Flesherton Advance, 29 May 1884, p. 8

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HEARD'S Carriages and Waggons, nro 111 Lie ot t!i lxlel<Ml6<l tlinlior, and nil thol*tet Improved Machinery are employe* In . .; The Bolus are wt hy Patent Hoxinu Machine, anil are pressed Into the Hub by a Press , . . ,i ..mpjwor. au.lca:i never get loose as loxe do wo<led lu the old way. HEAHD S Waggons. i U tttiuj,M considered. U the Cheapest. btroiiBust, most Durable, and the Kasieit Uunuing Wai^oun UobJrt Baal s*y that be could not drawhU Home 1'owor u|i a very steep hill without help on n rl'Ki4jht Waggon and he say. he can do it with one of I1KAKU S Waygoun. Jle known that JOHN , H II BAKU inake> tho KaMput HiinnliiK \VaMRoii. Come aiid se<* the Carriages aud Waggons aud Machinery for Making. HEALTH FOR ALL. Euitcnta. (From niir oini I'orrripondeni.) [The followiiig lumld have ai>|>i'iued in our laet week's ismie, but wu miulver- t*tly overlooked.- Ei>.] Seeding nmhinn almiK this "" ouol weather. Ministers gettitiL: l"t of tying ii|> ar- (|UM J j^^ H op ,. t | lt ,y jj e t f a t fees. railway comine t.i Ell- AYER'S PLESHBRTON Cherry Pectoral. HO LLO WAYS PILLS & OINTMENT THE PILLS Vurify the BlouU, eurrt>ct all I>iordur8 of tbo Stoinneh, liictn'yw, nntl ThCi Invlcoratvan I r.-tor,- to health !> Mlitatwl Constitiltiona. and are invaJuahlo in all foul- , i i lit - in. i U uta! to Feiuale of all c*v For t'liiliireii ami the ui-<l tliey are piiceleM. THE OINTMENT 1, an Infallible M-incdv for Mn.l Ij-t-i, Had Hre-aMn. old Wonii.lK. Sorei and rU-em. It U fauiou> for omit Hiid Khi'iiniatisin For dlnordurit of the c lic.-t it haa no eiiual. For SO UK THIWAI.BIWJICHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS lilauJular S*ulliui;ii, aud all bkin Dineanea U baa no rival; and for contracted aud ttlff joint* it act* like a vhanu. Rannfacturedoiily at l'i..; t ^r.c>r HOI.LOWAT H 7H, >w Oxford Street ( late 5:i. Oxford Street >. London. uad are sold at la, 1J<1.,2. W.. 4. M.. Ha., 92s.. and :tls. rarh MI>X or Pot. anil may !>e had of all Me<ll- I'int- VeiKloi - throughout tlit- \\ orld. JT ]'iircharr "n Iht I >V|V '. I.'nuliin. tll'ij ill''' IftheaMriM is tutt This is not the "lied Hag" you have read so much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dealing Flag, carried hy Mr. Thos. Duncan, Tailor, Flesherton. WILLIAM iio(;<;7 FLESHBKTON STATION. Ifullv aiiiiiiiiiici's tliut i.R ii.i> n-i'i j Large Supply of \ew Gocds, (or the i'ii<'ii. all <if which have lucn |mrrli:t id to tlic hot <l vantage, aud will be (old clicap for Caah i>r Coiintiv I'ro.tm'i*. Tl:e new urrival* arc - iiinl viiri-.'il in Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots &c., Mm A (nil i u( tl ,.( Hiirdware. iro'eries. Provisions. Oorkery. - > Stork invited. In- .!/// Urn nch Store at El'fi'/:'.\'l.l kept fully iritli dooils. I ,.