Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, NOT ME.Y." VOL. III., NO. 143. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, MARCH 13, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE.! One of tlia Wthur Looal and Kannlr NewapajMira in Northern Oatarlo. J-ubliabod Kvei*y r Mi*n*Mla..y, Kttuu lai. Orner. < 'oUiHytraW .Sfrref, - - ffcvuWrton, Out ; TERMS OK SfHHCHIPTIOS: - i W PIT annum ia advance ; HJO If Dot paid ' .-. lli* cad of out* >oar Sn |.a|-r dlaoontinoM jtd all amantteaarapaidupiaiid u >i nulxu-riu- l oiiUk>n for MM tluui out- yoar. eicopt whea -pxHal arranKniin-nt-. for ahortor iwrloda an' i-iJo with Uiu |iuliludier. HATKH. Ac. e*atap*r latin*M>rtion :._. t 3 emu |-r ttw uaa-h nubaatquoiii iuanrtiou. Trau.mnt .lv.-rii.i nt- to mi paiil for when .idnrnl Ad*i-rtiaiuuut without H|M-lal direr- VUMI will bo iUMTtvd tiH forbid aad . l.iln.riO iniluui>.ta .a r-tmlar advertlaera. Notici* u I.H< .cadliu; inaiKr. Ill uu |Mr . :n.- <' L iu*rtiow. No atlvi-itiri-iiMiit diiimtiu-.-...l uutil all ar raaratju* ar pi.l uu. Copy for atlMrtiiueini'iil* almuld roach thl office iiot lat.rUian noun on Tueaday tu ennin 4.i**rti<>u Iu current twin. A R. FAWCBTT, tor nt , Book d Job Printing f Iu i-cry t > Ir of tha art, at rea> anil -m *liort nnti'-.* Order* by mail will rwcwivu prompt attonlUm. Ttu-uia. -trl. U> uaah. n.l ill Ncroluluua JiMaM*, xir. Er> al|- llU, :-lll. lilotclMa, llliiKHuriii, 1 II- iiiort. Cnrhuclr, UuU>, atul KruptliMia of lb Hfcln. afu ilic diKHJt roault u( AU uui'Uru ilml.- uf UH- bJtNjJ. Tu uuru lbao dumxn tbo bluod mutt Ixi {Mirlaed, aiiJ rolurnl u> a licaliuy aixl lui- taral condition. AVKU'I SAB^AI- AKII.I v L.^> toroter forty yean twi nrcudtloxl by ini- i.nit u iv. lira I autlxirtUr* a* UM ntuat pow- erful blood (lurtttcr IB II-IM-. It Irvca tbr it-Mem Inmi all foul btunara, enrtcbu and Mreugtbi'iu ib blood, raK>va all Iracva cf iiMrrurUl tmiliHfit, and pruvaa lUlf a oi|ii.'i< niutf r f all MrofnlixM diicama. A Kcccnt Cnra of lki^ tmnm. 'Soul, iii'inlli* ago I waa iroulileil with KT"(U,U roro (uU-rril (Ml lull Irfr. 'J1 Imilo were badly rwollfu and iuuan0. u4 III-- *i*r8 .liwli^r^i.l Uirgtt quantlllvf of ulfrufive matter. Krer> rrmady I irlail falM. until I " I AIIII'I SAHXitVAHii I.A. uf wfci.-h I bate nnw lakrn tlm-r ukllln, with iln mull Iliat tbe Mm* aro liaaUtl, jn I my n. lionltb crt-ally ImnrfiT*!. 1 f<wl r> KTHUful fur tU.- goud your IM.TJ--I In- lilt* lllMHI Nil*. \ .u. > i. !<. tin. i< MNK. ANN U')IBIX." Ill hullltau M . N York, .lun :'!, IM-J. if All prraoii- litlrr-l-l Mr.- Invltrd to rail 'Hi Mr., iriiii.u, , alfto d|(n ili- It.-i /. I*. !!.!- of -" Eat .Mill Miwt. Nrw York t n\. whu will tak* plraaun* ry uf rum Continued from JUAtvruil pugr. sharp aud pointed replf U) some state- ments made by Mr. Myle.s relative to his (Mr. McCohnaiv's' municipal career, denying their correctiicst). Mr. Myles replied briefly to Mr. McColm au. Mr. John Cameron made a short speech, iu which be tliankud tho Re- formers for the honor they had <l him, and serionaly regn ued tlie circoiusUincefl which prevented him fvoui taking the field iu tlie interests of that party. Ilo apologized to his friciulx for tho disappointment ho had had thus niinittiiixly caused, and after briefly referring to some Provincial questions, took his .seat. Dr. Sproulu iiext addressed tin- elector*. In reply to Mr. lirowu's questions aonccrniug bin presence among the electors al Umt juncture. ho said he was a resident of taut m,i., K 10 n.