p9 2 the stooffvlue trjbwe thursday aug 4 1955 the stouffviile tribune estabusheo aaa a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations aytfearues ecodctas mail pojioffice dep- ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffviile ont in canada 5250 elsewhere 5350 c h nolle publisher ja thomas assoc editor dzets vb pulling the same way mivins pages there is always a measure of pathos attached to the passing of our folkways as we miss the sturdy plow horse in the field and the powerful clydesdale pulling the dray so do we miss their intimate accoutre ments and a sijtht they were illustrated in the old mail order catalogues shiny black collars and leather- covered names traces and tracetugs breechings and martingales bridles and reins inked in heavily on figures of dashing steeds drawn lightly the better t show up the harness can tractor parts and accessories ever look so fine on pages ii to 755 between the hand tool and n uiro frncincr spend your money in community to help local prosperity would you pay a little more for koods in order to buy from local merchants who pay taxes here and support local community institutions and organiza tions when you have answered that question honestly you have given yourself a yardstick on which to base your own civic spirit vine times out of ten you can buy goods from local merchants just as cheap or cheaper than you can buy the same thing in ihe city in a great many cases stouffviile prices are lower than toronto prices because rents and other overhead is less here when you buy in stouffviile you are helping local prosperity and local organizations local merchants give to community causes they pay taxes which help to build up the town provide jobs for people who live here the same as local industry the people of this community should encourage local nterprise which has already done so much for the town where is it all going to end if governments in canada are ever to consider a payasyougo policy it is quite apparent that they have a lot of mopping up to do before embarking on such a course for the fact is that governmental debt in canada has reached a staggering figure on the whole the situation seems to be getting worse instead of better figures released by the dominion buieauof statistics an authentic institution that is part of the federal government setup attest to this leaving out dominion government debt entirely it is shown that the net debt of canadas 10 provincial governments rose by 271125000 in the 195354 fiscal year the latest complete period for which figures are available to a total of no less than 334169 16000 this colos sal debt total averages 24013 for each person in canada up 156 from the previous year the ontario government replaced that of new brunswick as the province with the highest per capita debt while alberta continued as the lowest ontario made the biggest increase in the 195351 fiscal year rising by an average of 2821 for each person in the province to a high of 34781 ontarios net debt to talled 1755051000 in contrast albertas debt drop ped by 670 per capita to 9922 the net debt position of other provinces as of march 31 1954 apart from british columbia from which a report is awaited is as follows new bruns wick dropped 597 per capita to 33206 totalling 181641000 manitoba dropped 468 to 18723 to talling 155027000 prince edwarad island dropped 258 to 16690 totalling 17524000 quebec in creased 740 to 16567 totalling 726938000 sas katchewan increased 372 to 28281 totalling 183- 958000 nova scotia increased 372 to 28281 total ling 190331000 newfoundland increased 244 to 12844 totalling 51120000 the figures cited leave out of the picture entirely not only federal debts but also municipal debts it may- strike many that all this represents a terrific mortgaging of the future governments of course are not entirely to blame considerable of the respon sibility rests with the public which- particularly over recent years has been making one social service de mand after another all this costs money at the same time where is it all going to end the figures quoted should have the earnest personal attention of every publicspirited citizen we build homes large and small and buildings of all kinds repairs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed our house designing service is at your disposal k w belz construction co stouflmlle ont phone stotitt 195 people itrjvrii ix sports know that a team made up of star players is seldom as good as a team of ordinaray players because the stars havent learned to play together each player wants to be a standout and no one is willing to play second fiddle sometimes it happens in the home at business in a church and most of all in international affairs but sheer egotism s responsible for much of the worlds troubles there are a lot of fine people in the world but when they pull in opposite directions there cannot be much progress a man was hvrhying along a street when he saw a friend across the road struggling with a heavy trunk in a doorway always willing and eager to do anyone a good turn he crossed