rigi2 the stowrytue twwnt thursday bk 25 1955 the stouffville tribune established vox a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian week newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association- member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized j ttcondclas mall postofie dtp ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffvihe ont- in canada 5250 elsewhere s350 c h nolan fabliaher jie thorna aaeoe editor blowing your top practically everybody at some time or another reaches a point where he blows his top some make too much of a habit of this to gain their selfish ends but they lose in the long run eventually not much attention is paid to their tantrums there are placid people who never seem to blow off steam and there are some who do so occasionally and almost immediately feel better it seems in these cases better to blow your top than to keep the tension sealed up and seething inside headaches stomach pains and general illness can be traced to bottling up ones feelings over a long period forces within one go through all sorts of processes when anger is aroused blood pressure increases and the whole body seems supercharged about then would be a good time to kick the door and pitch a plate across the room as the breaking of the dish would likely cause normalcy to return bank barns are like huge barbecues a hundred years ago when the early settlers began lp replace the first log stables and to build what we know today as the bankbarn type of stabling they decided they had hit upon a very handy and unique type of fodder storage plus warm stabling which should last a long time and save a lot of hard labor these bank barns which are uncommon in older settled parts of the dominion and the us have up until the present been very popular in western ontario but indications are that this popularity is on the wane modern farm machinery the heavy costs of build ing and replacements and new trends in stable sanita tion and ventilation all seem to be causing a trend away from bank barn construction baled hay and green silage have revolutionized fodder storage farm ers are finding that a lower structure with groundlevel drivein makes for easier unloading of forage also they find that separate buildings for cattle hogs and poultry are more desirable from a sanitary point of view and construction costs are lower greatest drawback of the bank barn seems to be the fire hazard as the stabling with a frame structure on top of a high wall is a perfect barbecuelike furnace affording perfect draft and combustion conditions when fire starts separate buildings into which trac tors can be driven make for lower losses from ire more sanitation and ease of loading and unloading in europe the many separate farm buhdings have been built in a quadrangular form for centuries and modern trends in north america seem to favor this style although the farm dwelling will not be included aa is commonmn europe in this district when bank barns are destroyed many of the replacements are taking on the new look as mentioned above st marys journalargus reduce speed for men at work wo can think of more suitable places to stand bhan the middle of the highway but unfortunately for the peace of mind of many a worker there are some who must do just that during their working day the hydro has been busy on the townline west trim ming excess branches from trees near the power lines other workers have been surveying main st the last few days and in the days to come we expect that the street widening at the east end will make it necessary for some of the men to expose themselves to the haz ards of the moving cars on the road of course these men are safeguarded by precau tions consisting of warning signs red flags and even flag men who are there to slow down the traffic but how effective are these measures ask any of the workers how safe he feels even with the warning signs provided we recall reading how a lad of twenty was working with a survey team near lind say not long ago when he was struck down by a speed ing car and had to be rushed to hospital this is not the first such case this summer the disturbing thing however is not the fact of the accident so much as the evidence that the driver in the lindsay case made no effort to slow down his vehicle the area was well marked by signs there were red flags prominently displayed and visibility was good at 1000 feet other cases usually report about the same type of conditions in other words there is no excuse except a desire to keep up ones speed for failure to observe the warnings we point out these facts at this time just in ad vance of the time when the highway at the east end of town can be expected to be covered with the workers who will be rushing sewers and street widening to completion give them a brake royal children fish in scotland prince charles and princess anne turned anglers yesterday and the fiveyearold princess caught a tiny perch as he squealed excitedly her brother aged six kept tish ing but he had no luck the royal children are on their way with their parents to their scottish home in bal moral they are sailing round the west coast of britain in the royal yacht britannia while the queen and the duke of edinburgh fulfilled public engagements in the area the children were brought a- shore and taken to the castle home of the kar and countess of stair it was the earls daugh ter lady jean rankin who revealed details of the fishing trip after the britannia had sailed away from here princess anne was thrilled and shouted excitedly when she caught a small perch lady rankin jfad she auo reported thai anne rode a bicycle for the first time yesterday she yaw her brother riding one and thought ae would like to try two accident marred the royal viitt to stranraer about 20 men women