Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 11, 1955, p. 6

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hm the stourtyllfe tjuiunf thursday uk ft 1955 claremont and pickering township district mis dorothy hockley and i r n r c m diwcd sir and mrs ernie maj rep klk turned from a holiday in the obtains it s friends from toronto visited 1 fl rst i n u u 0 1 r y with mr and mrs mcguirej green river has obtained its a number rom here attend ed the wedding of dorothy beer in port perry on satur day we are sorry to report that mr tom davis was confined to bed earlier this week after re turning from his vacation on friday evening a party was held for gary cooper and was attended by a number of his friends mr and mrs lye spent a few days with mr and mis keevil at their cottage mr and mrs art spencer travelled to hamilton and sto- ney creek recently visiting rel atives in the district miss may maclntyre of to ronto and mrs givins visited iwith mrs maclntyre during the weekend mr and mrs joe ward and family of oshawa visited with mr and mrs walter ward over the weekend mr and mrs elmer bell vis ited with her parents mr and mrs arthur prouse on sunday and also called on mr and mrs tom hammond mr fred lyons an employee st jack brignalls service sta tion has compiled a fine record in the past seven years mr ly ons has never missed a single day from his work with the ex ception of holidays mr and mrs wray padgett and family are spending a few days vacation at their cottage on rice lake they expect to return home on thursday or friday miss shirley taylor motored to kingston and montreal last week accompanied by miss joan redshaw shirley is pres ently enjoying a vacation from her work at the local bank of commerce mr and mrs eric wallace of weston were weekend visitors at the home of mr and mrs beare misses ivy schneider of cla remont and shirley schell of dickson hill motored to kitch ener on sunday to attend evan gelistic services in that city misses sheila pegg of clare mont and jean pascoe of green wood are spending a weeks vacation near orillia on lake kimcoe mrs hickson and daughter of toronto were sunday visi tors with mr and mrs henry johnson the wms will be held on thursday afternoon at 230 in the ss room it is hoped to have a good attendance sub ject new eyes wanted to day the craig family to which mrs george empringham of north claremont belongs held their first reunion last sun day afternoon aug 7th at the home of mr and mrs ferg armstrong scanboro members iwere present from calgary halifax toronto uxbridge williken and claremont there are 92 members of the family and 60 were present the eldest being 80 years of age and the youngest co while two sisters had not met for eleven years we join in congratulating the ifaniily in our community who have endeared themselves since jiving among us by their frien dliness and usefulness in chu rch and community activities they had the misfortune of having their barn struck and iburned down by lightning los ing a cow horse and farm im plements a couple of years ago but were thankful no human lives were lost the local fire brigade was called to a chimney fire at the home of mr and mrs john middleton sth of pickering last week a few months ago the barn was threatened by a burning stack of straw mr and mrs t padgett are enjoying a couple of weeks holiday and mrs grant taylor is assisting in the store during their absence mr sam taylor has been busy applying a coat of stucco en the outside walls of his home during his three weeks of holidays little miss walls of brooklin has been visiting with her aunt and uncle mr and mrs carl norton and small cousins during the week in speaking with an old friend on the fifth line mrs benns who is enjoying various motor trips as usual though in first new industry on the bax- endale property south of no 7 highway the green river brick industries is operating in a vacant barn the firm is making colored brick known as brick crete this materia is ued in the construction of new homes mr atkinson the sales manager predicts art ex tensive growth in this industry and residents hope that more wiil settle in the area in the near future 54 children complete water safety course green river mr and mrs j dietze of to ronto were sunday guests of mr and mrs a hutchings mrs everiy and family of london are holidaying with mrs allan michell misses dianne postill and pauline brooks have returned home after a five weeks vaca tion at ottawa mrs r shoobridge has re turned after a couple of weeks holidays in the haliburton dis trict mr and mrs allan michell and family were recent visitors with mr and mrs w chafen we are pleased to see mrs v postill home again after a very pleasant trip to the west cottage prayer meeting will be held at the home of mr and mrs alf michell on tuesday august 16th at 8 pm dont forget the monthly fel lowship night to be held in the whitevale baptist church on thursday aug 18th at s pm two splendid films will be shown entitled the son of man and missionary to har pers garage everyone wel come death mrs sobryant the death occurred at brad- enton florida recently of gol- oie elizabeth graham beloved wife of s o bryant in her 64th year death followed a long illness a daughter of the late wil fred graham and mary alice fewster the deceased was horn at myrtle station on october 20 1891 she was married at whit by on march 5 1913 and fol lowing her marriage lived for about 20 years in saskatchew an mr and mrs bryant later farmed at ashburn prior to re tiring to oshawa they moved to florida in 1945 