ngc t thj stouhviue tmrjne thursday may 1955 claremont and pickering township district mr and mrs tom davis ea- joyed a fishing expedition to hawk lake on sunday we are sorry to report that mrs ruth mhfdleton is not en joying good health at the pres ent time mrs gladys pugh of dumbar ton spent the weekend with her parents here mr chas cooper is present ly in the marltlmes on a busi ness trip mr don sanderson an assi cubmaster from toronto was the guest of the local group on tuesday evening several boys from here jour neyed to the buttonvilie air port on sunday a mens trebles bowling tou rnament is being planned for vved june 1st two baskets of beautiful glads and chrysanthemums were placed on small tables of the lnited church in loving memory of mrs barclay last sunday mrs cook of weston former resident of claremont was a sunday visitor with her sister mrs lippert and attended the g f sunday school class of which she w3s a former mem ber mrs hockley sr of uxbridge was a twoday visitor with mr and mrs h hockley last week we regret that little heather eeden who has been very ill recently has been a patient in the toronto childrens hospi tal for the past two weeks and is greatly improved miss marjory neal of green wood has been visiting with her friend marjory hedges dur ing the past week mrs loyst is spending a few weeks at the home of her dau ghter near napanee beginning tuesday afternoon may 31st the library will be open to the public from 3 pm to 530 pm and from 7 to 9 pm on saturdays the hours will be from 3 to 5 pm only please note change of hours the ladies of the baptist chu rch are having a bake sale in the stouffville sales arena on sat june 1th an paking is to be left at mrs fryers home at 1230 pm saturday the wms monthly meet ing was held last thursday afternoon in the lnited chu rch with mrs mclntyres group in charge of the worship serv ice in the absence of the pres- ident mrs loyst the first vice president mrs carson conduct ed the business the articles to be sent in bale for western canada will be packed and shipped by the first of june articles of good used clothing will be packed and shipped at the ss room the community is invited to cooperate with donations of 6ame notice of which will be given from pulpit the previous sunday mrs h gregg favored with a piano solo and mrs w evans with a vocal accompa nied by mrs lackey on the pi ano mrs t xorton of broug ham was the very interesting guest speaker a few of the gleanings wero as follows two upper rooms 1st jesus and his disciples 2nd communion imeeting place the quebec pro testant school fills a very im portant place without it the protestants living in that prov ince would have no opportun ity apart from the catholic echools of learning you have to read if you would know about missionary work in other lands there are 7 predbyterials in the bay of quinte conference branch there can be no parttime serv ice for the ixrd the group served refreshments at the close the goodfcllowship class met at the home of mr and mrs henry johnson last tues day evening mrs w hill was in charge of the programme which was in keeping with easter while mrs lackey was the chairman and accompanied with the hymns and vocal solo by mrs w evans and unusual contest at the close lunch was served at the close by the committee and all joined in singing the theme song auld lang syne after the presi dent had thanked the host and hostess for their hospitality we regret the pissing of two highly esteemed members of our community during the past week mrs barclay a pioneer lady of the sth of bickering and mrs chambers of our vil lage who has endeared herself to us all during her few years of residence in our mitlt we extend sympathy to both fam- brougham arui mrs gordon wagg lidyws called on their grandparents mr and mrs m green river bid fnrewe mr mr and mis h smith mot- of stouffville called on their ored to ottawa on sunday itn pflstof hamilton one evening last week mr and mrs e l crocker of toronto called on mrs mat thew- one afternoon last week the beautiful bowers at the front of st johns church on sunday morning were placed there in memory of the late mrs barclay mr and mrs russell and fa mily have moved into the home they recently purchased from mr j todd we welcome them to our midst mr and mrs donald duncan of brooklin called on their grandparents mr and mrs m hamilton one day recently mr and mrs al harvey and john alo mrs harvey sr visited with oshawa friends on surdav mr and mrs t anderson and family of toronto visited with mr and mrs ken pascoe on sunday the wi held their regular meeting in the hall on tuesday afternoon with a good attend- j ance mrs harvey sr conduct- ed the installation of officers in her capable manner a cup will be given to the student with the highest standing in the picker ing high school an invitation was accepted from stouffville wi to attend their meeting on may 30th at 230 pm cars leaving here at 115 pm ev eryone welcome mrs george duncan read the card report in the absence of mrs bur rows a short course in pro gram planning or treasures in your attic will be held in the near future a lovely gift was presented by the president mrs m khicott on behalf of the members to mrs x bur- ton in appreciation of six years secretarial work for our wi the roll call was answered by your mothers maiden name mrs wm gray program con vener chose a mothers day program mrs d milne of cher- rywood and mrs kerr of brou gham rendered two solos ac companied on the piano by mrs n robinson of white- vale readings were given by mrs h malcolm mrs l mat thews and mrs wm milne an invitation was accepted from mrs