Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 23, 1955, p. 9

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god and the nations illustrated sunday school lesson scripture ztvhxau 3 by alfred j butschtr thursday june 23 1953the stouffville tribune rt laff of the week jjj gjgl jg the prophet zcphnizh lived at a time o reat corruption in judh before jos- jajva reign lie prophesied that because of these abrts the lord would utterly de- troy the nations ard all created thngs jerusalem stormed zephaniah is filthy and polluted her pnrces are corrupt and oppressive her prophets are light and treacherous persons and her priest have polluted the sanctuary- ard done vio lence to the lav of god after the destruction zephaniah fore told the lord would turn again to his people purify their language that they might call on his name to serve him and bring to him their offerings sing o daughter of zion shout o israel be glad and reoce with all the heart the lord hath taken awy thy judgements and is with thee memory verse psalm 74 god and the nations after 2ephakiahs warnings blessings rest ox israels people unionville news scripture by kkivmax campbell thz prophet zephaniah was young man in te time cf jiidahi worst psro j of cofrup on before the reign of good ng josiah his boolc is short jniy three chapters hji it is very ijrccful he did not mince words iith his erring people but in the jioit graphic language described them what the outcome of ineir sinning would be for he felt that the lord was very an- try with his people and not only th them but with all nations read his words woe to her hat is filthy and polluted to the ippressmg city jerusalem she obeyed not the voice she lecetved not correction she trust- id not in the lord the drew not iear to her god her princes within her are foaring hong her judges are eve- fttng wolves they gnaw not the ones till the morrow her prophets are light and treacherous persons her priests have polluted the sanctuary they fiave done violence to the law the just lord is in the midst thereof he will not do iniquity fevery morning doth he bring his zephaniah 3 prophet of doom uses after his j denunciations if the people would only be true to their god and put away wickedness sing o daughter of zion shout o israel be glad and re joice with all the heart o daugh- tsr of jerusalem the lord hath taken away thy judgments he hath cast out thine enemy tho king of israel even the lord 19 in the midst of thee thou shalt not see evil any more people may be very ill of a dis ease which can only be overcome by having an operation after that they may be in fine health and happy again so zephaniah may be said to have- cured his people by an operation or at least with warnings of painful things to come later this was true of israel the people did give up their li centious ways of hfe and turn back to the lord and were blessed so it may be with all of us if we too turn to god and live so as to deserve his blessings we may not be wicked people worshiping idols instead of our god of love but dont many of us large or small have our idols memory verse o let the nations be glad and sing for joy for thou shalt judge the people righteously and govern the nations upon earth psalm 67 judgment to light he faileth not hut the unjust knoweth no lhame all nations shodld be cut off ud zephaniah the lords prophet their streets would be nade waste and desolate the fities would be destroyed after all the earth was de voured with the fire of my jeal- imsy however zephaniah de clared that then will i turn to ihe people a pure language that ihey may all call upon the name w the lord to szrvt him with pne consent in that day shalt thou not be ahamed for nli thy doings wherein thou hast transgressed igainst me for then i will take lut of the midst of thee them jhat rejoice in thy pride and ihou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain i will also leave in the midst if thee an afflicted and poor peo ple and they shall trust in the ame of the lord the remnant of israel shall lot do iniquity nor speak lies either shall a deceitful tongue e found in their mouth for they hall lie down and none shall lake them afraid what lovely blessed words the tcj on copyrighted outlines produced ttionsl council of the churches of chnr piitributed by king whom we unconsciously put be fore our father in heaven lit tle girls may have their hearts set on being better and more smartly dressed than their class mates or playmates forgetting to show the consideration due these other youngsters boys may make sports and the winning of games the most important thing in their lives sport3 should of course be part of every normal young sters hfe but not to the extent that unless tbeir team wins the are not good sports who pla fairly and take the results ix good part men may make idols of making money and business success so that they have no time to be good thoughtful companionable husbands and fathers women may be too much interested in their clubs even in their church activities or social position to the detriment of their families let us put first things first separating the important things in our lives from the others they are important yes but not of first importance let us hum bly ask god to direct our feel too into the right paths and lead us by his clearer vision by the division of christian education 1 in the usa and used by permission feature syndicate a geologist says were all opportunity would be more hildrcn under tho un howl easily recognized in many in- out ihe time between first