Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 24, 1977, p. 4

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4 the tribune thursday march 21 uh john montgomery editor established ims charles h nolan publisher barre beacock advertising manager editorial dept aaaaarat lamar killk bl display aovek7isiho dept lai wldaaua art ouea business office jaaa marakaua darata daacaa euaaa ganar pvmfiam avary thursday at mala st skhrffvwa oat ttl milt taraam paoaa mmmo slag capia mc wbacrietiaas jmja par yaar la canada tuja abawbara maasbar el audit buraau of circulation caaadjaa community nawtaapars aitadatlaa aad oalarie waakly nawipaean auocutlea sacaad clau nail ragntratna anmbar oam j- v tb tribiaw h eoaei ma lalaad piibibkias co- urattad aroup of luborbaa nampaaan which ioclvdas tha aiaxjtoaiteapickariaa nrwt advarhiar bramptoa ooardiao burlington pait etomcoka oaitflc markhan mecenomistaadsoanwmarlulaarwaeraoalnulabavarc4lwwathlwatkaadauiisabanar 6402100 3611680 t taking council to people an to overcome v the problem of municipal politics today is that a vast majority of the people dont know or care about what their council members are doing fortunately however uxbridge council anderson s neds youf help stpuffvillea town that prides itself on community involvement hasgiven a disappointing response to its only- hockey team left in the ontario playoffs the don anderson bantam team v ti the anderson squad which may have already won their semifinal series against huhtsville depending on how they did last night needs andwantsallthe suppportthey can get from the town vjvthe boys have been playing their hearts out all season and are now on the threshold of bringing an ontario championship to stouffville biittheone major discouraging note has been the pitiful crowd turnout to these important games j the town should take prideinwhat these boys have already accomplished and the best is trying todo something about this apathetic situation with their recent announcement that they plan to take their meetings to local area communities the first stop will be at goodwood 1 council consisting mostly of new members should be commended for what they are doing realizing that the people very rarely come to council the only solution to the problem is to bring council to the people in this way council can meet some of the people who would not normally go to uxbridge for their meetings and oh the opposite side council is making itself more personable and approachable to their constituency f municipal processes badly need exposure to the average person because it is so easy for people to vote then forget about council until the next election with this added contact the residents can become at least somewhat more interested in affairs that do affect them by the simple fact that it will make it easier to talk to council members about their problems in fact it would not be a bad idea for stouffville council to start their own travelling irbad show it wouldbe a simple matter for council to go to other area communities to let them know just what they are doing and the feedback from the people though probably not always complimentary would beuseful hopefully uxbridge councils ex per iment will work- and the people will take the opportunity to go out and meet their garbage litter everyones problern r by john montgomery way to to that is to getfoutto the residents have to icheer thenvon rc 0v that whatthev arerlnincr is fint crninir council that what- they aredoing is hot going everyday when i look out into my yard i see more blown litter and refuse spread about my lawn tangled in the bushes or moving about restlessly in the wind this situationto say the least makes me very angry i live on mill st and most but not all the garbage comes from thestbfes and apartments backing onto commercial st i have complained repeatedly but to ho avail to both councillor june button and to our bylaw enforcement officer willis wideman although my ownconcern is naturally with the garbage from mill st i have spoken to many people around town who have similar complaints and all one has to do is look around to see that litter is widespread the problem is people are putting their garbage out three or four days before it is due to be picked tip and this gives the local curs arid mongrels ampleopportunity to snack and- behind if the anderson team krows spread the debris about town ind them win or lose theplayerswill i councils willbecomeaccustomedto making nobody bothers packing down the boxes probablyplayallthatharder to bring thesl 1 championshiptostouffviller- y v so lets fill thearena forthe game- and show the boys we really do care- decisions without consulting them xa loss of input tothe most immediate jevel government means a subversion through our own apathy our fundamental democratic rights fand other stuff they put in the waste bins and v as a result the garbage ends up piled way over c the top of the bins where it canbe caught up by a brisk wind i am also curious to know why none of the spademen garbage bins have lids on them- 1 have never seen this situation allowed in any other community i walked along commercial the other day arid behind one of the stores was a large cardboard box filled with newspapers that had been used for packing the box wasnt in the industrial waste bin rioone had bothered to close theflaps on the box and in fact the newspapers stuck way out over the top there was a west wind the other night and when i got up friday morning not too sur prisingly- my backyard was liberally i sprinkled with newspapers it is the same story for the neighbours on both sides of me this situation is grossly unfair my neighbours expend considerable time and effort to maintain and beautify their homes and yards yet if they arent out picking upthe litter every day their property looks like the york sanitation dump this -incident- of the cardboard box especially gallsme as theownerof the store is a very civicminded individual is a member of a service club and is deeply in- 1 volved in the centennial activities i wont mention his name this time but