i i 1 success of farm organizations depend on officers members deer invade highway victoria square the stouffy1lle tribune thursday january 5 1956 p 3 most of the am ojore jump ahead of procedure arm organization are over writing out adoption of reports rseeigs one reas- z n- iot tnls year or will be shortlv traurr dutif jr brings up the question it is the duty of the what kind of a showing will the iurer to investigate ail pies- so- new executive make donations received by the club withe the success of each organlzai the book should be balarc- ton depend- or its officers and ed monthly so that the club members olficers as a rule i members may have a clear idea come from the ranks after years of financial status and hke the of training and should take the secretary he should always reins with shrewd and expermove the adoption of his own ienced hand- report pleasure anil lirnelit i members of the executive corporal charles daniels of j the pickerlrs townhp police m bk churehvard rausl have thought saata s rea- briajj were a mrland aeer had refused to go ba j er h2 0 ron wnen he spotted two mr and mr5 dck winter deer crossing no 2 highway dfckie aaajterrel wer mr at whites stderoad on cnmt- l mri g winterx pickering l v o mas day at 3 pm mrs j3 covie a fam on hd sunday evening din- constable daniel said the 51v 4mrs george cow- mrs douglas vo deer one a mature doe and fowi jee mr and mrs fred puckrin mr and m rs andre wforson and family were at mr and 1 f3m r i ca i and mrs mn w sandlc dec 29 mr and mrs v westbrook spent christmas with mr and mrs william large and family in toronto mr and mrs barry king and family and mls grace boyn- a well grown fawn casually jumped the fence and proceed ed south across the highway any undue haste he said they continued south over highway 401 where traflic slowed to let them by j mrs jack mitchells brougham on mr and mr rolph boyn- audley wjtr h so many organizations committee belong to that tight nto which the average farmer j little inner circle working close is asked to throw his lot he find- more pleasure and benefit in goin to ome meetings than to others while many have im portant work to do they waste- much time doing it and in many- cases the interest of the mem- he president to to fulfill their function as cabinet ministers to the presi dent executive members should not give themselves airs that attitude upsets the members at larste and makes for bad feeling bers lapses they should never set up any there are definite rules that j twoway alliances even if the add to the success of any organ- two members are close neigh- ization and these dont apply bors members of the executive only to farm groups lets committee which usually num ber five or six should work as a body should present a united front and should attend if at all possible every executive meeting executive members have a responsibility when it comes to bringing in a speaker to see that the speaker is provided with transportation too often spsakers are left to fend for themselves once a meeting is over xo organization can function without that vast body of mem bers at large and every mem ber has her definite place for members three rules obtain 1 shy members are apt to carry on whispered conversa tions in to back of the room dont do it if you question the policy of your club if you have something to say stand up catch the attention of the chair and have your say 2 a farm organizaion is like a family members may and do criticize one another however criticism should never be allow ed to split a club it should be talked out at open meetings and the opinions of minority fac tions should never be laughed out the door 3 if a ciub is worth joining its worth going to take the dull sessions there must be some along with the high lights and special speakers n6 executive expects any member to be married to the club or to show a fanatical devotion but steady attendance from mem bers at large is the essential of a successful club have a look at them the impression the new pres ident make at the first meet- ing is the impression that will carry through the year he will have stabilized himself in office if he speaks with quietness sin cerity and some sense of au thority the president is the captain of the ship his mental equipment and tolerant understanding of the problems of the club and the individual members are essen tial to success should be informed the president should know the constitution backwards and forwards so that no obstreper ous member catches him nap ping he should know proced ure thoroughly the general order of business is minutes reports of committees corres pondence accounts and bills new business and adjournment a general application of this order will work out well- for most meetings however the president should make his rule of order flexible enough so that when an important issue comes up it will be discussed early in the meeting before half the members go home two methods to assure that important issues will receive a thorough airing are to start the meeting on time and to close off long