* wo,,d. rtui ,mA u "f ( '"*y llmt wl'^tcver property he had Ayer'* feiara|>arilla. mil only In the cum of Ilila luili. but In hia own eaa* and Flesherton Meat Market. 8KPT. ! .01)1 1. . Pu.>raiTOR . luaay ulhrra wllhlu kla kin> I. <!- Tbr well-known irri/rroMfAr /*>!'"* l/r i.i/.r, B. IT. BAM., uf Kuckttttr, X.ll., *rltr>, Julia 7. I-. for on var r*in.lia, 1 uaf<* UM-. the pact Uirev nnmlli*. of Avau'> SAMAPA- KILLA, wlncli btia rBrctrd a nmplrlt rmrf. I (onol.lrr It a matfiilBeeut miMrily for all bloud d iaoaava.'* AyersSarsaparilla Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. 1 ! M- its constantly on hand fort Cash. Orders promptly filled. .^. o. u. \v. FM.KSHKHTON I^-IKC So IM. mr In thrlr Ixxl.- H.MMII Htraln'i lilnek. Tnniuto **rwt. , on th !( antl .tr,l Mti la\ in ,-. h iiunitU. at T ni pin aharp. Vinttiiu; bn-thrfti W(.|iiuui. M !' MclUrrcm, M \V W (I. Pn am.. Hm'r was in that riding ; and that therefore ho thought In- shonli' be as much interested in the election as any one pro tK'iit not oven i-x-:cptiuj,' Mr. lirowu " Havinc fiilf. n-l ***rclT fur aon vara . . ,. ,_. nliEei.-ma. an.| liarn,^ l(lrd bi An.1 rahrf lUlUISelf. > ( lieiTS Ulld appluUHf. I He 'referred to tlie S.'JO.UOO.COO loan to tin- ('. P. R.,and Mhowodthc necessity 'for tl.e rapid coiiati uctiou of that great railway. Mr. Itiown had npok( n nf the loan an being virtually a gift to the ('. I'. H. He had pood '.'I'liiinN for telling tho electors that tin (invi-riujit'iit had received ample security for tlie loan, which would !* all |>:i! I l:iek within the uit aevuii years. IIS took lUtonwu after stat* nit-tit made hy Mr. Drotrn, and liu-rally made minc-jDMl " <>' our, to the merriment of the i leetoi * Aftcrun ahle. rlojiient, and piriU-d ili-u-iisMon of important p> ! I i. -linns the l>r. took 'inn scat uiiiid great upphtnt*. , The iini'tini; w largely in favor of Mr. MeColman. 11 l rrirulaiea 1 11-- action of tb aii'l aaaltnilativii organ*, mirwa lal ftireoa, and i(iniy curr* Ithruiiiallaaii, N*-urnla;la. llb*uuia- in (..oil < ularrb. (irnrral Urullllt . an.l a!l diaauuM-t arialng from au luipurrnahcd >.r rorrufiied condituui of lu blootl, aud a wa*a- ciiMl vitality. Ilia liicoiiiparatily thrrlivaprat I,|..I me, I. .-.Hi-, on account of Ita cone* niralrd Mrrnfta, and meat uuvcr uvrr diaoaac. Dr. J.C. Ay r A Co., Lowe 1 1, Matt. ttoU \ij all Imntata: uruw 11, atz lo> *&. DUFFERIN LODGE NO. 186 I. O. O. F. Jlcatiotry. PIllllK . Strnin'a bliiuk. Tiin<nlii i.tri-*l. at H <> rlock. ' ft h Ill-Hill; \ IN- N \1to\\l. 1-n.lj* act* promptly upon tin- J.P. .U tKSH t I.L. I..II.K Urar.rruulat.thi- H-...I. and .. a | aru in ilil and Ill: NT 1ST, authorization uf the two MTU s of Readers last June. It was "littti- timmur" who, in order to put money into Neliwin A Sona pocket, ,>vri -ruled tin- atatuU-a nf Ontario with what he waal pleaacd to call au "order in Council. ' and thereby prvveiit- i-d the Public Scl.iMil Iiupvcton fiom nmtriR-tin:.' the Te.u-hem, which IH..