Flesherton Advance, 29 May 1884, p. 4

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Russell's Noted Jewelry Store! Richardson's Bteek, Ftoslwtoa, For Bargains ! People wonder at the prices, and ask, " How can he sell so cheap ?" The reason is, he BUYS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS FOR CASE, and therefore sells at WHOLESALE PRICES, giving the public the greatest bargains ever offered. GALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Repairing a Specialty; Satisfaction Guaranteed. Hales for Cash only. THE ADVANCE. A. li Fawcett. Editor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. MAY 29. 1884. WHAT IT MEANS." The Scott Act may not be as near perfection as the majority of Tem- perance people could wish ; but it is the best Temperance act \w have, : nd will no doubt answer the purpose t ii- which it was intended until we get Minn tiling better. Before condemn- ing it, we should give it a fair trial. Of course auti-temj>erance people and ' p iid for" supporters, have much to .[gainst it. They say it does not work well in the county of Haltou ; that, all you have to do in order to < I'taiu liquor there, is to get a pre- .cription for a pint, or a quart, or iViii a gallon, from any physician, :md present the same at any of the drug stores ; and it is asserted that it is sold "on the sly." Admitting the . . irhfiiliuss of these allegations, the man must be pretty far gone lost to all bense of self-respect, in fact who, will make use of these means to satisfy the cravings of a depraved taste. This is very clearly illustrated in the | i cartoon of last week's Grip, c ntitled " King Doddu' Best Argu- : Answered." The scone is in ilu bar-room in one of those low dens where licpior is sold "on the sly. bar consists of a board laid on two barrels which are stood on end. A- wretched specimen of humanity, whose bloated, distorted features, and 1 clothing proclaims to the world an habitual drunkard, stands c ii'iing on it, with a bottle and glass I the "stuff" placed before him. liriir on the other side of it, and '1 up by an array of suspicious looking black bottles, with a conutcn- expressive alike of distrust and >ny, is the landlord. In the ick-groimd King Dodds and "Mr. i i-ctability " nrc discussing the S?ott Act. Tht is' of their convcr- iitinn is given in the following : A.;/ n,!<h. "You see, notwith- iiinding the Scott Act, drinking goes a ! " Mr. Rf}ff.tiiliilitif. " Yes, of a in kind ; but I should rather do . itliont it than come here for it, onldn't you ? " We sh(.'ihl think so. There nre ry few men with any reputation at ;.-ike. and possessed witli even a . emimnt of self-rtspoct, who would i to risk either under sucli degrad. circumstances. Tlia C/ollingwood Knterjiriit is i-nngly opposed to the passage of the Act in the County of Simcoe and uses i ithor rem.irkiiblo language in the iUnn of iu views. The following irauraph from the leading editorial itl lust week's issue savors very on^'ly of the King Dodds style of : "To the people of Simcoe, the at- inpted passage of the Scott Act IIH that their temperance friends ' iifmid to trust them. It means :iuit the temperance people avc so riously alarmed about the welfare of ihuir neighbors, that they would take away from us the use of the intelligent discernment given by (iod and tlie liberty won by the blood of our forc-fathcra. It means that we are asked to believe tlmt an imperfect and unjust piece of human legislation will do more for the drunkard than Ilivinc law and. love combined has done ; and it means that the country is to be dictated to by enthusiasts, who once they established a claim to dicalc, may not cease until they bring back to us the days of Blue Laws." Very fine language, no doubt, but very superficial and absurd logic. " The liberty won ly the blood of our forefathers." What liberty ? The liberty to take bread from the mouths of wife and children and destroy hap- piness ? The liberty to take life and commit crimes shocking to humanity ? The liberty to people onr gaols, our penetentiaries, our inebriate and lu- natic asylums ? The liberty to com- mit suicide, and bring ruin and dis- grace into otherwise ivsi>ccUblc and happy homes ? Were any of these " liberty's " " won by the blood of our forefathers ? " If not, what kind of liberty are you speaking about ? " They would take away from us the use of the intelligent discernment given by God." No sir ; there you trip yourself in the vain endeavor to trip others ; for is it not impossible, sir, to take away that " intelligent discernment given by God " which has already been " taken away " by the use of the vile stuff. The mission of Temperance people is to restore, under God, this intelligent discern- ment." On the other hnnd, i would' seeni to be the " mission " of tin Enterprise to leave the drunkard to himself to allow him the " liberty ' to drink himself in death mid per- dition as fast as he liked ! That's " liberty " with a vengeance. The Scott Act is characterized by the Enterprise as " an imperfect and unjust piece of legislation." Dan ill "imcll is reported as having said? that he could dri re a coach and four through any act of parliament that had ever been passed. If tlmt be the case, then the Scott Act is not more impufect than many other acts of parliament, with different objects in view. That it is an " ujuil piece of legislation " we emphatically deny, for reasons already given ; and we hope to see