hit 2 the stourtyiue twbune thurswy juiy 28 t5 the stouffv1lle tribune established 1223 a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association j and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations autiiorued as econ5tlxs mail postcsce d5l otuwj printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada s250 elsewhere s350 c h xotaa patiaer la thomas asoc editor laffof the week business directory i e seed of the church keep the trade fair going preliminary efforts by the local chamber of com merce to arrange for another trade fair have met with indifferent results up to now there has been no fear that exhibitors would be lacking for most of the merchants and business people have indicated they would be in favour of displaying their wares again this year for three years the fair has been a great drawing card for people from a large surrounding area with exhibits attracting a great deal of interest this year the same stalwarts who ran the fair arranging for allocation of space publicity and the many other important details were again faced with all the extra work they had done enough of the or ganizing they felt it was time for some new blood in the executive positions but no new volunteers could be found it was therefore with much regret that the cham ber of commerce was forced to admit that the initial momentum could not be maintained and a suggestion was made that the board of directors of the arena be approached and asked to take over the running of the trade fair this offer has gone forward to the arena and will be considered at a meeting of the directors this week for the good of the community we urge that this ex cellent civic project should not be merely left to expire jt is too young to die and we would like to see this infant project grow into a lusty exposition town water situation demands fairness a local bylaw clearly prohibits the watering of gardens and lawns except for the period from 6 to 8 pm this much i3 clear and surely two full hours of watering each day should suffice for the town citizens this is not so drastic as regulations in nearby areas which permit watering only on alternate davs or not at all in any case the bylaw is there and in spite of whether or not citizens oppose it it is up to them to observe it the ruling was put in force for a reason only last week a e weldon chairman of the water commission again stressed to council that the water situation is acute council agreed that something should be done yet remarks and letters continue to pour in to this paper from citizens who report that neighbors are abusing this privilege some even leaving their hose on over night a survey by the tribune staff one evening this week revealed over half of the residents of one street still watering lawns well over an hour after the dead line the water supply at the reservoir must be kept well above the danger mark for convenience and for fire safety a hog by any other name the department of agricultures new pig has been named lacombe after the alberta experimental station where it was developed but a hog by any other name etc however this is something new in the line of advancement and it is to be presumed that a fancy name was quite in order originally the name was chimook officials said that so many products are called chimook that it was decided to adopt something more distinctive production of the new canadian bacon hog a shapely white animal with floppy ears and rounded hams was announced by the department last spring but at that time it had no name since then federal breeders considered one name after another before settling on lacombe the new pig result of seven years of selection and mating of various breeds carries the blood of the highquality danish iandrace hog the american chester white and the british black berkshire a study in black and white as it wore the idea was to got a vigorous and fastgrowing pig to crossbreed with the long lean yorkshire which has been supplying bacon for trie canadian and overseas market for years the aroma of frying bacon in the mornings should assume a new allure for getting out of bed st thomas timesjournal immigrants come hut many leave the important thing about immigration is not how many people come to canada the important thing is how many people stay here unfortunately the figures for those who leave are disturbingly high the montreal gazette says it is now estimated that in the 10year period ending last june about 256000 residents of canada moved across the border this equals 214 per cent of all the immigrants who came to canada from all countries perhaps it seems strange that in the 10 years which have seen canadas greatest expansion more than a quarter of a million canadians chose to move over the border into the united states no doubt there were special reasons in many cases but the main answer would seem to lie in the fact that the united states is a more highly industrialized country in the sense of having more manufacturing says the ga zette it is manufacturing that creates the conditions to support a large population at least by western standards and where there is a large population op portunities for employment increase the positions that attract canadians to the united states notably in the arts and the professions