-K nuld In- uaed its a text I- ul> in nchool. It wai Ni-lat-ii'a aj,-p|it who boaated on (lie atreeta of Toronto that the (ioveriiiiient hiul "i-ut llu' lirthi* i>ff" the InBpei I- i- \\ !i^ ? IU .-auae the Nuliwin reader waa a complete- failurr, and the Inapectora wuuld not recommend iti iiitro<luctii n into the toola of Otitari'i. It waa the Mowat (iuveriimetit that fnrml the NVlann reader into tho I'rtiviucial Model S,h..-l, 1 cauae Nuuwm waa the lurv.jt atock holder in tho (.ilobr newapaper. Now, Mr. Editor, ia U n >t :ioout time tliat we ihotild interfere, nnd aay that we ahall b played with no lnt;er. la it nut enough to Jia^uat ua when we read the debate nn thu question in the 11 What did the fiovennnent do in d. ft in-i I Simply nothing. Mr. Mowat kt-pt .juiet. Thu new Miniat-r nf t>iu<ati<'ii t.ii.<l that he did not nppriive of two aeriea uf nadera, and tA.;A/ there ihuuld Vw a comi>tite trrirt and the peoplo put. to .m uuuvceaaary ei]>nao nf aUiut flOO,IMiO. Thu Hon. A. S. Hardy made a very lame defence. He ,-nlv urvol hia followera U> r party, and *> they did. The. working j^opli .iini farmers uf thia Province have l--n tnini-leti un u>o Icng. Let ua riae like mm at tho omiinf election, and atanip '-ut party and olett Mr. Mi-Colinan, the w.irknn; man ftund He ia one uf ir-elrea, a nvui true and trwd, a farmer uf high aland- \\\'i in the <'duntv " Nhauelrte" cannot but he aware uf l'. f.nt that thu landidatea he ao drprvca' mi;ly alliidca to, hare shown th.-inwh - - ' qn to capa) Iu if iiian.u;iii^ Utfir </ irf'im luoceaafully . while, ou thu ot!. hand, I know certain wnuld be M. P. r' - wlin, if t!ioy !i-oli'd after tho inteteata f thuiro^ifetuei.ta AH well aa thy haw- l""kWfttr the (-iivale iiitervataof tl:. aclvet Mal famihea, vrould have vnr littl.- 1 1<> boaat of m fact, mtild in-' '.O|K i. btrcoMt "bumin^ and nhiiung in;!.:- Hi: U)*"H W kM hYRtP ba* ranovfl tar w riufn-m lat.. ui U-o<th. It aJ.ort. >truMallb>aiUof woiiu STRAYED. \ WllfU- I. i <cw in,*', an u.- - i^ r, iitU* b -wt, , inf.,rnia: i ui it i.'. ioaul Iu lirr r*nin;i > wul U- Hilarity rirvanukl 1 1 ;li.- Taauorr. Klobtuton. TRUTHFULNESS ! Courtesy, .IU (Joti'lti. Cold, Hi rei , linked Plate, or Cihletl, xoldforjnsf ir/iitf they m in Mati-riiiL aud Finfn, <>f Quality. Tbowk0 wtab aaia* vaii lu*Ucttrobi KambliiiK Xwtra, Tll .,_ /IKAlir.VTr: nf Tiirunt.i s. I. . .. 1 ,,f 1 1. ntllr\. Tl Vl ?* VL.T^ " ' U-atMatk.lali tin- l-t ami , I \\~ln.- wu,r.n eordlall) lnvlu.1. Qf wh ini>nlh ^^ at KlwlllMt< . u lll(< ,., I - Uu. lu lix. N.ll. A. H. Va<ii>ri v II anil :ird Thond*] m nioutli lur tliu uia. t.i. .i . of lila uritfuaainn flVKhlTllill The II. .nl. r <|u>H(ln anil iln (aOf Til III*' III. T! v V A 1. 1: s T i M i: M i- (i 1. 1 x a. Dr. Campbell, the i'hiein.l.