Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 13, 1955, p. 7

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what you should know about cancer is use thlrj oi four srtj- written spedajly for te canadian cancer his ilhterc scnc le quarter of tr aomen ikg causes ca prrs cne out of every five aomn qietiond n a recent natioawme poll thinks that immorality lead to tome sort of malignant tumor these common sa-corcep- tlors along with many others were revealed in a recent survey sponsored by the cana dian institute of public opin ion and sponsored by the cana dian cancer society since its purple was to discover exactly what opinions canadian -a-om- en held concerning cancer the survey covered a representa tive sample of women from all regions conditions o life and socioeconomic status altoge ther more than 3000 women were questioned need more kduration the results of the question- raire gave the leaders of the medical and lay organizations who are fighting cancer many important clues as to the effect iveness of their educational pro- grcmaie and where more em phasis and work is needed there was for instance con siderable difference in the am ount of knowledge possessed by women in the ten different provinces the questionnaire definitely indicated the need for more public education the questionnaire was in four parts designed to discover the attitude of women towards al serious diseases their know ledge of cancer of the breast and uterus attitude towards the causes and cure of cancer and personal experience with the disease the third set of questions which will be con sidered here dealt with the general attitudes towards can cer and its treatment causes and fears and the importance of public discussion in combat ing the disease the answers to questions con cerning the causes of cancer in dicated considerable confusion in the minds of the women questioned this is natural enough since science has not yet discovered the exact reason for the disorganized unregulat ed growth of body cells which is cancer whereas about one quarter of the women believed that drinking and immorality had something to do with bringing about cancer 70 of all the women questioned realized that the exact cause of cancer is not yet known a small group 11 of the total i held the view that a knock or a bump or a fall was the main cause of cancer more males afleclcd the questionnaire revealed that there is considerable mis conception regarding the preva lence of cancer in men and wo men fiftytwo percent of the women questioned considered females more liable to cancer than males only 8 considered males more susceptible and 31 considered both sexes eq ual actually the most recent mortality figures show that of 30000 cancer deaths in can- da in one year 10000 were jtj les and 9000 females opinions on the treatment of cancer revealed a considerable lack of knowledge and empha- si7d the importance of public information and education sev enteen percent of those ques tioned had never heard of rad ium and deep xray as a treat ment for cancer an- astonish ing 25 of those questioned be lieved that surgery increases the spread of cancer it was apparent that many of the taboos and much of the hushhush that surrounded the disease as recently as fif teen or twenty years ago has vanished between 80 and 90 of the women in each prov ince favoured freer public dis cussion on the symptoms and possible cures of cancer the survey also revealed the signifi cant fact that fear and super stition are less in those areas where the cancer society is besi organized the- society which was organized at the re quest of the canadian medical association and works closely with that body carries on a igorous programme of lay ed- ueation throughout canada a well as supporting research and assisting cancer patients the work of the society is largely j done by volunteers and the money to support it is derived from par comment rg on the results of the survey he societys xa lioral preesder- r b bucker field of vancouver stated tha it indicates that considerable that drnk- f prosre has beer mide but a even more j great deal rroe rorey and ef- fort is needed to inform the public of the symptoms and treatments of the disease until we 5nd the fundamental cause knowledge of the disease thai will lead to early diagnosis and treatment is our best weapon againn cancer give variety diet fall vegetables make the most of the fine as sortment of fall vegetables now available no other food offers such a selecton of col ours shapes textures flavours minerals and vitamins the home economists of the con sumer section canada dept of agriculture point out that to really make the most of these vegetables they should be eaten both raw and cooked by themselves and with other foods the crisp texture of vege tables their bright colours and flavours both tangy and mild are at their best when eaten raw for an attractive appetizer what could equal a colourful plate of little clusters of cauliflower strips of orange carrots thin nippy cream-t3i- oured turnip siices tiny weiges of green cabbage and freshly curled celery or individual ser vings of pickled crimson beof slices and crisp white onion rings these freshly prepared vege tables can also be included in the school lunch box either as they are or added to the sand wich spreads shredded carrots cabbage turnip celery and green pepper will give a crisp crunchiness and a new flavour to the sandwiches tha child ren are sure to like any of