beginning monday the tribune willi photograph any such instances and name the person or store responsible i would also like to hear from any other residents who facer similar problems the people responsible will get the public recognition they so justly deserve this situation is especially ridiculous ii considering this is the towns centennial year r and we have been barraged with platitudinous speeches while at the same time showing a complete lack of respect for the esthetics of thetown before i moved here i lived on queen st l in torontos east end and although i keep hearing all sorts of insulting remarks about vj the dirty city the streets there were farxj cleaner thanthey are here the amount of garbage on thestreets of n stouffville as a disgrace and is especially unacceptable amidst all the rhetoric surrounding the centennial l i the recycling- depot committeeare i planning a much needed cleahup of stoufffj ville in may but we- are very apprehensive vthatunless something is done to get at the root- l the problem it will onlybeamatterof weeks before the situation again deteriorates sugar and spice loved f or wrdng reasons by bill saailey tobacco fc nothing but a deadly habit by mdrie cbuperthwaiife nothing more frustrating than- being loved for all thewrpng feasohsthis has been happening to me all my life v- my wife fell in love with me because i was the firstlive one shed metin threeyears at university- 1 was just home from overseas v cocky as a yoiing black bass until then the only college men shed met were flatfoots or t foureyes whose idea of a hot date was to ask outdiitchtreatfor acoffeeandbreathe heavily over their own passion for words- worths poetry yv r -c- she was a good sweet girl who believed in colleagues love me for all the wrong reasons jtheyseem to think that just because im an outstanding shuffleboard player a superb russian billards shot an- extraordinarily acute poker player a snappy dresser who never wears the same shirt more than three days in arow and a bonvivant whbcah get through the cafeterias shepherds pie with thebest of them i should be an object of adoration if not veneration they dont see beneath that dazzling surface at all they utterly fail to recognize vtthegentleness the sweetness the academic god universityregulati6nsarid the brilliance and the humility that make up the of great writers i soon cured her of that iireal me introduced her into a small society of skeptics i have the same trouble with my students and slumgulliohs like myself who were more iwont saythey worship mei wont go that farbutjts not unusual towalk into my classroom and find candles burning in front of i goto mexico we didnt wa f marry and have children and grow xtogether we wantedto have 18 illicit j and die young of sheer depravity j theylove- me because ithey think i love i it was all a facadejof course but she was teaching love teenagers tell sparkling jokes fascinated and for the next 30 years1 had to and readily buy their raffle tickets- continue the pretence that- 1 was a dashing iijf in fact the onlyreason i teach is the long s trake instead of a dull hoe its been hard t summer holiday teenagers are difficult to underneath im a cowardly conformist not a tidve even your own not one of my jokes is revolutionary romantic a solid free- iless than eight years oldandi buy their enterpriser not an idealistic socialist im not blasted tickets because idontwant my tires miss couperthwaite a grade 8 student at stouffville district secondary school was the area 2 public speaking contest senior winner for centuries thesmoking pi- tobacco in cigarettes cigarsand pipes has produced a controversy over thepossible health hazards but only since the 1950s has sufficient scientific evidence accumulated to make possible a thorough evaluation of the health risksm v- the widespread popularity of cigarettes is fairly recentin mans use of tobacco the smoking pattern began to change at the beginning of the 2bbf r since then cigarettes have steadily become more popular than cigars or pipes 7 it is estimated that 60 million americans smoke and that this year alone 200 to 300000 people will die because of smoking among male cigarette smokers the death rate from all causes is 68 per cent higher than among rionsmokers jv combined results show that death rates among cigarette- smokers- rises with the number of cigarettes smoked daily the death rates also grow progressively higheras the numbef of years ofsmpking experience in creases there- is adirect association found between the degreeof inhalation and the put forward by other v many yoiing death rate the more deeply the smoker smbkerf areuhsureofthemselvesandusea cigarettes to cover up cbnfidencemore children smoke infamilies the smoker who acquires the habit before j s 20 islmpre likely tpbe killed or disabled by- smoking heavy smokers aged 35 years have more than twice the chance of dying before 65 z than dononsmokers v ampng the reasons why teenagers lakeup smoking are their desire for adult status and s their need to conform to the social pressures k vantto thec portrait one of purpart teachers has iw- old paintedffheyv affairs v again itsforthejwrongreasons thev16veme because ithev think i love jl- leader im a follower even though j sometimes i appear to be going sideways or backwards i it blow came the other day whenshe caught me trying to figure out how much pension id getif i retired in three years it sankin at last that she had married not the scarlet pimpernel but elmer fudd- same thing with my kidsthey seemed to love me but for all the wrong reasons- when i wasa weekly editor they thought i was the 30 yeafsdgp this week i sjr i f excerpts from the march 27 1947 issue of the tribune no forgotten funds its found money time in ottawa again when the chartered banks of canada all nine of them report unclaimed bank balances and forgotten accounts left by depositors after a why dontthey love me for my unquen- period of years it- s s l s private individuals could put money slashed good blows in a row on the golf course that some day ill spend most of the time on