milne to hold our picnic at her cottage in july refreshments were served at the close by the hostesses mrs w willsonmrs geo holtby mrs w hamilton and mrs c wannop the regular weekly euchre was held as usual on tuesday evening last when the follow ing were winners mrs mat thews mrs h pugh and mrs shea mr walter hardy mr walter carlton and mr w hollinger special prizes went to mrs whittington and mr h jewell a number of wa ladies from here journeyed to cherrywood on wednesday when along with ladies from locust hill dumbarton whitevale and zion they were guests of cherry- wood wa the guest speaker was mrs murdock president of toronto east presbyterial who gave a very inspiring ad dress which was enjoyed by all sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late mrs barclay mrs matthews spent a few days last week with friends in toronto mr and mrs williams ardj family of toronto were satur day evening visitors with mr and mrs a pearse master bobbie reid spent the weekend with mr and mrs w smetham mr and mrs h ridge of to ronto spent saturday with mr a hutching we extend our congratula tions to mr and mrs v simp son haze michel i of toron to on the arrival of a little son on saturday evening last a few friends and neighbours gatheied at the home of mr and mrs a pearse to give a welcome home to mrs shank sorry to report that german measles are quite the fad with the children dont forget the fellowship night on thursday may 19 in the church when pictures slides voice of the deep and healing of mcvendo will be shown the ladies aid will meet in the church on wed may 25 at s pm all ladies welcome greenwood ilies fuller accounts will be found in this paper on monday evening may- 16 a social evening was held in the sunday school room the program opened with congre gational singing and deacon james coates acted as chair man marian gostick contrib uted two piano solos a mixed quartette mrs s taylor mrs k drake evans word and las coates sang what a friend we have in jesus a bible quiz was then enjoyed by all taking part rev h and mrs lackey invited guests from the united church were with us and rev lackey at this time made a few remarks upon the fine relationship existing be tween the two congregations mrs russell philip of los angeles cal has been visit ing with her father mr wm middleton and other relatives this past week or so our sympathy is extended to mrs wm pegg and charles mctaggart in the sudden pass ing of their brother mr ed ward mctaggart of leaside last friday mr and mrs d morden and children ad glen and mrs eastwood visited last sunday with relatives at xanticote a shower was given miss dorothy closson last tuesday- night prior to her marriage to mr ken randall this coming saturday in the church they received many useful and pret ty gifts mr geo staley has commen ced building a house on a lot purchased from mrs reg clarke also mr geo moore has the foundation built for his new house south of the village the board of salem church met last friday night to plan for the memorial service to be held the last sunday of june the afternoon wa held its regular meeting last thursday in the basement of the church group 1 had charge of the de votional period minutes of last meeting followed the 2 group leaders are to look after some form of entertainment for the first week of june and a bus trip later on a committee was appointed to look after this also mrs m pegg was put in to look after flowers for the church during the summer months refreshments were erved mr- and mr barrett of to ronto have returned to their cottage for the summer our sincere sympathy is ex tended to the barclay family in the loss of their mother mrs caroline barclay whose funeral was held last saturday afternoon to claremont ceme tery no new cases of measles have broken out this past week heres hoping they have run themselves out this week if it keeps dry will see most of the farmers through seeding the gordon wilson family of goodwood were visitors at the les wilson home last sunday afternoon we are sorry to hear of our school teacher mr stacko be ing involved in a car accident last saturday he had an arm broken mr and mrs james borok left last monday for england we wish them a safe journey if one- fun two can live as cheap as they will have but little youve reached middle age when- you know how to take care of yourself and intend to one of these days fireworks in the park on the holiday claremont is planning a monster fireworks display for monday evening may 23rd all residents of the village are re quested to place a donation in a giant fireworks pool the rev j lowden who be gan his pastorate here on may 1st in his remarks said how- much he had enjoyed the short time he has been in claremont and was looking forward to a happy and profitable time in the future miss marian gostick then invited the davison fam ily to come and have a part in the program the address was read and a presentation made by mr ken ward of a bible a 400day clock and an en velope of money mr davison thanked the congregation for these gifts and said they had been very happy here but partings must come and we must always be willing to obey gods leading and any good that may have been accomp lished during his pastorate here he gave all the glory to god al were then invited to re main when a dainty lunch was served and a social hour was enjoyed all joined in singing blest be the tie that binds norman hogg chairman of corn club for the first time last year husking corn growers in on tario county organized a high yield corn club this club had as its objective 75 bushels of corn per acre there were 20 contestants