Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 4, 1955, p. 4

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i the stowfyiltf town thutsday ux 4 53 heres news for the rusy farmer present catastrophe cheques at coop annual meeting english vocng farmers visit ontario again this year the junior fc-rv- association of oh- tero aid the ontario depart ment o agriculture are acting s jo hosts o a deejration o two bovs ii two ls reprs renting the voting farmers clubs of kniland miss christine playle manor farm utungton osmbridz- shtre visited ontario county anere she stayed at the home of i- and mr- isaac ball t orhg rr2 arr as entertain ed by lari ad elsie b3 alan is v-f- 3ns of th usbrldge jr farmers and h sister jisie c a member of th uebrdge irl institute miss playle is 2 year- of age ard tog posen time is sec retary of th basiingthjurne young farmers club she has also held the office of treasurer she works on he father farm feeding stovk pigs cattle for stock shows and rearing i keys and poultry in general sthe has been a member of her cltin public spcnhtig team for five year she i particular interested in cvrs projert work in young farmers ciubs ic as cook- erv dremak and basket- making she i a member of the womens institute and pro duce guild and alo a memher of the girl guides association after hr visit in ontario county miss playle will be en tertained by the frdntenac ir farmers at kingston mmmoney thy worry about it when it so easy to iet an ad in this newspaper turn things you no longer need into cash the stouffville tribune ontario farm i revolution tveo characterstx features demonstrate the expenort of i farming n otrario dtring tbe i pa quartercentury the labor force employed on farms fell i by about onethird but aggre gate production increased and since the junior farmer estab lishment loan corporation was formed in 12 a total of i0s i loans have been issued inyolv- i rg payment of t million to iks st qualified young farmers j to zet into business electrical power on farms and new mecnanical equipment plus more attention to scien tific agricultural methods nave effected this revolution a sin ge machine now cut and bales fodder crops for winter use combine cut thresh and hag cereal crops in a single opera- ti it electrical equipment in barns and tables takes the backbreaking labor out of win ter chores th farmer still puts n a long riav but he covert more ground 1 and grows a wider variety of produce and while he still must contend with th wea- ther the rapidity of harvesting cut down former losses from untimely rains falling on cut grain xew soil treatments ner- mit later eedmst thereby mini- mizing lisses from late frosts and where mechanization lea- 1 ves off science takes over to bring most destructive plant diseases and pests under effec tive control marketing operations also have lost many of their former hazards cooperatives for col lecting sorting grading stor ing and fianlly for distributing an everwidening range of farm products avoid time lagg in sure grade quality to consum ers and within limits stabilize prices for both producer and consumer city dwellers without coun try connections see the evi dences of this quietly aohieved 1 revolution in ontario agricui- i tttre without being conscious of its detail they see the re sults in neatly and attractively i packaged produce and in the regularity of deliveries to re tail outlets they also see the result in a narrower seasonal fluctuation in prices from the economic point of view it is that stability of pri- ces which is significant for it has removed former wide tips land downs in tbe annual for tunes of most ontario farmes they gam more from this form of stability on account of their mixed farming operations than jm other parts of the dominion a here farm producers are spe- ciaiists standing or falling by i the success of a narrow range iof products it is highly significant that 1 agriculture has been able to i keep pace with the terrific ex pansion of industry in ontao the comparison in some ins tances being in its favor from m2 through 1954 the aggregate value of farm pro ducts in the province has risen from s5t3 4 million to about 055 million almost double in twelve years cash crop acre ages have been increased as a j result of new varieties and new techniques and during last year ontario farmers bought s25 million of fertilizer more than half the totai for all can ada i rhirri these advances is a growing volume of stable capi ta plan with proportionate in come gams a farm record matching point by point the j provinces record of industrial i growth aaaaltaaaaa concrete blocks pine orchard block co cedar valley phone mount albert 2916 ftftt tt ttttttt t w beware the busy ant the hardworking little ant often admired for his industry is generally up to no good this time of year especially hs busy trips back and forth to the anthill are a warning to gnrfteners that their carefully nurtured plants ure in doitgei ants are much more destittc- tive than they appear some species sting and others have even been known to hits how ever most ants confine their activity to aivscking the roots and stems of bowers fruits and vegetabi- the famliir iand of little black insecs- threading their way across the lawn is the ar my of workers on a food forag ing expedition they carry food back to the colony to feed the queens and the young ants a house where food is left lying about is an irresistable attraction to the aunt since he feeds mainly on sweets and fats food of either type should be kept in closed containers little traps