f nutrition wednesday november 9 1983 md7 from the nutrition division public health branch regional municipality of york x john is a chubby and very unhappy little boy i nobody at school will be ms mend in fact most ofbls insensitive classmates call him fatso or jeuybeuy even bis wellmeaning teacher suggested that he would be liked better if hed lose some weight joba bates gym class hes always picked last when teams are selected un dressing for swim class is humiliating leave him alone its only baby fat hell outgrow it is his fathers attitude but his mother who is also oierweight fears that john will grow up fat like herself so johns mother nags almost constantly about bis diet particularly when john takes chocolate chip cookies from the cup board why can tyou be nice and slim like your older brother his mother asks in frustration won t you help me john begs bis pa rents fl rent a wreck everyday specials 95 14195 to plus mileage friday to monday 39 with 200 free km 4711040 ne corner of hwy 7 and laidlaw 1 pin an award on a kid who deserves it ontarios community newspapers and cp air coordinator and patron of the ontario junior citizen of the year awards program are seeking entries for 1983 recipients will receive a junior citizen lapel pin plaque 200 and a family picture with the lieutenant governor of ontario nomination forms are available at this newspaper deadline for nominations november 30th 1983 economist and sunthe tribune dennis smith being a fat child is not fun as parents you can and should take steps to help your child heres what should and shouldnt be done 1 get an honest appraisal of your childs situation ask your family physician to evaluate your child if the physician doesnt think your child is overweight dont dwell on the issue but if your child is too fat do some thing no w without further delay the physi cian can also determine if the is an underlying disease causing the blem such diseases are rare and shouiu be tre ated if they do exist if they dont they should not be used as an excuse for lack of action 2 do not put child on a reducing diet studies have shown that weight reduc tion in children can permanently interfere with growth and development try to stop further weight gam and allow the child to grow into his present v eight make sure the youngster eats all the foods necessary for growth but limits high calone foods fatproof your house rid the house of foods you know your child should not be eating v dont buy special foods your child can eat the same foods as the rest of the family dont expect your child to eat the same amounts as you do the great food adventure a booklet available from your local public health branch gives guides to childsized portions dont encourage overeating by coaxing your child to clean his plate look for ways to trim calories during food preparation by reducing the amount of fat and sugar used make sure the snacks are low in calories if the child is given or earns money en courage him to spend it on treats other than food be firm do not feel guilty you are not depriving your child 3 help your child become more active feeling clumsy tired accidentprone and rejected by other children many over weight children prefer to watch tv they may even make up excuses for avoiding activity periods at school this inactivity leads to more weight gain and a vicious circle is established encourage your child to join non- competitive activities at which he can succeed r i askhowmuchexercisehegetsatschool r buy a bike trike or even a dog that has to be walked i t 5 a f make activities a family affair going for a walk together is excellent exercise encourage sports that can be carried over into the adult years encourage infants and toddlers to be ac tive play actively with infants take toddlers out of strollers as young as possible even though it may not be as convenient for you 4 provide support but do not nag praise your child for his accomplish ments reward him with kind words affections a toy or a special outing not food emphasize other positive things about your child so he wont think that all you care about is weight work at improving his selfesteem t what if your child backslides occasional ly remember children are only hu- man discuss the situation and carry on avoid putting excessive pressure on your child too much pressure may set him up for failure make sure your love or approval is not conditional on his suc cess be realistic about what is a reasonable weight for your child help your child accept a realistic size for himself prevention i are certain children born to be fat not necessarily but overweight tends to run in a family studies have shown that having one or both parents overweight increases the childs chances of becom- ing overweight whether this is due to heredity or environment is not yet known it is known however t t fat- making habits overeating and lack of activity are learned behaviours which can be overcome all instore wfoltpaper this weeks feature 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