in the club and 13 corn growers out of the twenty beat the objective of 75 bus in order to make this club more competitive it was decid ed to raise the objective to 100 bushels for this year this high yield corn club will be known as the ontario county 100 bu shel corn club the winner of the 1951 com petition was mr bob lewis claremont rr 3 he had an estimated yield of 1322 bushels per acre the average estimat ed yield for all twenty farmers in the competition was 8s5 bushels per acre contestants may use any va riety they wish in this compe tition and they may use any means at their disposal to se cure the highest possible yield from the three acres that they have entered in the competi tion anyone interested in joining this high yield corn club for 1955 should send his applica tion together with a 2 mem bership fee to the department of agriculture office uxbridge by june 1st the officers and committee for 1955 are as follows chair man norman hogg umbridge rr 2 vicechairman norman lehman claremont rr 2 secretary h l fair uxibridge committee walter carter olaremont rr 3 bob lewis claremont rr 3 ralph yeitch uxbridge rr 4 aimer ren- nie blackwater rr 2 pickering tp councillor william lawson liberal candidate in oshawa oshawa the newly formed liberal association in the new oshawa riding thursday night choe 31yearold pickering co uncillor wii3m lawson as candidate for the june 9 pro vincial election lawson was accorded an acclamation after four other nominees withdrew hot favorite until last night dr claude yipond was one of the foiir he nominated the suc cessful candidate other nomi nations were local business man mike jacula lawyer terry kelly and roger conant of ajax son of a former ontario premier fewer than 200 people at tended the nomination meet ing held in the auditorium of the central collegiate lawson told the gathering we can win and we will win there are no ifs and buts about it 1 am a great supporter farquhar olivers platform oliver has promised relief from the bur den of municipal taxation what you have read in the news papers recently is enough to convince you that the frost government is on the way out first nomination received was for mike jacula and the nom ination for the successful can didate followed quickly terry- kelly was nominated then ro ger conant also a lawyer there was a pause before dr ciaude yipond member of oshawas board of education was nominated a threepronged attack on the government of premier leslie frost was made by toronto lawyer george bagwell qc the gues speaker who charged that premier frost had done a good job of whitewashing his political fences j bagnell attacked the provin cial governments education policy after blasting the de partment of highways and the ontario hydro power commis sion he said when mr frost announced the election date recently he said he was go ing to the people to ask them to elect his party on its record of good government and wise spending of public funds port perry doctor gets progcons nomination farmer burned in barn blaze a fire friday afternoon lev elled a barn on the farm of jack mitchell on the seventh concession of pickering caus ing an estimated 30000 dam age four pigs and two calves perished the- blaze also des troyed several farm implements and produce stored in the buil ding mitchell was slightly burned about the face and hands when he attempted to beat out the flames with a sack he and lawrence judd a helper man aged to let out several cows be fore the fire spread mitchell was treated on the scene by neighbors brougham fire department kept the fire from spreading to the nearby farmhouse it was believed it started by sparks from a feed chopper be able to take part in the cele brations it is hoped also that by making the fireworks dis- this play a community affair injury money will be used to purchase to youngsters may be avoided in the community park on the the evenings entertainment holiday night this display is will commence around sever being planned in order thai all j oclock there will be races and the children in the village may prizes for the children aggsgae claremont gospel chapel 1100 am morning service stop look listen 730 pm rev jackson and a soloist from the scarboro gospel tabernacle will be with us for this evening service 8 pm wednesday prayer service s pjn friday young peoples comk you are welcome buy your seed corn now buy the best buv coop brand at claremont coop ph claremont 38 collect dr m b dymond will be the progressive conservative stan dard bearer in the new riding of ontario in the forthcoming provincial election june 9 the 43yearold port perry physician was elected by a rec ord turnout of more than 3000 in port perry whitbys mayor harry jer- myn was first nominated fol lowed in quick succession by dr dymond mrs helen mc- kenie former reeve of the vil lage of beaverton prof jack w baker of thorah town ship a retired agriculture in structor at the oac guelph heber down of brooklin for mer warden of ontario county and ferguson munro of black- water also a former warden mr cowling then allowed each nominator two minutes in which to speak on behalf of his candidate and allowed each candidate seven and one half minutes recognizing a stiff meeting ahead president mc- mullen stood by with gavel in hand and enforced this bit of legislation incidentally the gavel never halted any candi date most of their campaign ing had been done and this turned out to be a windup speech and none overstepped the time limit set few problems few of the six made any rash election promises mayor jer- myn drew the meetings atten tion to the industrial progress which has been