have directly or ind an industrial basis so long as canada is primarily a nation for pro ducing raw materials and semiprocessed goods it will be unlikely to prevent a considerabe number of her people from going south of the border until this tountry increases the extent and variety of its manu facturing it will be unable to hold its population as it should kitchener record nrabit snxntrrs centuries ago augustine one of the fathers of the early christian church after witnessing at first hand the hitter persecutions suffered bravely by early believers said the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church the church grew as persecutions increased in severity coraage is a vibtci which people of every nation under stand there may be difficulty over controversial points of view but there is no doubt about courage as there was none on the part of the roman soldier who said at the crucifixion of jesus surely this was a good man it was said of one noble man nothing became him better than the manner of his dying among the easiest christian martyrs was polycarp who was born of christian parents about the year 70 ad he was a disciple of st john and loved to repeat his words as he remem bered them polycarp himself had a follower named irenaeus and it is from him we learn the facts about polyearps martyr dom at the great pagan festivals feelings against christians were frequently aroused in the city of smyrna where the aged polycarp was leader of the loyal band of chrisfs followers eleven christians were thrown to the wild beasts during the annual games a few not many recanted when they were faced with death one brave young man named germanicus so far from being unnerved dragged the reluctant lion to him and this further excited the populace in their lust for blood the savage mobs called for polycarp now eightysix years of age and still leader of the church at smyrna his friends led him away from the city to a little farm where he passed the time in prayer his pursuers went out as if against a thief polycarp could have escaped but he refused saying the will of the lord be done he was in an upper room when they arrived and he went down and talked with them while they marvelled at his courage and great age he quietly talked with them and had food and drink set before them his request to be allowed to pray was granted for two hours he prayed earnestly remembering all that ever had dealings with him including those who had come to arrest him even these men were deeply touched by his brave gentle spirit and regretted that it had fallen to them to assail so good a man he was led back to smyrna where excited crowds awaited his arrival the high sheriff and pthcrs pleaded with him to renounce christ and declare caesar is lord at first he made no answer but when they persisted he said i do not intend to do as you advise me this so angered them that they threw him from their carriage and bruised his shins he was then brought into the stadium where a vast crowd shouted polycarp is taken the proconsul gave him a last chance you are a very old man he said and a few words can save your life recant and your life will be spared curse christ and i will set you free it was then that the aged man uttered words which have been repeated for eighteen centuries eighty and six years have i served him and he has never done me wrong how can i blaspheme my king and saviour they bound him without nailing him and while the fire was being prepared beneath him he prayed i thank thee lord that thou didst deem me worthy of this day and hour that i should take my part among the numbers of the martyrs in the cup of thy christ to the resurrec tion of life eternal the flames made a sort of arch around him and for a while his body was not scorched this angered the pagan spectators who demanded that a slaughterer end his life by a dagger thrust and in this manner the aged mans life ended on earth but his memory had been a benediction down through the ages our quotation today is by rev dr f w campbell precept at its highest perfection jails jar short o example dental neil c smith os ius graduate of imveraitt of toronto 0ffee over canadian bank of commerce telephone ictw stouffville e s barker i nds honor graduate of university of toronto office over harold grill phone 27 w stfiufrtllle medical brierbush hospital day and nlsat service maternity medical and sargteal member of the allied private hospital as0cjuuioq government ueeoaet main street kjvi stouttvtlle marie jack hairpressing limi avenue stoultvjile permanent waving hairstyling and shapin machine machnee cold win phone ltolvl betty beauty salon victoria street machineless machine ooip wave hair styling shaping phone stouffville 2s7 it itjulgcro urges tithing for all united church members for parents only only child the one child family is fairly common in canada and usually parents are anxious that their niily child should not be spoil ed they have heard the old saying only child lonely child and thev are eigar to compensate for the lack of bro thers and sisters contrary to the ideas of many people scientific research has shown that only children are likely to become selfconfident aggressive grownups their security is not threatened by others in the family and this preferred position often pro