june isn t busting out a over at this time but some prospective brides might want a look at some of tie gowns that wiil be worn during that traditional month so come with us to a preview of the latest in wedding gowns of nylon tulle first gown 1 has bodice shirred down to ruplire and sequins while another 2 is j ardy cap is chahtniy lace last gown 3 has scoopneck jacket wbbsbhbb m cedar grove i audley open house at cedar grove school wa full of surprises two squares of eager dancers demonstrated their ability ia square dancing neat interest ing notebooks displayed oa ev ery dek showed individuality and a surprising curriculum the walls were covered with works of art some of which were outstanding from all de grees of progress the minstrel show was bright and fun and the black faces quite unrecog nizable it was a long show and the children had it well under control at all times la ter when some of the black w3s removed the young l3dies served refreshments mrs bar- key deserves a great deal of credit her sympathetic atti tude and quiet competence will leave a lasting impression on her children the june meeting of the v ms was held at the home of mr- jake burkholder the president mrs ulrttakcr opened the meeting with a poem followed by a hymn and the lords prayer the wms has been invited to milliken on june 15th at 2 pm the wor ship was taken by mrs gordon murison assisted by mrs el liott harrington mrs russell miller mrs fred clarke and mrs krank sou ell here are monday nights ku- a number from here attend ed the weddirg on saturday morning in st frances da sales church pickering of mis margaret fallon and mr toseph callus the reception was held afterwards in th canadian legion h3il ajax on saturday evening misa dianne fralt and mr carl disney of pickering were mar ried in the pickering united church manse their reception was held later in their nevr home in pickering the best wishes of the com munity go to these trwo your couples several from audiey took advantage of the beautiful day on saturday to attend brook- lin fair they enjoyed the fln show of horses which are a rarity on our local farms the v a ladies are holding their annual afternoon tea this saturday june 11 at th home of mi and mrs john puckrin from 3 to 5 pjn there will be fancy work aprons and home baking for sale the club met last week at the home of mr and mrs charles clemeneei bob betson presided the sports committee have arranged to have hall practise every tuesday even ing in arch bells field a musical program was enjoyed by all mrs george peacock chrc winners elizabeth llollinj played several numbers on the ger ethel lotton ann ilax- piano accordion marilyn won- ton fred carter ben lotion oints edged in seed pearls jacket can be removed t show danceable dress saturday june it rev and mrs moddle stou- ftville spent monday evening with the carruthers familv mr and mrs grenviiie wil son and family spent sunday evening with mr and mr cy ril bielby and several other callers during the week mr and mrs boomer and mr will coates spent sunday after noon with her aunt mrs a carruthers and family mr and mrs albert draper spent an evening ian week with mr and mrs hurlev at ml zion misses mary and jennie and miss june smith church st received word this week from the university of toronto school of nursing that she was successful in obtaining her year copies f the ville tribune what wk share at cherry hi 11 june may be the traditional month of brides but to all at cherry hill its festival time on june 2th the surround ing hills and greens will echo with the gay songs and dances of many lands and happy peo ple will join in the merriment with an international flavour the festivals fame has even pierced the iron curtain betty madsens good friend rebecca sisler on a tour of europe recently visited lithuania and to her surprise was asked by a lithuanian school director if she had heard or known of john madsen and his canadian folk school this years seventh annual john madsen folk festival promises to be better than ever every corner of the earth will he represented from the orient the japanesecanadian group of hamilton with color ful costumes and songs from our own north american con tinent the indians of buffalo with authentic costumes and folklore from the netherlands a hundred voices singing the songs of holland from czecho slovakia nimble gymnasts and from austria the popular shecplatters 7c are always on sale at the following places in stouffville and district claremont padgetts store galloways store markham woods drug store edar grove mcintosh store unionville findlays hotel illingsleys drug store goodwood watsons store victoria sq willows store stouffville shine davis houstons drug store storeys drug store brougham post office store green river duncans store locust hill wades store baliantrae wrights store ringwood reids store match you dollar bills with the list of canadian onedollar bill serial numbers published daily in the tely anyone can win amounts ranging from 10 to 500 five new numbers published every day 530 diancei every day 30 new numbers published every week 3180 chances every week see todays tely for detaik remember shorties give you 500 extra chancjs every day to be a winner toronto 1 w trff how hs6w amiuur1siwiliri rsstsfot oc pfcaa empira 86011 bethesda gormley smiths store milsfeds store abc net paid circulation 31 13 copies wedding invitations a n i a n n 0 u n c e m e n t s finest slock prompt service llic stintffbthe tribune f phone i53j2 victoria square the annual memorial service was held on sunday afternoon with a large attendance fri ends were present from toron to willowdale unionville ri chmond hill xobleton stouff- ville goodwood and queens- ville rev a huston was the speaker the guest soloist was miss carol babcock of rich mond hill the cemetery board is very grateful to everyone for thfe generous offering re ceived airs allan orr was hostess at a weareyer brush demonstra tion held in her home on fri day evening of last week the annual baby band par ty will be held in the sunday school room on saturday june 11 at 230 pm this is also the regular meeting of the wms and the mission band the guest speaker will be mrs j g lundy baby band leader of the toronto centre presby terial there will also be a baby band graduation will the ladies of the wms please bring either sandwiches or cookies the annual sunday school anniversary services will be held on sunday june 19 at 230 pm the guest speaker will be dr e r mclean of the united