Flesherton Advance, 31 Jan 1884, p. 7

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REVELATIONS OF THE BOUDOIR. H..I...I. .,,.1 Hiu.t.. . v* h.i Aslrlrr 'Noi ' K-.ll.iw knqu.ur !, t-piltt O.IUIU. I . trltr 'H.IH..C. Hlu.k ol.l I.. I h, <>,. .,,U l.,,i,l. u II.. I. bi Ih, Haul. . To endeavor to dres* wall and tastefully by the aid of fashion jouruaU u LUOU.U. K like trjiujj to learn tlia manners ol g>od society from mi etiquette bjok. Both way alYord very u*ful iieu: of advice, but from neither can tbe v ary emtenc u of the uiatw-r lu hand be gloaued. ll in alwa)* dangerous to not up ID inu.ated pieoet of in- formation, and tbow wbo model ttieir In. havior aud eoxtume upon priuled inslruo- UOUH are liable to produce it " scrappy " effect upon ibeir acquaintance. " The hair IB worn IIIKU oo tbe bead," nays a. fashion journal, adding, " aLd oo oue iu good society IB now aeen with tbe cherelure drewd low on tbe Deck." Tbe effect of lull auuouuoe- uieui ou ibe tniud* of many u to make them at oooe, regardless of tbe barmoLidU* or tbe beoouiiDK, drat( every bair iu tbeir bead to tbe elevation commanded by tbe I tat>a oracle, and tbere dmpoae luecd bair* collec- tively to tbe beet of ibeir skill. Tbe result in oooiiioually painful, and frequently ludicrous. A 1-AliY WITH UARl'LY iXY OBI will appear in a coiffure iugi(etiMt of Pelioo oo OM* piled The nu*e become* thwrebv no palpably diminished in appear aiioe a* soaroely to be Uulioeable. Or, OHM ooe witb a long neok read* thai " turned dowo collar* ot IMW aud mualin have replaced tbe uprigbt liueu otliar," and slraigbiway tbe world is favored wub a view of " Ibe ooluuiu of her throat," a revelation of tbe dirmi aoraggiueaa. Tbe tact u that tboee wbo po*sos* au iuuale sense of wbat IB tittioK experieoee tu**am aeuse of (reedooi and liberty iu tiie un>lai of ruled aud restrictions as in fell iu the matter of etiquette by (bone wbo h. . ioi- bibed its rule* from ibmr earliest year* aud to whom the custom* nf poliM aooiety h*e become a second nature. Tbe woman wbo dreese* bet IB aba wbo itudiee tbe that she would have endeavored to slur over. If a womap posaeaiie* a mahogany- colored face, she i* almoet *ure to eeleot a mahogany oolored boouet, instead ot ilium- tone* of vivid orange and brilliant Mariej) acattered over a dull greeoor bronze Hurfaoe. tbat would bring out all tbe red iu ber com- plexion, subduiug the >ellow. Those who poHnew a sroae of wbat i* fit, or the opposite, select u naturally wbat BUlwtbem a* a bee Hie* to tbe honey yieldio ; flower*. The l>ale liirl avoid* all p .ln.l tiots, though nudt tbat a warm shade of cream oulor ouiuthur olear akin. If nallow, he will ebun green and baware of blue, though among tbe tone* of the latter are oue or two that *uit oviu the aallow. Tbe very roey will obonoe tbone sutxiued tiuu which fanbtoo now afleotB. Browu, for them, is especially . aluable. So i* brooae ; aud both of these art iu great favor ju*t now. A bat or bonnet made of browo velvet aud triniuie.1 witb a kuot of yellj ribbou nuit snibly toue down tbe ro*y tint* of the mo4t rollicking country oheekii. There u a further form of art wuiuh n scarcely to be commended, and tbat lead* IM poenesnor to obooae ao ideal bonnet and of fashion only to Had among them just what suil* herself, aud who koowe how to adapt every shifting phase ot it to the exigencies