the stouftvule tjukjne hge 3 thursday jnn- 2 1955 bylaw no777 for the village of stouffville bviaw mmber ttt jtreanarer of be sd maiclpal- thk corporatiox ok thejlv- vimige of stbttfviixe th wm inter coujwns fiai be rd oi tike treasurer proilde for the i0 fcis s thereon may jbe written stained litho graphed or engraved 5 tfca for the purpose of ontario militia units stage colorful display at fair fttlam to borrowing of llie um of five hundred thousand ijolurs t s0o00o0o for the purpose of constructing a serrase ss- lm in the village of stoulfvllle and to authorize the usoe of de benture therefor whkreas the corporation of the village oi stouffville deems it ofteemsry aad eipedlent for the said corporation to con struct a sewerage system in the laid village of stoabrllto and whereas in order to enable the said corporation to construct the s3id sewerage sys tem it win he necessary to raise the sum of five hundred thous and dollars 150000000 by way of debentures and whereas it is desir able to aike the principal of the said debt repayable by an nual instalments during the period of thirty years nest after the issue of the said debentures such instalments of principal to be of such amounts that the ag gregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to what is payable for rlnelpal and interest during earh of the othr years and whereas the amount of the whole ratable property of the s3id corporation of the vil lage of stouffville according to the last revised assessment roll for the year 1954 is the sum of jl 150184 00 and whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said municipality exclu sive of local improvement debts secured by special rates or assess ments is s1434i02 as of january 1st 1955 and no part of the principal or interest of auch debt la in arrears and whereas the depart ment of health have approved of the said bylaw as required by subsection 2 of section 107 of the public health act and the said bylaw has been approved by the municipal roard as re quired by section 67 of the on tario municipal board act therefore the municipal council of the corporation of the village of stouffville enacts as follows 1 that for the purposes aforesaid it shall he lawful for this corporation to borrow a sum not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars f 50000000 and to issue debentures of the said municipality to the amount of 50000000 in sums of not less than 10000 each payable in the manner for the amounts and at the times hereinafter set forth 2 the said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of 4 per annum payable yearly and as to both principal and inter est shall be payable at the stouffville branch of the canad ian bank of commerce all the said debentures shall bear the same date and shall be issued at one time and within two years after day on which this bylaw is passed and shall be payable in annual in stalments during the period of thirty years next after the date of the issue thereof and the re spective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be the amounts so designated in schedule a hereto annexed 4 the said debenture shall be sealed with the seal of the corporation and signed by the head of the council or by some other person authorized by law to sign the same and by the paying the said instalments of principal and interest as the same become due respectively during thirty years the currency of the debentures to be issued under this bylaw there shall be raised and levied in each year by special rate on all the ratable property in the said municipality of stouffville the sum of twenty- eight thousand nine hundred and fifteen dollars and five cents 2591505 7 the said debentures may contain a clause providing for the registration thereof pursuant o section 335 of the municipal act s pending the sale of the aid debentures the reeve of the said municipality and the treas urer thereof may raise for the purpose aforesaid by way of a loan on said debentures any sum or sums of money not exceeding in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and may hypo thecate such debentures for such loan 9 the council of the said municipality may proceed after the final passing of this bylaw to install that part of the said sewerage system under main street between church street and tenth street and the re maining part of the system at such times as may be deemed de sirable and expedient and in this case the debentures herein before mentioned may be issued iff sets of such amounts and at such times as the circumstances require but so that the first of the sets shall be issued within two years and all of them within five years after the passing of the said bylaw 10 the corporation shall have the right at its optiort to redeem the said debentures either in whole or in part on any date prior to maturity at the places where and in the moneys in which the said debentures are expressed to be payable upon payment of the principal amount thereof together with interest accrued to the date of redemp tion and upon giving previous notice of said intention to re deem by advertising once in the ontario gazette and once in a daily newspaper of general pro vincial circulation published in the city of toronto and once in a local newspapcr such notice to be advertised as aforesaid at least thirty days before the date fixed for redemption notice of intention so to redeem shall also be sent by post at least thirty days prior to the date set for such redemption to each person in whose name a debenture so to be redeemed is registered at the address shown in the deben ture registry boolr where only a portion of the debenture of this issue is so to be redeemed such portion shall comprise only the debentures that have the latest maturity dates and no de benture of this issue shall be called for such redemption in priority to any such debenture that has later maturity date 11 this bylaw shall