tm 1 th stouftyhie tji8uhe thursday octojk 13 1935 the stouffville tribune established a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized s toedlasj mail pmoflet des ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffviue ont in canada 230 elsewhere 5350 c- r noua publisher j thomas 4uoc editor p4 feeiyes dont hum the leavts autumn leaes are at their best this time of year displaying full range of color from bripht green to flaming rd this state of beauty is shortlived how ever and soon the fall gins will strip the foliage hare to leave the ground covered with the splash of color from this point on the difficulties start the leaves present a traffic hazard when they become wet and cover the roads as the pile of leaves on the lawn increases some way must be found to get rid of the accumulation the obvious way is to burn the leaves but this operation can he a fire hazard and the dense clouds of smoke are a traffic danger as they swirl over th 3ireew there is a better way of disposal and it is the way mother nature herself disposes of leaves to restore them as food for the soil in the form of humus leaves should be buried in the garden or placed on the compost neap where they will decompose slowly and return to the fround a rich supply of plant food for safe hunting at the start of the hunting season it is timely to remind hunters of the safety measures to be observed while enjoying their sport every year there are la mentable tragedies and mishaps and only a small fraction of them are unavoidable accidents there are times when the hunter is in more danger than the hunted many a distressing event might have been voided if only the safe rules of huntinghad been borne in mind and practised noloaded gun should be carried in a car or truck weapons laid aside while hunters rest or take refresh ment should he unloaded if a hunter carrying a gun has occasion to climb over a fence or traverse thick brush where a twig might catch the trigger he should break the breach safety catches are for use at all tintes until a weapon is raised with the intention of firing never fireunless the target can be clearly seen tynd identified never fire at a movement never fire unleash is known what lies beyond the target always keep cool avoid excitement handle fire arms with care when entering or leaving boats do not hesitate to reprove carelessness in others nd be qualified to admonish by maintaining an un blemished reputation by caution and good sportsman- ehip obey the law in every detail good thrift habit canada savings bonds have a significant annivers ary this october for it is the 10th time that these national savings facilities have been made available to the public they stemmed originally from the bond- buying thrift habit acquired by so many canadians during the victory loans of the second world war it was a good habit that hundreds of thousands of income earners wanted to keep up popularity of the savings bonds is illustrated by the fact that more than 1500000 persons have pur chased more than 4000000000 worth in the last nine years many of these foresighted individuals haveheld on to them for the official figures show that about 2000000000 of the aggregate investment is still outstanding in the hands of the original pur chasers this means that a great number of average cana dians continue to have a personal and tangible financial etftke in their own country a circumstance which ob- viouslv must contribute to national stability and to constructive public interest in canadas wellbeing for parents only immunize your child by xancy cleaver centuries ago a greek writer hcjod looking upon the ill- nese of people around him wrote these pessimistic lines for full indeed is earth of woe and full the sea and in the day as well a nljiii dis ease unodden haunt mankind ilently bearing jl to me so utterly impossible is it to escape the will of zeu in ii 20th century many of us hot believe thru it is the creators will ilia men and women and little children houid languish from diseases which can be prevented count- s research scientists have given their lives to the study of the cause of various sicknesses one by one mny diseases have been conquered although some like cancer mill puazle the most brilliant of donors we are apt to take the disap pearance of the terrible scourge of infections like smallpox for granted so seldom do we see a face disfigured by dep pox marks from this disease once t waji the most dreaded of ail dileases it wtoed out one tenth of the population at one time 6malpox is a killer and rare eases do still oxur in canada there is no natural immunity against i people of any age can catch it before he reaches his first birthday every child should be vaccinated against thi- aerm this is usually done on the up per left am it leaves only a amal cr if i takes i i does no take there is no scar and the individual continues o be susceptible vaccination hould be repeated in this case and again after seven war- triple toxoid l a preparation which combines whooping cotut and rtsphthen fid let caus toxoids this reduces in number of visits to a clinic or a i doctor it provides inimuniza- tion against diphtheria and lock jaw or tetanus and partial protection against whooping cough diphtheria is more apt to attack young children and it too is a killing