of ber appeaiauoeaud ber purse. Tnis u an accomplishment which may be partly a gift of nature, parti) due to culture. It may, oo the other baud, b* wholly natu- ral. It oao never be entirely tbe recall of training. A peasant girl may often doe* posse** it : and a woman wbo has spent ber life in making dresses i* frequently wholly without it. P*rhaps SOMI IL1..HT INORKDtXNT OF CouCITBV may be necessary to ils fulleet develop- meut ; but be thii as It may, it is certain tbat a woman gifted with such perception will never wear an unbecoming color, and doee not need to be told in what folds her gown* should be arranged. If tall, she knows perfectly well that nhe may Uoauoe herself to the want with impunity. If hort, ibe i* thoroughly aware tbal a trained skirt gives bsr a dignity of outline that sbs might othsrwise lack. If ber head b*> small ID proportion with ber body, ib* will manige by some means to make ber looks " wids dispread " and yel to avoid tbe unkempt look tbat is too ofteo mis- taken for pioturesqueoess). The fashions of the present time are so infinite in variety anl ao readily adaptable to various types of form and face that DO ooe has any sxouae for wearing what is unbecoming. There are) loogand graceful mautleifor tbe tall ; while neat little jackets ars equally fashiooabls for Ihs short. Flounces are permissible for thcne who can wear them without injury to tbs figure, and skirt* of severest plainness may be adopted by others wbo feel they would like to AM' AS il'1-AB.rM Kl.l. ONTO THUS STATUBI. Peraoni wbo go into tbe subtletiee of tbe subject BOOU learn tbal plain textures ars suited for flouuoe*. while figured fabrics lend themselves more readily to draperies. It ie a pity, for instance, to fold into pleats a broohe illk or vslvel, for thus the beauty of tbe design is in great measure concealed. A plain latio or silk, on the contrary, is at iU Met when reiterated foldi or gather* bring il* richness u to prominence by the play of light and shade upon it. They also very sooo discover tbat a email quantity of an extremely riob material can be made, by tbe exercise of ikill, to produce ao effect equal to a very large quantity CD which less *kill has beeo expeodad. Nor doee il take them loog to nod out that little gleam* and glinta of color, if judi- ciously placed apart at wide intervals, are as a rule much more truly artistic than broad patches of th* name. Tbe one ii in effect a* a canvas by a great artist when compared with thai covered by a scene paiuter. A drea* of brouze green vicugna, for instance, will show a suggestion of old gold pluih at tbe neck and wrists, aa well as where tbe drapery shows its uuder iide at tbe back. TBI mriHlxcr TO THE i-xixm* m. eye is tbal tbe whole garment ii lined with the pluib in question. Were tbs latter to be laid oo io masses, tbs effect would be poor io comparison, and probably five or six times aa much of the cosily material would have been used. A favorite mod* of introducing color into a drea* ii as follows The skirl will open to tbe knee at one side, and reveal what appears to be a portion of an entire underskirt of cardinal or orange atiu. Tbe overskirt is laoed over thii by means of Bilk cord aod tasseli. Tbe oardi- ual or orange is repealed in the waistcoat and hinted at in the ouffi and collar. Tbat seen in tbe skirt is, of course, introduced