duces youngsters who are in dividualists but usually the adapt themselves to the de mands of others and are cap able of assuming responsibil ity for leadership in games or enterprises a modern mother and father as a rule acknowledge that ad ult companionship can never fill the childs peed for friends his own age xo matter how un derstanding a mother may be or how devoted is a fathers love still parents are only par ents thev belonging to the world of grownups are little people the only child rarely if ever suffers from neglect but rather from too much attention since birth he has held the stage because there was only one baby in the family he seemed extra precious mother was tempted to be too protective in her attitude to him thus it happens that unless parents guard against the dan gers in the only childs environ ment they may develop either a little showoff or a mo thers baby neither of these roles i popular with playmates nor do they make for happi ness a certain amount of rough and tumble play for school age children especially boys is in- by nancy cleaver evitable the mother of an only child must not prevent him from climbing trees or riding a bicycle or doing any of the nu merous things a small boy de lights in if his chums suspect a child is tied to his mothers apron strings they will taunt him his mothers fears for his personal safety may be catch ing she should he just as anx ious for his emotional develop ment as his personal safety if he is too careful and too striit about everything he does this is bound to produce a feeling of isolation this may encour age a sense of inferiority or selfpity which is far from healthy parents of an only child sometimes question would it be wise to have another child in our family if necessary by adoption many families in re cent years have discussed how happily their own child and an adopted brother or sister have gotten along this may be im possible but there are still practical ways to prevent the only child from being stranded not on an isiand of loneliness he should have many chan- 1 ces to play with other children his friends should be made welcome in his house vacations may provide a camp holiday or the opportunity for a cousin or friend to visit with him when he is older likely cuts or ex plorers will enrich his life a pet and hobbies are very important to the happiness of an only child a love of music and reading are two resources for the onlv child so is an en- xhuslasm for the outofdoors these are a partial compensa tion to the child without bro thers or sisters all his spare tme should not be spent on tv or listening to the radio or reading the comics tithing or some other form of regular sacrificial giving will be advocated for united church members iy the newly appointed secretary of that churchs missionary and main tenance department i helieve that 10 percent o every persons gross income be longs to god and his fellow- men rev h e d ashford dd stated as he began his new duties of directing the fundraising program of the united church of canada in recommending gross rather than net income he stated that income tax is the privilege one pays for living in canada and should not be deducted first many laymen have declared themselves in favor of tithing this is in direct contrast to a discussion which came up at the 16th general council meet ing in sackville nb last sap- tembar when a motion asking that members give two percent of their income was laid on the table after considerable de bate when you touch a man on his pocketbook you touch him on the part of his anatomy that hurts and that is what we are going to do dr ashford said the average givings of un ited church members is 4416 per person he pointed out while if you take 2500 as the average income which is very low they should be giv ing 250 each dr ashford believes in tith ing he has always tithed him self ha spreached it to his congregations and now he is going to try to get members from coast to coast to practise this biblical system of giving we will never build a great united church until people be gin to sacrifice and we will never make a better world with the presentday rate of giving he stressed statistics show that the canadian people give only i26 percent of their in comes to all charities including churches this years budget for the missionary and maintenance department is 5000000 but we could easily raise ten mil lion without difficulty if people began to tithe in the opinion of the new secretary dr ashford is staging a coasttocoast camnaign this fall sept 25 to oct 21 with the theme an expand ing canada expects an expand frig church each member will be asked to sign a pledge card to tithe focone year but if he feels that is too long a period he will be given a chance to sign for six months or even 1 month dr ashford who personally sacrificed considerable money to accept his new post said that his efforts would be aimed toward raising the meagre giv ings of many united church members up io the standard of the few who really give sacri- ficially toward the churchs work in canada and overseas a recent dispatch from new jersey reported that the suns rays brought to a sharp focus by a glass waterjug set fire to a barn in view of the hot sun ny weather we have been hav ing it may be timely to