don lewis nurseries main st a tenth eastend stouffville choice rosebushes v hybrid teas floribundas and climbers 6 for 450 shrubs 1 top quality any 6 of the following for i uniomillt four institute members honoured on bi mliplmarm lake the t0uftvue wsunl thursday may j wss pi 500 golden dogwood silver dogwood orange blossom forsythia kerria s spiraea gold drop beauty bush i i red and green barberry buddlia hydrangea weigelia golden mock orange we also have a choice variety of climbing vines trees and evergreens a a a f a a use the tribune classified se ction for results a seaifulr decorated birth day tie a oa tie sapper table to celebrate the birthdays of four lakitute aieraberj mrs a k milser mr g purvis mrs k potard aid mr h stejiis- on the president read letter of reju from ceiled cttrcb kreh air fund and the canad ian national institute for the blind 1 as dridd to send 10 to tati of tbee report ere tead by mrs caseley con vener of noaes fruit com- mitte and mrs weir parsonage convener the spring luncheon to be held by our members in the church at 1230 p m on may 5h was discussed mrs purvis announced an evening of cards to b held at ieitehcroft farms on the nisht of may 3th in aid of the cancer society the members were also remind ed of thv cavitation to headord on sunday night and the ms- vine luncheon on may 3th congratulations to mr and mrs lloyd penny on the birth of a daughter at toronto east general hospital on sunday i april 22nd mrs j weir spent a few days this week at the home of her daughter mrs w mccowan of i scarboio mrs mccowan has been ill we hope she win soon be well again miss rety rao leaves this week for chicago to take th- position as manager of a large show stable and teach equita tion she has been with the bell telephone co heie for three years betty is well quali fied to take such a position hav- ing taken part in the horse show at the royal winter fair she will be taking part again thus year with the chicago stable the monthly meeting of the gleaners club of st philips anglican church was held at may iota our christ cnurch stouff- well it finally happened the ice is off the lake this t the i latest ever according to uic ii m timers around iter 1 nflhl 1a 2 see 5 our 1 mm j youngest sail vvuen she sa now we can go in swimming personally well take a rain check on that deal for a few i weeks yet we have two bittiidays to re- post this week mrs v davie of cedar beach passed another milestone last tuesday happy birthday audrey wc can tell the age of the next young lady yourtg debbie godowilz lake- shore kd was two years old last thursday site had a party with a few of her little irierds among the guests were janice janet and mary skewing mary ann wylie and kevin willis everyone had fun its hearty congratulations too to mr and mrs f a copeman they celebrated their 39th wed- ding anniversary last wednes day best wishes from us all a very good time was had by all at the last home school meeting pupils teachers and parents the children did very well with the programme and i the teachers ate to be congratu lated for being able to make such an excellent effort in such a short time we hope there i will he more such evenings dur- i i ing the next season it was nice j too to see so many parents out ii j j si i i for the affair they were well hardy and mrs j rewarded t he next meeting will be on wednesday may 23rd this is the annual meeting and election of officers will take place it is hoped that all mem- bers will come and use their vote nonmembers too are cor dially invited to come and watch j tea will be served last friday was a gala night j i for the musselmans lake la- i dies bowling league their an- j nual banquet was held at the stouffville veterans hall some thirty or more bowlers and their j husbands turned up and a very delicious meal was served to i i the hoace of mrs a 8- pyper the annual bake sale asc afternoon tea il be held a saturday ter parts villa is opening campaign for cnatts wih a toyalty diose on may 10th and the meeting agreed to hep wltb t5t prepa-a- tion and serving a beautiful star of bethlehem quilt to be made by the member was geneoy donated by miss xehie bond mrs a b pyper showed pictures and described her recent trip to england the w a of centra inited church is sponsoring a spring luncheon in the church at 12 30 pm on wednesday may sta mrs r gougb was brides maid at the mooremccuhough wedding at st johns church norway toronto on saturday afterroon mr r gough miss m rainey and mr j moment were guests the reception was held at muirheads richmond st west the closinst euchre of ladies club was held at home of mrs l rainey tuesday night gifts were cehed by each player and them piping hot there were secosms too after dinner came o presentation of trophies and prizes each of the winning tart players received a very nice trophy the team was thai of joan fori fr live wires the nplon the sea- high nours triple several oth- gifts for al- mrs maw for all round champio son and the nigi wilkins site tivik for high single and high average cis received little most making it forfar look home the pi i the best tty congratulations to tll winners and better luck next time to the rest after the prie giving several toasts were made this was the good pnt the president ruth lee and ann lehman secretary of the lea gue weie given a round of ap plause for doing such a good job and the banquet committee should be appreciated for their efforts music wa provided for dancing by lew mortimer and ids tumblevveeds everyone seemed to have a really good time congratulations again to all who made such a pleasant evening possible well the ciub euchre cer tainly made the rounds of dates here is the final one thuts- liv may 10 s30 at the school there will be pie and ice cream for lunch and good prices ate planned lids is for a very worthwhile cause and it is hoped all who are able will attend atnl make it successful admission foc a door prie