episodically, though il suggests continuity. There lies tbe art of it an art thai ooly experience oao fully teach. It is in tbe matter ot bonnets that tbe [mint terrible mistakes ars perpetrated. The ouitjm, DOW so generally followed, of showing tbe customer tbe fashionable forms of bead-gear on a lovtly bead i*. to y the least, misleading. A oyuio would find- in a boo net-shop rare opportunities for indulging tbe bent ot hii nature. lie would sss bonnet after bonnet displayed on the head of a pretty and graceful girl, while the intending purchaser might be possessed of one of those " impossible " taaes that a tasteful little ohapeau imme- diately renders absolutely grotesque. Tbs owner, however, selects the one that looks beat oo tb* charming girl-face, and sail* eft contentedly with what is really like one of tboee BUOIC MIBkOM Or DCS HUBBIRV TlLM, Into prominence in her face all WORK HEB COMPLEXION to it* lofty standard. Tbu i* reversing the Uitual order of luiugs. bul u is a practice by no means unknown among u*. And tbere i. eveu B further height. The hair mu*t be dyed lo suit tbe bonnet aud tbe false colon of the cheeks aud lips. In day*, when > sym pathetic blu*h " i* wild by the ouuoe, and " suuuv ray* for goldeu bair" by the b nil-*, il i* toaroely surprising to iiiid tbat a lady of fasblou ai t-r the color of her hair at will, and carries her blusbee in ber pocket, together wub one o iboae cunning" little powder-puff* o! America*) origin, which are turned eaily lUBide out, and wbeu nol in UIM pruleud to be ii'uocuul little pm -cushions, guiltless) o even a piu. A* a layer of powder, boweve carefully rubbed iu. has a tendency to attract io itaelf auy dust that may be iu its ceigtiborbood, a small pocket mirror be ooiue* au ludlspeusail* accompaniment o tbone who may b* described a* " artist*, and purses are often now seeu with a *uia. lookicg-glaaa inserted in oue of tbe dp* ll will thus be seen tbst ths oboioo of bonnet 1* a serious matter, in\ jlvmg quite a aerie* of addenda of more ur less impor lance. A -i.o inn. Oar *f ii.. 1 1. in- '' lOKNk.MAt K.' Make o.. I ... K A coal-dealer said in a Cleveland mte \ iew Tbe abundance of coal ID tb United States ought to render it cheap, bu mine operator* claim tbat it cannot produced any cheaper, aod point to the fact tbat a too of coal in Kugland, which has been wrestling so long with tbe coal A I M ti. KU i AMU A III HOI > l raivrry ! MO BT.*)s;llaS) l.itd. tio.i. IB l-.u.l -l.il. Tbe Andaman aod Nioobar Inland* lualed in tbe Bay of B*ugal. a few day* sail from Caloulia, ar ibe greal peual ulllemeul of India, aspeeially ibe former, horn luore than 10.0UO native oouvicla, lauy of tneui belonging lo tbe uio*t tmperate olas* of criminal*, are kept uaer restraint, or employed iu out-of-door abor uuder vigilant auperviaiou. A branch xjuviot sotllemenl exist* al Catnorta. the tpital of the Nioobar Island*, where tbere TV at present UUO oonvioui guarded I. . 