atd children standing on a small wooden bridge to watch the britannia leave plunged 15 feet into a stream when the bridge col lapsed the stream was only about is inches deep but some people were injured they were taken to hospital in private cars belonging to others watch ing the royal departure earlier while the queen and the duke were presenting prizes at the local agricultural show a man and a woman clambered onto the roof of a refreshment pavilion just op posite the royal box but jjie roof gave way they fell about 20 feet and ended up in hospital people buy the tribune read and read to buy to stouffville sand gravel limited re prepared to aupply yonr requirements or crushed gra ve sand concrete grate pit run delivered or at the bla puni rhoo 135 office phase 8t0 129 a your boss what do i tell him upset stomach backache sinus sore throat eye strain chills heartburn cold headache dizziness flu earache nearalxia trek from city gains in volume for a good part of this cen tury city dwellers both in the united states and canada have been moving out of urban cen tres to the suburbs in the big cities most of them have had to make the long trek downtown every day to their jobs rec ently however increasing num bers have begun to find work closer to their suburban homes factories have been seeking the open country for some time but in the last few years some major business firms have been shifting their principal admin istrative offices out to the green fringe some studies of new york city reveal this trend quite markedly one of the citys big suburbs white plains took a census which showed that since ljlo the number of its people with jobs in new york has dropped 18 percent the number of jobs in the white plains area rose more than 9009 in that period a year ago a large food firm moved its headquarters there adding 1300 jobs another sim ilar move out of the big city gave white plains 1000 more for the harnessed commuter crowding into bus or train or piling into his car to join a traffic jam every day this trend must be a hopeful prospect he readily lends an ear to the bec koning voice of the suburban chamber of commerce when it chants save yourself mental and physical strain caused by nerve- wracking lastminute dashes to calch a train or bus when you work in this area you sleep later in the morning return home earlier in the evening youll fee better youll find contentment in your work there can be little doubt that the lure is not deceptive there is something undeniably attrac tive about escaping the tyran ny of the commuting schedule finding that trees and work are not incompatible for parents only care of cut flowers jtwfe uneventful living at the turn of the century a lad in the north of england met with a serious accident which has affected his whole life while playing with some other boys he injured his knee so badly that his leg had to be amputated a few months later the disease spread to his left arm and it also led to further amputation for fiftyfive years this man now seventy years of age has made the best of life in the main cheerful and without bitterness i have corresponded with him for many years but a letter he wrote last christmas saddened me he said i have dragged rriyself through my uneventful and unsuccessful life for over half a century actually his life has not been uneventful until his retirement recently he has worked regularly taken an active part in the life of his church and made hundreds of friends who respect and love him he has never married nor been able to follow the usual recreations of other men but has counted for a great deal in a wide circle in the hundreds of letters i have had from him i cannot recall one line of bitterness or selfpity he has won a supreme victory and has never worn any crepe on the doorbell his wounds have been invisible like king hezekian written of in 2 kings 630 he wore sackcloth within upon his flesh only at that moment did the people realize that underneath his purple splendor the king was wearing the coarse irritating sackcloth recentlvi read something about a really great man whom i admire but one sentence disappointed me his biographer said he has never understood unsuccessful men in fact he has no patience with them i suppose that most men who have been very successful feel much the same way they think what they have done others should be able to do but who is going to say what is a successful life and what is uneventful living the late george jackson said life is often compared to a race but one thing is certain we dont start off evenly a verse in the bible that should be a comfort to us is shall not the judge of all the earth do right i never see a volume of whos who without wondering on what basis the selections arc made only god knows who are the people of distinction in any country and whose lives arc oventful or otherwise when i was a lad we had successive ministers in our local church one of these men i remember clearly his chief characteristic was his belief in the decency and dignity of people people in his eyes seemed so much better than they were reputed to be and thought themselves to bo no life appeared to be uneventful or unsuccessful it is the really creat man as g k chesterton said who makes others feel great the big man never disparages others napoleon spent the closing months of his life on st helena wondering how many pages future historians would devote to his career it is a sorry spectacle to think of a man with eyes thus turned inward probably the most farreaching events of history have never been written the most valuable members of society have been like the foundation stones of some giant bridge unseen but necessary that was a timely reminder that ella wheeler wilcox made for the disappointed ones there are songs enough for the hero who dwells