(!, i Fn!'. S VI. K or Ti) LET. my s.V\V MIU, at Lit'lc K.JI,. ; <lrive nnrtor :ii ft i I . I \..,;. r : nil in ^ ..... I .it dor. wiih alic.iii loo HITCH of Tim IMT I, an. I mi wliirli tin MilIU 1. rin-n- an- :il,i ^.vl^ul nthcr (i ..... I Mill Sites on tUu propnty. I.il.i ml T. run i -i ]'u:vlniM- 1. r lease to a Cunipelriit mau. V.M. IIOUU. -lu-rtmi S: iti.,n. Iht XOT..IHHH. " Sounds "f great hig catches of wee IMPROVEMENTS. A s-lain-e in the interior of Mr. M. Akitt's (jrist mill .satisfies one that exten- sive, e\|niiivi- and excvllent improve- ments have been imule in our town mill. Mr. Win. Pedler has also much im- proved the aiiijaraiifc of hia town resi- ilenee \\'hat iiied to he. .Id, dirty shutheii, now W-ini; eleiired no, fi-m-ed, and cultivated, iriven the \ilace more an ir of renpecta- hility. DBKioi's ACCII>I:NT. Some few duys ami iis Mr. (JIMI. Turner his horses in the stable, -re of them Kinlil.-i.lv kicked, and Mr. Turner received the Mow on his check and jw. He was hurled out of the door liy the force of the Mow, and fell senae- le**. Had tho horse lieen shod, it is not likely lie would ever have known what hap|ieiicd him. AH it warn he has had a sore time of it putting in his croj.. THK FRMAXK. At the time of the ..'real Fenian tussle in June, as |irvdieti -d, the i.e.. pi. in this lucalitN do nut ]ir.i]HiHe to hide ill the raves and "rocky faitneMM elose l>y. Hut ]ierha|>i the t.iMes niiyht he turned, and the "rabble horde " b run into the subterranean fissures, and shot into black- ness of darkiu- s fur ever ami ever ! I.U K-1 KI'(il:.MA 1TKM.-. The laeiii'Talil.- '.'4th came and l.r.nijht with it u dull, dam;, morning. Wu had heard of number* intending to spend the day here, from the siirroundnn; country : but a> noon .In v ..n it pnjved that the Mate of tho wuatl.i r had a telling effect on the Hp'intn and ardor of the people who luul pm-|Nised lu colue. A few mily of the neighboring vilhuri r.< and country-folk visited our romantic town. ritE>KNTATI".t VM> A|i:i!IESS. I'.u-L.r (irandy and wife wi-ro agreeably surprised on the eveiiiii<; of the 2Hrd by a number .if the nn mliem and friciuU of tin Methodist Church dropping m by twos and thrct-M 'intil * little company wen- u'atln rud. Then Mr. ('aimthers handed a neat addremi and well- rilled purse i Mrs. (irandy, an a slight token of es teem and respect not i-.o much f. i it . intrinsic value ai fur tho spirit it conve\ ed. And as the aliovc company dispersed after spcndiiii' a pleasant hour tin- Temperance people, with the Worthy I'.itriarcli nt thi'ii head, begnn to pour into the. sitting room and relill it. Spen- ding some time in pleasant chat and music : then chniiL'ing the |iro'_ r ramme, they snr).nsi'd Mr. 