winded discussions on non essential matters by appointing a committee of three to deal with the vexing question and make a report to the next meet ing often discussions run over time on such items as the read ing of minutes and discussion of items which are actually fait accompli because they have received general member ship approval at former meet ings a motion is moved seconded stated by the president debated by the members called by the secretary restated by the pres ident put voted upon and the result declared motion procedure however when a motion has been moved seconded and stat ed by the chairman an amend ment is in order that is any member from the door may rise and say in regard to the mo tion now before the club i would like to move this amend ment z the amendment must also be seconded and the amendment is voted on before the original mo tion if the amendment carries the original motion is then re stated with the addition of the amendment the preident directs the dis cussion but does not take the lead he does not consult close personal friends too frequently backbenchers are carefully drawn into the discussion highly important to any or ganization is the secretary it is his factual reports to which members will refer when any debatable point is brought up secretaryship is one of the mast important club executive positions and possibly the hard est to fill since the secretary is like a deputy minister filled with cares and worries but with actually no authority on club policy do not lip wliidy the windy secretary has no place in a wellrun organization the best one is the one who is and proposed motions and call ing for the detail- of motto mimrcd puckrin about fifty children and ad- u its enjoyed a potluck supper arranged by the sunday school staff on december 22 after wards christmas carols were surz rev m buttars showed a film rudoiph the red- xosed reindeer the sunday school attendance prizes were presented to those having an attendance of seventyfive per cent or over these were in crder of merit intermediates edith white lorraine mat thews juniors eileen guthrie keith puckrin marie smith jeanette astley primary girls ann guthrie joy astley and nancy puckrin tied ruth pea cock jo astley primary boys harold guthrie wayne white and roy puckrin tied john peacock kindergarten arthur puckrin and lynda puckrin tied gienn squire darlene white ton on sunday evening mr and mrs percy bennett and ray and miss rosemary- march spent christmas with mr and mrs waiter cook and florence at lansing mr and mrs knapp and irene mr and mrs john kmp- ringham mr and mrs earl and geoffrey of toronto mr j emprlnghani and girls spent and mrs lloyd beatty of long cn m s f branch miss lillian bickel of rs u ll5 and fam toronto and mr and mrs j toronto cameron an phyllis of ajax were at mr and mrs j ville mr and mrs rolph boyn- davidsons mr and mrs wm mehugn of xewtonville were at mr j mr and mrs bert guthrie and family were at james bat- tys brooklin mr and mrs lee darwin of toronto mr and mrs carl dis ney of pickering and mr and mrs reg kennedy were at mr and mrs g k pratts mr and mrs stewart phtpps i mr and mrs james davidson ave moved into 1 entertained a number of friends house on the fourth concesston land relatives on saturday on est of atidlcy the occasion of their wedding anniversary 1 ten canadian ships w ere lot j on christmas day mrs ella ratcirte of stouff- viiie ton spent christmas with mr stouffville r e sanderson and miss ma bel sanderson mr and mrs jim boynton mr and mrs lawrence boyn- ton mr and mrs lloyd can ning mr and mrs wm sandle and margaret spent christmas i with- mr and mrs stanley boy- mr and mrs john puckrin i ion grace david and donald and arthur were at the home mr david boynton of the of mr a llollidav ontario veterinary college marvin barlow spent the guelph is spending his christ- weekend visiting hi brothers mas vacation at his home here at vernonville and castleton 1le flowers in the church on ed for the projected rouge val- mri and mrs arch bell spent sunday were placed there in ley museum monday with mr and mrs memory of mr j ash by his by july we were well into charles russell of langstaff i daughter and soninlaw mr our dry summer and cedar mr and mrs x e kinsman 1 and mrs heber mccague and j groves garden party upheld their new manufacturers clearance ploytex magic controller girdles regular 950 to 695 playtex magic controller pantie girdle regular 850 to 695 while they last broken size ranges the three sisters telephone 325 and mrs geo izatts on christmas monday mr and mrs charlie clemence mrs s puckrin and miss mar garet puckrin were with mr and mrs gordon smith the maiden voyage on a new italian liner joyce beare left for brussels in june to attend a biochemis- try conference and tour the con- tinent the copper pot that came from penn with the ree- ivarees in september lome reesor was married in edmon ton bruce petrie won first prize for his bran muffins at the ex and his mother won the same for her fruit cake 72 members of the rittenhouse or family went at max ree- i