30 en of toe '^ud Madras Native lulaulry, nd a like number of police under a uative luef ooualable. The officer io ebariie of be stauou was Mr. de Koepcletfl, a )ani-h gentleman beioQajiug lo me Indian 'ivil I'noovenanted Service. A havildar, t uative Sergeant of tb* Madras Infantry, a man of 90 years' ssjivioe, had * beau aocUKed by a native watchman ot appro- inauug coooaoula, aud bad in reiurn itruok tbe walcbuiau and put him for a ibort tune under a sentry. Tbe next day dr. de KoepeterB commenced the iuvasiiga ion of tbe case, aud having taken tbe ividanc j for tbe prosecution adjourned tbe bearing till tba following day, wnu the baviidar w* ordered to hricg up hi* wit- eanas. Shortly afterward* n* was riding aallbeNalive Infantry Barracks, about hirtj yard* off. when the baviidar fired al urn from his room and hit him between ibe nhoui'lern, ihe bullet coming oat at tbe breanl. 11- fell from hie hots*, and ihe orderly aud groom who were wub him out inataully to bis assistance. He was iily able to say. l)i not be confused,, lake care of tba uiara-aallib ' (Ills wife) or she will b* shot too." Mr*, d* Ro*p*terff. wbo w a* riding a littU behind, came Up; out ber hu-baad was u-jable to speak fur- ther, aud died io a few miuutea. The tiavndar i turned i teiy afterward* reloaded hi* rid) aud blew bis own brain* out Tbe poailiuo of lue poor lady was deplorable ur huitbaud killed before ber eyes, not a out wbo could speak a word of English ni-arer tuau 300 mile* off by see. *KI con- viola lo keep in order without a prison to confine ibesu in, aud bad feeling existing to a dangerous extent between the Sikh police and ibe Madras Native Infantry. In tbeae trying oircumtlauoes tbe lady evinced a foroe of character amouutiug to heroiHiu. She bad her husband'* body carried at once to ib* bungalow aud after- ward* buried. Bbe despatched a native craf I which happened to be in Ib* harbor lo Port Blair, Ib* seat of Government in ibe Andaman*, wub iwo oou.lable* in r* port what bad lakeu place. Into* mean- time she assumed command of tbe station, order log all reporl* to be mad* to herself, and mau*g*d it with perfect luecess, an illuHtratiou uf bow naturally Oriental* iub B D18- Y CI1BOMG WASTING * i* 'imlenlonj tk<* old eoniulsloti *o urutractwl ID tbir cuune aim ili'iuluittiiiK iu ihir ITot upuD UK- beallli wbiuQ unlmarily 'ii|x-ni| ULIOU Lurtsiitmry lortu eaees, at m ooniuinplion aud cmfu i. ur are th* r-uli ul .U|)ivd uuirilioii, fiuni uniHtrf,., i aanmiilatiou of fxl atid laDoveribed blcMKL I'uleoi Uie (ll(*Miv pruuens U eoiu|>laM malar- ial It mil pr .|>arw.l for uourt-hiuK ih* tu>uo* aod rauairuiK loo wiwto r*ult|ii< fruui mental n 1 pnyaioal xtirii>iu . diiiiiuutlou uf couatit Uaoa] vlor U uuu a|iuanut. and tin orutut, prt*kinof ib>Kurald<>bllitr, >|.iily uiauifo.1 lyiuiitoiii* ot draoiiout. ft U In thm clau of caMM tlikt lla Wintti.Ku COXIM.I NU KUIXIBOT PHokPMATK" AM' I'AI.IHAVA Jnn..I, traU-B iu, uAtr..rainrv iiatriliVB | ro|>..rti^i> b*.iiii{ ai olios a chemical food and medicament of tbe h'.nli.'t value. vital That action i* best tht procure* the grealesl hsp.nueas for Ihe greatest uuui- beis. BDtb l.yeJ t i: I'iiikbamV V*etabl C.MII IKJUB.I Bud BhHHl Porluer an>|>r<|>arl at iu and XI6 Wmwru AVKIIU*. l.vuB. Mow. l'n,' ul oilh-r 1. Hit bottle* for (!>. Beat br mail IB Ui fonu of pil l. or of lozcofat, on remipt nf price. * i per boi for miller, kin. Ptukbaui frrely auiour* all U-ttorxof inquiry. Kuolone Jo. aiauiu. bod for " tj'ii ie to II. 1U; and Nerv Hiram There waa recently on rxhibition at the sbcp of Mr. Cooosy, bu'.i-urr. Belfaat, a ide at a oaroaite nf a heifer ctrrvu \i an extraordluarv kidney, which weighed upwards of 100 Ib*. /." lietier Imar | ir.ool evil* thau dy to tf uiikuowu ' liftur *till, u-u KiJuvy Wort 'l make v-mr |>rt*m'ut evil* Sy |o part* unknown. If you tin.) younelf k;t*tlitiji billi***, btiad bavy, mouiu foul, eye* ysllow. ki>lnt.y dlAordered, BVmptoini of pilea tormaotiug you, inkeatonre a few dn*e*i>f Ki Iney Wort I ,,. it as an advanrr guard either form It i* enVu-ni. MaiJau. Blast, F*b 1. 