time to help with seals 1 consider addition on buttonville hall 1956 objective 1000 mrs jean leaf i friendship club meeting neighbourhood notes members of the frienebh congratulations to mr and club of browns corners mrs bruce jones of wallace- united church met a the home euchi burg whose son gary bruce of the president mrs jack was bora on thursday of last harrow on thursday of last week proud grandparents mr j week the speaker of the eve ard mrs dick jones motored j ing was mrs george kellv who to wallaceburg las weekend to gave a historical background of greet their first grandchild j buttonville dealing particular- h ff a i g mrs jonas will remain for a ly with the struggles of thej mrs few days early settlers to build a church t stourtvhlt tmmjhe thursday makh 15 1956 t 17 victoria square couple 42 years married mr t sandle there were fourteen taoies of euchre at the community hall on tuesday evening of last week prize winners were cayman his long seige of sickness congratulations to mr and mrs walter jeffries nee betty barber on the birth of thr third son messrs douglas parsons percy bennett and kay ben- nded you can help crippled girls and boys by buying easter seals if you have not yet received your envelope through the mail send your donation to the community has teen missing mr george clarke of late mr clarke has been recup erating from an operation at sunnybrook hospital as he j invited the group to attend a takes care of both school and work night at her home on conso- nett attended the laymens lation mrs rumney gents supper in aurora united and acquire a minister for itl csley clarke 2 george j church on monday evening of dun the buines peiod caattwlck consolation aiviu last week the guest speaker plans were discussed for a tea ca freezeout john em- was judge mott to be held in may mrs maior pfmsfrv 3 harvey colard mr and mrs aubrey hord of door the ontario society for crippled children in associa tion with 211 easter seal service clubs are in the corner of 10500 crippled children in the province a- today marks the opening of the annual sale of easter seals to help crippled children they know that you will want to be in there punching for these kids too by donating to this fine cause the campaign which runs until easter sunday april 1st has a provincial objective of 625000 harold spofford treas easter seals st0uffville lions club srouffville ontario make the tribune classifieds your marketplace church properties the whole community is finding out just iiow much we depend on him mrs clarke has been helping out in his absence mrs morrison selars of owen sound visited with her mother and family last week on monday evening of this week the explorers met at the home of margaret patterson and carol russell entertained the cgit group those who secured a mem bership card for the canadian concert association of mark- ham township for this present season were very happy about the programmes which were presented if you wish to re new your subscription for 10567 you should contact the secretary miss audrey lem- mon markham immediately as there is a waiting list for membership the buttonville team didnt win on friday of last week when buttonville school and milliken school held a hockey match at the unionville skat ing rink but everyone con cerned seems to have had a very good time players for buttonville were walter magee bob wilkins bob oakes les lie fierheller john craig robin and jim hood george follett and hank kloosterman and the final score was 41 vt building project the proposed extension of buttonville hall is uppermost in the minds of most wi members at present and vari ous ways of raising the neces sary funds are being sought on tuesday of last week mrs john wilkins entertained at an afternoon euchre party and the money received was donated to the building fund there were it ladies present and prize winners were mrs james rod- ick mrs tim patterson and mrs e hill mrs e fuller and mrs dick jones shared the consolation prize tuesday of this week plans the community hall onson mumberson for a theatre party to be held i tuesday evening march 21st j birthday greeting to at an early date were also disjat s15 pm everyone welcome j wilson for march h to prizemrs lowerey j toronto had saturday evening there will be anther euchre j dinner with mr and mrs law- cussed j mission band browns corners wms j there were seventeen chil- mrs gordon purves present- dren and eight adults present ed a very thoughtful t3ik on j at the mission band held in the influence when browns j sundav school room on satur- corners wms met at thedav afternoon the children church on wednesday of last sa so choruses and reclt- week for the march meeting c1 verses stories were told bv the question asked was hat several of the adults follow- lmpression do we make as can- j t meeting light reffesh- adian citizens of a socalled i meats were served christian country as we travel abroad or how do we t members of the young impress newcomers within our i union held a rowling borders what is our christ- i down at th willow lan influence bcm pn saturday evening assisting with the devotional wn an cnjovable time was rav miss stouffvible i reopening date is thursday march 15th for our new enlarged babys wear and childrens wear depts sizes infants 2 to 6x 7 to 11 and prcteeiis free a gift bar of johnsons babys own with each purchase of 100 or over in the babys wear department soap new babys wear specials esmond baby blankets iirjc size 30 x 10 multicolored pink or blue 110 babycot flannelette diapers sofl absorbent nonirritating 2fix 2g 12 to package 269 corduroy overalls double domed adjustable waisl colors red yellow blue pink sizes 123 159 aquaseal baby pants nylofiov plastic sizes smlkl childrens boxer slacks sanforized khaki drill clastic waist 2 pockets sizes 216 29c 89c boys dress shirts hoxed while sanforized broadcloth long sleeve french cuff matching- tic and cuff links sizes 3 lo x 198 our new stock contains many items too numerous