family gathered for a reunion sors auction and was purchas- 1 and mr and mrs russell ree sor celebrated their 25th wed- mr and se in 1953 whowrotefhlbible atha the death occurred at brier- bush hospital on tuesday last week of mr thomas madill who passed away in his centen ary mark sympathy is extend ed to all the family mr and mrs wilton from or chard beach were christmas dinner guests with mr and mrs ed mcaloney and brian on sunday christmas guests of mr and mrs murray dunkeld were mr and mrs james milton and frank from burketon mrs r strong and family also donna and david carnochan of port perry mr and mrs frank wagg miss e cooper altona and mr harold hodgson mrs gertie hoover and vern mr and mrs ken walters to ronto had christmas dinner on i sunday with mr and mrs gar- net vanzant 10th line miss glenda silverthorn spent sunday evening with evelyn xelda and shirley dunkeld mr and mrs bruce from jnj ionville had christmas dinner on sunday with mr and mrs john sheridan also on monday mr and mrs richardson and family mrs willis all of to ronto and mr a m sheridan from aurora were also guests i mr and mrs mcdonald toj ronto were christmas dinner guests with his brother mr and mrs mcdonald here mr and mrs abraham ree- i sor cedar grove spent christ- j mas day with their daughter j and soninlaw mr and mrs cy ril bielby and family mr and mrs david tran spent christmas holiday with their daughter mr and mrs i gordon overland in kingston i mr and mrs bert silverthorn and family stouffville were j czsor 1800 years the bible has been the subject of much controversy is it an authen tic book is it to be trusted where did the bible come from many people are under the false impression that the bible was given to the world in the third century a d this is not true all the au thors of the new testament were firsthand witnesses of the establishment of the christian church the bible itself toils us that these holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost ii peter 1 21 these men made it their business to set down an ac curate and reliable account of the events which figured in the founding of the christian church biblebelieving pro testants have found that god so directed in the writing of the scriptures that the result is an accurate record of gods message to mankind the bible itself claims to be from god in pauls second letter to timothy we read ijr that all scripture is given by inspiration of god either we must believe such a claim or we must take the bible to be a completely false record biblebelieving protestants down through the ages have put their complete trust in the scriptures as gods mes sage the entire bible message is centered in jesus christ as the son of god and in the salvation which god has made possible through the death and rsurrcction of christ the bible says neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved acts i 12 a true understanding of the bible message is the door way to salvation you may be interested in knowing more about the bible and what it can mean to you many of your questions will be an- swered in a pamphlet which you may have free of charge by simply filling in and mailing the following tiie national association of evangelicals washington 4 d c box 7411 please send free pamphlet ea2 name street city zone state in memory of mrs france by her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs george joyce mr and mrs marcus jarvis spent sunday with mr and mrs martin at leaside sympathy is extended to mr and mrs garnet francy in their recent bereavement in the passing of mr frances brotherinlaw and mrs infan cys aunt a speedy recovery is wished for mr jim dennie who has been ill its tradition for fine weather 152 children enrolled in the mennonite bible school august our quiet month blodwen davies passed her dri vers test cedar grove rang with char- ding anniversary october markham fair a glorious fall and a community halloween party in the school news mrs barkey left cedar grove school in november and mrs wilson took over the lemon tree in the booths greenhouse produced luscious fruit the littles calves arrived in twos crazy laying an s egg cedar grove was well represented in the canadian concert series drive and over 400 members were enrolled archie little was reelected to council in december the hammils farm was sold and we almost had a white christ mas in 1936 i hope there will be lots to report in cedar grove and may all the hews be good average size of alberta ran ches is 2000 acres owned by the individual rancher with sooo additional acres under lease from the provincial gov- and frank reesors hen went ernment t this nd inserted bythe l aingeijcu7mlssmn and priests stouffville maple cattle breeders association announces three additions to holstein battery r0ckwood robaron horn julv 11 1951 ham oropsed by members who ne- supper guests on christmas ver talk above a whiter night with mr and mrs joe the secretary must have an j tran and family mr and mrs uncanny facility for knowing david tran also had supper on names and initials of ail mem- monday