'ii'andA- .IJ.MIM hy jii-e M-iitiiig him with several very nice and useful articles as mcmuntow of respect and esteiiu, and as small tokens uf their appreciation of his efforts in the temper an. -o cause. Ke\ Mt limiidy expressed his thanks in fitting terms. i:\eiy (.'on*! hoinowife will renovate the entire hmige at least every Spring ami Fall. Our systems oftei. need renovated aUu, ami there i< nolhiug better to make pure blond nnd fli :iiiim and regulate all the secretions than Iturdock I!!. md Hit- ters, preventing ih-.-as* incidental to tin- season's No other cuiuplaluU are >o iiwidiuui In their attack u ihows atfvctiug tin- throat and lungy: lion* ao trifled with by the majority of luttur- cr. lln- urdiuary cou^h or cold, remitting lrlia|K from a trifling or uuconi-n.uii i-x- |*ure, IE often but the beginning of u lulul ricknoi. AVKU/I i iinua l'i . I.-IIAI. hua wi-il pron-ii iu vrflcacy In a forty yearn' fight \i all llimat uutl lung .llhuan*, and Uoukl l tukun in ull c. *v without tluUy. A Terrible Cough Cnred. In K'.T 1 took a irvtrr oolil. wrliieh ntfi-rtrd ni> IUIII.T. I ha.1 u terrllilci-ougli, nd IM<HI i.ijln .iiu-r iniflii Mitliont Hlffp. TlMoucUra K.IM- mi- ii|i. I OI..I A 1 * in'* (,'IIKIOIV I'l.i- IOH IL, Mhioli raUTM no IIMHIH, Induced >!. <!, uml all. .ol.. I in.- Ilir o-l I...--.M |..r ihe u-i-..vi-i> <.f my ni.-i.itUi. lly tho filillllllr'l Uu i'.f tll i'l.l.'KAI. H |M-lllia- lM-1,1 cull- :ih .-ttl'.-ll-.l. I HI" II"" t 1 .' V.-MIK old, lml uml henity.nnd inn >utilt>'il vonr i ill nir, I'l i ion \l. c:.\i.t I. ii-. II. .11 Ml I-'AIKHU. 'Illlll." Itoci>iughaiii, \l., .luly 1.1, !-. Cmnp. A M.. i In i'- iiii.ni.. Whili: ill Ilir poiinlry liint intr my Mule IHIV. tln'ff \carMolil, u in- iHkun 111 with i-r. >np; I as If he wi.nl.l ill" li-'in MI.-H./U- intii.ii. onci.f lb family w(gwt>l u.- une .1 \\ll:- I'lllllllY l'l:i T'HIAI.. H iKitllr of \ilin-li imii uluiiyi k-|>l lu Hie Imuiw. .Thla vn>trii-<l in miiall ami fr.|urnl <lir>. uml In. .in ilrliulit in li-.s Until hall an liolr tliu little iMilcut wai bnatMag Mfrjr. 'll- doe- lor nun! that !.. nil i.nt !'ii louil. I. ml >:i>. I int il.irlio^ - lilt-. > :n. >ou uonilt-r lit our gratitude? Smctrrly \uri<, Mn>. I:MMA <ii r.vrv." ISi Went llVtli St., New York. May Hi, 1-2. "I have tweil AVI:I:' Cm i:i:v l'i i roi:.\i. In my fmnily for MTeral veHr, and i(" nt hwitnti- to |.i uli.-i- it tlir i.n: Hirlniil r. ii.i-iiy f..r i-ough and t-i'l.li- v l.-tv.- *tir tried. A. .1. <'MANK." Lake Crjtatal, .Minn., March 13, li>. "Iuffi-r>il foriicht yi-.irnfioni P.r. n. l.iiia, :.i. I aiii-i IIMIII: i. unit iviui-ili'-r vt ith no Mtc- , I ttmii-urud ht the ue ol A \ I n'( IIKU- l:t I'lio.iitl. -I..-I ill \V.iu>l..\." r.t i.nlia. MIM... April :., I-.- I raiiii"! ay i-noiiiili in |>rie of AM u' Cm i. Hi I'm roll.ll.. Ix-lii-tint :i- I i!o thai but for II- ll. I i-l.ollM lon^ Mlico h.lte illcd iroin limi: irmibln r llu ti.i.u.v" 1'altvllitf, 'lex:i, April ?.', ^'-. No cane of an affection of the thruat or hlllg *it whli'h r.