these vegetables in cheese peanut butter egg and ground meat fillings on nippy autumn days fresh ly cooked piping hot vegetables should have a conspicuous spot beside the familys favour ite meat the home economists of the consumer section offer a few suggestions for dressing up fall vegetables in simple family style rutabaga canadas table tur nip may be mashed and sprink led with grated cheese or sliced and baked with a sprink ling of brown sugar dotted with butter for a particularly attractive way to serve two vegetable the centre from cooked thick slices of turnip and fill with a vegetable of contrasting colour to bring out their delightful nutty flavour roll cooked cubes of parsnips in finely grated cheese and bake them in a moderately hot oven until gold en brown for something differ ent to serve with baked ham try glazing cooked parsnip sticks with a mixture of butter brown suger and dry mustard they are delectable from the kitchens of the consumer section come also these ideas for serving several other fall vegetables cook shredded cabbage in a small i chopped celery and green pep pers finished off witn buttered j crumbs vegetable marrow with j a highly seasoned stuffing off bread crumbs onion parsley and chopped cooked meat is a other luncheon or supper dish complete in itself any non lover of this vegetable is sur- to be converted when the stuff ed marrow is brought from the oven and served hot with red ripe tomato slices food organization ten vears old the food and agricultural organization of the united na tions will celebrate its 10th an niversary october 14 and 25 in the city of its origin quebec to mark the historic occasion cbc will broadcast a special program on the transcanada network on sunday oct 16 from 500 pm to 530 pm in cluded on the program will be messages from lester b pear son minister of external af fairs james g gardiner min ister 0 agriculture and ezra benson agricultural secretary of the united states the pro gram will also feature excerpts from pane discussions on var ious divisions of the fao out lining their objectives accom plishments and new plans- a tentative topic is atomic en ergy in the field of agricul ture it is hoped to have lord boyd orr first director of the fao accept a plaque from the cana dian historical sites and mon uments other expected speak ers are earl butz of the united states department of agricul ture and dr philip cardon di rector of foa the program will be heard in place of a word in your ear for one occasion auction sale farm stock and implements tractors sheep pigs hay and straw etc the property of lot 23 cox 3 north vork east of vonge st h mile south of stcelcs ave wed oct 19th cattle holstein cow fresh calf by side black and white cow fresh calf bv side holstein heifer bred sept 1st n scoop out holstein heifer bred holstein cow full flow bred holstein cow full flow bred holstein cow fresh c3lt by side holstein bull 2 years old holstein bull s months old 1 veal calves pigs brood sow due time of sale red brood sow with 7 small pigs brood sow due to farrow 21 pigs over 100 lbs sheep 14 suffolk ewes 10 spring lambs fat suffolk ram hay and grain about 1c00 bales good mixed hav amount of boiling tomato juice about 100 bales good straw seasoned with suger salt and goo bu5 0at paprika the chewy quality of dumber of grain bags cabbage is a welcome antidote dumber of sacks for soft rich foods garnish a dish of steaming buttered beets with spoonfuls of fluffy creamy white mayonnaise to give them extra flavour appeal chop fre shly cooked carrots and beets and enhance this combination with a little butter and a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice panfry shredded carrots and onions together spicing them with curry powder its wonder ful aroma will be sure to tease sharp fall appetites if a sweet touch is desired glaze a pan ful of carrot j a mixture of honey and gintror thi- is deli cious with roast chicken or pork chops vegetables lend themselves especially well to oven cook ing for they may be glaaed baked whole or stuffed scallop ed or combined with meat eggs and other such foods in tempt ing casseroles for a special treat the consumer section rec ommends a scalloped dish of cauliflower flowerets smothered with a thick velvety cheese sauce and topped with chopped green pepper or buttered bread crumbs a quick but hearty squash public subscription dur- casserole is made from layers ing the annual cancer cam- of squash creamed chicken vvvwk kwcstwwv iv it youielf raise clh inch i llas and make money eaj to on rv kay to ralv x plt worth up lo oooo each thrv mtuahle lilt if animal are- hardy vegetarian and can riyd in haarmeni hr1 or mptj room tot about tjoo per rjr lo ral onf chinchilla take a few minute now lo invcmlfiato rhi nrwwt hmnch of ihe fur lndury for information phone stouffville 65206 or sw fc harold or doujr parson peak chinchilla ranch exactly 3 miles north of no 7 on nth concession horses bay mare reg clyde 11 yrs old ray gelding clyde 10 yrs old above mentioned horses are a real outstanding team and well matched good in harness implements mh101 senior tractor ford major tractor tandem disc harrow mccormick deering binder 7 ft like new mh 13 disc grain drill good as new mccormick deering mower 5 ft new mccormick deering dump rake near new steel drum roller jill 13 tooth spring tooth cul tivator hay tedder mh manure spreader set of outthrow disc harrows pet of 4sec drag harrows farm wagon gear wagon box good low farm