use this to point a warning this is something that doesnt occur frequently but it goes to show what can happen when the suns rays are concentrated where a lire could start the principle of the burning glass to light a fire has been known to man ifor a long time a lens or any bit of curved glass can be made to focus the suns rays on tinder that will soon be ignited any bottle jug j or even a broken fragment left where the rays will fall on dry grass paper wood or other in flammable substance may bring about the same result unless the incipient fire is detected it may be the start of a blaze that destroys a forest or a town the remedy is to see that any glass vessels in use are protect ed from the direct rays- of the sun and that used or broken bottles no longer required are never tossed aside carelessly but buried so that they do not become the origin of a fire all who work or take their pleasure outdoors should make it a habit to provide cover for any glass dr s s ball fhvsieian and surgeon xray office coter of obrien main phone 198 coroner for york county drtfrjrbutton dr d w hrodie telephone 87t 87w xray hours daily 9 to 12 am and 130 to 300 pm evenlnss 7 to 9 pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment ofllc over lititton nik divs7iric5mi7irrh physicians surkcons ykay phono 2td stouffville office hours dally 912 am 14 pm 7 9 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday office open 23 pm auctioneers sellers atkinson ph asln 301w ph sto 363 licensed auctioneers and saik managers over 30 yearn experience sales conducted anywhere spo- cialliins in farm stock furni ture and property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised hills prepared and posted at no extra cost our rate are most reasonable for tfcu complete service which really pays off xo sale too big or too small chfmoractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am opromerric kitchener folk are a proud lot police statistics confirm it in the first four months of 1955 the city had six safecrackings 10 housebreakings sundry other thefts but only two cases of begging all of which proves that kitchener people have their pride theyd rather steal than beg barristers paul w j mingay ba barrister and solicitor residence eckardt avenue unionville phone 3 e a grubin ro optometrist picton stouftvljle at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays afternoons and evenings only sept 19 20 oct 17 18 nov 14 15 dec 12 j 13 phones 86j2 and 23j1 ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price or one mullken po ph ax 36987 markham po ph mark 346 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer ucenrrt auction wr york cty uxbridge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone gormley 5311 real estate garnet v gray ro optometrist hours io am to 500 pm every tuesday evening bv appointment wm nirkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phono 4012 for appointment insurance resident member of mrtikhsiott mcma hon itooers mackenzie mincav barristers solicitors notaries 302 bay street toronto 1 phone em 42194 imhilnmnvmuminmiuniiii mmmonev bayview convalescent home graduate nurse in charge 24hour nursing service maid and tray service transportation provided reasonable rates dial av 51066 collect birkett son general insurance rency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259w2 ken laushway general insurance phono 270wl 270w2 stouffville ontario fire automobile liability when buvlng or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate brokor phone 87j1 funeral directors l e oneill stouffviblk funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 9swl f g aisop insurance stouffville ontario fire life auto casualty 11th year in business mnln st east phone 223w fred m pugh general insurance phone stouflyihc 38v2 what if the unexpected would happen lodny how would your dependants fare consult your local mutual jlfe of canada representative fred m push theaker drewery fimcrnl directors imbrraxce skrvice phone 8103 mc albert cream for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers for immediate rentals stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone l86w vhy worry about it when it so easy to let an ao in this newspaper turn things you no longer need into cash the stouffville tribune insure today the coop way for information enquire at your local coop or write to john sytema xonmarket ph 31114 accountants j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 90 markham ontario john c wylie fcis oiarterci secretary puhlti r auditor income tax return itr2 storpfvillf tkikphovr ftljl hair dressing permanent machine machlneless fold waves also hair styling for appointment 5- ih stouffville 7fj4 miss a zkiikr mill street stouffvlllt floral roses wedding rouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop iffflone stouffville 24 stouffville sand gravel limited ar nrparm to anpplr your tfjulrerafnlj of crahl jra- t1 sand conerte crav pp run delivered or at tho his plant phone 12a office riiope 8t0 a im stouffville machine tool works telephone 2c roar of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm macitivkny machinery repairs joy beauty salon a permanent waving individual styling razor fiiapinz mr verna austii prop phoirs stouffvilu 98w2