kf i thf st0uf7vjue tomwl thmirf june 28 km cbl t shortens reception area until changeover the darkest shaded area a includes those places where viewers using a medium gain antenna may expect good re ception from cbits signal while the station is transmit ting from a temporary anten na area b represents the limits of similar reception on on july 9 cblt will com mence summer operation on channel 9 from a temporary an tenna 10 feet above ground level with an effective rediared power ierpi of 30 kw this temporary operation will last until the end of august by which time the new channel 6 antenna should have been installed on the jarvis st tower the brief temporary operation will prohably result in a poorer picture for some areas now be ing served by cblt although it cannot be predicted definitely to what extent the service will de teriorate it is expected that viewers in such centres as mimi- co scarboro and willowdale will still be able to pick up the chan nel 9 picture without the use of an outside antenna the channel 9 grade b con tour the limit of good reception using a medium gain antenna is pxpected to circle toronto pass ing through such points as oak- ville richmond hill and pick ering this forecast is necessar- channel 9 the lightest shaded area c shows what the ex tent of good reception will be when cblt transfers to chan nel 6 these are approximate areas the cblt signal will probably go beyond these lim- ily a conservative estimate the distance a television signal trav els depends on so many different things that it is quite impossible that viewers in many areas out side the estimated b contour will be able to pick up the cblt signal celts changeover from chan nel 9 to channel 6 was planned for the summer months so that the temporary decrease in cov erage area would affect as few viewers as possible television vision viewing is usually at a minimum during fineweather summer months it might be said that cblt is temporarily tightening its belt during the period of lightest ser vice to come back in the fall with a better picture for a big ger audience it is estimated that the changeover from channel 9 to channel b will bring cana dian television to approximately 300000 more potential viewers and will certainly improve re ception in many areas now be ing served by channel 9 brougham man elected officer grand ioof at the 102 annual sessions ioof lodges at stouffville of the grand lodge of on- markham aurora sutton agin- tario independent order of odd court whitevale and mount al- fellows held at toronto june 20 bert burton dunn of brougham was t elected district deputv grand the ioof has a world mem- master metropolitan district 39 bership of 1150000 with 65000 he will be chief officer of the members in ontario for yygf g men m sixteen tfct conadion army soldior apprentice plan offer you trades training while you learn stalling june lit the canadian army will enrol a limited number of phytlcally fit young men of 16 yean of age with grade 8 education and train them ai tradesmen in 19 different trades irodes training wit consist of a two year courie itarling in september when finished the course the soldier apprentice series three yean with a regular unit thii plan provides half pay lo the age of 17 then full pay travel and adventure 30 days paid holidays a year a healthy active outdoor life with iports medico ond dental core good opportunities for advancement only a limited number can be accepted interested opplicanls must not delay mail the coupon below or contact your nearest recruiting station at recrjittnj station 59 albert street ottiwi ont tel 61m7 mi rlcraltioi stattcn 154 wellntitcn st klnjitan ont tel 733 army recfsttlflr station 90 richmond street w toronto oat tel em 6 8311 loe 275 ho 7 personnel depot wolieley birnctj 0ford eltufceth st landon onl i telephone 41501 local 1j5 arrry reeruitmj station north bay ont tel 456 army rtcruitfnf staton 1m king st e hisilton ont tel 25t03 owo without coil or obligation pleaie forward me the booklet the w to a fine future addren citytown rvoy like to laugh meet morty the sunday school lesson nine uetvebs ok faith meik that is grace and encouragement verse 21 christ also ilesson lor july 1 suffered for us leaving us an example the suffering of iuke 9s36 hb 139 is23 christ was redemptive but it 1 ivter 11 2 19s5 2 peter was also exemplary if we ac- 11 2 1518 luile 3 1125 cep the benefits of his suffering goldvn text earnestly contend e ma also accept their chal- for the faith which iva- once lerge did ou notice that suffer- delivertu unto the saints ing is part of our calling jud- 3 verse 22 who dd no sin -r- i- neither was guile found in his the ieon as a whole momh b on of approach to the iesvon the smlessness of christ for this weeks lesson brings us other aspects see 1 john 35 into two short epistles of the 2 corinthians 521 new testament belonging to the verse 23 who reviled group known as the general to again but committed episties 1 peter and jude himself to him that iudgeth peter is ci edited with two lighteously the sinless ore epkles the apostolic author- was the greatest of all suffer- ship of the first of these has pr- an his suffering did not not been strongly disputed hut press him into sin his reaction in some circles theie has been to suffering was the highest dis and still is grave doubt regard- piay n his sinlesness some ing the authorship of the second suggest the words his cause in evangelical circles however i f himself either one is a we generally hold that the apos- fin in to round out the