take effect on the day of its final pass ing read a first and second time this 16th day of may 1955 elmer r daniels reeve garfield d brown clerk read a third time and finally passed in open council this day of june 1955 reeve clerk schedule a to hrijiir number 77 of the corporation of the vimnfe of stouffvillo 1 2000000 s 915 05 2s91505 1961340 927165 2s91505 3 19 27254 964251 2891505 4 1sss6s3 1002s22 2s91505 5 1s4s570 1042935 2s91505 6 1s06s53 10s1652 2s91505 7 1763467 112s03s 2s91505 s 171s34s 1173160 28 91505 9 1671419 12200s6 2s9 1505 10 1622615 126ss90 2s9150s 1 1 1571560 1319645 2s91505 12 1519074 1372431 2s91505 13 14 64177 142732s 2s9 1505 14 1 070s4 1481421 2891505 15 1347707 154379s 2891505 16 12s3955 1603550 2s91505 17 1221733 1669772 2so1505 is 1154942 1736563 2s 91505 19 10s5479 is 050 26 2s 1505 20 1013239 1s7s266 2s9 1505 21 938108 1953397 2891505 2 s 599 72 2031533 2s9 1505 23 7 78712 2117795 2s91505 24 694199 2197306 2s91505 25 606306 22 s51 99 2s91505 26 514s99 2376606 2s91505 27 419s35 2471670 2s91505 2s 3 20967 257053s 2s 91505 29 21s146 2673359 2891505 30 312217 27s0293 5s91505 take notice that the above js a true copy of a proposed by- ijw to provide for the borrow ing of the sum of five hundred thousand dollars 30000000 for the purpose of constructing a sewerage symem in the village of stouffville and the authoriza tion of debentures to he issued therefor and if the assent of the elevtors is obtained to it the said bylaw will be taken into consideration by the council of the said village of stouffville after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publi cation hich said date l may 19th 1955 and tha a tenant who desires to vote must deliver to the clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appoin ted for taking the vote the dec laration provided for by subsec tion 3 of section 276 of the municipal act axd further take no tice that the votes of he elec tor of the village of stouffville on the said proposed ryiaw shall b taken on monday june ijlh 1955 from h hor tn oclock n the forenoon eight o clock in the afternoon 1 day of may ad 195j both dayiiai savins time aadj garfield d brown clerk grd observers visit frigidaire on thursday last the ground observers held their rally at the new frigidaire auditorium on the golden mile over 200 observers and their friends at tended and were guests of fri gidaire which is a division of general motors a crestoun welcomed the group for frigidaire and intro duced the chairman of the eve ning clare keevil who in turn introduced the training officer fo l j mcguire of barrie mr mcguire introduced the guest speaker squadron lead er cairns no 3 air defence control who spoke about the ground observer corps in rela tion to radar and how they assist in search and rescue throughout the country he praised the corps for reporting crashed aircraft and for assist ing aircraft- in landing five lucky draw prizes were donated by frigidaire to hold ers of lucky draw tickets and wings were presented to a num ber of observers for qualify ing as trained personnel first air certificates were also pre sented to a number of observ ers who qualified under st ohn ambulance training thro ugh the efforts of mrs j k lawrence instructress while this program was in progress w b mac telegram caricaturist was drawing many of the ground observer person nel refreshments were served in the cafeteria after which a tour of the frigidaire plant was arranged by some twenty guides who took the group on a threequarter hour tour to see how frigidaire refrigera tors and stoves are made mr geo schultz thanked the guides and others who helped make the evening an outstanding suc cess observers attended from many different towns and villages in cluding stouffville claremont milton georgetown orono port perry tyrone cooksville seagrave schomberg new market toronto and many other poims the group of children shown above in top picture get a real thrill as members of the 2nd field regiment rce construct a miniature bailey bridge at the annunal spring fair held at uxbridge sgt tom veitch and sapper s berkes supervise the construction the boys are charlie and murray ross and douglas syer all of columbus karen taylor of uxbridge is the other spectator officercadet s shea of osh- awa shows his wife june how things look from the turret of a tank baby marjorie the couples daughter seems to be enjoying the view also shes one month old dept of national defence photo future lloyd is secretarytreasurer of the aurora athletic fields board of which reeve d 1 murray is chairman that body was the subject of a hot debate in town council meeting re cently when it was disclosed that town clerk george wil kinson had been unable to se cure an audited statement of its financial affairs the board is responsible for the operation of floodlights in the town park and was formed when floodlights were installed in or der to take advantage of pro vincial government grants late to bed and early to rise and youll have satchels under your eyes club funds missing theft charge laid gardner lloyd of aurora is being sought by ontario pro vincial police vandorf de tachment who hold a warrant for his arrest on a charge of theft information which al leged theft of 225 of club funds was laid by members of the oak ridges rowling club who said that lloyd had col lected fund- from members and had failed to pay club accounts complaints which he has re ceived are being followed up reports auroras chief consta ble fisher dunham who indi tes that a further statement ly be available in the near 50000000 at the following places polling subdivision no 1 comprising all that part of the village ol stouffville south of main street at the council chambers and cecil davis shall be the deputy returning officer thereat poll ing subdivision no 2 compris ing all that part of the village of stouffville north of main street at the store of- k r