on the heights of fame i sing of the disappointed for those who have missed their aim i sing for the breathless runner the eager anxious soul who falls with his strength exhausted almost in sight of the goal did you ever walk rro a flor ists shop and long to ask just how the flowers were kept looking so fresh and lovely perhaps you have wanted to but the florist u busy other customers were waiting and anyway you felt a bit shy what homemaker with a flower garden is not eager that her blooms will give the great est amount of pleasure to the members of her family and to her friends especially those who are ick a gift bouquet combines beauty and the know ledge that one is remembered these blend into the bect of medicine for the sick but the present of flowers is always ap preciated and an apparently healthy person may need this medicine for the sou too a person who is slowly con valescing will often appreciate several small bouquets rather than one large one these little floral surprises give pleasure for more days and boost the morale of the sick person over a longer period a bouquet will last much lon ger if it arrives in ah inexpen sive container holding water the ume the flowers are out of water is the time that short ens their life florists often use an inexpensive fish bowl filled with a commercial prep aration but a homemaker can use a squatty glass jar or even a low tin can covered with foil or painted as a substitute vase if you are giving away a bou quet try to arrange it at once and place in a cool place until it can be delivered if you have a sheet of wax paper or cello phane place a light tent ar ound the bouquet to conserve the moisture and protect from air currents if there is room in the refrigerator and its temperature can be set at about 15 degrees that is a good spot but do not place it in the cool est place near the freezer the leaves as well as the petals are apt to turn brown when brought out later the cellar floor in the cold room may receive your bou quet providing it is not drafty flowers can stand a warm tem perature better than a draft the colder temperature retards the growth of flowers roses placed in the florists refriger ator kept at 40 to 50 degrees will last four times as long as those at room temperature beware of a topheavy effect it is not pleasing and may even fall over vase and all the and i know the solar system must somewhere keep in space a prize for that spent runner who barely lost the race for the plan would be imperfect unless it held some sphere that paid for the toil and talent and love that are wasted here otr quotation touay ihcll humble htnsctf at c kingdom e htevtn is a saying by jesus whosoever child the knt artttii in ih coming byelections to test issues ottawa federal byelec tions will be held sept 26 in four traditionally liberal con stituencies three are in que bec the other in new bruns wick the contests to fill four of six house of commons vacan cies may give some indication of voters reaction to such ques tions as the sale of wheat and butter to communist countries two of the quebec byelec tions result from the appoint ment to the senate of hon a g power wartime air minister who represented quebec south for 38 years and of jean fran cois pouliot member for tem- iscouata for 31 years the third results from the appointment of j philippe picard member for bellechasse since 1940 as canadian ambassador to ar gentina x b member died the new brunswick constit uency of restigouche-madawas- ka became vacant last spring through the death of l g boucher elected for the first time in the 1953 general elec tion date of the byelections was learned yesterday from an offi cial of the chief electoral offi cers office byelections to fill two other vacances previously held by liberals will he held later pos sibly in october they will be in toronto spadina held con tinuously since 1945 by david croll now a senator and in st johnsiberville napierville whose member since 1945 post mastergeneral alcide cote died last sunday present standing in the 2fi5- seat commons liberals 166 progressive conservatives 51 ccf 23 social credit 15 inde pendent 4 vacancies 6 special power political issue defeated in parliament during the last ses sion likely will form part of electioneering and include the question of special defence pro- duction povyers against which the progressive conservatives staged a successful 10day fili buster prime minister st lau rent bowed to conservative de mands and agreed to a three- year limit to the powers vested in defence production minis ter howe who a first argued they should be permanent conservative criticisms also followed announcement that canada od butter at beow cost to communist czecho-io- takia and guaranteed a 17- mlllfon bank oan irt the sale of s20 mtlhon worth of wheat vs peizv by nancy clearer flowers should no be more than twice as high is thir vase the buds should be tow ards the outside of the bou quet not n the middle the greatest color concentra tion should be m the centre colors should be either con trasting or blending more than three colors are hard to use to gether effectively it is best to have an uneven number of main blooms seven nine el even even thirteen flowers with any height need to be anchored or they and their bow may topple over a heavy glass frog can be pur chased or commercial peb bles used one can be made from a little square of fine chicken wire crumpled to gether and fastened to the bot tom of the container with pas- tite clay clippings from cedar are sometimes used but after a short time they are apt to foul the water always place the flower stems in the vase at an angle not straight down one of the most important things to keep in mird in car ing for cut flowers js that they must have abundant fresh wa ter to drink when the stem