evening with mr and j bers nothing makes a person annoyed like having the name spelled wrong mrs joe tran mr and mrs powell and fam- 1 sly spent christmas with her j he should record the minutes brother and sister mr giles- j immediately after the meeting pie and ms giiiespie toronto so no important details escape mr and mrs fred draper and if possible send out copies land family were supper ruests j to all members to save time at on tuesdav evening with mr the next meeting vhen minutes i and mrs frank wagg stouff- can be taken as read more time j vf he is saved when the secretary mr and mrs ciodd entertain- j asks for the adoption of his own d twenty guests to christmas i reports sinner on sunday the treasurer needs to he a mr and mrs joe white enter- j combination finance minister j mined sheir family on sunday and pcnnvpirchcr but playing ltd a christmas dinner no favorites he has a tough mr and mrs frank gostick j had their iamily home for christmas dinner on sunday mrs coffin and mrs fore- job in collecting fees but should rol hesitate to use harsh meas- espe- trcs when necessary cialv when club constitution mm entertained their mothers sivs that ory paidup members from quebec durng the holi day vote idijj sire houckholme sovereign sky rocket vg 92 dau s1 gp or better rockwood raroncss p rockctte vg t vr 365- 16535-376- 621 sire romandaie starrright rorn july 1 195j dam sprinjj farm fond hope mahoney babe lochin- ex var ex jo propeny res jr ch 5 vr 365-26302-13- or belter 1951 1114 lonelm texal herman born april 7 1951 sire dam ixmelm texal iogman ionclm rajr apple prin vg cess vg 37 dau 4sre gp or 4 tr 365-24309-355- heller 63 consider these with our proven sires for voir 1956 breeding program contact voir area technician or unit at maple for additional information our aim is your success i visitors weromc v melville mr and mrs john harkness and philip of whitby had din ner on sunday with mrs hark ness mother mrs wm mckay rev dan and mrs thornhill and family st catharines cele brated with the houck family on sunday mr peter smith of kingston is spending the holiday with his parents mr and mrs j d smith mrs orval carruthers and daughters nancy and katherine had dinner on monday with misses mary and jennie and mr harold carruthers mr wesley powell and miss mabel powell of oshawa had christmas dinner on sunday with mr and mrs clarence powell and family mr and mrs stanley powell spent sunday with mr mrs thos popham of new toronto- miss patsy smith of guelph is home for the holidays and miss margaret smith toronto spent christmas at home mr and mrs denton smith of stouffville and mr ken dun can of gormley were also guests of mr and mrs alf smith former residents of melville mrs willis lehman and mr harmon lehman of delhi spent christmas with their families around here monday dinner guests of the forresters were mr and mrs fred mcroberts of victoria square mr and mrs reid bru- mwell gordon and jean of ruttonville mr and mrs l brackenbury and joan of ag- incourt mr and mrs bun sel lers and debbie iynn of stouff ville mr and mrs jim mow bray of kettleby and miss mary gough of agincourt to the editor and staff of the tribune and to all the readers the heartiest wish for a very- happy xew year comes from this reporter jyaoppets can punch the pillows scramble the sheets and bunch the blankets bat when the war is over texmade is the winner long wearing beautiful texmade sheets are the choice of canadian homemakers 5 to 1 plain fitted coloured or striped in qualities to fit every budget every bedroom in your home a showroom with texmade sheets yours for years- sofd erf better stores everywhere dominion textile company limited cedar grove mrs iat miclcnnan before we leap into iftrfi lets take a quick look at some of the main events of 1955 in cedar grove do you remem ber the ice last january only person really mobile was dickie dare in his spike boots it was i most appreciated in cedarena sid beare achieved master of the lodge in markham masons and mrs clendenen celebrated her slsi birthday in february shirley reesor was surprised on her 21st birth day and the clendenens marked their coth wedding anniversary the school received 70 new books for the library from the cgcc in march and the mys teries of planning markham township were revealed to us by dr douglas tanner mr ard mrs joe reesor were mar ried 35 years ard don and xor- ma cornelius moved into their j rew- home in april noone talked about anything but bad roads the ont dep of archives declared invitations announcements reception cards thank you cards h inknatiohalaraafts fturir tthermocja s printing k l krums w ackmajv toronto hk l halujjj wii- lests at t week let uy rtitertamed iarles mac- tha reesor family history com- 1 1 piled by austin and gordo ntus reesor the best family gene 4ii vsrvh i ogy publshed in canad ma- brought the by vw oryilejm l- eeker i ve alsctchrer ii ard miss aterloo mr and daughi ter of markham and miss aud rey brown of ringwoari the a enjoyed a turkey dinner at i the mayfair restaurant actua win pewlyouiufrcddi pl i 4-