1*0. Ooll*uiao I >uffr*d ith attack* of *iok bjadaoha " Neuralgia, faiual* trouble*, for >ear* m in* I* and rurucialing man > No nitKlioin* <ir dortur could dive -i* rehel or ear* ui> in.nl I urdtiou llnlor. " Tb* fint li.ittl* Nearly cured me;" Tb* wtoud mad* utf si well d alruutf a* when a child. " Aud 1 hav* b**n ao to till* day." Hy bualiaud wa* an invalid for w.uty y*ar with a t*nna " Kidney, liver anil urinary oomplaint. Proooaseed by boaum'* bml yLvaielans "Inouraliln 1 " hvvttn b..lllr. of yoor bltUr* Wrad b.in Bud know of llit* " l.lv** i.f eight |wnuu* " In mr DaiKiiborbood tbat bav* twee, aavaj your tuner*. And many more ar* uaiuif tuui witli gr** kesttsU. 1 TI..-V alnit Ju miracle* 1 ' -ifn i u HlaeM. lo dry 01 li'iu: t The Inveruea* Town C)unoil ha\* re- solved to oppose Ibe Ureat North of Hoot- laud lUilway (' >uipauy in their application for power* to noustruot a breach line from Grautowo to laverue**. problem, coats about as much as ID America. ' Take, for instance, ihc IIookiuK coal," aaida railroad man to-day. " The miner" charge HO cent* a too for tninma it. (In the Maaaillon reumn they charge 1*5 cent*. bil* Ibe Brier Hill m*o have beea getting only il.V) Tbe dead work oosta 60 eeota a too (down in tbe afaasUlon region where they bsve to pump out their minee it is ">0 cents a ton), tbs freight will amount to II 40. aod it will cost 30 oeuts to load and unload it. That swell* the cost to 12 60 a ton. Tbs freight cannot be lowered much. It amount*, now to but f of a cent per ton a mile." Few of the coal operators have gotten rich. Down in tbe Brier Hill region they pay a* high a* 50 cent* a ton to tanners whose laud they have leased for mioiug purpose*, while io the Msssillou regioD from )"> to 20 cent* a ton is given. Theo tbere are burse-backs. Horse back* are rook projection* which are met in a mine where they rise up and shut off the coal. It is ao sxpeosivs task Io remove them. Price, tb* Pittsburg miner, once struck a horse-back which oost him over ? ' i UOO to get through In England, where oapitaliste are more patient lhao we, they run s long abaft from the month to the farther eod of a side bill mioe and begin from tbe rear and work forward. Here tbe operator, unable to wait so long for a return from bis money, begins at oooe to take out tbe coal, opening rooms each side ot the central shaft aud leavirg great pil- lars of coal to support the roof of the mine Tbe pillars, which are .try large, contain many tons of coal, which are not available till tbe mine has been exhausted, when they are taken out and tbe roof allowed to fall. nut to and rely on a European mind wbeu exercised with Armuee* aad dinnliou. In ix or at t nn dayi Major i'roiheroe, tbe acting commandant at Port Blair, arrived, accompanied by soiao other officers aud ibe chaplaiu, and relieved ber of her terri- ble responsibilities. Then, ou Ibe chaplain reading tbe funeral arvios over her hus- band's grave, b* broke down, threw in-rittlf ou the grave, aad bad to be removtd by foroe. 