disease even when a patient survives it often leaves serious nerve snri heart complications tetanus or lockjaw sometimes follows pun cture wounds or other injuries triple toxoid is a protection against these diseases a boos ter dose to reinforce its effec tiveness is needed to continue the strength of the protection as the years pass in the case of whooping cough the vaccine provides about 0 percent protection if the dis ease is contracted by a child who has been given this treat ment it is much milder than it otherwise would have been as this communicable disease is one which is apt to attack ba bies and very young children the vaccine should be given at or before the baby is 6 months schooiage children may not i be so sick with whooping cough a tiny tots but it is a long drawn out disease the sleep of the whole household is apt o be broken by the distressing sound of a child whooping i for maximum immunity recall 1 doses are given up to school age to emphasize the importance of parents proecing their chil dren from smallpox diphtheria whooping cough and tetanus national immunization week is observed throughout canada doctors clinics school nurses departments of health as well as newspaper anil radios bring this vii duty to the aueinri of father aryj mother do no where all share alike my faim had a small buiineu in the north of england and it was his intention that i ihould take it over my mother dis agreed and t cin still remember the discussions about it but it was i uho decided the matter 0 pay a aic 81sinks opened a branch quite near my fathers little shop although just a little lad i saw that this new store hadmuch belter merchandise than dad and at lower 1 prices the little drama has been repeated over and over a big concern closed the little merchant out dad simply couldnt stand the competition i know that rompirnion in the main is a gsod thing but the cruelt of it made a deep impression on me and i turned away from it and whenever i hear or read about it i know there is another side evss sik winston chiachiii said recently unrestrained competition can become a very cruel thing it can run wild and completely drive the little man out of business paul pointed out that while only one could win a prize in ihe races of his day in the christian race all who ran could obtain a prize there were prizes for everybody none need be left out is tkz christian way there are no has been or also rams there is a fallacy that ihe cream of society always come to the top and inferior men and women are left behind i dont believe that chance or a score of other things bring men to the top as well as ability a cehtain in took part in a race al a picnic recently he came in first with five other boys trailing behind when he received a prize he did not seem very much elated and when asked the reason he said i wish all the other fellows had got prizes too the idea isnt as new as one might think there once lived in the netherlands a strange little man named barurh spinoza he was one of the noblest men who ever lived he was bitterly persecuted because of his religion beliefs and made to suffer many times he worked as a lens grinder for microscopes and telescopes but he is chiefly remembered for his philosophy of life and his heart of good will he cared nothing for money and lived on a few cents a day when a friend wanted to present him with a great sum of money he refused it saying nature is content with little and when she is satisfied so am 1 shorlly after wards when this wealthy man wanted to leave all his wealth to spinoza the lens grinder pleaded with him not to but to leave it with his brother with whom he had quarreled at his request his own important books were not published until his death and such was his humility that he did not want his name to appear on them he was willing to be completely forgotten if only the cause of truth should be advanced a sentence in one of his books summed up his wishes for mankind the greatest treasure in the world is not that which for one to possess the rest must lose but where all can possess alike and where one mans wealth promotes his neighbors our qrottio- today is by dr joseph parker on rhinos spiritual eucry man may become a king every woman a queen inise of marriage in his life time or a bequest of 10000 on 1 is death she gave up a good job and moved into his house he died without marrying her and his last will left the vuooo o her successor in his affec tions the common knowledge that she had lived on intimate terms with him was held to be insufficient corroboration of the promise to marry which she alleged and apparently frequent vis its and generous bussing are not enough to support a girls claim that the boy made a defi nite promise to marry her the plaintiff she said consent ed to marry the defendant in the fall of 73 for one reason and another isne said he kept putting her off until in s4 he married another the court held that all the visiting and bussing from 13 to 81 didnt ineanja thing except that they lived each others compam- iro apparently bussing what is good cause for a nan to break an engagement the jfieicl is not well definad hut -nc- appeal court cao sug gests that imehastity is the only cause the court will ac cept in that case an unfortun ate suitor tried to disengage himself from his fiancee who