Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 19, 1956, p. 7

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sunday school lesson earl bales succeeds yandorf the stourrvuji tobuhf thursday unuaky 19 1956 ttn 1 parables ox piscipleshh lesson for january 22 town v sh tea indi cates the extent of the feist j and the number wiy had ti jd axe pope in he qo of guests cldn txl for bwr m ng eialtnh himseli hall be abard verse 23 go ou into the nd hr that hnmblcth himmf ijjvhiravs and hedzes that hall be exalted take 1411 t ma hdv the the lesson as a whole 1 mv house may he se town having been canvassed earl toole as chairman t y road commission ear bales of north york approach to ibe eeon counlyvlro7zd vsscoed i of v there is no indication that to make up a full complement in vj john the baptist ever went to verse 24 none of those of a to v cor a partv jesus however was men which were bidden shall f- he succeeds different our lord himself taste of my supper the oj newmarket made the comparison for sof the house rejected those who j m h3 john came neither eating nor had rejected him so shall it bel drinking and thy ay he hath with the lord jesus a dev the son of man came thr hrart of the leon eating and drinking and they our ixrd was at the equival- sav behold a man gluttonous en of our sunday dinner in the and a vinebibber matrt 1318 home of one of the chief phar- j9 isee xobodv present on that j gormley wesley young people held i their elections and the new ofs- tcers for 1956 are as follows pas pres bu kingdon pres jm sleeth vicepres paul parry sec treas elsie craw ford assist sectreas sheiia jvaa xostrand pianist jacque- ne ransom assist pianist gail aylett conveners of stand- rg committees ted brown ann crawford gai aylett bui richardson bill kingdon weiey womens association re catering for a turkey dinner for the as few years mem bers of gormley womens in- was a major for a stltute have been collecting for the teachers an trustees items of historical interest in of whitchurch township on the community for compiling a yhursdav jan 26th at 7 pm tered politics in ires and be- j tweedsmuir history book a m rfeorge hocking po-t- came reeve of north york town- loose leaf suitably inscribed an 0reon renewed old ac- ship in 1934 a position he held tveedsmuir book and acetate until after 1m0 dividers have been purchased mr bales has served on the and work on it is now under with the j queens york rangers he en j t roads commission since 1942itvav the committee of mrs one feast which our lord occasion would ever forge it t i uvrv mih is rme bov attended is described in a the ft was full of interest from the repreentatne of met- hai snan mrs george bo synoptic gospels the feast word go and on thu occasion otonto wj 0 mr jac cimwerj rresofthesocial isstsff tlshbw pharisees at least three such circumstances combined to j lj u j family ouamtances here during the pas weekend and spoke briefly a the sunday morning service at weslev church mr and mrs roy morley mr george hocking were sun- cay dinner guests of mr and mrs john fetch and bob l mr and mrs ray mccarron e r and aremed m i com- surrounding conunityand us keen rrwirthesabbaand responsible for the i people anyone having s man suffering from dropsy fv ably on im threesided other side of the ibie at which jasus travelled road and budet between annual j supper engagement by luke 736 1137 htl twice we find him entertain eri in the home of mary nd was right in front of him prob- i 7 me p- heavily martha and lazarus in beth any after his resurrection je sus was the invited guest at reclined lv 16 an evening meal on this latter these religious occasion the mea was interrup ted by his being recoqnized and vanishing material regarding property and families is asked to kindly get in touch with one of the mr and ms r b brown i and family motored to paris on sunday and visited mr and imrs frank brown and family with their companions the iaw- woud do and they were no one million committee and they will gladly and 31500000 metropolitan to- cooperate in compiling it pic- ml minhah phatees i contributes 23 percent itures are very important as in vm county 23 percent and the they can tell far more than a usoected what jeus province balance for these written explanation history of expenditures mis c pattenden we are giad to report that ies mrs waltace scott is home there are several excellent disappointed he had a wonder- books dealing with table talk ful way of disarming his oppo- one classic in this sphere is nentsto his straightforward luthers table talk an am- 1 question is it lawful to heal erican work along the same line on the sabbath day they had and yet very different is the no answer and when after autocrat of the breakfast ta- healing the ailing man he fur- ble by oliver wendell holmes ther challenged them as to their hut no table talk has ever been own behavior in the case of an of such lasting value as that of ox or an ass falling intp a pit the lord jesus christ what 0 the sabbath they were corn- he said at table was always of pletelv silenced immediate and abiding interest jesus then turned his atten- and always very much to the ion to the guests he had no- point it was not with out its how they scrambled for humorous touches which re- the places reserved for more veals the fact that our lord honorable guests so he took must have been a social man them to task in a narable which in the highest sense of the term differed from the immediate sit- his teaching was never color- nation oniy in the circumstance less- of its being a wedding feast this weeks lesson introduces in this parable our lord deals us to our lords table talk at onlv with the outward conduct one of the suppers which he at- rather than with inward motive tended in the home of a phari- a disposition in fact it reads ee almost as if the going to the verse by verse