^iat. haa been in Klenhert'iit fur une tinn-. lit- ho* delivered :i liiiliilitrr of leetuiia to lor_'o aiidiuncea, aud aeeuia to '- |Ni[iuUr. He haa examined hiiaib big and little, good and ld ptiMx-lv .unl ilimte'y. He IIM ijao in ide -ut a jinniilH-r of i-hart*. Tin- young nnd the Id hath he i lammtd. , U, ami ,/( n- try, MUM a VKKY riNi: ST>X'K cf Electro Silver Plate Warn : V Ul fltlitv> thujr . : -*ut-*.. Inepect My Stock ! MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. THi: nr.t Fair will taku plaeo on MONDAY. 1 APItll,7th.uH Look Here. DA . 'ii want a n**w noti** nr l*rn ' FROST & FlMbi. BAJf'.WTHKV Sdl.lCII'lK^ i liSVKT\NCRH. Ac (iltn-i-l -i I>KX S, n M>. ami i-vi-ry rbui-.U) at I l.l>ll I 1. 1 ( N J \\ KKusT. I. Ml AI.FKKI) KHOST. rrnwiil'nuiit) Alt. rnrv Ir an I uiik roil will Ami u to yuiir a>lvuuu.v to call ml a liliv \i I iln n l;ii,v l.iisi;...* | rail linilil i "lliall Jiroflt- All cnnli arti |.r-<niptlv att*-n- xl tnarm w.'rktfiiarniiUKil Tliaiiknui tin- |>ul W. J. BELLAMY. 1 UI . I I.I UK Mill Ml >: I. ,;--f.7r- ^.r n.,n-,T;:;:.-.-,;.i .,;-7.""^,r;:.v;i KSTATKA- /.V.SVAM.V/V; A<;KST *+ -ork. 1 ^^rUajjjtlnuaur,. of Ih, ( ,,, A/ ;.,;,; , , ; nnSKKH. I i"l"*I>M*t f till \ . JtillN'U IlinilS .. STRAIN & LARGE. Htnldcrtt ami Cnntntctorx, FLESHERTON. \" i M |.ai,il to atu-tnl to Hi n h ,( -ii i.n all it- nrauclttHt lirili-i-, li.ft at tht- '" olfloo will nM-ii|tu|in>ini>tatu-ntiiin at Fair Prleaa. > W..rk >VNt I H| work Vertical J. UfTa Webster-, EUGENIA. LICKNHKH \i M... :tlone<tr fnr tin- c,nntv of (Jr\ . ii. I an uniiai. at ti-n>uiial>lf. ri\t>~ ' i. HI. I :..'. hi. trance CVimmiintoatlnna ail- ln-wal |u KuKnula P II pruniptlv ntt. n.l. .1 t., John W. Armstrong, Kl.rdtlKKTdN. I'd. QliKt. DlVHfON WM'RT Cl.rilK. ri>\IMI--SIMNK.|i in II K . ("oiivi-.aiK i-r.*r Ajjnntf-'-liuri'' nw and -!> nf lalnla. \|>]>mi*i ("r I Itllll V H. B. * HlM-littv MtMIt \ to l.nan u || tl.,. I ir-i Kn nr MAIIKI \(!i: W, 3. GRIFFIN, M. 0. .w. r /. s, M.V7 1 VIII IK In KliMlinrton . vi.ri Tin-nli-. an I FrlJat fi-nn U in IMI fi -mi i _' t-> I r in in Win "-ti mn ' l-l " V Mercy to Loan. At "'i /'' ' '/ l-il .;/.' /.-ni WITH I in. -nut i-Hi'l >. * ...... i in I a ilia So 1 1 in i -- iu:i rlial i- k UY. 1.ICKNHI s Alexander Brown. T -.!. R ot Mariiii;.- a Ar ' - nral Agent l.u- -iiwl V-|. -tin-liter for CiHinty of r,,.-. I'lIK 1 VILI I V.O.. t>tlt James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fittshciton K. |,n in r.i\. ii: iiv, thiai; iu Un I.IIHIIM - "ill <-n I ntti-i.t! ,- pri, i. b!S 1 W^Wl'B 'R " M liii.bWA i ii MAXWLIX, I.KKlax-muuwdatlon. Iwat tan. (i..l atablliui ami <> ""I Hiatal In tuo ulavu. Ja. AuoauK. . * > .,:.T. n^t lHH,k iwnr -i < Tin- (-t. t -.1 ' ni'-ni- p. ,,iU ti, M:I ' Waut it Ai\ on* CHI ,' T" ili' Kiit-ir i.;' Tl' A<lt-iu?'. .Mti Ki'iToK. Kitnllj alluwnic ). r in n>ur vshialde I-.-IJHT fnr * few atatvun nt M huh I wuh to Liy Uvfurv the . n thia vi-ry nnj-H-tant Jx nit the I' (Hieatiuii It.alinot W denied that wu, .aa a wurkin^* jicoplc, hare Uiu undly dealt with (luring thu paat ywar. It ia.mii t I*. denied that we have K-eti put to thotiHunda of dollara nf eip.-ii't- thnniirli 'In bllllv.'llli-_' . f til.! lii.Vclliliii lit, ill ileii!in_' witli tint iniir. :> of tin- i-iiiintry. la it not ,il,,ut titnewi- idioiild throw aaid<- party ntnfe at elee- tioim, and .