made in the town in the past few years and noted that it was possible that many of the smaller towns and villages in the county- could also get their share of new industry if proper steps were taken dr dymond stated that his platform had been clearly outlined and enunciated by premier leslie frost in re cent weeks the time had come he said for the end of pussyfooting in politics and he laid claim to mrs c barclay passes at 85 on thursday may 12th mrs charles a barclay wellknown and highly respected resident on the 7th concession of pick ering passed away in her soth year born at brougham the daughter of the late mr and mrs samuel stevenson mrs barclay was a lifelong resident in the district with the excep tion of a few years in toronto her husband predeceased her in march 1926 the late mrs barclay was an ardent church worker in her younger years she was the organist in st johns united church brougham and was made a life member of the wo mens missionary society she leaves to mourn her pass ing three sons dr lyman t barclay of toronto harold and frank near claremont and 3 daughters mrs j l haywood of dunnville mrs lawrence goad and miss helen barclay rn of toronto the funeral- service was held at her late residence on satur day afternoon conducted by- rev h lackey with interment in the claremont union ceme tery the pallbearers were messrs james goad edward goad lawrence goad jr allan miller hugh miller and robt miller being an active progressive conservative for many years for 10 years i have prepared myself for this task he said he has been president of the south ontario riding feder al progressive conservative association for the past three years regarding his practice in port perry he said did you ever see a big job go looking for an unemployed man uwll i v v1t vl- lt i 1 1 ut- let-l- 1 i llt wanted olde tyme fiddlers to compete in a programme of entertainment to celebrate ontario countys centennial june 30th 1955 al 2 pm at the county buildings whitby prize for oldest fiddler born in ontario county s1500 prizes for fiddlers resident in ontario county 1st 2500 2nd si 500 3rd s750 a 1000 prize will also be given to oldest attending man and woman born in ontario county contestants should furnish proof of age entries for the fiddlers contest must be in by- june 15 1055 use entry blank name age addres jl send to v manning county clerk whitby fc ontario early roads in ontario county built privately continued from page 7 afterwards as captain rowe another warmhearted irish man from the queens county had in the interval in partner ship with mr james cotton ob tained the contract for dredg ing the harbour with other government works after the building of the piers messrs watson welsh and rowe ent ered into partnership purchas ed two lots of the ceham property on the beach and built warehouses where busi ness was afterwards carried on for so many years and with so much success by them under the name of james rowe and co in 1s52 the whitby lake seugog simcoe and huron rd company already mentioned was formed by the three part ners who purchased the road and harbor from the govern ment the company spent large sums in improving the road and harbor and paid some 54000 to the government like other companies who had pur chased works of the kind from the government which became depreciated in value after the construction of the grand trunk railway the company fell into arrears and was dis possessed their property seiz ed under a writ of extent and the road and harbor resold un der the sandfield macdonald government in 1863 messrs joseph gould and chester draper became the purchasers after two years these gentlemen severed the join connection mr draper taking the harbor and mr gould the road the road was surrendered in the sumnur of 1s7 to the county under the statute mr draper died in de cember of the same year and the property of the harbor was vested in the executors of his will a large crowd attended the evening ervice at the clare mont gospel h3pe on sunday evening to hear the vocal and instrumental numbers render ed by the married couples group of the peoples church toronto notice owing to the growth of our wholesale business we no longer find it possible to peddle in claremont tub corner store has con- sented to handle our plants your cooperation and con tinued patronage will be appreciated smiths greenhouse ontario riding vote doc dymond june 9 your progressive- conservative candidate claremont baptist church a church with the ontario and quebec convention minister james sinclair lowden sunday services 10 am church school classes for all ages 1 1 am the shepherd psalm 730 pm a politician whose religion was in his wifes name men of real character do not forfeit their principles for a bribe good used cars no gimmicks all reconditioned mostly oneowner cars quality cars priced right when you compare compare the quality as well as the price i 1953 pontiac deluxe sedan lovely gray color air conditioned healer undercoated like new one owner qfrjl 9 f srt5 1953 chevrolet deluxe sedan in sparkling green very low mileage tjuf 9 fwj 1952 chevrolet deluxe coach lovely clean car many extras m 1951 pontiac sedan heater directional signals- 995 1951 austin sedan overhauled new tires and battery really clean- 595 1950 morris oxford motor job low mileage flp j 1950 mercury dsluxe coach low mileage overdrive heater directional signals like new 1995 many others to choose from 1950 chevrolet 1919 pontiac 19 19 plymouth 1947 mercurv and a good stock of trucks see the others and then see ours call us for a demonstration chas cooper ltd phone 103 claremont ont phone 101 oooo