the trail upright on my skis rather than down right on my fanny tv yes ks disconcerting to be constantly lovedfor the wrong reasons thats why quebec is so disconcerted these days -sud- denly millions of canadians who never gave most important man intown71ont her a look or a thought before love la belle fcount of york where they got the idea they never savme 11 province seldom seen-r- cringing behind the receiver when someold 7 but do ey love hervbr the right reasons im t ladyhad called me up and was wiping me out db they love her because she is toujours gai oyeruie phone because id eijeftone pall aussi charmante fuu of elan and a hell of a i r v gourmet cook nope do they love her becauseshe is much more bilingual than the rest of us and because she is bursting with creativity ndpe v theyjoyelher because the- sulky bad- in the bank and then forget about it will be hard for many to understand but there are several thousand such accounts across- the country amounting to over a million dollars enquiry at the local bank brings forth the information that there are no unclaimed balances in stouffville bank and the blue book indicates that there are few in the whole bearer out or put in one top many in the writeup of her old mans funeralj aj v kids thought i wasa great father i j because i took them on the ferris wheel and rouercoasterwhen- they4werelittlethey j didnt realize wasa quivering jelly inside fromtheir bedtime stories theyknew i had tempei magnifiuyenowed daughter i- ihs mr nia4iaiivcinfajanfiwi kiit t threatens t to le 1 under her arm vvonthe-warpracauyysuigleandedbut- threatens cleave home- with herdowry uughtiwasjurtpeacmmakerwheni backed up ismaruyjn any argumenwith their v mother irfk-vv- same story- allover again with myl yaita years of being loved for all the wrong reasonsi know just how you feel rene f levesque mrs jos received a parcel in the mail the other day we were puzzled when it turned out to be a phonography recordyand at orice thought someone was playing a joke a note along with the disc however told the stbryilt- was a recording from a girl friend of many years ago who is now living in the us -y- we got the old phonograph going and mrs jos heard the voiceof her girlhood friend just v as though she were standing in the roomthis particular friendhad been one of the closest friends while the pairrattended the rural school and they always planned a big reunion which never came off and the years are slipping around- inhalesv the higher the death rate smoking increases the risk of lung can- cer emphysema chronic bronchitis heart attacks premature disability and death even iri young there are suchside effects as short ness of breath throat irritation chronic loss of appetite reduced- stamina and recurrent chest illnesses outofallpeoplethathavelungcancer95 per cent of- them smokeand it is estimated that 100000 deaths will occur this year because of it out of all people that have emphysema 85per cent of them smoke cigarette smoke is a mixture of gases and minute droplets thavcontainseveral hundred compounds- of- which nicotine irritant chemicals- carcinogens which can cause cancer and a high concentration of carbon dioxide are found nicotine contains about 30 chemicals which can cause cancer the burningof one cigarette produces from three to 40- milligrams of yellow brown tar and about one ortwo milligrams of nicotine the gas phase accounts for 60 per cent of the total cigarette at least nine of these chemicals have been found to be irritating and toxic to lung tissues in addition hydrogen cyanide a potent respiratory enzyme poison is also found in the gas phase if smoke is inhaled for two to five seconds -the- amount of particles retained in the respiratory tract is 80 to 90 per cent if smoke is held in the lungs longer retention in creases the popularity of filter cigarettes began toise in 1952 the general viewheld is that v tar in inhaled smoke is an index to thecancer reducing- agents- the reduction of- tar by filters or by low tar cigarettes appears to produce a lower relative risk of lung cancer it has not yet been proven however that filters provide protection against the health hazards of smokingv the smoking pattern islsetrelatively vearlybefore 12 years of age fewer than five percentbf boys and one per cent of girls smoked- but soon after a steady t increase begins by the 12th grade 40 to 55 per cent of teenagers smoke and by 2560 per cent of men and 36 per cent of women have acquired the habit- where botfi parents smoke than in families where neither yparent smokes cigarette advertising also plays an important roleand helps tb start manypeople smoking other facts you should know if you smoke v are 3 a one cigarette raises your blood pressure 10 to 20 points if you smoke a pack a day you inhale f about a cup full of- tar each year spend ap- proximately 328 a year to support your habit and consume about 3400 cigarettes per year jit has been proven the persons in room with a smoker are subjected to the a hazards of the smoke j smoking also causes unattractive yellow stains to appear on the teeth andff v fingers and it dulls the ability to taste foods and smell pleasant odours 1 a various products have been developed as aids for people who wish to stop smoking the best way to stop smoking however is a strong g determination to break the habit j the nexf time someone offers youaj cigarette think about it the answer should be a clear v v j letter to the editor seal slaughter dear sir vv in the madness of the seal slaughtering season many people disagree on the way in which seals are killed many people also do not like them being killed in the first place v i am one of these people if they could find a way ofusing- the carcass as food or something else it would be better im not saying that it would stop the seal killing- wanybne who sees this my way brdif- ferently please send letters to my house at 19th avenue rrlstouffville so i may send them to the member of parliament of ourj district v wyyvti v thank you shannon agnewf agells rv

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