mrs bryant was a member of the first methodist church bradenton florida besides her husband she leaves to mourn her passing one daughter mrs r j read of bradenton and three sons melford of braden ton lloyd graham bryant of claremont and g wesley bry ant of oshawa also surviving are two bro thers russell graham brook lin and 10 grandchildren the funeral service was held at the shannon chapel brad enton on sunday july 17 con ducted by rev john sander son minister of first metho dist church interment was in manasota park the pallbearers were glenn fenger paul war ner f leroy murray ray mond saunders paul hill and f e dodson the pickering red cross wa ter safety course came to an end last week at greenwood swimming poo with most of the 5t children who took the course passing their tests the children who came from all parts of pickering township have for the past five weeks been taking lessons in water safety this is the first time the newly organized pickering red cross has participated in this very important annual program of the red cross society a small start but very successful ron hall chairman of the water safety committee gave high praise to all who had as sisted in the project to those who had provided transporta- swim tion and helped with the chit dren instructing at the pool was roy williams who said he had enjoyed every minute of working with the boys and girls his assistant craig pet ers is a son of the president of pickering red cros and ha been very faithful in his work classes met four days a week for the five week course there is no doubt tnat all have learn ed to swim and conduct them selves safely while in the wa ter the lessons they have lear ned may save their lives or the lives of others in later years the toll of drownings each summer is literally appalling it is the red cross societys aim to teach every child to weddings hamilton schwalm a very pretty wedding was solemnized in dunbarton chu rch on saturday august 6th at 4 oclock when margaret schwalm of rouge hill was united in marriage in a double ring ceremony with john c hamilton son of mrs w hamilton of the oth concession of pickering the bride given away by her father was gowned in white net and lace over satin with pearl beads and sequins with a headdress of lace and pearls and a net and lace fin gertip veil and carried a bou quet of pink roses and white glads she was attended by her sister karen schwalm and her cousin alberta schwalm as bridesmaids who were dressed in white and pink nylon over net and carried mauve glads and mauve mums also by mrs beverley english as matron of honor dressed in blue nylon over net the groom was assist ed by his friend beverley eng lish ushers were mr ewart carswell brotherinlaw of the groom and mike annable the wedding music was played by mrs beesley of dunbarton and the officiating minister was rev a f bamford the church was beautifully decorated with pink and white glads the reception was held in the banqeut hall of dunbar ton church the brides mo ther was gowned in pink silk nylon crinoline with a corsage of roses and a white straw hat the bridegrooms mother was dressed in navy sheer corsage of roses and a pink straw hat the bride and groom left amid showers of confetti for a honey moon in the usa the bride wore a beige dress for travel ling gifts to the brides attendants were compacts and to the ush ers cufflinks and tieclips on their return the happy couple will reside in brougham there were sixtyfive guests present from detroit oshawa rose- bank cherrywood pickering claremont and brougham claremont mr and mrs fred madill were guests at the haddow benson wedding in murray st baptist church peterboro on saturday august 6 visitors at mr and mrs er nie pilkeys were mr and mrs howard mantle and children also mr fred mantle of stouff- ville also mr and mrs ken neth hastings of locust hill and mr and mrs harold nor ton bruce and bonnie a spendthrift is one never acts his wage who propaganda is predigested food for thought consisting mostly of baloney parks townships biggest headache says dep reeve parks have become this mu nicipalitys biggest headache stated dep reeve bill newman at the regular meeting of pick ering twp council on tuesday a delegation requested that council take steps to tighten their restrictions on park oper ators the spokesman for the group stated that in the fourth concession area there were 7 parks in operation within a radius of five miles the delegation showed con cern over the opening of ben- hams park they claimed the water was stagnant and the swimming pool lacked proper supervision cow trees that grow in the tropica forests of venezuela snd brazil yield a white nutri tious sap that is almost indis tinguishable from true milk it can be drunk as it comes from her s7th year we were inj formed of her trip to port bo- 6ter on sunday she agreed tree used in cooking or with mondays newscast that even made whippedcream the lake was very rough with huje breakers causing swim ming and boating hazards our sympathy is extended to miss annie forgie in the pass ing of her brother mr john forgie of dunbarton last week a former resident of claremont mr john wells formerly of carco and now with the bel telephone co visited with mr and mrs keevil at the cottage ovej- sunday he intends flying ko england for a visit with his mother shortly miss anns keevil has been swimming instructor for osha- va district at the girl guides omp and is gong to lindsay to u for her biota eroa on wednesday of this week mr and mrs bert galloway and son and mr and mrs len lye and