a m stouffvnil wbjhe ihntor tomrg u len wilkes clothes shop store wide clearanc girls coats reg size46x 2595 2195 size 7 0 1995 2195 sale 1950 1650 1495 1695 snow suits 23x car coats 412 childrens flannel shirts 36 childrens lined jeans 5 and 6 baby dresses girls plaid slacks 714 girls hat and slip clearance clearing 498 clearing 498 99 149 clearing 98 reg 695 398 12 price ladies skirts and blouses size 12 to 20 298 up girls dresses jumpers skirts blouses size 2 to 14 clearing from 198 ladies slips clearing 198 ladies magic slacks wool plaid reg 1595 995 ladies satin house coats reg 895 398 ladies striped corduroy slims reg 695 495 mens suede leather casual jackets 6 only reg 3750 y price mens suburban coats reg 2950 clearing 1995 boys suburban coats reg 1595 clearing 1095 mens turtle neck sweaters reg 795 clearing 498 mens vneck pullovers clearing 298 grand mere mens bulky orion pullover reg 1 1 95 695 boys ski hats clearing z price len wilkes clothes shop next door to iga foodliner stouffville ontario vaughan reeves statement criticized in county council a statement reported to have been made by reeve john per ry of vaughan township was criticized strongly ac the last session of the 1937 york county council by reeve fred arm strong of woodbridge the re port was carried by the rich mond hill liberal i have completed six years on county council and in all that time i have never heard a member make such a statement as did reeve perry that county council road business is carried on behind sealed doors as effec tive as an iron curtain said mr armstrong is quite an insult to the members of coun ty council for any fellow mem ber to make such a statement i take great exception to that there may be 1300 suckers in vaughan township who want to absorb this but i wont he charged reeve perry was absent from the county council meeting his deputy reeve r kirk spoke in his defence to the best of my knowl edge i dont recall the statement being made as reported in the press mr kirk told county council sometimes we feel that we are misquoted in the press being present when the state ment was made i can only say that i didnt construe it as it was reported in the paper in fact we didnt think there was a reporter at the meeting according to the liberals re port reeve perry is quoted as saying im convinced that the county road business is locked and sealed in political lobby its a disgrace to democracy under discussion at the time at the vaughan township coun cil meeting was the announce ment by the toronto and york roads commission that the markham rd from yonge st to the don mills rd will be come a county road as well as a section of bayview avenue mr kirk said a parallel situa tion existed on bathurst street and vaughan township should receive the same consideration from the county it is wrong to defend in any manner such a statement re plied mr armstrong the onus is on mr perry to either deny or confirm the report if mr perry confirms it he must ei ther prove his point or apolo gize to county council added mr armstrong county appointments to hiqh school boards representatives t o district high school boards within the county were named by the 1957 york county council at its final session the inaugural meeting of the 1958 council will be held on tuesday jan 21 at 2 pm appointments for one year were made as follows aurora district high school board dr g v williams york county central district high school board marshall mcmurchy markham dist high school bd william spears newmarket sutton disf high school board mrs violet macnaughton and stouffville district high school board a h williams j l burrows sutton was ap pointed for a threeyear term to the newmarketsutton district high school board mrs mac naughton was named to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of dr w o noble gigantic shoe clearance continues to end of january at lehmans shoes stouffviue ontario new sandpaper found better easier to use to start on pickering hospital extension in next few weeks within a few weeks construc tion will start on a 12bed addi tion to ajax and pickering gen eral hospital increasing the present facility of 37 beds to 49 announcing awards for the construction to be completed before midsummena statement by the board of directors today hailed the expansion as being imperative in meeting the de mands of the community the board also revealed with a great satisfaction that funds for the workestlmated to cost 50000 including furnishings and equipment are virtually in hand but however magical may seem this latest development in the hospitals story warned board chairman kenneth d morley the extra 12 beds will be only a stopgap within per haps five years a new and per manent structure for 100 beds will be needed for this we must start planning right now ground for the new extension wing extending easterly from the present structure will be broken in february