truck wagon good hay rack cutter set of bob sleighs iinggy other implements miscellaneous viking cream separator turnpike shove set of farm fence sretcher jamesway oi burning brooder chicken and poultry founts and feeders electric fencer cyclone seeder honey extractor number of bee hives set of electric stock clippers complete with sheep shear ing attachment number of window sash large wooden water va set of good team harness wheeibarrow viking electric cream sep arator viking electric cream separa tor complete with motor electric moffat pail heater 170 ft near new horse fork fork draw rope cutting box weigh scales fv nsion ladder fanning mill quantity of lumber buffonvliie news neighbourhood notes coogratulations to mr asd mrs yvrr rodick- who cele brated their twentieth wedding anniversary wednesday oct 5 3irthd- vere celebrated re cently by mrs jmnes mcquay mrs george hooper mrs tim patterson and mr hector pat terson sr we hope they had happy ones guests at the home of mr and mrs s r patterson at present are mrs david hicks of iron bridge ont and mr and mrs russe hagan sault ste marie when the buttonville wi meets for the october meeting it will be held at buttonville hal instead of at the home of mrs gordon purves as announ ced earlier mrs wm mccimp- sey will speak on her recent trip to ireland and the will be illustrated pictures aswell an invitation is extended to all who wish to attend a number of wms members met a the home of mrs elmore hill on wednesday of last week for a quilting among those present were mrs a w miller mrs tim patterson mrs jack robinson mrs waiter brum- well mrs ross hord mrs a w miller mrs j miller and jamie mrs paul mingay and mrs fred leaf were luncheon guests of mrs h nt weatherill on monday of last week dates to remember anniver sary services at browns cor ners united church on sunday october 16 a 11 am and 730 pm the fashion tea at but tonville hall friday oct 14 at s15 pm under the auspices of the friendship club euchre party the first of the seascyi to be held october 21 at s pm in buttonville hall under the aus pices of the buttonville wi draw prize and refreshments ladies provide fair gives gormley fa rm exhibitor award steel water trough forks shovels whiffletrees chains hoes raltes and other useful articles terms cash no reserve farm sold sale at one pm 1 gonlding clerk ken clark prentice auct the 100th anniversary of the i founding of markham fair at- tracted a very strong holen ishow for the york county 1 biack and white day on sep 30 a new show rig rew sta- hie- and much improved con- ditions for exhibtorsarl spec tators added to the ckvs there was keen competition between romandale farms at gormley and eaton hali farm king for the honour of being premier breeder of the show with eaton hall just nosing out romandale romandale won premier exhibitor honours with mh farms miliiken as runners up entries from romandale were strong throughout winning 9 first prize and carrying off the senior and grand champion ship for females the reserve senior and reserve grand championship for females the best iddered cow award and reserve junior and reserve i grand championship for bulls romandale alo won the sen- ior getofsire on a croup by j spring farm fond hope the j progeny of dam and the grad ed herd classes romandale i also had the junior champion j female the dry azed cow was but- standing with fifteen entries j out of these two had been classified excellent and nine very good the winner who i went on to the senior and j grand championships was elm- i croft adeen may she was i showing a wealth of dairy qual- j ity and capacity and carried an i outstanding udder going on to win the best 1dder award of the show adeen was bred by elmcroft farms oshawa and was grand champion at the peterboro championship show in lfi53 being purchased by romandale at the sale of stars that ifall the reserve grand champion was the winner in the aged cow in milk class rosehill governess wayne she too is an excellent cow and though almost eleven years old is in rare bloom with a lot of openness and clean cut dairy temperament sne is a daughter of the noted allcanadian and allamerican cow rosehill fayne wayne last years all- canadian twoyearold texal fond hope darkle was a strong contender for championship honours after winning the dry threeyearold class she i owrj ov rnvrroni e rn- large buck killed on highway no 4s a 250 p und buck was romattdales junior cham pion female was a big strong srootn daughter of spring farm fond hope named rom andale helbon she headed the junior yearling hejer class nosing out the first prize sen ior yearling mh pietje phst owned by mh farms for the reserve junior champotshp roybrook pabst monarch owned by the estate of h c mccioskey queensville took the junior and grand champ ionship after heading the sen ior yearling bull class this bull is jointly owned with his breeder f roy ormiston of brooklin ont for whom he was grand champion earlier this fall at the ontario county black and white day at port perry he is very strong and smooth with giea lenirth of quarter and is extremely diffi cult to fault his full brother roybrook pabst admiral head ed the junior bint class for mh farms who own him joint ly with roy ormiston the senior champion bull was the winning twoyearold orchard vale rembco marks- man owned by wm r taylor j sharon while the reserve sen- ior award went to marchant j bros schomberg on the first prize aged bull bond haven clipper donald hunter unionville