children were visitors at the keevil cottage last sun day mr and mrs ciiff reynolds have erected a new verandah on the front of their house ernie baker has laid sidewalks around his cott3ge mr chris miller of toronto was visitlns with mr and mrs mansel at their cottage last week mr tom davis ha ben very ill with pneumonia for the past viip of weeks we are glad to reiwt h is anprovirg evans mydili claremont united church was the scene of a beautiful summer wedding on saturday august 6th at 3 pm when hazel jean madill youngest daughter of mr and mrs colin madill of claremont becami the bride of blair eugene ev ans eldest son of mr and mrs william evans of claremont rev h lackey performed the ceremony amidst a setting of baskets of white and pastel gladioli mr david norton sang a wedding prayer before the bridal party entered the chu rch and ill walk beside you during the signing of the regis ter he was accompanied by miss beverley barclay at the piano the bride was given in mar riage by her father she looked lovely in a floorlength gown of white nylon net over satin with strapless bodiceof chantil- ly lace and longsleeved bolero jacket- with tiny standup col lar her fingertip veil fell from a crown of sequins and pearls she carried a bouquet of red sweetheart roses white gladioli and carnations she wore the gift of the groom a triple strand of pearls with earrings to match mrs richard puckrin sister of the bride was matron of honor she wore a gown of mauve nylon net over satin with matching headdress and mittens miss joan barclay was bridesmaid she wore yel low nylon net over satin and wore matching headdress and mittens their flowers were bouquets of white gladioli and blue and yellow mums miss betty evans sister of the groom was flower girl she was gowned in a floor length gown of green nylon over atin with matching headdres and carried a basket of pasel gladioli and carnations the ringbearer was master ricky puckrin nephew of the bride glen evans bro ther of the groom was grooms man ushers were kenneth ramsay brotherinlaw of the bride and william waton the reception wa held on u ta at ia home e a brides parents to receive the guests the brides mother wore navy taffeta with navy and white carnations the grooms mother wore turquoise blue crepe with black accessories and corsage of pink carnations for travelling to northern ontario the bride wore a gown of chrimspun rayon taffetta with navy and white accessor ies and corsage of red roses on their return mr and mrs evans will reside in claremont now you get more features more value new remington qutetrjdtt compare this typewriter and you will be convinced that here is a superb portable typewriter that gives you beautiful printwork and a new ease of operation its quiet too its the only portable with imiracle tab and 34 other out standing useful features budget terms test typing nals arranged the stouffville tribune brougham mr and mrs bob wilison nd famiy are holidaying at the old wilison home now own ed by mr donald wilison mr and mrs orvil shea of norval called on his parents on sund3y his father return ing home with him for a visit mr and mrs gerald harbron and daughters bernice and inajean of myrtle called on their aunt mrs matthews on saturday evening miss louise ritchie of to ronto visited at her home here during the weekend mr and mrs h robertson of toronto called on mrs lem- mon on sundav afternoon the wms of st johns un ited church held their last meeting on thursday after noon july 2s at the home of mrs reaman with the presi dent mrs h barclay in charge the program convener mrs mairs was assisted by mrs w ellicott and mrs n burton during the business period plans were made for the aug ust meeting which will be in the form of a picnic which will be hed oh the lawn at mrs w hamiltons home sth conces sion on august 18th the sunday school picnic will be held on august hth at lynbrook park bus to leave at 4 pm supper at 630 pm to be followed by program and games come and bring your basket the regular meeting of the womans association was held on wednesday evening at the home of mrs reaman with a small attendance due to the extremely hot weather all were reminded of the bazaar to be held this fall the devo tional was taken by mrs l johnston and the program was taken by mrs johnston sr who gave a wonderful and very in teresting talk on the churchill family and especially mrs chu rchill lunch was served by the hostess mrs reaman mrs gray and mrs shea mr and mrs t english spent the holiday weekend at parry sound mr and mrs m annis and soas lome and john visited with mr and mrs honey of honeydale during the weekend mr and mrs mitchell of to ronto visited at the harvey home one day last week mr and mrs martin routley of brooklin also mr and mrs jas routley of toronto called on the formers sister mrs matthews on saturday mrs w clark met with a painful accident when she got her arm caught in the wringer she is in toronto hospital re ceiving treatment mrs ingles of acton is stay ing with her mother mrs h shea who expects to enter oshawa hospital for treatment this week mrs a j gray spent the hol iday weekend with her son russell at his cottage on bal sam lake mr barjack is expected home from the hospital this weekend glen major mr and mrs arthur smith returned home to st catnar- ines after spending a week with mr ana mrs a c sim- monds mr and mrs t risebrough end betty miss judy abbott accompanied mr and mrs ro bert holdharn and dougie on a couple days trio in the north last week mr and mrs albert lee and family returned to toronto