and a con dition of the contracting respon sibility awarded to kenneth smith construction of ajax is that the work must be com pleted within four months bert schrane electric also of ajax will handle the electrical instal lation the plumbing and heat ing has been awarded to george hamers of whitby the board required sealed tenders based on plans prepared by its engi neering consultants babcok scrivener ltd of toronto un der the supervision of t a gib son property chairman paying tribute to all who had contributed to the decision to pursue the undertakingto a suc cessful conclusion chairman morley described it as being a fine example of what can be accomplished by community endeavor especially he cited the co operation of the councils of the three municipalities ajax pic kering township and pickering village and of the county of ontario the hospitals womens auxiliary he revealed had by their own magnificent efforts already raised 12000 for exist ing equipment and supplies and they are now hard at work on furnishings for the new wing as but one example of the contributions by the service clubs of the community the chairman noted the walking blood bank sponsored by the lions club of ajax under which no patient has ever had to pay for a pint of blood beyond the usual moderate laboratory ex pense now in addition said mr morley we are deeply grateful to the voluntary donations by local industry and by the coun ty which supplemented by sta- utory federal and provincial government grants make the new project well within finan cial grasp a requirement in sisted upon by members of the board who in my opinion have rendered service to the commu- nity of the highest order by their unfailing devotion to the needs and problems of this hos pital jack hope brown chairman of the finance committee dis closed that the hospitals medi cal occupancy record was now 8590 of capacity whereas the provincial average was 656s the hospitals disbursement for goods and services in its less than fouryear history was near ly threequarters of a million dollars he said and in forty- six months there had been 7707 inpatients and 8677 out patients or a total of 16384 persons ministered to referring to the steady popu lation growth of the area since 1954 ajax now 6000 vs 4900 pickering township 14200 vs 12300 pickering village 1300 vs 900 mr hopebrown noted that the hospital in the period had proudly recorded 1388 ba bies the figure for 1957 alone being about 400 compared with the 1956 rate of a baby a day this year he said they were budgeting for 450 recalling the boards excite ment and rejoicing over the hospitals first recorded baby in march 1954 and subsequent trials and tribulations in keep ing the establishments finan cial head above water the fin ance chairman said long ago we set up as prudent policy that we would make no start on the extension until sufficient funds were in hand that goal has been attained the main reason for the extension is that it will bring the hospital to the hhandtoproducetne flat when a home handyman just gets going nicely it seems some debunker always comes along and says that the material or tool being used isnt the real mccoy after all take sand paper for instance one of the most important tools in any handymarfe kit they say there is no such thing in the world as sandpaper it never was made of sand at all but of flint well thats all right with the man doing the work painting a house decorating woodwork assembling and polishing knoc kdown furniture or just keep ing his workbench humming just so the sandpaper works the payoff however is that modern sandpaper which isnt sandpaper at all the techni cians call it abrasive works better than the oldfashioned sandpaper which wasnt sand paper either diamond sharp like everything else in the world except people and peace sandpaper has been improved upon from the natural abras ives found readymade includ ing sandstone flint emery and garnet the modern electric fur nace has come up with new diamondsharp crystals that cut cleaner and last longer with one- tenth the time and effort we used to be content rub bing down wood surfaces with flint sandpaper while fine cab inet makers used garnet em ery cloth being reserved for metals but today it seems the thing to use is aluminum oxide or silicon carbide disappearing also are the old doubleo tripleo and other be low zero symbols that signified the degree of fineness in the abrasive the line found in hardware and paint stores now adays more likely is labeled in plain english very coarse coarse medium fine very fine extra fine and super fine pre sumably such superlatives mean more when it comes to any home workshop job from removing heavy scale from a piece of metal to putting a piano finish on a cocktail table these seven abrasive grades are supposed to fill the bill use sanding block sanding is a simple operation in spite of its importance the