the street and said wait a moment and ill help you with that trunk so the two of them went at it with every ounce of strength they possessed they tusged and pulled for ten minutes until they were both exhausted and the trunk had scarcely moved an inch lets keep jt vp said the helper well have another try and i believe we can get it out yet tue other ssu get it out why man im trying to get it i- i ia t im maprctit nntn people are rolling in different iiir lois they accomplish nothing some years ago we were crossing the atlantic and as so often happens time was hanging heavy and some enterprising i man organized deck sports tht was a bright idea and it helped some people to forget that they were feeling seasick they got something else to think about on the second day more games were played and to every bodys delight a tugofwar was announced there was a lot of fun about that tugofwar and the two captains went about their business of selecting men carefully who could pull best the big fat fellows who weighed anywhere from two hundred pounds to two hundred and fifty or the lighter and more agile ones one goodnatured man weighed over three hundred so his captain put him at the end of the rope the rest or the passengers lined up like fans at a baseball same then the pulling began and to everybodys amazement the side which looked less likely to win pulled their rivals across jthe line nobody could understand it but a second test was made and the same thing happened again the next day the truth leaked out the lighter side had i been meeting secretly and practised together this old world with its jealousies and bitter strife will be a very much betterplace in which to live when men and women of every race and creed cease their squabbling and learn to pull together we heard a lady say recently that she belonged to a large family where there wasnt much give and take the atmosphere i was lacking in toleration the result was that every conversa tion became an argument all very capable people but all want ing their own way that was a fair and honest confession theodore roosevelts son said my dad is a grand man but he must be either the bride at the wedding or the corpse at the funeral no one can do their best if home atmosphere is not kind and gracious that was a fine thing dr john watson ian maclaren said let us be kind to each other we are all having a hardvtime for goodness sake let us pull the same way our quotation today is by the prophet amos ffoto can tiro walk together except they be agreed business directory brierbush hospital dental neil c smith ids 1m1s graduate of university of toronto okce over canadian bank of commerce telephone t stouffviile e s barker lus ons honor graduate of university of toronto office our harold grill pilose 274iv stoudville day and xisht service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied prir hospital association government licensed main street kasi stouffviile marie jack hairdressing llojii avenue siouffville pkumanrnt waving jlairsrylin and shapict machine mschtnelesj cold w phone ltowl mama will yoo make tommy stop drinking my paint water editors mail editor dear sir uxbridg lhe tribune out for parents only i want a pussy id love to have i pussy the shorts eat has kittens and they said i could have my pick i want my own pet how many mothers have list ened to urgent requests for a pussy or a puppy or some other animal any pet must be well looked after as well as loved some families do not com o realize that if a child is going to have a pussy that cat must have a bed and the right food and sufficient groom ing a healthy cat is the result of good care owning a pet is ap to he a long lime arrange ment it is cruel for both the child and the cat to rush into allowing a youngster to bring home a pussy and later dis covering that you dont want to be bothered with the animal cats love comfort and they need their own bed in a quiet corner a wooden box were a cat can retire and have n undisturbed nap without fear of a small owner suddenly pouncing on her is a good idea it will help prevent pussy from becoming irritable and may save junior from being scratch ed a shelf in the box raised several inches off the floor for lite bed keeps drafts from pus sy cats love cleanliness and the cats bed must be kept clean use a folded piece of cloth or a cover over pussys pillow which can be washed often in the hot weather a i cat can sleep with comfort on j a newspaper which can be changed often dont let pussy go night prowling insist that she sleep in her own bed a kitten can be fed from a medicine dropper the first jceek of life and can learn to lap milk the second week however it is best to have a kitten fed by the mother cat the first two or three weeks and gradually en courage i to take its milk from a saucer kittens have at least three or four meals a day a cat is full grown before a year by nancy cleaver is up and a mature cat should be fed twice a day and not al lowed to piece all day long fresh water should be avail able at any time for a pet a cat is a flesh eating animal and must have