to mention childrens wear department see the new spring fashions for the smart young miss sizes 2 to 6x 7 to 1 1 and pretcens infants and childrens coat sets girls allweather coats plastic rain coats dresses skirts rlouses texas tans jeans tshirts shorty gowns pyjamas stretchy nylons or sockees programme were mrs james mcquay who led in prayer mrs walter brumwell and mrs tim patterson mrs a w miller sang a solo god hath not promised mrs win rodick conducted the meeting and during the business session it was moved and carried that the 19367 allocation be 30000 nancy spears was nominated as the 1957 world day of prayer rep resentative dates to remember were tues mar 20 mrs n e strangway speaking at fair- law church april 11 at 230 pm victoria square easter thankoffering april 22 at 230 pm annual wms service at victoria square church april 1 at 2 pm easter thank- offering at browns corners church at the conclusion of the meeting delightful refresh ments were served by the com mittee in charge ss skating party there were more than 50 present on saturday afternoon of last week when browns corners united sunday school held an annual skating party at unionville rink mr norman reid transported the children in his bus and afterward took them back to the church where members of the friendship club had prepared refresh ments for them after a short presentation speech made by mrs wm rodick miss ellen boynton was given a gift in recognition of the splendid ser vice she has given the sunday school the boynton family is severing their connection with the church as they will be moving from the district short ly browns corners ypix margaret hood was in charge of the meeting of browns cor ners young peoples associa tion which was held in the church on sunday evening of this week the topic was mis sionary outreach following the formal meeting the group went to the church parlours for games plans were made tor a trip to the sportsmans show on friday night of this week on saturday evening of last week the group went on a bowling party with the victoria square group and it is planned that a bowling party will be held each month at the willow bowling alleys had by all pottuck supper there will be a pot luck slipper in the sunday school room on friday evening mar 1g when the whole community has been invited to attend supper will be served at 6 pm onwards laymens supper the laymen of the toronto centre presbytery are holding a supper in the lansing united church on monday evening march 19 they are planning for 300 to attend the guest speaker will be rev arnup son of the late rev jesse arnup who was former moder ator of the united church any of the laymen from this district who are interested in attending may secure futher information by contacting rev a huston or mr percy ben nett wa the march meeting of the wa will be held in the church on wednesdaj evening march 21 at s pm the guest speaker will be mrs sisler of browns corners special music will be given by the ladies sextette from markham several neigh bouring societies have also been invited to attend a hear ty invitation has been extended to all the ladies in the com munity to attend neighbouring notes due to the very high wind on j sunday several people attend ing sunday school and church had the misfortune to have their hats blown off one gentleman in particular was never able to find his mrs percy bennett enter tained a number of ladies to a quilting at her home last week mrs h attwood of uxbridge spent the weekend with mr and mrs p willows friends will be pleased to see that mr charlie stanbury is stouffville able to be out again following shirley gee for march 20 mr and mrs frank faith- ful mr and mrs albert poole land girls o toronto had sun day evening dinner with mr and mrs john fmpringham congratulations to mr and mrs l knapp who on march j 12 will be celebrating their i 12nd wedding anniversary mrs a huston mrs s de- foe and miss betty huston j attended the cgi t leaders and girls council in the rich- j mond hill united church on friday evening of last week sympathy is extended to the i family of the late mrs jos i steckley in the passing of a loving mother i united missionary church stouffville missionary convention march 25 april 1 claremont mrs margaret stephenson of oshawa spent the weekend vis iting friends and relatives ar ound claremont mr and mrs j morgan and the boys had dinner with her on monday at her house in oshawa dont miss the excellent mov ing pictures at the gospel mis sion thus friday evening the danger trail this pic ture is especially appealing to young people and has a deep spiritual value for all the popular london evangelist rev geo ayers will be pres ent lo speak to the young peo ple everyone welcome rev woodbury wishes to thank all those around town who have so generously given donations to the lamplighters club mr and mrs j morgan at tended the capping ceremony held at toronto east general hospital on tuesday when their daughter june was one of a cla- of 62 to complete their probationary period and don their caps the gideons presented each nurse with a testament prayer vas offered and the girls sang unto the hills around there was a candlelighting cermony after which lunch was served to several people in the dining come in fo houstons where the biggest choice of easter sweets awaits you prices to suit you from 10c to 275 houstons the rexall drug store phone 229 quality has no substitute have you tried our tender bright meats extra special hamburger 3 lbs 69c devon bacon sliced rindless lb 45c metworst smoked sausage lb 49c in canada o percent of ths i nations milk supply is carried by highway transport and fresh j vegetables and fruit move mainly by truck only six men have served as prime minister of canada since i 1000 choice tomatoes 28 oz tin 21c sun joy peas 20 oz tins 2 for 29c quick quaker oats 5 lb bag 49c bordens instant coffee 2 oz jar 10c with purchase of one jar at regular price of 71c 2 jars 81c carload free delivery phone 280