stance if u didnt go disguised hi second childhood work mr a toogood fpent th pftst weekend at th home and school camp at lake couehi- j chins mis ruth ramer visited for weekend with relatives a z irich a janet harp entertained a number of young friend in honour of their daughter mrth- lay last saturday afternoon cjre inr to rev and mrs f 1 who win celebrate a weu- dins anniversary on june 24th f mr and mrs will lunau at- ended the lunau reunion pic nic held at thornhill tark on satui day afternoon mr l momuilen mrs e la- moria and sharon mr and mrs alorley jones and family terry konnie and baby on and mr j butch allen enjoyed a trailer trip to hallburlbn for the week end j we are sorry to hear that mr alfred dyke is ill and wish him a speedy recovery miss joan thurston of toronto spent thursday visiting her mo ther mrs j thurston grade eight of lnionville public school enjoyed a special treat this week when principal hill took them on a sightseeing trip to niagara kails mr wilbert latimer a dealer on main st with the coekshutt machinery co for a great many years is closing his place of business here on july lt and i going to brougham where he will lie in business with mr aoe champion the wa of central united church ill hold their regular monthly meeting at the parson- age on thursday june 2r mr campbell of toronto vis- 1 red on sunday at the home of his daughter and soninlaw mr and mr donald deacon miss marguerite coulson of markham visited on sunday with mr and mis harold chadwick mr and mrs harold wilkin son and family attended the routley family pienie held this year on sunday afternoon at woodland park miss beatrice mclnnis of tor onto spent the weekend with her parents mr and mrs ales mc- l n n i- miss beryl legrlee of toronto spent the weekend at her home with her parent- mrs m findlay and son dean and friend miss aundrea lalonriv of toronto visited on sunday at the homes of mr and mrs clin ton bigelow and mr and mrs arthur richards of tyrone the lutheran ladies aid met flit the home of mrs rruce cam eron with mrs jack wettlessen assistant hostess on thursday the prayer was by mrs jack harper scripture reading by miss dorothy stiver the topic i was a stranger in your church was given by mrs wm harper it was derided to hold a picnic at greenwood park in july congratulation to miss syl via eamon daughter of mr and ms joseph easton iaymore fam union ville who graduated from toronto eat general hos pital on saturday june nth she won ihe award for the high est standing in theory a n d a n award foa medical nursing mr and mrs chester weir and elizabeth were guests at a tea on sunday night in honor of doctor and mrs cowan of van couver at the home of the doc tors lister and her husband mr and mrs butcher of wiuowdale mr and mrs james weir and mrs goddard attended the anni versary services of old st and rews at rendale on sunday morning despite the ho weather cen tral united church was well j filled on sunday morning for the sunday school anniversary that jtook the form of a combined ger- vfee with the church at 1115 dr horwood of toronto was guest speaker there was special niisie by the junior choir under the leadership of mrs jean cuthbertson the service was conducted by the pastor rev butt and assistant superintend ent mr k deacon the attend ance diplomas requiring an at tendance of 45 sundays in t lie year were given out 1 o twenty- six children these diplomas are for a period of seven years this year it was decided to add a gold plated cross pin for eight years attendance miss mauree gay- man completed her eight years and was presented with pin and certificate by dr horwood the sunday school and congregation al picnic was announced for june 29th and will lie held at mnsselmans lake bug and ear conveyance will leave the church at 30 pm please bring enough lunch for your family and one extra holy communion will be j administered next sunday morn- ins mr jim mclaren leaves friday for the western province with the deacon cattle which will be exhibited a the west- em fall fair mrs bruce findlay visited on thursday with her mother mrs j mcdonald at locust hill mr g hambh- is in st michaels hospital this week mrs ina middieton has sold he residence on main street to a toronto family m middle- ton intends to build another mrs how aid sumnaerfeldt spent a couple of days las week visit in g her- da ugh t er and o n inlaw mr and mrs duncan at gonnley mr and mrs george meteafe j spent the past weekend visiting j friends in niagara falls mr and mrs archie huson and joey of thistleiown had din- ner on sunday with mr and mrs i arnold gardhomse and family the rniouville horticultural society held their june flower show in the gulled church base ment wednesday nig lit mrs f iwarne was convener and was assisted by mis m rainey i owtng to lie dry weather no iris were shown the exhibit or peonies lupin poppies sweet i wi ilia m lilies violet house plants and baskets of cut flowers were very fine the exhibit of strawberries rhubarb lettuce radishes bunch onions and plate spinach was of an excellent qual- iv the judge was miss jine little richmond hill gardening editor of canadian homes and gardens mrs xehemiah ogden received the prize for the best peony of ihe show the next show will he the summer flower how on wednesday august i 7 tli mr fred conley who has been teaching at oh ilia for man y years will he teaching this year in york and h building a home in markham mrs conley is the daughter of mr and mrs n ogden lnionville mrs a hunt of toronto ik visiting mr and mrs james mc- council boaduwv