lowest place was in the hope of luke 147 a parable being invited higher the ap- when he marked how they plication v 11 however chose out the chief rooms makes the lesson more com- for the occasion see verse 1 plete it contrasts the proud if the tables were the usual m who pushes for the high small threesided tables with place with the humble man who the innerspace for serving the honestly feels himself unwor- center places would be the thy of any other than the low- chief seats which the guests est place the end of the for- were unceremoniously seizing me is abasement the end of verse s sit not down in the the latter is exaltation highest room lest a more honl the host did not escape it ourable man than thou be bid- 1 was quite manifest that this den for sit read re- m was a society party apart cllne as was the custom put- j from the lord jesus himself ting on an air of importance is i the guests were all probably no proof of greatness people who had already enter- verse 9 and he that bade i tained this particular pharisee thee say give this man or who would return the comp- place to find that others put ument bv inviting their present a lower estimate on our impor- host to their homes in such tance than we do ourselves is an affair there was no moral a humiliating experience j value and certainlv it was not verse 10 but sit down in laying up the treasure of re- the lowest room he may wards in heaven sc jesus sug- eay unto thee friend go up geited another kind of party higher then shalt thou have t would have moral virtue worship for worship j rm wn not receiving any read honor while the lang- social recompense would mean uage seems to indicate taking- blessing from god and recom- the lowly place with a view to pense in the great dav of the the honor of being led to a resurrection his suggestion higher seat the undertone of was to make a feast for the the passage is that we are not po0 the maimed the lame to think of ourselves as worthy h in j measure of the- higher place but to those belonging to this category choose the lower as probably are taken care of in other ways belonging to us today but not all- christians verse 11 for whosoever fix- recognize their responsibility altcth himself shall be abased m the care of the handicapped and he that humbleth himself i oul contemporary society shall be exalted here is the doubtless we ail give too much moral principle of which the attention to what we reckon foregoing is an application the our social obligations and too greatest example of the latter little to our moral obligations phrase is our lord himself one of the guests responded see philippians 26-11- to his suggestion by hinting verse a certain man at the ideal conditions which made a great upper and bade would exist in the kingdom of many this was 3 common god envisioning the perfect mode of entertainment and at supper there this opened the mp- was lavish to the point way for another great parable of extravagance the parable of the supper to 1 verse 17 and sent his -erv- which the invited guests refusl en come for all things are ed to come but which was fur- j now ready instead of setting j nished with lastminute guests a time and leaving it up to the from the streets and lanes of guests to come a servant was the city and from the hedges ms and small proper j changes made births deaths again after her stay in new- vest pocket editorial a na- 1 obituaries marriages special market hospital and a brief tions wealth and eroiomic occasions in schools churches convalescence at the home of strength lies in its industri jard community activities are her father mr w h smith at nlan rail transport systems taken from any of the news- richmond hill agriculture natural resources papers re sure to mark date master lean harvey cele- and the peoples ability and end name of paper from which brated his birthday on january willingness to work it was taken j stouffville youth for christ second markham church saturday night 745 pm this saturday night the film is the first disciple vie are making a halfhour broadcast for radio station hcjb voice of the andes sending greetings from he local ministers and churches to our missionary friends on foreign fields also the first night with the local quiz team n rowan director oeoeeqooo p groves chicks for 1956 ames incross hybrids on iarm tests averaged 35 more eggs per hen than other breeds babcock foreman shaver strain white leghorns americas hest sussex or columbian rock x parmenter warren cross rhode island reds also leghorn rhode island reds the above breeds lops for high egg production the columbian rock red is an excellent meat bird place your order now for delivery on preferred dates february to june groves poultry farm markham rr2 phone stouffville 67701 numwawwtmvumviiunitt sent to bring them verse is and they began to make cncusc i have bought a piece of ground have me excused this of course was the unusual feature the invited guests refusing to come at the last minute the buying of a field was a poor ex cuse if it were already bought the seeing could wait til next day verse ip i have bought five yoke of oxen and i go to prove them who would buy and highways of the country cream for best results shin your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers from ss00 to si 200 per year or by the month stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone 186w vvlll betkesda irs pctfr brlllingte the wm s- was held a the home of mrs burkholder mrs taun was in charge and opened the meeting with a new years prayer the devotional was giv en by mrs scott reports were given by mrs taun mrs emp- tingham mrs burkholder and i poooe animals first find prove them mrs briilinger missionary afterward this also was rajnews by mrs dibb and mrs j ther flimsv j smith verse 20 i have married life membership was pre- 1 a wife and therefore i canno come