af ter spending two weeks with mrs j a hingston while mr hingston is in hospital glad to hear he is improving sunday visitors at the jones were mrs wm hopkins hilda walter william and john of ashburn mr and mrs allan jones newmarket mrs chas fiss and june balsam mrs bert third and vickie mark- ham misses ruth and anne sim- monds are spending this week in st catharines miss lois delaney brooklin is spending this week with miss shirley jones mr and mrs jim peddie and freddy called one evening last week on mr and mrs edgar johnson mr and mrs edgar johnson and linda attended the ross weir wedding in uxbridge on saturday mr and mrs turner for sythe and family uxhridge vis ited on sunday with mr and mrs joe forsythe and donna mr and mrs jim jones call ed on mr and mrs walter biggs on sunday also mr and mrs allan holman all of broo klin mrs allan holman whose marriage took place on july 30 was the recipient of many lovely gifts mrs ralph faulkner good wood gave a pantry shower in her honour mrs ray laswick uxbridge a personal shower mrs j ballentrine and miss betty armstrong toronto a miscellaneous shower a group of young people markham a presentation and the commun ity a miscellaneous shower mr and mrs crawford to ronto visited saturday with mr and mrs claude simmonds and family bakers five acres 1 mile north of no 7 highway 10th con plumbing supplies toilets sinks second hand furniture used clothing shoes electric ranges 1 open dally 19 pm new feeding kit for ontario firefighters ontarios firefighters this year are going to get a brand new type of diet in the way of em ergency food rations a compact waterproof kit weighing about 38 pounds and containing 33 different items will be dropped to crews on the ground by plane each kit con tains enough food to feed is men would you like to spend a few days in jail magistrate john grudeff asked mark shep- ard of uxhridge on thursday who pleaded guilty to acharge of vagrancy in magistrates court no i wouldnt your wor ship said the accused but he was given 15 days in the coun ty jail magistrate grudeff told the accused it was for his own ibenefit he was placing him there as he would get regular meals and a place to sleep constable j swinson of the uxhfidge police told the court the town has had to pay shep- pards keep for about a year and he persists in drinking when he gets a little money he was found sleeping in a truck magistrate grudeff told the accused to get a job when he got out and leave alcoholic bev erages alone hair snakes in cellar living specimens of the oft- seoffedat horsehair snake were displayed last week by two pickering township residents the two eightinch snakes were very much alive and wiped out skepticism oi their existence they were found by mr and mrs alfred bunker r r 2 pickering they are members of the newly formed oshawa naturalists club and take a keen interest in such matters they stated that the snakes or hairworms as they are some times called were found on the floor of the basement at their home as a sequel to the visit of avricket they said that the cri cket appeared on the floor and was crushed mrs bunker not ing further movement about the cricket examined it more closely and found the 2 snakes writhing about she picked them up pliced them in a jar with water and 16 hours later the two were still wiggling about miniature snakes with out an apparent head most readers will recall thu days of their youth when they tried unsuccessfully to manu facture snakes by immersing a horsehair in running water these were not produced in this manner the bunkers say but are parasites wlivh attack crickets they are also found in pools of stagnant water say the bunkers and they reported having found thorn on previous occasions the tiny snakes are charcoal in color and not much larger than an eightinch hair both were very active and one lied itself in a tight knot while the other swam like any other snake in water summer bible school concludes friday night on friday evening the com munity summer vacation bi ble school will hold a closing program in the claremont un ited church commencing at s oclock the two week school the first to be organized in nine years has been under the direction of mrs robert bar ton the enrollment of 70 boys and girls was divided into 3 classes preischool primary and junior and ranged in age from four to twelve years the teachers in charge of the various classes were as fol lows preschool mildred lin ton and ivy schneider primary joyce reynolds and helen wilson junior mrs harold lackey misses ann francis marilyn iowden carol ander son mary heelby barbara songhurst and lorna hill also assisted on friday evening the work completed by the girls and boys will be on display and the classes will take part in a short program the public are cordially invited aida cleaners try our new beet cleaning with iknvlkil guaranteed odorless riione stoultvuio 343 mnrkluim 333 6tt rsrqrnrr slop look listen claremont gospel chapel coming sunday august 14 i h gospel and e with irish baptist preacher his ikisi singer rev hugh lavehy n rifccd baptist preacher geonge aihes a good irish gospel sin us sun morning 11 am sun evening 730 pm come and hear these two irish gentlemen just arrived prom ireland air cooled auditorium grass seed fertiliz fall sowing pays off leave your order early claremont coop iwsssx3t3kjaaacjmexxx33m i phone 38 claremont mid year iibm2iic hall price m continues at lehmans prices slashed beyond your fondest dreams lehmans shoe maui juli r oufevhle

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