mccartv decorated with white and pink on peonies central united church heres another e marked the urst bonnce i frjtfile be sure ya catch tl on was the setting for a very lovely summer wedding on saturday june isth 1355 at three oclock when marjorie alice mccarty daughter of mr and mrs john mvcarty fnionville was united in marriage with mr carmen walker boadway son of mr iiml mrs harry boadway fnionville rev w s butt performed the marriage ceremony mis marion i warns played the wedding music and also accompanied mr rill warns who ang the lords 1 prayer and oh perfect love the bride was given in marriage thy her- father and wore a floor- length gown of white tulle over white taffetta she carried a bouquet of red roses and ferns the maid of honor her sister miss verna mccarty and brides maids miss doris hamlll and mrs robert burrows all wore identical waltzlength gowns of pink crystalette over pink taffet ta and carried houqiiet of pink loses with ferns the flower girl was miss kathy burrows niece of the groom mr john burrows acted as best man and ushers were mr frank roadway brother of tho groom and mr bruce findlay following the wedding a recep tion was held on the lawn of the grooms parents mr and mr ii boadway the brides mother received wearing a street length dress of blue lace over taffet ta and a corsage of johannahill roses following the honeymoon the couple will reside in their new- home at lnionville there is no such thing as solid matter pays a metapks u he uucrir to ha c his head examin its a grciv 1 here is no unattached mone available for acquiring its so hard to yet it by separating people front it the stakes surveyors use to mark land boundaries hae a way of disappearing and that con mean a whole surc has to be done oer again but now theres a new allaluminum stake that is tough for time and weather and playful animals to handle it wont rui rot or weaken and two barbs open out at nitht anglo underground to prevent us being rooted out k een the most muscular bear its a canadian invention made of canadian aluminum b 1 canadian company to meet a typical canadian problem aluminum company op canada lid alcan some gis hags can easily ha punctured by a pointed remark canadas pj gp sisman scampers s shoes srolkivllik lhoxk 43 wa k canadas champions need your help your dollars are urgently needed to send our olympic ream to the 1956 games cher 1- young canadian athlete will participate jj c 0 ir4nprjn for uh x number i high hut ei mr mu l- ihcrc our donation ii help to pet in h re winter games cortina ltqlylhe canadian leam ht travel i oui prf cnirr iii in- iludc i 1 vcf ids champion tiguie kar iricvc dafoe and norri bawdm elj a 0e own hiae team mh t- b named irse- p qmjdj i bnci summer games meibcwrne aoitrorio to the i do t adeje uwcts anada scod runners pamper i v r doers tl top aiud rbae ot 3msaoce r i deductible from income tax a receipt for tax purpose will b sent fsr all donations of si 00 or more i cimaq 0i utm fhi m ii 451 rivitut 0l i jtrictr m eety you can htlf them to win vrui xr donatioo rtiv in3 fecep cjunjija nasw hiph oa the iji i f nircrr c mom athlete ha the abjitj but they ftf ceei cur basirj send il today t i i i i i now 2v2 times more energy from calogen in swifts grower feeds think of it calogen is a special blend of animal fats and associated trace nutrients that supplies 2i times more energy than corn wheat oats or barley you can quickly see and feel the difference feeds are smoother brighter and free of dustiness youll see and feel the difference in your livestock and poul try too once you put thein on our calogen feeds swiffs poultry grower 1 with calogen especially made to jjrow and de velop a vigorous highproducing laying flock at a lower feed cost per bird rirli in animal and vegctabla protein vitamin a and antibiotics swifts turkey grower 1 with calogen feed with your grains for extra fast growth for more meat per pound of grain fed fontains animal and vegetable protein along with other essential nutrients to build strong healthy bodies swifts hog grower with calogen a complete feed for pigs from 60 to 110 pounds highly efficient feed containing generous amounts of animal protein and fortified with antibiotics develops them quickly to finishing weight stciffs corcnram uriih cftlnfsn asturr your animch a baarefd tiift uhfn ccn bintd u ith your home grou n grains stiver bros more done in an hour when its done with power what one man can do on the farm in work output has been increased many times by the developments in power farming equipment in recent years tractors and implements now available give control over the work the year round and on more and more farms there is less and less need to employ hardtoeet and highcost farm labour mechanization has meant more to the farm than relief from drudgery and freedom from heavy burdensome physical toil mecha nization has brought a new concept of farming and has given agriculture the greatest lift in years and mechanization has contributed greatly to the more widespread sharing in higher standards of living in the advancement of their operations through mechanization farmers have found in masscy- harris and ferguson tractors and machines time and labour saving advantages that help them do their work easily quickly and more profitably your local dealer will be glad to tell you about the latest developments i siouffviiu ontario masse y- harrisferguson limited makeri of high quality farm implement since 1347 len haylow farm equipment ihone 251 stoufmlle

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