1 1 appear* tbat Mr de Kjep*ter(T, wilh hi* wife's assistance, had nearly completed a dicsfteejry of Ibe Nioo bareae language, aud iderable progreas in a traoilation of Ihs Bible. Ilis widow desJree to remain for oina time at Port Blair to finish the work. l.onduH Standard. A -lrl \ o.lh l.**kl*m tilt i The great heiress of England at present is Mist Hamilton, whose mother, Lady Nisbett Hamilton, has just died. The large estates in Haddingtonabire aod Lincolnshire, the annual income of which is estimated at ItiilO.OuO, bavs been for some years, owing to tbe lady's incapacity, under the management of the Koottmu Court*. and an imruanae sum has accrued. Mis* Hamilton's father, whose original nan.e was Oundaa, had ths agreeable fortune to adopt no fawer than three additional family oamea Christopher, Niibelt aod finally Hamilton each change bringing a large increase of fortune. Her mother, jual deceased, had been first married to tbe Karl of Elgin, father of the Karl of Cana- dian memory, and of Sir Frederick lirnoe, Minuter at Washington, but wa* divorced from him. |... t n t I. ii lit'. U*M I'lul. No living monarch. European or Asiatic, not even tbe Ciar of All tbe Russia*, oan boast of such a service ot plate as thai owoed by Queen Victoria, to whose guests it is often exhibited oo huge bull -it. at either end of the banqueting table io St. Oeorge's Hall vases, plateaux, cups and candelabra, all wrought io the precious metal, tbe net value of which ii said to ex- oeed two millions sterling. Conspicuous among tbe trophies ars ths mimic lyre-bird and tiger's bead, taksn from Tippoo Saib Wkal J.Kii < hlntim.t.i l-i- It will probably astonish many to know tbat three-fourths of all the chicken* brought to this market are consumed by tbe Chines*, aod thai nme-teulbs of all Ihe tame duck* brought here share tbe same fate. Tbe longer ooe lives the more he finds by jimmioy out, aud ioitead of tbe (/bioamao feasting on rat pii, as bs is popularly supposed to do, be his ju*t three limes as much chicken pie on hi* bill of fare as tbe while man, aad nine limes as much slewed duck. The Chinaman is peculiar. Geese or turkey* he doee not care for, and wild ducks or any other gsu* which ha* been *hot are an abomination m hiialmood shaped eyss. Heap like 'em alive " ie John's remark when any dead fowl* art- offered him. Hi* tejote in fish is also peculiar, lie avoids salmon, but goes hi* last uiokle ou *uok*n aud cturgeou, or any rait water fish which ha* been long out ol water. Well, tbe salmon is a royal fish. It IB death to dogs and doe* not seem to agree witb Chinimeo. The massive brain of tb* Cauoaayui IB tbs ooly ooe able to cope witb and successfully assimilate th* pboophoru* and pbatof tbeluseieus Chinook. I'ortlain (tregonitn. Oo Uftoetnber Mud. John Crowlry. painter. Cork, wa* arrealed by a deteolive on a nharge of having threatened to shoot the lion. Captain I'lnokett. