www.oakvillebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday June 13, 2007 - 15 Community Update Forward announcements of nonprofit and free events for Community Update to the Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4; email angela@oakvillebeaver.com or call 905-845-3824, ext. 248. Free. WEDNESDAY JUNE 13 Yummy Mummy Picnic today at Coronation Park from noon to 5 p.m. All welcome. Bronte Horticulture Society meets at Colborne Recreation Centre, Lakeshore and Third Line, 7:30 p.m. Visitors welcome $3. Speaker is garden designer, Barbara Phillips-Conroy on No More Garden Blahs! Free presentation on `Networking' with Deb Dennison 9:30-11:30 a.m. at 465 Morden Rd., Unit 109 call 905-845-1157, ext. 101 or visit www.thecentre.on.ca . Bingo at Bronte Legion, 79 Jones Street in The Club Room at 7 p.m. All welcome. HAPPEN Linking People and Opportunities Networking support group for business professionals in career transition meets at 8 a.m. at Burlington Art Centre, 1333 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington, speaker Ross Macpherson on Awesome Interviews, members $10, non-members $20, call 905-339-0268 or www.happen.ca. Chi Kung for Women at Alliance Healthcare (Trafalgar & QEW). Balance and strengthen internal organs. 6:458pm. $5 admission. Call 905-845-2291. THURSDAY JUNE 14 Free information service for unemployed adults, 9:30-11:30 a.m. at 465 Morden Rd., Unit 109, register by calling 905-845-1157, ext. 101 or visit www.thecentre.on.ca. What is Hope?, Wellspring HaltonPeel, 1-3:30 p.m., 2545 Sixth Line, call 905-257-1988. Look at the personal meaning of hope, and how patients and families may be resilient in the midst of change and challenge, led by Ann Wray Hampson. Grief Clinic (in Spanish) with Maria Olga Castano. Recognize the different symptoms of grief/bereavement, 10 a.m.noon, The Women's Centre, Hopedale Mall, 1515 Rebecca St., Suite 229, call 905-847-5520 or visit www.haltonwomenscentre.org. Sheridan Job Connect is hosting an Apprenticeship Information Evening at 6:30 p.m., Sheridan Skills Training Centre, 407 Iroquois Shore Blvd., Room C1. Find out about Apprenticeship in Ontario, Halton OYAP and Sheridan's PreTrades programs. Call 905 845-9430, ext .8160 to register. The Militarization of Outer Space, 79 p.m., a look at proposed space-based weapons with speaker Dr. Barbara Birkett, Physicians for Global Survival, Oakville Community Centre For Peace, Ecology And Human Rights (OCCPEHR), 148 Kerr St., call 905- 849-5501, e-mail volunteer@oakvillepeacecentre.org or visit www.oakvillepeacecentre.org. FRIDAY JUNE 15 Practice your telephone interview skills with a Career Information Specialist, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 465 Morden Rd., Unit 109, call 905-845-1157, ext. 121 or visit www.thecentre.on.ca. SATURDAY JUNE 16 Halton Youth Symphony Orchestra will perform from 6:45-7:30 p.m., Burlington Sound of Music Festival with a several favourite pieces from this past season, OLG Stage, on west end of the Waterfront at Downtown Burlington, for more information contact manager@haltonyouthsymphony.com or 905-616-2760. B'Nai Shalom Congregation of Halton-Peel holds its monthly Shabbat service at 10 a.m. at an hotel in Oakville. After services, kiddush and conversation, e-mail: info@bnaishalom.ca or call Judi at 905-469-4344. Old Fashioned Strawberry Social and Tea Dance, featuring Kerr Street Big Band, 2-4 p.m., $6.50, tickets available at Colborne Centre 1565 Old Lakeshore Rd. (at Third Line). Kerr Street Ministries (KSM) hosts a Family Fun Day to raise awareness and funds for KSM, particularly its Day Camp. A barbecue, ice cream, cotton candy, bouncy castle, cotton candy, carnival games, community garage sale, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Burloak Christian Fellowship, 4343 Bronte Rd., tickets cost $2 and are available at Kerr Street Market, 484 Kerr St. and at Good Books Christian Book Store, 114 Thomas St., downtown Oakville. Don't be afraid of dinner. Now you can create delicious and affordable meals in minutes without the frightening tasks of grocery shopping, preparingor cleaning. Make your home or cottage cooking easier with sixteen nutritious meal choices every month.To find out more, visit 610 Ford Drive at Cornwall or justaddheat.ca