i bemg do nated by mrs brine forfar to help the evening along there you are folk- an evenings fun goi prizes pie and ice cream and a der prize all for 33 cents who could ask for moie plan to come and bring your friends aid neighbours a week from tonight may 10th well the beaches didnt open last weekend as advertised but it shouldnt be long now we saw mr griffith around iiispes-t- ing his boats last week thats a sure sign of things to come the lever scale invented by thaddeus fart banks in irjci was the first contribution to the science of weight in 2000 eits the thej on i re- thej prizes were won by miss velma findlay mrs mclaren miss alexis lebosky of tor onto visited her cousin miss elizabeth weir pomanda road for the weekend mrs jonah uamer and child ren john ruth david and kdith of baden formerly oft in m i the proceedings l tnoiivitle and her mother mrs j r gingerich visited several old neighbors on station street on j tuesday an educational project of the ontario temperance federation was held in the inited church on sunday night the young people and teenagers of union- your chance to win large picnic ham guess weight of worlds largest bologna nov on display in carload window w from jlen jvilkes clothes shop i ville and surrounding district attended to hear miss kosbury ot queensville who was the speaker and mis betty huston soloist the wa members accepted an invitation from the head- ford member and attended a i special service there on sunday evening the speaker was mrs kish president of the aurora wa mr and mr gordon ofiden attended the christening service j for their grandchildren karen elizabeth wheeler and lames i donald rennie at knox inited i church agincourt mr mcarthur and family of main street are moving oon to the christiansen property at the cornei of the 5th concession and xo 7 highway mr and mrs m fiupatrick attended the funeral service of i their cousin mrs demary wife of dr demary at toronto on saturday next sunday morning at cen tral united church there will be a masonic service mr and mrs ray tustan who have been living in the mcmul- len apartments moved on sat urday mr and mm chester weir spent sunday evening at the home of her sister and husband in toronto devon bacon uan stewing beef rindless 35 c lb 47c ib all steaks baby beef new maple leaf round sirloin cheesefurters tbones 45c pkg 65c lb monarch flour 7 lbs aylmer tomatoes 28 ox heinz tomato ketchup 11 oz bottle sun joy corn 20 ox solo margarine 1 ib standard peas 20 oz 51 25 23 2 for 25 29 8 for 99 carload we deliver phone 280 len wilkes clothes shop special sanforized jeans boxer slvle in denim and twill size i i s girls roys faded blue navy black hunters green ian red 198 s10 a plate dinner at buttonville hall v it dinner successful buttonville wi executive is jratelul for the support they cceivcil in their s1000 dinner tojeet which was held in but- inville hall on wednesday eve- ihj of lat week a turkey dri er was served to approximate- 175 guests and several din ars weie delivered to people ho were unable to attend an cunt of approximately sc00q is been raised and this will applied to the btiltonville w j hall building fund anniversary srrvirss may fi xet sunday may tv browns cornets church wiil celebrate the anniversary of the church and service vill be withdrawn al headford ard victoria srjuaic in recognition at 1100 am rev if b hendershot ma ph d of forest hill church will he the guest speaker at tio pm mr george mot rion a former husi- pess executive who will he or- dalned into the ministry of the united church of canada in june f iiijs year will speak m monison gave up highly paid position to enter the prea- ching profession and lat year he won five scholarships if is likely that he will be the c man chosen by emmanuel col lege to receive an overseas scho larship this year vacation school meeting on monday everin of next week vacation ikhool workers will meet at victoria square church to lay plan for tin- years school all those inter- cated are urged so attend xo one can plead short notice the date for this meeting was set last july ktirat rally um s members wili inter ested to know that this year the rural rally will he held at queensville united church may the 0th is ihe date from in am to 1 pm bring im lunch miss mary cough aivl mrs george hoper sang a litie at the special service held lat si day evening at the headford church under the es the v mci 5 j english was tfie accom panist mis b c sisler was guest speaker anil mi a w miller was soloist on wednesday eve- i ing of last week when melville wa held tlteir monthly meet ing- mr and mrs arthur reive mr milfonl stots and gordon weie guests of mr and mrs k stots last sunday mr irvi mis murray waltot- aild their small son spent sim day witii murrays patent- mi and mis e walton last lucliro imvm ihe season prie winners were mrs giant miss e french mis h dukes messrs lloyd stoneliouse jim mclaren and milton sherman mrs ii duke and mr m sherman won the lore hands mr alex young won the lucky draw a thick en following play refresh ments were served by the com mittee in charge mrs russell boyington mrs aubrev steph enson and mrs garnet francy iliiclirc icir caiicer society mis alick gardner is span soring a euchre prtny proceeds of which will be donated ir the et soi iet the dac is wednb day maj 9th and the pla c i- the iail at lcitcltcroft training panties i tee shirts first cj size 2 tialilv 1 fi white blue yellow pink size 1 23 5 pr 98 i 59 or pepix ai cuuonvilio llatl on frwfaj evening ot iasi wc hem tic las euhrc pxsiy ol ar enjay an cpvz ot z fun and ai e tmc tims suppari wcw i liiej rcfrcshiynts will i boys suits size i 2 i washable gabardine keg 20s 39s speciol si 98 nylon dresses size 2 3 3x while locked nylon with contrasting slip of icllon green pink blue special 198 plisse pyjamas bovs and girls i f vtlltiw pink blue special 198 mt door to till iga foodlinek len wilkes 0 slouftvills telephone 2 in