church publishing house toronto there will al so be special music the speak er for the evening service will be announced next week there will be a strawberry festival in the sunday school room tuesday evening june 21 served from 630 to 8 pm followed by a variety program in the community hall this festival is being sponsored by the couples club of the church congratulations are extend ed to mr and mrs merrill johnson on the birth of a daughter congratulations to mr and mrs allan orr who on june 4 celebrated their 6th wedding anniversary birthday greetings to miss rosemary march for june 9 to miss june collard for june 10 to bobby nichols who will he 7 years old on june 13 to mrs donald pickering for june ii the many friends of mrs a frisby are pleased to see that she is able to be out again fol lowing her recent long illness a speedy recovery is wished for miss june collard who has the mumps mr anrl mrs cecil mortson and family of queensville had sunday evening dinner with mr and mrs arnold mortson and family mrs margaret mccague and mrs i cummins of toronto had sunday evening dinner with mr and mrs heber mc cague mr and mrs stanley boyn- ton and grace attended the webbalexander wedding in walmer rd baptist church toronto on saturday evening mr and mrs rolph boynton had sunday evening dinner with mr and mrs floyd perk ins and familv of richmond hill the many friends of mr roy bovair were sorry to learn of the serious accident he had on friday of ah week mr bo vair suffered first second and third degree burns to thirty percent of his body a speedy recovery is wished for him mr and mr gordon har mon entertained mr and mrs p hutchinon of toronto on sunday the june meeting of the w a wil be held on wednesday evening june 15 at 8 oclock a the home of mrs jawson mumberon a hearty invita tion is exended to all ladies in tso corrfltry and charlie booth there were two travelling prizes this week and they went to mrs albert booth and mr harvey swain notes about eighlwurs mrs crichton has just re turned from a three week holi day in london mrs j p carr of unionville is visiting dorothy reesor at present master artie milroy who is recovering on crutches from a bad fall in which he broke his leg would like to thank the cgcc and the mo thers club for the gifts cards and kindnesses which he very much appreciated when he was in bed john and bruce petrie stopp ed a special train at markham last week and boarded it to join the 9th annual fan trip from toronto through belle ville lindsay and home again a whole day on a train was a big event in braces life and from all reports no less in johns spray school on june 15th the use of 21d for weed control has revolutionized this all important phase of agricul ture accordingly a weed spray school will be held at the department of agriculture newmarket on june 15th commencing at 10 am and spend the weekend with mr and mrs g k pratt and white here attended the wedding o her niece miss dianne pratt nacott played her guitar as mie and joan burleigh sanjt cowboy jack and then mari lyn gave a guitar selection mrs izatt mrs wm guthrie jr mrs arch bell and lor raine matthews sang a humor ous song in the little bottom drawer and also now is the hour not wishing to be out done by the ladies four men george liats bob betson mar vin barlow and fred puckrin sang impromptu you are the only star in my blue heaven and there is a gold mine in the sky air robin nichol son of whitby played two piano selections and also led in community singing refresh ments were then enjoyed by all mr and mrs david godfrey sandra and terry who have been making their home with mr and mrs b churchyard moved last thursday into a house in whitby our best wishes go with them congratulations to rv and mrs a e young on the birth of a daughter marta joy on june 3 at oshawa hospital mr charlie clemence is attending the annual session of the bay of quinte conference of the united church in port hope this week her many friends are glad ta hear that mrs lome saunder is home and feeling much bet ter after spending nearly vm weeks in oshawa hospital imiss leila pratt came by ai from cleveland usa to under the direction of mr frank marritt county weed inspector for york a short time ago a weed spray school was held for municipal road authorities and roadside weed sprayer operators dealing with their specific problems in road side weed control the school lobe held on june 15th is for all weed sprayer operators or anyone interested in chemical weed control while 21d is the prevalent chemical used in weed control there are a great number of types and brands of the pro which may be superior for th control of different plant spe cies 245t and its mixture with 24d to form the material called brushkill which ii su perior on many woody plants is one of the newer typa ot weed spray copies of the manual tvi guide for the use of the varloua chemicals are available at the office of the agricultural rep- duct which may be used for icsentative in newmarket different conditions and specific weed problems of eoual im portance are the methods of application and the proper use of the sprayers also there are materials other than 21d note to those who are spend ing money trying to grow hair on a bald head a second crop of hair is about as rare as a third set of teeth crossword puzzle shi kin ftoama it hindu rws 15 tabled mnovtcr 31 tirrr network it choice part ii snr it toprta so feananane amm 31 praplnt 33 bird 33 sim pf4m 3s anvorkkf 3 poll 3 writ 30 ewadtnrtas 31 ritual prmrmr efufltian mad an 33 frau rat m kjbrvrj 37 phmier m collection af rcu tootttkm port 41 jmutliniu great lk a3 wash m dear 14 tv it- vmkt irduruf r tain rang st trieste wtn measure bk danlnhiseaaor so feminine nam s rommq road 01 outer car merit s3 annual income in ttm nre 13 dreg ft number plj 4s nwr dowx 1 american la- rflan 3 corridor 3 rnnl keep t n s ancient corav ry berotvl etrpfl rates t corded loth jo monaatlc aw- perlora 31 dodkmiwi island s3 make rrxrfatami ftt t3 tawt 31 nickname for flm relative 33 krtlmir for a light pi 34 ircreaa ta- fnrty of tncrnrw it jjjiaiibmph ana nainnmninno sua aaaa uuiituii 3333 33db oofl 33an aaiw own aaan aana ruio r aaaa fiann tin 333 e13t3 aanoabu fitnn 3333 ncnnn 333 3333 rivg 333333 3333 ilpjil 33iid33333ri- nil eeh to n m4 xt lcifttlo m amvtri rrrt 31 b1m a winr hair m aka 35 wlftit fit ri- f71 a1 at her 41 ulyff cfrtrti 44 7otnt4 a rtt tnv n 47 american 4 wndbtatate eilmu 4 rm trrm rl a tntt hack- m tim m imurum m rak t hcnlt m rg mmrtmmj