marrying a wife exemp ted a man from military service for a year deut 20i7i bu sented to miss selena atkinson by mrs hunt on behalf of the j wms she hu been a wonder- i ful and faithful worker for there is no indication that it j many years a reading wa giv- verse 21 co out quickly in- en by mrs alnn and a solo was to the streets and lanes of the sung by mrs briilinger mrs i citv the poor and the maim- hunt read two chapters from edand the ha and the blind the book hope rises from the land closing praver was by mrs taun here was a householder who was bent on having a feas even if the invited guests failed to show up compare verse 13 verse 22 ijrd ye there is room there were not nigh he home of mr and enough poor maimed bdmi leonard briuirger the annual congregational i meeting of the united church will be thursday jan h to- whitchurch federation of agriculture annual meeting vandori wed jan 25th 1056 at 8 pm guest speaker mr fred wicks jr fieldman for york county federation of agriculture report of the dominion federation of agriculture convention held at hamilton discussions at agriculture short course guelph are the small farm operators going to be forced out of business is a two price system for selling agricultural produce desirable hear this report free lunch all farm people welcome a mcelroy mrs r armitage president secretary oooooo 6 by having kenny doner bil ly coutt and ronnie haughton in for a party mr and mrs jack gamble and family visited his mother mrs hattie gamble at rich- mond hill on sunday evening mr elwood pattenden cele- brated a birthday on monday january 16 he had a chum allen badgero of stouffville in for supper on sunday evening j as well as allens parents mr j and mrs jack badgero the annual congregational meeting will be held on mon- day evening january 30 at the church master bobby baycroft also celebrated a birthday last fri- day and had lawrence ash in i for supper the womens institute will i hold their meeting on wednes- day evening january 25 at the home of mr and mrs r c i baycroft this is an open meet- ing and all are invited to come motto pray for a good har vest but dont forget to hoe by mrs e smith roll call name a breed of fowl mr j ivan mclaughlin will show pic- tures please bring sandwiches i mr harold doner is under j the doctors care at home musselmans lake the first euchre was a suc cess as expected everyone en joyed themselves and wanted i more the next one is to be held j same place ballantrae school j friday january 27th at 830 1 pm plans for a box social are being made and it is to be held at the school on friday feb- ruary 10th more about this later but just keep the date in j mind dont forget your next home and school meeting wednesday jan 23th at s oclock in the school miss p campbell the j school nurse will be the spea ker and will be glad to answer any questions you may have about the health of your child tea will be served and an en- 1 joyable evening is being plan- j ned for all remember you dont have to be a member so come and have a pleasant and interesting evening the sympathy of their many friends and neighbours is ex tended to mr and mrs w wright lakeshore road in the death of mrs wrights fa- ther mr w j wager mr wager has been ill for some time and passed away last tuesday at the age of 82 we are happy to hear that mrs w grensted is at home j again after a prolonged visit with her daughter in toronto we hope she is feeling fit j birthday congratulations to ronney and kirk mortimer the brothers celebrate their i birthdays on the same day jan i 17th ron is 14 and kirky 8 1 they had a party and a lot of fun last sunday the ladies bowling league held a meeting to form a ban quet committee which will take care of all the details of the windup party betty wilkins rose frorski gloria forfar and phil mclennan are the lucky four the mens bowling scores as promised last week are icartwrights fish men lees sand men cards excavators browns rockets j toppers smoke eaten j forfars carpenters overs turkeys chims whirlwinds 34 32 32 28 28 22 22 21 enough coa is carried every day over a threemile conveyor belt network at tvas shaw nee plant near padrcah ky- to provide electric power for an entire cy the size of de- ire i len wilkes ciothesshop store- czejuiunce reductions are price and less girls 3piece snow suits es4to8 reg1295 special 995 boys girls station wagon sets 46x snow suits nylon buntings 23x sizes 234 and 5 regular price 1895 1695 1595 1195 3 only 1195 sale price 1395 1195 995 795 495 girls coat sets sizes one low price 26 1195 snow pants wools gabardines 298 395 1 98 298 childrens flannel shirts sixes 3 to 7 198 99 childrens overalls sixes 2 to 7 99 childrens pullovers cardigans 99 girls full length storm coats nylon gabardine with mouton collar sizes 7 to 12 one low price 895 felt skirts sixes 10 to 14 795 495 girls jumpers dresses clearing from 198 girls skirts 4 to 6x 7 to 1 2 1 98 298 one low price girls wool coats 7 only to 2495 1000 ladies shrug sweaters broken ranges 595 198 ladies cardigans pullovers to 695 298 ladies skirt clearance sizes 12 to16 298 up ladies twin sweater sets 1395 895 ladies wool cardigans 895 595 ladies viyella shirts plaids plains to 1095 595 reversible wool skirts 12 14 2 only 1495 895 ladies blouses special 198 to 398 mens flannel work shirts 14 18 198 mens wool pullovers cardigans to 995 298 495 mens melton windbreakers to 1495 995 mens lined denim smocks special 595 overalls to match above special 398 mens skating sweaters 995 6 strides sixes 28 to 34 1395 8 mens turtle neck work sweaters 3 boys trousers sizes 8 to 16 special 2 boys winter jackets sixes 816 to 1495 9 boys melton windbreakers to 1195 5 boys wool pullovers cardigans 2 boys polo pajamas sixes 8 to 14 1 95 95 98 98 95 99 98 98 len wilkes aosm telephone 24w1 stouffville

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