knows but that all the great planets in onr solar system are inhabited ? Time will tell probably. Tbe Editor of tbe Markdalo Stan. <lard read a most blasphemous piece on "Tobacco" at tho Methodist Church entertainment in Markdale on tbe evening of the 24th of May. And yet this high-toned editor has the brazen effrontery to preach to others about " respectability," " vulgarity," and " slang !" We like to see a man practice what he preaches ; but we do most emphatically detest hypocrites. BORN. In Flesherton, on tho 3rd inst., tho wife of Mr. W. H. Elder, of a son. In Tyrone settlement, Artcmesm, on 1st inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Parka, of a ion. The Duiidalk Herald man expresses his surprise that we did not visit his sanctum the last time we were hi Duudalk. We kave turned from the error of our.wa*, brother HaH, hav- come to tbe cWfausion that it is neither pleasant nor profitable to waste our breath on mugwuupg aud cranks. Had we desired to call on you, however, on the occasion you refer u>, we would have been compelled to go to your residence, as your office was closed for the night. DR. LOW&apos;S WOltM SYHtP will remove all kind* of WnrniB from hiMrrii or adultfl. THE MARKETS. FLESHERTON. Flour $6 00 to Fall Wheat $0 50 to Spring Wheat 50 Barley 50 Oats 86 Peas 60 Butter 12 Eggs, fresh 12 Potatoes 80 Pork 7 00 Hay, per ton 050 Hides 4 00 Wool 15 Sheepskins 0-50 Geese 00 Pucks, per braco .. 00 Chickens, per brace... . 00 Wool 15 50 00 1 00 CO 88 05 15 00 05 50 on M 18 M 00 00 00 IK The Dominion Organ and Piano Co. JAMES G. CARSON, -GENERAL AGENT OF THE- \orth American manufacturing Co. (Limited) For the Counties of GREY, SIMCOE, & DUFFERIN, "V :t m-- of North American Harvester and Twine-Binder, C ft. cut. 3 it. cut. Imperial Harvester, improved. Diploma Harvester and Reaper. Improved Model Mower. J. P. M HI nicy Mower, I X L Reaper and Mower, Combined, " Single Reaper, " Single Mower, Hay Rake, F. F. Grain Drill, North American Seeder, Improved Hill Plow, Improved No. 13 Plow, Cora Cultivator and Scuffler, Large C. Box for Hone Power, Little Boss Horse Power, Horse-Power Jack. Alo John Deerc&apos;i celebrated American Plow*; Horie-Powen, Separator*, WMtorn Emptfc Knuini.i and Bnllcn ; Continued 1&apos;ortablu Kuginw and brparatorV aud Hurw I&apos;uwen ft Sui>arator r . Haw Mill Machinery, it.. &c. Agente Wanted in Every Township ! Galvanized Iron or Tin EAVETROUGHING Earle Strain&apos;s Tinware Emporium! Has tho larKcnt and most complete factory In the Dominion 13"il55. Hllbn*. Soun irn Awirlrf to 117 Xtkir 1: the Worll ViNlnl nil IMplnmi it &apos;&apos;entrnnlnl. 1*7*. MriUI mil Dlblonu >t Sydni-r, Australia, HOT. (i(ild M..I.1 f ProvlncUl KlhlblUoa, Toronto, ins. Hlgtmt Award! tt lndutrll Exhibition, Toronto, mvsvw. WB AIB vow MAjnTPAcrrrBnve SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. IIMT m mi MAUIT. Correipondrnre Kollcltrd. Send for Illuitratod Cat aloguc, mailed free. Addrvat DOMINION OIIOAN AND PIANO COMPAJTT. N TILLl. OUT. SULPHUR IRON BITTERS Health & Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, And every ipecin of disease arising from Impure Blood, &c. Sic. Climax Chemical Company, MONTREAL, Boots, Boots! I have on hand, a very large stock of Ladies and Misses Balmorals & Fine Button Boots, BUTTON AND TIE SHOES, AND Fancy Slippers! A Large Variety of Children^ Hoofs, Shoes & Slippers ! A Large Quantity of MENS AND BOYS COARSE LACE BOOTS, FINE GAITERS, AND BALMORAL SLIPPERS AND SHOES. QUALITY & PRICE SEC&apos;ND TO NONE WM S CLAYTON, - FLESHERTQN,

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