abrasive is rubbed with the grain but the craftsman never depends on his own fingers or breakeven mark therefore the decision to go ahead should be received by the community with gratification the board envisions that when a new structure is at- tempted the present one will be held for outpatients and ser vice requirements thus its statement read the new 12bed addition will be specially im portant as the connecting link with the past present and fu ture north york liberal womens assoc surface desired even when it is a curved surface he uses a sanding block solid and square for flat surfaces resilient such as sponge rubber for contoured surfaces such as concave pic ture frames tacking a piece of sandpaper around a block of wood has long been an accepted custom today you can buy at hard ware or paint stores metal or rubber sanding blocks designed to hold the abrasive and take quick replacements for finish ing grooves and other tight places wrap the sandpaper around a pencil dowel or putty knife to fit the crevice a secret of the cutting sur face of modern abrasive or pro- an executive meeting was j auction papers lies in the way held on january 8th at the home hey are made aluminum oxide of mrs b hunter with eight members present and the presi dent mrs d downey in the chair plans were made for the an nual meeting to be held jan 29 in the veterans club room town hail newmarket at 815 the annual reports will be read and election of officers will take place after which we will hear a report by a member who at tended the convention at otta wa there will be a discussion is bauxite clay fused in an elec tric arc furnace at about 3000 degrees its crystals are tough er though not as hard as sili con carbide which is made by fusing sand and coke the lat ter crystals are next to a diam ond in hardness but are brittle uniform coating both types of crystals are molded into grinding wheels or coated on paper minnesota min ing and manufacturing one of the biggest producers uses char- of this report refreshments ges of electricity to turn the and a social hour will follow crystals sharp end out the we hope there will be a full at- charked crystals jump into the tendance of members to benefit adhesive of the paper with the from litis report i large ends attracted leaving the points outward with all of the grains having the same charge theyrepel each other with an equalized force this results in a uniform abrasive coating a fast cutting and durable abrasive is the closed coat type but this is subject to clogging the closed coat is a normal packed formation of granules while the open coat comprises grains suspended on end with separations between them the open coat abrasives are used where dust may tend to clog the cutting surface although this type of coating is not as durable as the closed coat special waterproof silicon car bide paper is made for wet sand ing of special finishes this is used to take such blemishes as cigarette burns or scratches off varnished or lacquered surfaces wood is moistened with lubri cating oil and metal with soapy water the sanding block equip ped with fine black waterproof paper is then used lightly an extra fine grade of this type paper is used to remove brush marks a comparatively little known and very useful abrasive is fur niture rubbing compound this is made of extremely fine abras ive dust mixed with oil after it is used the surface is cleaned and then finished with a coat of paste wax i the chesapeake bay bridge spans four miles of water to link marylands eastern- and western shores it cost 44 mil lion and required 3m years to build card experts say that eight perfect shuffles by the riffle method will return cards to their original order its best they say not to shuffle more than three times good news for knitters 3 brandnew grandnew patterns created especially for l pattern c 33 knitted stoles lacy stole trellisstitch stole end dropstitch stole pattern c 1 cablettitch cardigan sixes 1416 and 1820 hef they are f five new designs that wftl become mary maxim daisies theyre sturv ning i theyre the kind of designs that beg to be knit mary maxims exciting new cloudtpun ft thick luxuriously soft fine worsted wool it knits up into e soft rich comfortable garment with long wearing quatitiei cloudtpun is specially suitable for knitting womens end childrens sweaters because it produces softer feeling garment and the full colour range includes several delicate pastel shades price per 2 ox skein pattern c 2pony tall hat and mitt set sire 8 10 and headband and mtti girts 8 12 years 69c price per pattern 25c pattern c 4 helrrt and mitt res 1 years wi jiclet and tarn sues i 7 va youll want to see all the new designs by- mary maxim for this year ask ws for the mary maxim catalogue showing the largest ta taction of sweater designs ever published see these wonderful patterns and wool at marguerite sfioppe main street st0uffvilie