davis main street and k it davis shall he the deputy re turning officer thereat the reeve of the said muni cipality will attend at the coun cil chamhers on saturday june uth 1955 at the hour of h am for the appointment of pr- sons to attend at the polling i write to us and let us places and at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk on behalf of persons interested in and promoting or opposing the said bylaw the clerk of the said munici pality will on tuesday at the council chamberi june 14u 1955 at the hour of 2 p m sum up the number of vot given for ad against the proposed by- iaw dated a stou3l this istb 55zsss5 when you decide to travel have the pleasure of arranging everything at no extra cost bookings for land sea and air travelbureau herbert goodhoofd authorized agent for all steamship lines 47 main street new market ihone s60r gaaaaa 0w valuable is your drivers licence does your job or business depend on it do you really need to drive does that vacation you are planning include the operation of your car think dont take your licence for granted the operation of a motor car or motor truck is a privilege which can be suspended remember your drivers licence will be suspended if you arc convicted of a criminal offence or of any offence arising out of an accident 21000 licences were suspended in 1954 many of those whose licences were suspended lost their jobs others had to find a new line of business what would you do without a drivers licence think and keep your licence i minister ontario department of highways jos dales says metro opposes county aid in i riding meeting held last friday liberal candidate joe dales said tnat his intention if elected in the forthcoming pro vincial election would be to ob tain maximum benefits for york county with particular regard to some form of relief from the undue burden fois ted upon the county by the cons e r v a t i v e governments controversial bill so crder the terms of bui so the southern municipalities in the county ere separated from the north and placed under metropolitan government mr dales stated he is con vinced metro chairman fyed gardiner doesnt intend to permit any recompeie to be made to york county for the loss sustained when so percent of its assessment was placed in the metropolitan area why is the municipal board taking so long to rule on the undue burden he asked 1 feel quite sure that the municipal board has no inten tion of ruling on the matter until after th prortech tion he added reviewing his six ytw mr- vice on municipal council mr dales promised his listeners that if the people of north york see fit to send me to queens park as their repre sentative after june 9 i shall certainly do everything in my power to force a new deal for the northern municipalities rawleigh dealers to meet here on june 11th on saturday june 11th more than one hundred dealers 3nd representatives from the western division of the raw leigh company will hold their annua meeting in the auditor ium of the stouftville dlstrict high school it will be the first time the company has held a meeting here the convention will open in the morning and will continue throughout the day closing with a dinner in the evening bylaw no 778 corporation oi stouffville a byijaw to provide for thp taking of votes of the electors of the villnge of stouffville on a proposed bytaw providing for the borrowing of the sum of five hundred thousand dollars 50000000 for tlio purpose ol constructing a sewerage system in the villnge of stouffville and to authorize the issue of deben tures therefor wherkas it is necessary un der section 273 of the municipal act to provide by separate by- law for taking the votes of elec tors on any ry-ijro- requiring the assent of the said electors therefore the municipal council of the corporation of the village of stouffville enacts as follows 1 that the vote of the elec tors of the said village of stouff ville on the said proposed by- law shall take place on monday june 13th 1955 from the hours of ten oclock in the forenoon to eight oclock in the afternoon both daylight saving time and at the following places polling subdivision no 1 comprising all thatpart of the village of stouff ville south of main street at the council chambers and cecil davis shall be the deputy re turning officer thereat polling subdivision no 2 comprising all that part of the village of- stouffville north of main street at the store of k r darls main street and k r davis shall be the deputy returning officer thereat 2 the reeve of the said municipality will attend at the council chambers on saturday une 11th 1955 at the hour of 11 am for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places and at the anal summing- up of the votes by the clark on behalf of persons interested in- and promoting or opposing th said bylaw 3 the clerk of th atd municipality will on tuesday june 14th 1955 at the council chamber at the hour of 1pm sum up tbe nniajter of votes given for and agwlnat the pro- posed bylaw read a first and second time- and finally passed tiie uth day of may ad 1958 kltner r daniels hosts i garfield d brown clerk i we build homes large and small and buildings of all kinds repairs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed our house designing service is at your disposal k w beiz construction co stouffville ont phone stouff 195 wanted olde tyme fiddlers to compete in a programme of entertainment to celebrate ontario countys centennial june 30th 1955 at 2 pm at the county buildings whitby prize for oldest fiddler born in ontario county f 1500 prizes for fiddlers resident in ontario county 1st 2500 2nd 1500 3rd 750 a 1000 prize will also be given to oldest attending man and woman born in ontario county contestants should furnish proof of age entries for the fiddlers content must be ha y june 15 1955 use entry blank name at address xvul send to w manning county clerk whitby ontario