is cut on an angle it has more drinking surface woody stems like lilacs or chrysanthemums need to be hammered at the ends so they can imbibe more freely a rose stem will benefit from being slit in the centre an inch or so up the stem from the bottom keep leaves out of the water they will soon de cay and spoil its freshness when arranging flowers do not feel that you must use all the ones you have picked in one or two bouquets increase the number of bouquets and have more artistic effect the orien tals have taught the western world the beauty which lies in simplicity you want quality not necessarily quantity have a picture in your mind of your completed bouquet and then try to achieve this master piece copyright business directory dental neil c smith id5 di graduate of university of toronto offic over canadian bank of commerce telephone 167w stouffvihe e s barker lds dds honor graduate of university of toronto office over harolds grill phone 274w souffville medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county dr f j button dr d v brod1e telephone 371 a 37sv xray hours daily 9 o 12 am and 130 to 500 pm evenings 7 to 9 pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment office over button rlk drs mitchell smith physicians surgeon xra phone 280 stouffvihe office hours daily 912 am 14 pm 79 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday office open 23 pm chiropractors a c kennedy church street stouffvihe monday and friday 9 to 12 am its about time someone said a word for the fat man hes the chap who gives the econ omy that something extra now you get more features more value remington qfttetraitt compore this typewriter and you will be convinced that here is a iuperb portable typewriter that cjive you beautiful printwork and a new eaie of operationits quiet too its the only portable with miracle tab and 34 other out standing useful features- budget terms test typing trials arranged the stouffvihe tribune barristers paul w j mingay ba barrister and solicitor wideman block markham tuesday thursday fvenlngs saturday mornings phone 7flr residence eckardt avenue unlonvllle phone 321 resident member of mrdbrmott mcmahox rofiers mackenzie a mixgay barristers solicitors a notaries 302 bay street toronto 1 phone- em 4219 opromerric e a grubin ro optometrist plcton sidutvvillo at stouffille office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays afternoons and evenings only sept 19 20 oct 17 18 nov 14 15 dec 12 13 phones 80j2 and 2511 main st west 3 doors west of albert st phono 4flj2 for appointment garnet v gray ro optometrist hokaaisah xaannm ka chiropractor hoars 10 am to bo0 pm every tuesday evening by appointment insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffvihe ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rats prompt service phones 259wl and 259w2 ken laushway general insurance phono 270wl 270w2 stouffvihe ontario fire automobile liability f g alsop insurance stoiiltvllle ontario fire life auto casualty 11th year in business slain st east phone 233w fred m pugh general insurance phone stouffvihe hsvr2 what if the unexpected would happen today how would your dependants fare consult your local mutual life of canada representative fred m pugh itouffvlllt floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop phone stouffville 244 insure today the coop way for information enquire at your local coop or write to john sytema newmarket ph 21114 accountants john c wylie fcis chartered secretary public accountant auditor income tar return rr2 stoltfvilijb telephone 01 j 1 country accounting service it with pleasure that w announce the formation of a country accounting service under th dlrecuon of jack wylle with the assistance of harry and fran klawleter at we are residents in th stouffvihe area we feel there if a definite ned for the services we can offer should you have any problems coacernlnjf bookkeepinr ac- countlor auditing or income tai please do not hen o write the cotntry account ing service at r r 2 stouff- ttl or phone stouff jiji brierbush hospital day aad nub service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied privaie hospital association government licrnmsl main street kat stoudtlue marie jack hairdressing llosd avenue stouffvihe permanentwaving hairstyllnt and shaping machine machine cold vlati phone lt6wl betty beauty salon victoria street maciuneless machine cold wave hair styling shaping phone stouffvihe 28 it- batlgero auctioneers sellers atkinson rh ain 201w ph sto s63 licensed auctioneers and saik managers over 30 years eiperlence soles conducted anywhere sp- ciattalng in farm stock furni ture and property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised bills prepared and posted at no cstra cost our rats ate most rcasonabe for this complete service which really pays off no sale too big or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of ywb and ontario farm stok implements house hold furniture real estate sles our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one milliken po ph ax 359s7 markham po ph mark sfi prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxbfldge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone gormley 15311 real estate when buying or selling real estate farms residences huslnes properties contact george w allison rcgd real etnto broker phone 24 4 funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone servlc- lny or xlkht phone stouffvihe 9swl theaker drewery funeral directors ambulance service phone si 03 sit albert j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 90 mnrkham ontario stouffvihe machine tool works telephone 253 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs joy beauty salon permanent waving individual styling razor shaping mrs vcrna austin prop fhone stouftvillc r