i business directory auctioneers w d atkinson phone stoitkfville 33 licensed auctioneer and sale manager 6axes conducted axvwiiere specializing o the peparston and telling of purebred consign ments and dispersals farm auc tions furniture and real estate sales bllla prepared and posted at no extra coat this specialized ser- tice really pays off and rowans monty in your pocket phone stoukfviije 303 ken clarke prentice auctioneers the counties of york and ontario licensed ana authorized for for the price of one mllilkea po ph ax 35981 markham p o ph mark 346 prentices hate been established auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of vorlt a ontario farm stork furniture sales a specialty addresa gormley p o telephone oormlcj 5311 medical dr s s ball physician and surceon xray office corner ol obrien main phone 135 coroner for tor county history of ths christmas tree christmas legends many drs mitchell smith physicians surgeons xkay phone 230 stouffvllle ofbee hours daily 91 am 1 4 pm 79 p m wednesday occe closed in a m sunday office open 2 3 v m brierbush hospital day and nlghl service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street east stouffvllle chiropractors legal robert vv mcvey itarrlmer a solicitor suite 514 62 richmond street west a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffvllle tuesday and friday 9 to 12 am yvm s baird dc doctor of chiropractic xray hrs 1012 am24- 79 pm monday to friday saturday 1012 am s27 main st n mnrkham ont telephone 701 markham phone 339 toronto phono ell 30383 5935 accountants kennedy kennedy barrister solicitors notaries 07 richmond st w toronto ross kennedy prov hiyy 7 locust hill markham 17c arthur a kennedy prov htvy 7 locust hill markham s32 donald c hinds0n barrister solicitor tuesday 1 pm to 9 pm thursday 1 pm to 530 pm stouffvllle office hours for appointment anytime phone markham 25 slain street over snowballs markham barber shop phone 25 stoufftllie phone 700 john c wylie fia licensed public accountant auditor main st stouffvllle 5 stores west of rr tracks telephone 495 residence 545j1 residence rr3 stouffvllle accounting and income tax services william e davis accountant formerly with dept national revenue- t nation division suite s04 f2 richmond st- w- empire 40555 call collect david a coon barrister solicitor notary public evenings or by appointment phono gormley 5387 toronto ofllce 12tf 010 continental life bldg t71 hay st toronto pliono em 43321 insurance birkett son general insurance acency stouffvllle ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rate prompt service phonos 259wl and 259wl optometrists e a grubin ro optomelri3t pleton iltonlrvllle at stouffvllle office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays december 15th and lgth phones 80j2 and ss3j1 garnet v gray od optometrist wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phone 40j2 for appointment hours 10 am to 800 pm every tuesday ken laushway general insurance phone 270wl 270wj stouffvllle ontario klre automobile liability f g alsop insurance agency fire life auto casualty slain st east stouffvllle phone stouffvllle 223v beauty salons the powder puff beauty salon joy oneiiji open tuesday and thursday nights closed monday for appointment call stouff 465 after hours call stouff 08wl fred m pugh gereral insurance phono stouffvllle 3w its mistaken kindness to pro d so well for the present theres no money to provide for the future talk it over with your mutual life of canada representative dental neil c smith ins dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commorce telephone ig7v stouffvllle joy beauty salon e s barker lis dds honor graduate of university of toronto office over harolds orlu ihnne 274w stouffvllle permanent waving individual styline razor shaping phone stouftvilie u8w2 mrs verna austin prop i opticians mcmanus stronach proscriptionsopticians 121 ia bay st fat bloor va 414278 857 erllnton ave v ii u 3-0- 12 bee your eye physician md then your dispensing optician for lutings of eye physicians phone either above numbers some historians trace the lighted christmas tree back to martin luther who lived from 1483 to 1556 the story is that while strolling through tne countryside one christmas eve under a brilliant starlit sky his thoughts turned to the nativity of the christ child luther was impressed with the beauty of the heavens and the wintry landscape he saw the snow- flecked evergreen trees spark ing in the moonlight return ing home he related the exper ience to his family and attempt ed to reproduce the outdoor scene to a small evergreen tree he attached lighted candles to simulate the reflections of the starlit heaven the heaven that looked down over bethie- hem on the first christmas eve this would date the first lighted christmas tree prior to 1513 however the use of can dles apparently did not at once become firmly established as a decoration because mention of the christmas tree custom in strasbourg a century later does not refer to lights at first lights on a tree were considered ridiculous or childs plav un til about 1700 the christmas tree custom appears to have been confined to the rhine riv er district from 1700 on when lights were accepted as part of the decorations the christmas tree was