-1, ,-t men who will defend our inti-ienin ' Can any man hnnently tat.- that ill.- iiiith. rixntion nf two netn of 11. hi. not a]>rua4 ilitmntent .unl inn thruughout tin Ii iiL-tli and f Ontario. Ithasl>ecn at.-ite.l in aoiin- of our tii-.l pajH-ni. that the ( iiivi-riniieiit i not to hlainr fur the i-dui4iio|ii.l muddle," |,nt I am in .1 |H.!.itluii L. aliuv, that tla *;- . llilnil I ... EMM, A fur Iwwk aa Jan. ISx-J, the Lite Mirustir of Kdueatloi. aiinoMiicutl li\ di-paitnii-ntnl uri-iilar, t wf the oid asriea .nli-rs would .s.,.,11 It., withdrawn fn.ui the aeliiNila of the l'r\UKX, and . mod in w Keru-a would lie flri-tl fur anlliun/titioii. not tin- ( iuv, IIIIIK nt niiiple limit to know what the Mnnater T.-innary IHHi' tc .liiim t '<H.'I, (In- tinit- of autkniricatidli nf the MM. I'|-J I ,K ,.f It.Midera. ) Su) poiiiiy th iind n half had not intern ned tin linn-it M.W lira! Kpokeii uf liy tl" Al-ii'ter, until tjbe date of the i. -."ii, woifld lie no ex.-UHo - i u.\. mi. .uit. tl.e Minintur can 'mi'.' without *A MUK'.IOII df hia The Dr. ia a ahn-wd -I-. i\. r of human nil UK-. With uhat .1 '.. aurveya the phyxiiyiitunv of hia nut ere he pmnouucea any very divided Bullion coiHi-rniii(i hia (nr her i in- t rir.iniinrnt ctmrnoteriatica. H .. mtioua- ly !u- "feela hi* way' fir ffnr he mii-ht euiiiniit. Ininatlf, ahall I aay/ I will not t.iUe it upon niTielf tu nnawcr thi< .jueat- luii in .1 iiuw| ajKi, Lut I kimw my <>wn i\ ite feeliiiRH mi the anlijivt. Who will aay, howt-vrr, that a nhn-wd if hiiiiian liuture and the of (.!: Miwili-r" L.u- not i..,ii>n.. i;ilile to do with the nuvcaa of the i.-r:me I'liieiioliyi'it ' That thelx- ia re.-illy namHiui-1 in I'lnein.!.. -\ . u.. student of hum. ,11 nn- will lUiir ; hut it la u<|ually utidi lualne tOAt there ia a treat deal uf hiiiulnii; in thia ., eulliid i. nee.'' " I -'i;:i.-w-!it.-." in the Thornliury IVnfiT. of laat week, ^.ive pi i. .ind ink ketehltl of annu. ,.f th,. Si.lltlli'MI IWpir- .11 1 U fi.i puihaiiHiitmy huuoni. The writer of ilu-w .>'! t hi i .ittempta to Im mart .unl witty : hut. Sir. in my opinion. hia .k.-:. lu-< w i re tl! tuned :w well an in. it-.-- n iti lie a|ie.iK* of A 1 1. i.u >..i. Ulenel^, I'rotoii, and Mnjirvy aa f rnxvii townahi|. Haa CoDllagwtiod, Kuphra- ma, and the other Mi-cHlh-d " lu^hlv f.ivoti'd" ditrn-t, l-t i In t i-,i ,.,i to MCapu ill " '.: --I 1. in-; ' . U-.n. ii.,t. '. ' make -loiiie r .uti,- HITS to Ml Kcl'a, the!iy Afp liET MY lie/ore Purr/tn irli i-rt'. laaklvra i.j. . .., k ,. . Phtill 4.ol.l ttnldiiiu Rlnu . AJwajra k.(.t 1 : 1 Watab woik REPAIRS! BY MYSELF! W. A. BROWN. IVIarlidale. FLESHERTON Jewelery STORK. J. R. TRIMBLE, ;. . IN Jewelry, tlclt'X, J '{'ill Iff, .'. No Bogus Discount; Trif, h' t ,. it-iit. Im . it wan All int-.i:, ..-., . . .-u . - lilt, i'lvMldelil of I ljii..i .11 Sovii'ti 1 . I!. W. J. McKurUnd auu ill. AH..H. 'i\-(Iiri T! i- inti-ittioii of tin- vjitrj waa to lorwaid tin int.ivUuf Northern i laiididate, at the v\peiim- of Southern I > / r/.v luir as tin-it <-rHxi.if'H ' Uatrfc .tit II'' i . x