-ilinol IM- tH :.l! o-:-i-teil b> th<- u of ATEII'M CIIKUIIV I'M IOUAL, and it will atira'ti run- when tliu U: not already IM -\oiid the f.iutml ot ninliciuc. |-UKI'AUi:t> 11V Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. buld by ul' V)ruggiU. To Kiisiiiess lien. Jewelery STORE. J. E. TRIMBLE, J'K.aElt IX S, (lurks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, ftc. No Bogus Discounts ! orotln'1- C/ap-Tfiip 1 miner incuts o])'(r<'d, hut xt'll i/oir iYo-"/.v f/.v low as the ij ca it, or //r>ur<>fl contiistfnt icitli II A'EST T ADE- Watch Repairing a specialty. All Work Gunrn tili'dl- __ _ ____ ___ _ _.. _ _ PATENTS Mi'VN & CO., of the Si iKNTinr AMIIIICAN, ci.n- Mnui- to act ta Sullen. in for I'atenla, CuruaU, Trad* M nk ,. O'jprrlffhtii, t.T HID United 8uu-. Canada. Knti -ml. Kninci'. Usnsany. etc. Han. I Book alx.i HaU-ntnolitaimM tbmuttl. MI'N.N \ ' " ar.- noticed In Hi" SCIKMU-U- A MI in- A v tliu lariceaJ, lit,and ni'iit wltlelr i-ln ulnUKl iM-l<-ntltlc- ii|-r. IVJUa rear. Wis-kljr. Splendid eiuintvlniiK and IntermlliiK In- formation- HpuutnuMimpr of th8tlenilik AM-r Iran nviit in*. A.l.lr.-v. Ml'.N.N * CO . ScitJiTirlC AUUUCAX ofMi-e. ail Broadway, New York. " New Store to Rent ;';,I'; : ,u in 1.. ,: t. t in 'ii in ( ,(iint> , ulierc u iH>l ua/li ami tni.l. I. ii-iu. ii . Is done. J. WHITK. EUGENIA (irist Mill, ::.: 11. Haviiu; uixlf rxtcnmve nu|ir"\ limits In BIT Ulial Mul. I inn confl.leul 1 call Kivegoo'l ; 1)0 XK AXY DAY. din -I !'! iin al\va\H OTI WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING r- OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUH, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DRY NESS OF THE SKIN, Custom Sawing And every apeelM of dltoax mrUin* from dlaordend LIVER, KIDNEYS. STOMACH BOWELS OR BLOOO, and Bills filled on the shortest until .-. Lutii- l.i i iin.l Lath alwa.vn on hand. WANTED : Cherry, Ilntterinit, White \~h. l'.l-k Ash, Baimwood, Tine and Jteiiiloe!; L.-yn wanted. M. AKITT, May 1st. 18S2. C'amaidian l^iciiic Kaihvay. TOHOrCTQ. URES COUGHS COLDS [ J HOARSENESS. etc^ FLESHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, , ALL KINf.S OP teiwisl Sneli as M'liiiiuii nts, T. mil) Tables, Counter anil Tiilile Top* in Aini-Hcnn and Iijilian Murhlc and (iranitc, anil nmde on sliort notico. Alno Mantles in Marble and Murbleized Sluto, Ac., iVc. Flvahortoii, AUK. 30, 1880. The Advance till Jan. 1st, 1885, for 50. cents. A HAD iNriMiiTy.-Tba loss of the SCUM) of hearing is lioth nnnoying and daniieroiiK. Those s.itTering from deaf- ni us Mioiild try Miigyard'K Yellow Oil ;iccoriling to dirwtiona. The invaluable houseliold reincyi- cured John Cl.