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have aallow color of *km, or velluwiah browo spots oo face or body, frt |ueat headache or di/./.iue"*, bad laate iu inouih, internal beat or chill* allrnai*d wub hot dusbe*, low spirils and gloomy forebodings, irregu- lar appetite, and tongue coated, you are suffering from " torpid liver," or bilious- ness." In many oases ot liver oomplaint " only part of these symptom* are expert* ne- ed. As a remedy for all *och cases Dr. I'lerosa " (ijldao Medical Discovery " has no equal, as it effects perfect aud radical cure*. At all drug store*. Th* inveterate woman-praiaer i* quits akin to th* man that run* a xheep farm. Tbs latter i* a sheep raiser, and if tbe farmer isn't a she-praiaer. wbat is he? Y.iung or middle aajed men utfsring from nervous debility, toes ol memory, premature old ace, as tbe result of bad habits, should *snd three stamps for Part VII. of Dime Series pamphlets. Addrea* WOBI n H UI-I-KN-IUT' Municti. ASHOCUTION, Buffalo. N.Y. There's maoy a slip 'twixl the cup aud ths lip," but tbsrs ars many more slip* badajapMteasv^it,, u,. ouj, has been emptied. Bad temper often proceeds from those painful disorders to which women are *ub jeol. In femals complaints Dr. R. V. Fierce'* " Favonle Prescription " is a oer lain ours. By all druggist*. | 'Joking about ber uoae, a young lady said, " I had nolbiug to do wub shaping it. Il was a birthday present." "~ProfeBBor\VolooU Gibe* of Harvard I'nT venity, ii tbe nr*t American wbo has ever been made a member of Ibe German Chemical Society of Berlin. l^r No family djs* were *rer so popular a the Masaood l>ie* Tb*y naver fail. Tno !>!*< I* far superior to lugwoua. Tbu other foil ra sr elegant. IKJDNEY-WORT HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURE for KIDNEY DISEASES. |l yuu TK. u ordlordprrd urin Indl-. .oum r THKN IX) NOT W Doraalam^ bark sdstkas; III^lTA fMm r^.^Ttiniildltland It ,m. tb. arm an 1 raron hMltby aru.m i - r oompUinU poullar to joui M*. aocbaa iln md wkM oa. Kl.lnojr Wort U unsurpaMPii. it : wi.laot prompl'.y and afl]r. EtthfrBox. ImxiiiUn.no*, reltiitton ofiirtu., orlck diut or ropy dixjil. and dull dra^Kln*- palna, all ap**dll)T ylold to Ita untlv. powOT A- 801.1> DT AM. PHUOOlaTB. ~ KIDNEY-WORT \Vould you Hay that a carpenter is like a barber beoaune be can't gat sl^og without havings? - HOI UH *>l 1HI." Aak for " Ilouiih on Coughn. for (kiuih*. Coldf Bur* ftiroal. Hoar*en*M. Truck**, V. Liquid, 50 Many a woman who does not know even the multiplication table oao figure " in society. WILLS. RICHARDSON * GO'S IMPROVED BUTTER COLOR UK.I l ttsr eighty years ago, and grandfather, presented to King Oeorga Her III. Ths lyre-bird's body aud tail are composed of solid gold, richly studded with brilliants, rubiei, emerald* and pearls. Tbe tiger's bead ouoe served Hyder Ali's masterful BOO ai a footstool. It ii a Ufe-siKed model, fashioned in solid silvsr, richly gilt, Its tusks of rook crystal, and it* tongue of purs gold. Like tb* lyre-bird, it fell into the haodi of the British at the storming ot Bsringapatem, where Tippoo, ils valorous owner, met hii death. Norvuci Waakn***, Dy*|>p*iB. lui|>utuc*. ftaiual li.t.ility. oured by " Wells' Uealtb be noner." tl. _ Matthew Arnold, oo his return to r'.ng- land, will be Seoretary of tbe Education Department, at a salary of 110,000 a year. mOTIIKK KWAN-i* MTOHn HVstVP Infallible, taitel***, harmlM*. ealbarlle ; for fevri*liu***, ra>ll***n**s, worm*, oun*tlps- UOB Wo. The graduates of Toronto U Diversity give a bau'iuet Feb. 15th. IUV.1VIC.UH Olio. Kali. U. MHO. I am r*rv Rlad to aay I have tried Hop Hitter*. and never took anything thai did me a* mueu Hav* the courage to wear your old clothes until you o*a pay (or new good. I only Uxik twu bvttlna, aad I would not lake *IOO for HIM M >.llb*T did ma. I raoouiiuaud them Ui my patisnU, and g*t Ih* beat r**ulta from Ihelr use. Mother," ' what Is C. B. kUacsa, M ID asksd a Philadelphia girl, heroine T" " A woman who don't squeal at ths sight of a rat." was tbs prompt reply. A NEW DISCOVERY. |B~Fr at-Trrml yr-ar* we hav* fnrtil-h^l thtt Dalrrm.