sense j tie peter wrote both letters an both are true which go by his name despite verse 24 who his own self some distinct differences in the bare our sins in his own body literary style which we belies e on the tree by whose stripes can be largely attiibuted to the ye were healed the greek indi- difjferences in the theme rates onward movement he car- the second epistle with which ried our sins up to the cross we deal in our lesson is the notice the purpose of this not onechapter letter of jude the simply that we might be for- preblems surrounding this little given but that cut off from sin letter are legion in the earliest by death we might live right- times it was only slowly that eously the last phrase hemg this biief document won general j a context of spiritual redemp- aceeptance in the church while t should be regarded in a it i fairly generally accepted spiritual light that someone by the name of j verse 2a sheep going jude or judas or judah they astray returned unto the all mean the samel wrote this shepherd and bishop of your little treasure there is still a souls verses 24 and 25 are big question as to which jude j echoes of isaiah 53 christ is the writer calls himself the our pastor and bishop under brother of james but of which whose direction pastors and bi- james the question is was he j shops must labor jude the apostle sometimes call- j j 3 the common sal- ed iebbaeus and according to valion earnestlv contend the authorized version the bro- rx the faith which was once llier of james the apostle or delivered unto the saints jude was he jude the brother of the realized that attacks would con- james who presided at the coun- 1 stantly be made on the bodv of cil of jerusalem described in truth on which our salvation the fifteenth chapter of acts resls therefore in presenting in this latter case he would be t basis of salvation he alerts the brother of our lord after the saints against these attacks the flesh this seems to be the verse 17 the words more likely if he had been the of the apostles of our lord je- apostle it is more than probable m christ jude was not an that he would have indicated so apostle in the official sense but in his letter j be recognized and acknowledged verse by verse their special authority as in- 1 pet 219 for this is thank- structors of the church worthy for conscience to- verse 18 mockers in the last ward god suffering wrong- time for apostolic testi- fully this should be read monv to these things see acts j along with verse is although 2029 1 timothy 41 2 peter 2 its application may be wider i 13 acceptable is the word grace j verse 19 who separate in the greek suffering injust- themselves sensual having not ices in a spirit of meekness is a t spirit look at these three manifestation of grace marks of the lasttime mockers verse 20 when ye do well and have no fellowship with anv and suffer patiently this is ac- j 0 them the final mark of the eeptable with god there is no j apostate is having not the special virtue in taking it on spirit the chin when we have brought verse 20 building up j it on ourselves by our wrong- yourselves on your most holy doing but when we suffer for f praying in the holv welldo an show n resent- j ghost feeding on the truth i of the gospel will build us up while criticizing the truth of the gospel will break us down pray while you build verse 21 keep yourselves in the love of god unto eternal life compare john 15 i 9 10 we have eternal life now through the mercy of god but i the full realization of the new j quality of life expressed by the word eternal is part of the consummation verses 22 23 and of some have compassion making a dif ference and others save out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh j the greek text is somewhat tin- certain here the general tho- tight seems to be that we are to have mercy on all but our mercy will take different expressions i according to the situation with some we shall use caution while 1 with others there will be a mani- fest urgency but in all cases we shall be careful not to defile ourselves with the sins of those with whom we have dealings garnet v gray neil patrick police and safety official tho of a nuisance than a access results stra y3r sz th amomobil horn a- oosiaed in memphis tens a epcial ordinance mad h ilzl y beep nid he city limits brau hero bloias was more is had iorae 5arprns man iaitarx disconnected thoir hirhs drivers said ih ieniuiiion to blou their horn in irsflic ha alwsu cri and it was afr to remove them an elbou might ouch the bom accidentally which could prorp both cotlx and erubarratsing filsfts for violation of the antihorn hovinz it anred from 510006 upwards t was effective and visitors to the city often commented on how qutt memphis was a group of women in the kai memphis women club rtkl the city to intall an automobile- horn in the mumiim or set one up in a park children would know wbat one looketl and sounded like a visiting motorist from mississippi evaded the ban on horn blowing ile attached an electric doorbell to the on horn bowinc he attached an electric doorbell to the ringing his he merrily police scratched their heads but allowed him to proceed motorists and pedestriag guffawed if all the motorist in the world were ide awake and all i lit pedestrians watched where hey were go inc there would be no need for automobile horns rut i know mam a tight shjt a polite beepbeep of the horn has got me out of ait the cars on our used car lot have horn a wide variety o sond because we have a wide variety of used cars ail the