had the satisfaction of seeing his first prize junior heifer calf aimira marjorie shown to first place in the special 4h class by his daughter wm r taylor showed the first prize milking three-year- old h c mccloskey estate the winning twoyearold in milk wm l edwards schom berg the first prize dry two- yearold mh farms the win ning senior heifer calf albert w king the first prize junior getofsire by spring farm fond hope and mh farms the winning junior herd altogether 13s animals were shown by 26 exhibitors the judge was j d innes wood- stock ont i east on 4 when the buck sud- j ceny appeared from the wood killed at the roadside and dashed to las weekend as it rr across the ro3dway suttorgeorgina highway i ner befferlaw police irh the carcass into a truck belongins to the or- sutton where it was put into la abba toir was being driven i cold storage mutuuwfattt cream for best results ship your cream to stouffvllle creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers for immediate rentals stouffvllle creamery co to have our truck call phone ls6w f11v4tl o p ooo oooeo public notice to plumbers drain layers contractors and persons installing- or altering plumbing drainage or private sewage dis posal systems in the village of markham richmond hill sfouffville woodbridge and sutton the townships of markham vaughan whitchurch north gwillimbury and east gwillimbury and the town of newmarket plumbing and sewer installations and altera- tions must conform to the regulations under the public health act respecting plumbing and sewers private waste disposal systems must con form to the requirements of the regulations under the public health act and any local municipal by laws in effect before commencing nny work on plumbing mrer lrainnse or waste disposal installations or nltera- tlons application for approvaii shovtt be maie at the nearest office of the york connty health unit located at xewmakket 120 main su richmond kitty bo yonge st x stoitffville brllllnrer bids suttox high street 33seesftea w capacities more power per dollar with new shortstroke y8 engines hew higher horsepowers you rct higher horsepower in every engine in tho great new ford truck line for 56 from 158hp right up to a mighty 200hp for extraheavy hauling fords new superior shortstroke power means less friction less power waste greater gas savings much less wear on moving parts much longer engine lifo- new higher torque because of new engineering improvements fords higher horsepowers are translated into more usable power at the clutch new higher torque in all scries up to 316 ftlb means faster getaway more agilo per formance more power per dollar new higher compression ratios fords new recordhigh compression in all models in the line wrings extra power from fuel hew 4barrel carburetion now new 4barrel carburetors on special y89 boost power output when its needed pay off in faster acceleration extra pull for hills and hard going second 2 barrels come into action only when extra power is required 1 new iongeriasting valves new sodiumcooled exhaust valves in heavy duty y8 engines run up to 225 cooler than solidstem valves and last far longer tungstcncobnlt valvo facing and solid tungstencobalt alloy scat inserts defy wear hew 12voit electrical systemi standard in all 56 models new 12volt electrical system gives moro positive more efficient combustion at higher engino speeds quicker coldweather starting greater reserve capacity to handle todays heavier electrical loads 7 new deepblock y8 engines with up to 26 more power i uchtbuu 1ui1 j tahmtt mil 1uiu 4 kmoot kjhitllt ruen oiuvmt miu idam uvhy new leadership styling makes the 56 ford truck a standout hew fullwrap windshield i ford trucks for 56 feature now wraparound wind shields with almost 1000 so in of visibility new builton exterior visor makes driving safer and more pleasant standard rear window w moro than 4 feet wide new lifeguard design i new deepcentre steering wheel is designed to absorb impact in the event of an accident ii cushions thp driver protect him from contact with the steering post new safetyhold door locks have special rotor covers that prevent doors from springing open on impact new alltmehigh capacities carry more payload per trip hew ovw ratings now gvw for nil erie from f260 up bobt piy- load capacities lo nn autirno hiffh now gcwn mean moro profitable trnctor- trailcr hauling ionn ruggo chnras doaifin reduce tonmili hauling cost new sft express the ford f100 seriefl for f6 features n brandnew sft exprtm this lowout hiuler is ideal for lijrhtbulky loads with whcclbaao of 118 in load capacity is 65- cu ft new tandem series new t750 t for ffi rounds out th famous ford tnndtm axjc lin this sixwhwl tunt take 10- to 19ft bodies haa load capacity of 26600 lbs new power options automatic trana- mision is now a vailable on all lightduty model including f350 with dual and p500 parcel delivery power steonng i now mtandard on many model and available on all big joba new iongeriasting brakes nvw thicker brake linings on many model extend service life up to 33i rcduca maintenance costs all ford truck roar brake have selfenergizing action to build high braking pressure at the shoe new tubeless tires i new higher- capacity tubelera tires standard on nit 66 model run cooler give more mile age resist punctures and blowout rvt orimi 4i1zkq ruif j see your ford monarch dealer r h murphy main street east st0uffy1lle ontario

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