-n of Am. n. a nh an M.-rllfnt artl SSsleslorBBVbattt-ri o m^rllnrlou. ibat It BM* wt and ool/ pru- 4 at b-lb Uumalrial Ittlrr IVrv l.y p""lt arilarlrimilc rhnlcl r- har^ lin|,n>Tl In tt-Ttr*! |>lnt*. and tlil ii.-w oil.ir a. tiki bnt "t < irarld. It Will Not Color the Buttermilk. It Will Mot Turn Pinnold. It Is th* Strongest, ntihtest and Cheapest Color Made, fir And. whllt. pn-in-.l In oil, U romp, .and fd lh.t It I* lrap.l.lf f..r "I ! l>m lam-Id. trBCWAwt ' *<l Imll.llon*. an. I "f nil tlur nil o.li'rt. f.T M,,y air ll.bl. lo brromt. anrl.'.amt ! il tl- l-uil. r. (HI n-. " nt K*4 ' I , ' to kn,' wli<T.ml li.iw lo k -i n iihoutf.lra BBJBJBja 1 1. ini in"-n> a I " KIDN. 'ORT GREAT CURE -RHEUMATISM ,)* It l* for all th* painful d.v-aw. of u>* KIDNfVS.LIVIR AND BOWKLS. j It o.aaaa*a th* .y*tm of Ui. acrid paiwi* Ui.i naua** th* draadful auknn whir* e o*U7 U> victim, of RhjiimaT'im oan rall* THOUSANDS OF CASKS of tb wont form* ot UU* Irmbl* dli I Bav. t.n quickly rvU*ved. a:i4 In abort PKRFICTLY CURIO. mill. II. I IU' III UK t'l-.v .H Ii ' t l.l;i t.,.1-1 V 44- < mn l>rnl h. WKLIJI. * >'o l>urliBtonVl KIDNEY-\VORT ^ ^ V/.^AN ^"'fV. ' fe LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VBOZTABLE COJ.TP5N1. A Kro far* far all r"KMALK WKAK- M --.I-., larlaclasj l.c.r.rrWa, Ir. r. *.lr an.l l-.ii.riil >lrs.lraallos. BlaaiBiallaa mmt I lrcriles ( Ik* \\ omb. FlaesUast I'Hti- LAFSVH I TKRI, *Ve. ulsiluli sSJunl m anil lnlueeV-1 KUBiraUWIp Or " o*u dsrUx labor aad at ncsUr m in ti tst IT us ru*< mi IT run LI. r*rF< AU. WBABial of th |uiratl ef rlthrr -i I* IW.>B<| lo ao rtwl.T ibt b. l~m laTor. tb* pubtlei aad for all dl*rM at ta* Knn-Ti n ta th Oreumt J?*rf M ia> WtrU. lw~KinNKV C'O.nPI.AIWTMaf KHker Hea I ni.l I -r. l It. U. I I" ll* I'**. "f Buni.r. f r.<n lb rmdi, ato r.rrr ^IU[ "f Buni.r. II! -K! .t ib.mm.llm.--uT1'Kwn<l-intb i . 'MS. A. aiarTUa. In nulu a. ta* C. h..vMS. A. aiarTUa. In nulu ir-'lblb*Coai|ioaiidsni Wwd rwlOrr an pre- p.n-.t .1 IB aad Wf***n Avraa*. Lyas. a. Pn~.rrllbw.t4. Sll botUM .r St. Th. OMMKXIB4 lornt byvull 1* tbefona uf tail* . of loars*^. oa rr.-rl|< uf prtw. (I pr U..1 for rll h T. Hn. PUubua frwty *. all IMkrrauf l.|iilry. aanip. *Md for pan-suit^ 4i*tta* fa.. rfrr. ir-1.tn , -old b all r. r-ipa- " otats. , p NEVER BE WITHOUT BEST SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. THE ONLY VEGETABLE CURE FOR r*. rrii.FFHT ilT I wirf.rtt nif AIIMI tvtrifi^i Iran mmlvlnM acar*. *VudM * ttetiis) of my infuilbi* '.*>. tUin | i ii OUlsJ JI'O l>r. t. *. *>O* .iir..rlS,. N To*k. r !.* io eon'* s RaslnM* Kdaoalioa or Burneertan PD uiausblp Bl Hi* HrKNOHK IAN BU81MISH OOLLKOt fllronlan tn* Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costivancss, Sick Headache and Biliousness. Pi los, 93. f*r boiiU. Snl.l by all Di *>****> ini mi. n iv ILIOI-S TMPORTAST BOOK FOR MUNI- 1 CI1' U. eniin*illonan<t ofDofn, eoutalas in brief and familiar HTl* tb* maulolpal law* of Ontario win form* 100 fa*-** ; beand ID cloth en ou dollar. Addra** l'*TT * TRACT raellsbsrs, Strsiford

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