a certain amount of meat as well as the mice she catches i serve meat scraps with vegetables in a stew or pussy will pick out the meat and leave the rest feed salmon or liver sparingly or the cat may want only these delicacies milk a raw egg and table scraps or reliable cat food and also cat nip are all enjoyed by pussy a child may be eager to feed his pet but mother must see to it that the cat is not forgotten no animal should be teased when eating and a child must learn never to annoy pussy at her meal a cat spends hours grooming herself and takes pride in a shiny coat long haired cats need careful brushing and com bing with a dulltoothed comb this too must be done under an adults supervision or pussy may scratch if treated too rou ghly cats seldom need a bath and they can lie dry cleaned with corn meal however if a tub bath is necessary use warm water and dry pussy with a towel so she will not catch cold flea soap or powder should be used at intervals to keep her free from these pests a cai is a creature of habit and with patience even a small pussy can be house broken in a short time the cats box of sand or earth should be kept in the same place and changed each day a child sometimes inflicts pain on a pet without intending to be cruel consideration of animals is learned by caring for a pet father or mother may forget how much a pet means to a child but they can see how much happiness pussy gives to a son or daugh ter the enclosed letter which ap peared recently in the globe mail prompts me to write on the same subject why are peo pie so thoughtless towards our dumb friends it has always been beyond my comprehen sion all summer for instance when visiting in your village i have noticed two doss in par ticular through the hot swel tering heat ave have beer hav ing tied by the neck with a short chain at that and left to roast against a stone wall on the south side of a building slaving only an old discarded door from some pigpen thrown against the wall as shelter from this dreadful heat one dog dug a hole in the ground behind this shameful sort of shelter and there sinks down in an effort to cool himself i have been on the verge many a time of get- iiow to catch com ix summer that winter pest the com mon cold is just as unpleasant in summer it can be caught quite easily by sitting around in a draft or wet bathing clo thes that nice coo feeling that results may turn into a chill and then the sniflles start it is best to change into dry clothes after leaving the water it is even more important to avoid other people who already have colds if they cough and sneeze mouth with a disposable tissue medical campfirks an km safe build campfires only on rock sand gravel or mineral soil near water advises the ont dent of lands and forests clear away all inflammable de bris and overhanging branches keep the fire small it will jive enough heat when you leave your camp- fire even for a few minutes put it dead out with water before you move on pour more water around the edges and make dr s s hall physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien main phone 196 coroner for yorkcounty dr f j button dr d w brodie telephone t7 1 v- utiw xray hoursdaily j to 12 am and 13 c- sti pm kvenlngs- 7 to 9 pm sundays 11 to 12 a m and by appointment ollice over liultdn lilt drs mitchell smith physicians v- surgeons xray phone 2ivyi stminfviuc office hours daily 012 am 1 4 pm 79 pm wednesday- ollice closed in am sunday ollice uien 23 pm betty beauty salon victoria sireet mach1nklkss machine cold wave hair styling shaping phone stouffviile 2t r itadgcro auctioneers sellers atkinson ph aeln 212 ph sto 3s3 lhknshli auctioneers and sale managers over 30 years experience sales conducted anywhere spe cializing in kami stock furni ture mid property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised hilts prepared and posted at no extra cost on- rates are most reasonable for chiropractors c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffviile monday and friday 9 to 12 am optoinefrric this no complete service which really pays off lie too his or too small ken clarke prentice al tionkkics licensed and authorized for the counties 6t york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real rstat sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one milliken po ph ax 359s7 markham po ph mark 34s prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s50 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxforidge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specially address gormley po telephone gormley 5811 sure no live coal remain in the ting in touch with the humane 15 societv about these two unfor tunate animals but one does not like to see another punish ed however unless these two dogs are freed soon it will be done if these heartless people can not learn to do the right thing then we must teach them even if it hurts i wonder if they would like the same treatment themselves perhaps if they survived it might teach them to be more considerate and kind towards their animals it is un believable how thoughtless