was addicted to the habit of profane swearing and indulged in such haoit on the pubis i streets and in resorting to i houses of improper character the ontario court of appeal said that these were matters of manners and social habits i and were no reason to jilt the whats the law can damages lie recovered in ontario for a breach of promise to many heart balm like most dam ages very seldom comes in quantities large enough to put the aggrieved party in the cir- rumsiancas she would have en joyed had the contract been honoured two factors have to be considered first was there an existing promise or contract to marry jf there was then did the person breaking the engagement do so with good cause the evidence of the party claiming breach of promise to marry has to be corroborated by some outside evidence this is usually done with letters or admissions to others and such evidence must leave little doubt that the claimant is telling the truth circumstances such as intimacy or community reputa tion as an engaged couple arc not by themselves accepted as corroboration for example an amorous old creature in his 80s em ployed an attractive young sec retary the fourth in a scries ylio claimed that upon his pro- neglect to act in this matter do all you can to help your child escape these diseases copyright i nylon in plastic form is now being iised for many hospital utensils because of its light ness of weight and extreme toughness nylon utensils do not clatter and are not affectpri i by cold sterilization or deter- i gents laff of the week the sunday school lesson business directory i- thk baitlsm ok jksls t lesion for october 1j luke 3a3x ire and precious additions he under direction of the holyj spirit has made to the chu- golden tei thou art my be- rchs knowledge of our lord loved sou in tbee 1 am well jeus chris ambulance service vere by vere ltike 12- the word of cod came tinto john in the wilderness here is a pleaed- luke 322 the ikssox asj a wiki1k approach to the ieon white would be unwise o judge the comparative value of j phrase which identities john different portions of the word j the baptist with the old testa- o god wa all have our favor- intent prophets jte sections and doubtless most verse 3 and he came pre r bub ambulance 1 hour service ambulance taxi itichjnionil hill richmond hill j it 4ivmi li 41 10 jo us have our favorite gospel clung tne baptism of repentj b y cab it cab john seems to hold primacy jance for the remission of sms among the gospels in the atlec- the haptisjn required was in- t tion of a large proportion ofdicative of repentance not aj mejns of securing remission of sin- for a similar construe- dental tion see matthew 311 where the unto tsanie word as for gods people hut not so many afe aware of the ivelth of material which vveshtve only in lukes gospel of marks material m percent is found j here dosviot mean with s in one or more of the other view to but in connection gospels but si percent of with baptism does not induce lukes material is peculiar to repentance neither does it se- lvt tne ne- i cure him he alone tail- of the birth of john the f taste baptist and the birth of christ v with the story of the manger remission but the repenj which brought remission i impressed in baptism verse t as it u written in i and the shepherds included in kais the voice of one this narrative are the great crying prepare ye the way hymns which we know as the 1 set l5a 10 j magnificat the henedictus the- 35 the call to repentance was gloiri in kxcelsis deo and the preparation for the appear- j nunc dimittis found nowhere 8 9 lne od jesus see ajsoj else of the thirtyfive parables given in lukes gospel nine teen ale found nowhere else and among them some of the prime favorites here are sev eral of them the good samari tan the friend at midnight the rich fool the prodigal son the unjust steward the unrighteous judge the phari see and the publican the pounds mere also are miracles record ed for us only by luke the miraculous draught of fish the raising of the widows son the healing of the bent woman mealing of the man with drop sy cleansing of ten lepers heal ing of ear of maiohits other notable incident- for whose knowledge we are de pendent on luke are the in fancy narratives the boyhood incident the mission of the seventy mary and martha the conversion of zacchaeus the walk to kminaus by this time we should be ready to give god special thanks for lukes gospel and for the care that he took in writing it considering what mwk6wwi malachi 31 john knew his place in the economy of god see john 11923 verse 5 every valley shall be filled mountain brought low crooked straight rough smooth no work or expense was spared to make the route of a trium phant monarch smooth and straight these phrases are transferred to the spiritual sphere to describe preparation of heart for the coming of the king verse fi and all tlesh shall see the salvation of god isa iah says that the glory of the lord shall be revealed glory is an indefinable term gods glory is manifold supremely displayed in salvation notice j the universal aspect of salva tion verse 7 multitude o generatkon of vipers ilpe ifrom the wrath to come matthew specifies that this re buke was given to the phari sees and saducees what be gan as a spiritual awakening was in danger of degenerating into a