horns work because we donr sell any cars in memphis tenn and everything else in the cars we seil work too cofv 9ot liwi i r a a theat re markham evenings doors open otto saturday matinee 11 last time tonirhf thursday june 28th diane with lana turner plus 24 hour alert with jack webb frl sat june 29 30 white feather with robert wagner plus uranium boom with dennis morgan verse 21 able to keep you faultless before the presence of his glory with ex- ieeding joy in face of the dan gers of the world we look up to mill who is able and forward to the sure consummation of our salvation verse 25 god our sav iour glory and majesty now and ever the asv adds after saviour through jesus christ our lord how much doctrine can be packed into a rioxology the heart of the lesson our two portions deal with two distinct subjects the suf fering of the christian and the faith of the christian peter reminds us that the christian may expect suffering in a world where moral law operates because god is over all sin will bring its harvest of suffering and at the same time in a world which is in rebellion against god and his law those who are determined to live godly lives will suffer at the hands of the ungodly there is no par ticular merit in submitting pa tiently to the reward of our wrongdoing but when we en dure with meekness the injustice of evil reward for our righteous ness that is a manifestation of the work of grace in our hearts and as such delights the heart of god 1 pel 219 20 we have the supreme example of such undeserved suffering and of the spirit of submission and trust in the face of it in our lord himself and that example we are exhorted to follow at the same time we shall remem ber that christs sufferings have a value far beyond that of ex ample they are redemptive in the highest and fullest sense involving a work of sinhearing which means emancipation and restoration for us vs 24 25 so while in one view we see a relation between our lords suf fering and ours in another view we regard them as unique and altogether apart jude speaks about our faith in this case he i not speaking of faith as an attitude of the heart but rather that body of truth which constitutes the con- lent of our faith that body of truth centers in the lord jesus christ embracing his deity his humanity his redemptive death his resurrection his present saviourhood and high priest hood and his coming again to judge and reign jude views our faith as the target of opposition by evil men backed by the powers of darkness faced by an antagonistic world the 1 church is called upon to do three things about this body of truth which constitutes its faith first we are to contend for it striving to retain its purity and wholeness against all attempts to corrupt it or to diminish it jude 3 then we are to turn this body of truth upon our- selves for our own strengthen- ing and upbuilding i remember t hearing dr v graham scrog- i gie say in a bible conference there is little value in being i sound on the atonement if the j atonement does not make you 1 sound this prayerful applica tion- of the faith to our own hearts will issue in a life that manifests the love of god and in a certainty of hope for the future vs 17211 the third thing to do with the body of truth is to propagate it in a spirit of mercy with a view to the salvation of others the method of propagation will dif- ler with the occasion but the laith will remain constant vs 22 23 such an attitude to the laith will bring all praise to him who is the beginner and perfeoter of our salvation vs 21 25i maybe it would he smarter to plant flowers in the lawn and grass seed in the garden where it comes up anyway morona says she cant follow the prescription direction take one pill three times a day as the pill is too small to tie a string to optometrist uxbridge stouffville will be absent from hi stouffville office tues july 10 17 and 24 comm u n 1 t y daily vacation bible school i i i each morning 900 atn to 1130 ara i preschool children and those from grades 1 stouffville arena july 3rd to july 13th i to viii i director f g huson i oil furnaces gas coal gar wood lennox good cheer eavestrough1ng flashing sheet metal work for free estimates call d a j smith co unionville phone 96 shop in stouffville friday nites vtv w v v v w yv v w t h the 31st annual gaudin pahty at cedar grove 2z miles east of markham 2 miles south saturday july 7th s30 pm admission adults 75c children 25c program featuring six top entertainment groups sunday july sth 730 pm cedar grore young peoples annual open air service special music and speaker va a a a a a a a wttimtmmammmmmimmmmtr morty merme k jomfhlrwj out of rfw ordinary to eomtc strip tasy ro look ot eoiy to read lively and original in ih breery humor toict tim out for a refroihina rough with morty ond kit gong daily in the telegram daily 1i wbikknd toronto l lrv tv twf 4t t mvwmw f mm twr t tm tmii w twm mvrimr 9m j rfrcf f r f tv t f t ivy ht t 1 sunday holiday midnight show july 1st 1205 inside detroit dennis okeefe plus robins sing rock and roll quartette seaftssftaeeessift ftmftstv wed s for you mon tues july 2 3 wed 1 make sure the wedding invita tions and announcements are correct in every detail we have a large choice of wedding stationery and offer you a choice of thcrmographed type styles we also have printed napkins place cards thank you cards and other supplies we invite you to stop in and see our samples seven cities of gold i plus itturnedoutniceagain with george formby uihf ffluffmili ujriiwn i eoeooaeeeftfeo fccs8cgcagftfcaa