containing ant pois ons will do away with some of the pests but this merely weak ens the colony and before long new workers will be beating a path to the door the best way to control ants is to go right to the source the anthill once the queens and the young ants are destroy ed the workers usually disap pear a granular type of ant killer available in shakertop cans will make quick work of the whole colony when sprink led directly on the anthill in areas with many anthills the killer can be applied lightly oyer the whjme area one pound of the chemical will cover an area of 800 square feet next time you see a file of ants marching across you lawn dont admire their dii gence reach for the antkiller of the national income of ca nadians in 1054 more than 635 percent was accounted for by salaries wages and supplemen tary labor income 154 was the third successive year in which the proportion of national in come accruing to labour show ed a substantial increase join the tribune summer photo contest during the month of august the tribune will pay 10 and 5 for the best two snapshots submitted by any local amateur photographer during each week of the month must be of local interest the pictures must be of local interest and the two adjudged most news worthy will receive the cash prize human interest snaps of people particularly children activity and spectacular scenes and animals trill be considered most noteworthy pictures to be published the two prize winning snaps submitted each week during august will he published in the current issue of the newspaper monday night deadline photos for each week must be submitted not later than monday night nf each week both the finished print and negative must he sent in they cannot be returned by mail hut may he picked up at the newspaper office be sure the information pertainine to your photo is submitted along with he print names consent mint he provided and local connection your summer snaps may win you cash more than 5 memoers ttert- i ded the seventh meeting of on- tario county cooperative jmedca services held at the- ibeaverton cnited church last week seven cheques were pre- 1 sented to members who have had catastrophic illness costs during the past year one of the cheques was for s1022 the medical coops catastro- phe plan provides a special fund which is used to assist members and their dependents whose grcs medical costs are excessive tne fund was inaugi iurated a year ago when the members in ainnual meeting i voted to assess each family 52 and each single member 51 walter beath president of the county medical coop out- 1 lined the good work made posi sible by this fund and gave facts and figures on those who eceived benefits this year the success of pioneering in the catastrophe field of protection has exceeded the expectation- of the board the seven claimants were i paid 75 percent of the costs in j excess of s00 cheques were paid to mrs dewey graham i mrs james thompson mrs nelson westlake mrs jessie mckenzie wallace maclean bruce mundie and mark han cock guest speaker paul meeham provincial field- man for medical cooperatives was guest speaker mr meeham first congratulated the mem bers of the ont county medi cal coop on the good work heing done by their organiza tion he then spoke of the prog ress made by medical coops throughout the province in the past ten years medical coops jnow cover 125 thousand people a national federation of medi cal cooperatives is being or ganized dining the secretarys report mrs i i mclean of green wood mentioned that there are now 1300 hospitalization mem bers in the 43 groups in ontario county coop medical serv ices covering more than 3300 persons fortythree percent of the members also have the co op surgical coverage the in crease in membership during the year has been gratifying and indicates what can be ac complished by working co operatively toward a common goal hospitalization and surgical claims amounting to over s2s- 000 were paid during the past fiscal year patronage returns of more than s1400 were paid back to the members during the year the members voted to put this years savings into the general reserve executive fleeted russell morrison was elected president and john a ball vicepresident mrs 1 l mc lean was reelected secretary- treasurer directors elected for a three- year term were john a ball ixbridge township ernest camick rama mrs w car- ruthers scott and mrs i i mclean pickering township mrs r stiver was elected to the audit committee walter beath and gordon ry- nard retired after seven years as directors and arthur o connor after a twoyear term clifford ross of beaverton provided entertainment at in tervals during the evening vis itors at the annual meeting in cluded officers of the durham county coop medical services g s staples mr and mrs h wade and mr and mrs r g moffat relief o imutj fever tte or no 1 field crops br depi of agii that arrot l era ont rio the season dreaded by hayiuuie or no kaeweec fever sufferers will soon be feld crops branch o with us again in ontario this usually commences about the third week in august and ter- koks minates at the first frost prob- havens from ha aby about the third week in by caret planning september pollen surveys in summer vacation most old ontario indicate that the i nay fever days t rj be number of hay fever days aver- th with severe cases ages about twenty tour for the fever perhap ijondonwindsor area twenty- 1 asthma should one for toronto and nineteen i a possible and for the peterboroughottawa j isolated as mui i area from highways iroa for those who are allergic