the day when n temper- ance act, on a broader nnd grander scale, will wave its pure white bamu r in every province of this Dominion. active, energetic and enterprising peo- ple are, we regret very much to say, few iu number. A corespondent of the Thorubury Standard thinks Kimberly will soon outstrip such places as Flcsherton, Eu- genia, et ul, in growth. Of course it will. Mr. Seneca (i. Ketchum, late editor of the I lanover Pott, is now local edi- tor of the Orangeville AdtertUrr The local page of the latter paper fairly bristled with short, snappy paragraphs last week. JAMES G. CARSON, -GENERAL AGENT OF TUE- \orlli American Manufacturing Co* (Limited) For the Counties of GKEY, SIMCOE, & DUFFERIN, Not being a crank ourself we do not pay much attention to the fumings of the Markdulc S'M;i<Air</ man. It amuses us, certainly ; but so does the antics of the circus clown. Beyond that, there is nothing interesting or instructive in his inngwiunpish cap- ers. The Barrie Advanr,- ig the best pa- per iu the county of Simcoe, and has the largest, circulation. It might also be remarked, by the way, that the Fleslicrton AI>\AN.T. is ttio best paper in the (Viinty of (iny. That's our !.'<: st opinion ; and we sav it with due deference to the feelings of our esteem ed contemporaries. The people in this locality seem to be* about as much interested in the road bctv.. enFl< M item and Flesher- ton Station m the pres, nt time as they were ten years a^o ; quite contented to go along on the old monotonous jog-trot, you know. THE SCHOOL- HOUSE. " Valentine Mnx^ins " letter in our last w.-i k's issue has f,-iveii i ise to con- *iili rablo discussion. Several of our citizens consider the letter altogether too severe, while others maintain tlmt it was not. Some have been trying to ascertain who this "Valentine Mug- gins " really is, anil in every instance the " guessing " lias been wide of the mark. It does not ran tier who he is; the question with the ratepayers ia are his statements relative to the con- dition and accomodation of Fleshcrton Public Hchool-housc, correct, or arc they not ? If the former, prompt ac- tion and not street quibbling is what i is wanted ; and if the latter, an apo- I logy is due from our correspondont. There are too many people in this world who are always ready to find fault and talk absurd nonsense when any important public improvement is being considered ; and the number of The Toronto Miiil building was bad- ly damaged by fin 1 on Saturday morn- ing last. Through the splendid efforts of the firemen this fine edifice was suvi'd from utter destruction. The loss to the Mail 1'riiiting Co. will be about 82. r >,000, which is fully covered by insurance. The Hell Telephone Co. have lost heavily, as have other companies whose offices were located in the building. The structure \vill In restored to its former apjiearance. " Evidently th name Lander will not sink into ob-rnnty while \V. \Yniili Lander is living." Exchange. Evidently not ; for the name of Lander is Iwimd to ','o down to pos- terity, as our contemporary shrewdly remarks. Naturally his name will go down there's nothing to hinder it. So will the names of all our greatest and most accomplished sycophants. Let them ;", down ! Yea, though the very stones should cry out for ven- geance against them -let not their mimes " sink into obscurity 1" Thousands Say So. Mr. T. \V- Atkins, (iininl, K:ui.. writ.-s; "I never hesitate to recommend your El- pclri". Hitters in my rnstninerR. they Rive entire satisfaction and arc rapid neller.?." KK-ctnc Bittern art; tin- |>iiro*t nnd \-*< nte'lieinc known and will |>ostivoly cure K iilm-y nnd Liver complaint". ' Purify the lilocil and rop;iilntp tlip howelt. No i.nnily i-iii efford to lie without them. They will gave hundred* of dollars in doctor's hills every your. Hold at fifty cent* a bottle nt VV." Ridmrdson'i. NATIONAL PILLS ro niMurpiKiuul an a safe mild, yvt thoroiiKh. puruntlvc. Acting u|ion the biliary organ* promptly nml effectually. A WIIIB RANOR OK I"HFFULKRS. The great ItmiAfhnld remedy *> popular with the people Hagyard'ii Yellow Oil i nliko valuable for external and internal use, curing rheiimatiam, colds, sore throat croupe, front bites, burns, bn>iet, and all lamoneos and toroiii** of the Both. IVamen oi 1M PL. EM JSr North American Harvester mid Twine-Hinder, C ft. cut. 5 ft. cut. Imperial Harvester, improved. Diploma Harvester and Reaper. Improred Model Mower. J. P. Miumey Mower, I X L Reaper and Mower, Combined, " Single Reaper, " Single Mower, Hay Rake, F. F. Grain Drill, North American Seeder, Improved Hill Plow, Improved No. 13 Plow, Corn Cultivator and Scuffler, Large C. B<r.; for Horse Power, Little BOMS Horse Power, Horse-Power Jack. A)HO John Deere'n celebrated Ami*rlcan Plows; Horno-Puwora, Kt > n*ratorn, \Wst i n K Knuiixi* nl Hoiliirs; Conililiuxl l'ortl>lo KuRtnm *uil Hoparmtura, and Hune Power* ft h<-|ratr Saw Mill Machinery. Ac.. dc. Agents Wanted in Every Township ! Galvanized Iron or Tin EAVETROUGHING Earlo Strain's Tinware Emporium! Boots, Boots! I have on hand a very large stock of Ladies and Misses Balmorals & Fine Button Boots, BUTTON AND TIE SHOES, AMD Fancy Slippers! A Large Variety of < hihlmis Boots, Shoes & Slippers ! A Large Quantity of MENS AND BOYS COARSE LACE BOOTS, FINE GAITERS, AND BALMORAL SLIPPERS AND SHOES. QUALITY & PEICE SEC'iND TO NONE WM. CLAYTON, - FLESH ERTON. -

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