some people can be l mcnight uxforidge progress never smoke while walking or working in the bush or on the trail be good woodsmen sit down to smoke crush out cigarette outts and pipe heels on rock or throw them in water lighters should replace matches completely in the bush it is estimated that for every canadian employed in the min ing industry four others are employed in related or supply industries barristers residence eckardt avenue inionville phone 321 resident niamber of mclllitmott mcma hon hot kiss m ack en7ik mixcay barristers solicitors votaries 302 hay street toronto 1 phone km 12194 bayview convalescent home in iutnmmmnmmv cream for best results ship your cream to stouffviile creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers for immediate rentals stouffviile creamery co to have our truck call phone 186w e ittiilltvm minimum mm modern man is to be congrat ulated the advances in all fields aul w i ming ay ba particularly science industry lliirrlstcr and solicitor and medicine have surpassed even the remotest dreams of our forefathers or not many generations ago these advances have uncov ered many of natures secrets lengthening the life span and raising the standards of living for countless millions of peo ple d everything in the modern home from the canopener in the kitchen to the television set in the living room is the result of careful deigning and engineering out in the garage stands another example of what industry working with science has achieved in the harmonious combination of beauty function and durability transportation and commun ication have grown by leaps and bounds drawing the world closer together and making possible the meeting of j- ples from the far corners of the earth medicine is now able to cure diseases long thought incur able annie- ate now able to bring alwut destruction long though imjxjssible machines are now able to perform tasks long thought unbelievable and man s now able to answer questions long thought unanswerable yes modern man is to be con gratulated but there is still one fly in the ointment 1 am sure that if you have shared with me the experience of lying awake in the middle of the night listening to the groaning and wheezing of a shunting diesel engine that sounds like the thousand times magnified laboured breathing of a tired old nag jus compiet- ing its first fourminute mile you will realize that until a thoroughly efficient muffler is deveoped modern man for al stoufr v i ll his progress has not yet ream- ed the stage of perfection rlukal murray ptpher roses wedding bouquets funeral designs the number of ms of road cut flowers aerated by canadas two prsn- milt smith prop cpa railway companies has increased by 4736 srce 12x phone stouffville 244 e a grub1n ro oitomirnusr pirttin slounville at stouffviile office 011 the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays afternoons and evenings only sept 19 20 oct 17 18 nov 14 15 dec 12 13 phones liit and 2111 garnet v gray ro oltomirilvlst hour 10 am o 510 pm kveiy tuesday evening hv appointment wm mnlvbtt kfsidence main st west 3 doors west of albert st i ulione lui2 for appointment insurance birkett son general insurance j stouffviile ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phone- 259wl and 253 w2 real estate when bavins or selling kkajj estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison itokd kenl estate broker phono2h funeral directors graduate nurse charge 24hour nursing service maid and tray service transportation provided reasonable rates dial av 51066 collect ken laushway general insurance phone 270wl 270w2 stouffviile ontario kire automobile liability p g alsop insurance slouflville ontario fire life auto casualty 1 1 tli year in business main si knsl phone 2121 iv fred m pugh general insurance phone stouftvijie 182 what if the unexpected would happen today how would your dependants fare consult your locfl i m u t ua 1 i j fe of canada representative fred m push l e oneill stoufeviiitie funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone sertic day or night phone stouffviile 98wl theaker drewery liiiieral directors a m 111 i a ncr s brvicb phone hi 08 ml allien insure today the coop way for informaiion enquire at voui local coop or write to john sytema nivmarket ill 21 114 accountants john c wylie fcis chartore secretary public a oiintanl auditor income tnv kwiirn- iic2 stol fivimk tklkiiionk diji j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindnkss courtesy service telephone 90 mark ha in ontario stouffviile machine tool works telephone jlrr of cnr ms station hair dressing permanent machine machine cold wave- also hair stylinz for appointment 6 ph siouffville 7ij1 miss a lilelt mill street stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to eiipply your requirements of crushed ora- vi sand concrete grave pit rua delivered or at the hi pianl phone 121 office phone xl 120 electric and acetylene welding farm machinkry machinery repairs joy beauty salon permanent waving individual styling razor shaping mrs yerna austin prop phone stouflvilr 98w3