extpnive agricu to ragweed pollen the onlyj for the perso una sure way of obtaining relief estrange a vacation out to go to an area where there is i hay fever season a c te ont i f no is mil- tne me at the time of the most re cent census there were 6703- fs5 canadians of british isles origin and 1310167 canadians of french origin other princi pal groups were german 619- 905 1 fkrainian 395013 1 scan dinavian 2830241 netherlands 264267 polish 219s15i of every 100 canadian house holds v owned cars at septem ber 1954 now you get more features m0re value remington dumraitet comport thii typwrlitr ond you will b convinced that htro h a superb portable typewriter that gives you beautiful printwortc and a new eat of operation its quiet too it the only portable with miroce tab and 34 other out- folding uful featurei budget ttrms ttt typing rrioli orrongedu the stouffville tribune honev rrks increase red clover vikik seed yield of red clover derm itely increases up to a certain i point as the numbers of honey j bees working the field for pol len and nectar increases a report from the bee division canada department of agricul ture central experimental farm in ottawa substantiates this relationship between seed yield and honey hre popula tions it is emphasized how ever that recommendations cannot as yet be made as to how many bees are needed to produce the largest possible seed set observations have been made on honey bee activity in red clover over the past few yars and although some satisfactory results have developed compli cations due to external factors which are impossible to control have also developed for exam ple in one particular instance four fields of red clover were laid out and varying numbers of honey bee colonies were in troduced to them one colony- was placed in one field two in another three in another and five colonies in the fourth field in the first field the harvested seed yield was lift pounds per acre and in the second field the red clover produced a yield of 226 pounds per acre in the field where three colonies had been added the yield dropped off to 195 pounds per acre and in the fivecolony field the yield was isfi pounds per acre a check field where no honey hees had been introduced produced a yield of 63 pounds per atre at first glance these figures appeared to indicate no advant age in adding more than two colonies of honey bees to this specific acreage of red clover flow ever i i er in ligai n proved otherw i- be eved hu see leld lid h e tinned to she in crease been for i om tit as buckwheat in the 31 i po sibiy other facto- should be considered as responsible for the drop in seed yieid at the three colony level harvest ing loss could in some cases lie as high as 50 percent mi the density of the red clover stand couid have varied somewhat be tween the fields at any rate isure of relief car bel hay eve sufferers can help si the sleeping i themselves to some extent by y specially fitting onelcleanng up all sources of infec- the all iiut tion such as infected teeth and pillow etc should be by eating well balanced meals the vi should be and following a sensible pro- iplete closed and juijgram of exerce recreation j the i allow all and rest particularly rest the o i to settle to these practices tend to buld up this provides reason- resistance f for the patient dur- th ue of drugs to relieve nigh a forced hay fever symptoms should be device vi air fil- practised only on the advice rect will provide of and under she direction of protect on the family physician vacation bible school at the w1deman mcnnonite church from aug 1st to aug 15th all grades from nursery to tirade 10 all ch1ldrkn welcome harm treat tne family to a carefree vacation at the beach and a carefree trip there and back go by bus 820 1165 885 gravenhurst burks falls bracebridge tickets and information at snowballs barber shop phone 270j2 wmm mr tie new hnd of handtop- the 4door riviera there seems to he some confusion about whit i hardtop really is and wed like to set the matter straight a hardtop is a car thai looks like a conrertible with the top up but has a lolid iteel roof overhead and noctntrt potts in she tide trindow areas up until just recently it could be built in tolume only with two doors not more because it would take wholly new structural principles to hinge another set of doors without moor-to- roof centre post but buick came up with those new structural principles and is now build ingin volume hardtops with jour doors you sec one pictured here- its the idoor riviera and its taking the country by storm hccause here at ling last is an auto- mohile uith the sleeh and tprty styling of a true hardtop but uith separate doors for rearteaf patsengers plus the added room oj a fullsize liuick sedan on top of that this buick is all buick with the buoyant ride of buitks all- coil springing the walloping might of huicks recordhigh va power the whipquick gctaway and sizeable gas thrill of the year is when better automobiles are built buick will build them jr m me stouffville ontario savings of buicks spectacular variable pitch dynaflow automatic trans mission and its available in buicks two lowest priced series the budgettagged 188 np special and the highperformance 236 hp century illustrated here come visit us for a firsthand meeting with the 4ioor riviera and see how quickly and how easily the last word in automobiles can be yours otnjfu prut nij tjntmfiltm it ft- dmrd on rjmiur jt si extrm toil am oihtr strut a oenftal motott valul buiie otors phone 372

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