popular religious move ment john saw the danger and nipped it he wanted evidence of the convictingvvork of the holy spirit continued on page 1 neil c smith los iu1s graduate of university of toronto office over tasudiir hank of commerce telephone lli7 sionrtviile e s barker lis nns honor graduate of university of toronto ohlcu over lliunlil- lill riiune 127lw sttioville brierbush hospital dir 2d nlrht service maternity medical ssd surjtca metier of the allied priti hospital association dovcrnnicot licenced main street kai slouflntlo marie jack ha1rdressixq 11 avenue slouffihle permanent wavino halrstylinx and shapint machine machine cold wn imioiie s8t betty beauty salon victoria street machinelkss machine coiij wave hair styling shaping phone suhiflwlle 2a7 it llnilkcro medical dr s s ball physician and burgeon xray office corner of obrien main phone 19h coroner for york county auctioneers sellers atkinson pli asia 201 w2 ph sti jjj lickxskti auctioneers and sale managers qvcr 30 years experience sales coudmcted anywhere spe cializinir iir auu stock kurnt- barristers tv paul w j mingay ba barrister and solicitor wideman itlock markham tuesday thursday evenings saturday mornings ilione 708 residence eckardt avenue unionville phone 321 resident member of mrdermott mcmahon rogers mackenzie mingay barristers solicitors notaries 302 bay street toronto 1 rhone em 42194 aluminum was named by a man who never saw it in is07 he great scientist sir humphrey davy decided dial alumina bad a metallic base but failed to find a way to extract the meial but he went alcad anyway and christened the unseen metal aluminum later he changed his mind and renamed it alu- minium both versions are still used wonder if the english scientist ever dreamed of the day when in faroff canada millions of hydroelccilic horsepower would unlock ihe riches of alumina to produce more than 500000 tons of aluminum a year aluminum company of canada ltd alcan dr f j button dr d w brod1e telephone 1171 h75iv xray hours daily to 12 am and 1 30 to si0 pm evenings 7 to u pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment office over button hlk irs mitchell smith physicians surgeons xray ilione 230 stnuffvluo office hours daily 912 am 14 pm 79 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday office open 23 pm chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffviue monday and friday 9 to 12 am opromerric e a grublv ro optometrist piclon stonflyille at stouffviue office ou the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays afternoons and evenings only sept 19 20 oct 17 h 18 nov 14 15 dec 12 u 13 phones l 8fij2 and 2j 1 main st west 3 doors west of albert st phone kli2 for appointment garnet v cray ro optomktrist wm hirkktt rfsidexce flours 10 jiin to 500 pm every tuesday kvoning by appoint incut mi io v41vo ou n pod pue pviudsiu mm ppiim p put pasn xuuosaad iais sp3 p0flo pun jinj rales are most rrarnnahje for this com pit- 1 c orvi which really pays off no sale too big or too miial likntclarke prentice auctioxkkhs itceum ami authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture heal esuts srles our specialty at fair and reasonable rate- dual service for the price of one milliken po ph ax s39s7 markham po ph mark sfi prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licrnsnl auctioneer york cty uxbridjie pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone gormley 8l l real estate whon buvinjr or selling real bstatk farms residences kusines iroperties contact george w allison kogd real estate jiroker phono 24 4 funeral directors l e oneill stoufpvirjie funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or xlltht phono stouffvillo 38wl theaker brewery funeral directors ambuiiaxoe skitvice phono 8103 ml alhcrt stoufi- villi- floral roses wedding bouquets fifneral designs cut flowers milt smith prop phone 7flw insurance geerr is awfallr fair ibaat ftxirr i dont kaw how ht feels tbmt op rirkett son general insurance agency stouffviue ontario insurance in reliable companiei at reasonable ratefi prompt service phones 25tikj and 2siv2 ken laushway fteneral insurance phone 270wl 270w2 stouffviue ontario fire automobile liability v g alsop insurance slouffville ontario fire life auto casualty i ith year in husines main si hast phone 2shw we build homes large and small and buildings of all kinds repairs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed our house designing service is at your disposal k w retz construction co fred m pugh tcnoral insurance plionn stoultvllle 38m2 what if the unexpected would happen today how would your dependants fare consult your local mutual life of canada representative fred m punh j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness coiiitesv service telephone 91 markham ontario stouffviue machine tool works telephone 238 rear of cnit station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs insure today the coop way for information enquire at your local coop or write to john sytema joy beauty salon 3ieimiirkrt 2i1j4 slouitville onl wnnr phone slotift 195 accountants john c wylie fcls charttfvl fccr ret ry public accountant ml i tor inom ti lctnrn jlhjt stoi fi mlk tklephove fijl countrj aftounlins jitmcc- i permamiu waving individual styling razor shaping mrs verna austin prop phone stouffviue 98w2