well on its way to be coming a tradition in germany during the american revolu tion the tradition of the christ mas tree crossed the atlantic with the hessian soldiers a description of christmas festivi ties at fort dearborn 111 in 1804 mentions a christmas tree however the practice did not gain much headway on this side of the atlantic until about the middle of the nineteenth cen tury when after a year of con troversy and doubt it became an established custom in cleve land ohio finland is credited with hav- ing accepted the custom about 1s00 denmark 1810 sweden 1820 and norway about 1830 from these scandinavian coun tries the customs spread to france and england about 1840 records show that about 33000 christmas trees were sold in paris in 1890 at first the trimmings if any consisted mostly of tufts of cotton and strings of popcorn and cranberries other decora tions were flowers replicas of foodstuffs paper ornaments and the like such trimmings have long since been replaced by factorymade highly colored ornaments tinsel strings of electric lights and xxricus nov elties the traditional use of ever green trees during the christ mas season provides a time when all canadians are brought into close contact with the fra grance and freshness of the for est christmas trees probably of known united states coal reserves of 950 billion tons 40 is bituminous 34 lignite and 2 anthracite multitudinous legends claim innumerable origins for the christmas tree one better- known legend concerns an early christian missionary some- add more to mark the period of peace on earth good will tow- ard men than any other prodi uct of the soil indoors and out doors christmas trees have be come essential for decorative purposes in the homes in parks and on streets in churches and in business houses christmas would seem barren without them the spreading branches serve most fittingly too as a delightful hiding place for santa j claus presents for children and adults the christmas tree is a sym- 1 bol of a living christmas spirit i times identified as st wilfred who oree came upon a group of druids preparing to make a human sacrifice under a large oak he had the oak cut down and as it fell a young fir tree sprang up in its place the missionary seized the evidence ard made the fir tree a symbol of the new faith henceforth the tribesmen were to set this symbol of immortality in the halls of their lodges at christ mas time and surround it with feasting and love and the laugh ter of children the legend of the faithful pine which sheltered the hoy family during the flight to egypt is less well known per- haps but so very charming and touched by the mvsticism ap propriate to the nativity theme i vv- hems soldiers la pur suit ary impiy had to rest awhile and sought shelter with in the hollow trunk of a hue fir tree as the soldiers approa ched the tree bent its branches to conceal the huddled little group when the danger had passed the baby jesus blessed the old tree and if you cut at pine cone lengthwise at christ mas time you can still see the imprint of his little hand nor has legend overlooked the bright baubles which be- deck our modern christmas trees the first christmas tree was really an apple tree accord ing to legends collected bv flor ence b robinson and although the fir tree long since has sup planted its predecessor for christmas use the popular tin sel bauble of today is the rep resentative of the fruit which for the early christians sym bolized the fall of man in the garden of eden and his re clamation by the birth of the saviour the stoufrvule tcsukc thorny dectmber t3 5s pc tl body fender repairs duco dulux refinishing estimates without obligation w g garrett and son main street stouffville ont phone 265 1 for mortgage protection sun life of canada has a special policy that will pro tect your home for your family your house will be cleared of all remaining debt in the event of your death let me tell you without obligation about sun lifes mortgage protection policy sun life assurance company of canada jim abell telephone 237 stouffville stouffville machine tool works telephone 2 rear or cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm marrhlvert machinery repairs funeral directors stouffville floral ros es kedding bouquets lfotyal designs it flowers phone 70w l e oneill stoukfviije funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone serrlce daj or mght phone stouffvllle aswj j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone yn jurkluiu ouuuio 9 i 9 i i i i i you give a gift subscription to the stouffville tribune foi christmas make it a merry christmas all the year- for those at home or far away the person receiving the subscription will receive an attractive christmas card informing him with the senders name and best wishes this is a perfect solution to your gift problems this year a tribune gift subscription handy subscription rates canada 350 elsewhere 450 for further information phone stouffville 152 or 153 christmas subscription the stouffville tribune please order gift subscriptions to be mailed to the folloving 1 name mailing address 2 name maijirg addrsss 3 nams mailing aur3z enclosed h ry clicqua fr senders name address m 1 i mmmi 1 i m m m i hi i i i t li i 1 i 6 is i i h t l l i