-trk, of MHH>ridge,*lMlpio, re/itnring his hearing ia i'ii. week. OVLTIIUKNi-K. Solllo of the most painfal uttcrini'H that atilict mortal occur from rheumatism. Either the iicu'tc ov chronic torin may lie er.idioated fr.nn tin lilnoil liy an early nsc. of the grand purifvitiK syatuni renovator, Hurtlock Hloi.,1 l!iti.-i . Merit Proven. Dollar upon dollar i frp(]uontly ncnt on the Kith of icrominendationn for art!- elen entirely worihlom. Nut o with Mc<i ri'^oi- a Sjie.ilv Cure: you arp not asked to pitn-lriM' it until its tneritM aru III.IVRII. l 'all a; Kickknlton'l dng Btoro mid (,'ct a Ireo tsial Imttle, and if notc'in- vincu.l it "ill cuii,' 11.11 uf the worst forms .I Fhsju-iidir., Live.- Coiu]ilaint, etc., no IU.UI.T In. iv l.iii.: ntan.liux, it uit(* von notliiu^. Sold in 50e aud tl lietilc-. ffeo tu3.i:n.i..i.. ../.:. i. a ncr., j..s i i ynur jwu Change of Time. Cumuli ii'-! a i ^f|>lllly. M'i<j I'', ISK.'f. 1 or ,,il ... <;rr.V A Km , Iht i .ion. TOHIIXTII. ilepait. Tt*l.m. 8pm. do. in 1 1..-. in i . ' 10 ' NOTK. Mix-.) train lonvi- Parkdalo 7. 40 a.m. <-I:KIHT i>n'i.<nt\. YELLOW OIL :CURES RHEUMATISM FREZMANS WORM POWDERS. Are jili-Mnnt to tako rota^n their own It a &(, >un>, anil tftcclail la ChUilranor Toai.Mo, .lepnit,T In a in , 1 II" p 111 . 4 ."J |i l.: arilvo, 'j:w " i I . " 7IM " Noil:. Mi.\.-l tmln leaven ParkiUle 1 a.m. I . V-i nl'litiouiU train will L>u run in connac- ti .11 ttith tllo 1 C.IMIK Toronto, 11:.KI a in W. WHYTK, U. M.N1C01,I,. EN 1 L8or'T. <ir-< L TASK AOT. TUAINS I,i:\\ 1 FLESIIERTON STATION : (tiiinii Ninth, at ll:4.~in.in, 1:.'<H p.m , ,-. nr, | ni Uolnti South., at r.. 4 1 H in . <i.n'> o. ,1 '. 47 p in. stvmi.i-li.p I.xpii'UF. piling Noith.'j:i-i p m. South. U 1.' p in. a weak at liomo. *6 outfit frco Payto- -..liiti'h urn. No rlak. Capital ant re- quired, lUwuler. if \ou wmit l.iiMti.-hH at which persons Of oltlu-r -"\. younu nrolil, ra;i make ijrent pav aT1 tli.> tinin they work, with abrtolnto eiirtaiiity. \viit- for pnrtiou- lurs to 11. 11 II. l.l i i .'. Co., I'..i tl.in i. .In in. intc.1 for Tho Llvoa of I tho Prarlilenti of the S. 'I lit 1 lari-i'st. linn. IM. in ot bout Hoi k i HT noli I lor ln tlmn twice our prieo. The fasteet aclllng booh in Km. TJ.U iin ni -:i-r ;n*V to n^entn. All intrllii.-i-Tit |toopki wmit U Anv on.- rail I... 1-01 1 n' ft <*.w ri's-tfr I a-,'i nt TJ.-JI it ju. M \:.'..i:ir ;ioou J-j., 1' ).;.au \, :i_i:i IDO "Z'OTT Fumlnf (he LISTS or "FARM Foi SAII" urn Tina Wirrto DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL THR MAIL tiatbttome Hi. Brr*cUrd N^llaui for Innn Ad- \rrll-. in. ul- An J cantAin^ more nf them lhn i'l nthcr CuMHton Mpn totn biNeH. It ht 390*000 rcfelcik of the n^tit dikM. AIivi k riSI MENTS cf "Fwm for Salt" *nd "I ,r ^"1 t.-l " 'S(..-n"of "Seed fcr Sale" or " Wanted" tnr ..... 1 Mil >V| IM V M\M .JIwirHtii*! ord.h m-v* it i H'W /' 'i f\r woiJ ( r *n tnt,*tt*tt, ur in THI-. L).\l V AdJre THtL MAIL

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