p9 2 thf stourtyrue tmtwff thursday may 55 the stouffville tribune rstabijshed 1s33 a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized m ceccsdcuss biil postoficc dt ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 250 elsewhere 5350 c h nolan publisher jas thoxaj asaoc editor notes and comments the warm may sunshine which quickly dries out the earth and makes the roads in stouffville and sur rounding townships major contributors to air pollution has been getting in some fast work during recent days and dust is again a problem in the town when we think of dust we usually feel rather secure about it providing we live on a paved street or sufficiently far back from a dirt road but it is false security dust carries for great distances and often remains suspend ed in the air for long periods of time therefore distance from dust does not spell immunity the dust may settle on a paved street only to be raised again by passing vehicles stouffville has quite an extensive dirt road system to maintain and it is desirable that the dust nuisance be dealt an effective blow early in the season ups and downs of ds coud from froai front page the begtolng of 1906 we were again pressed for capital and decided to conduct a system atic campaign to bell more stock but before doing so took action to protect the in terest of those who had been the original shareholders lp to that time every cent of profit had been expended in that our line superin rew construction of lines the was a stockholder revealed that there was riot a quorum present the chairman stated that his wife was some where in the village and that if her presence would result in a quorum he wousd try to locate her by telephone a ref erence to the stock ledger re vealed that this would not be sufficient some person recalled endent dogs in the sun dogs and gardeners are in a seventh heaven as life renews itself these bright warm days but they get in each others way the gardener wants to arrange and plant the dogs delight is to rampage and uproot in the springtime jostle the law favours the man and the dog is licensed only to be tied up we may placate lawntillers and flowerplanters and admonish the dog owners often the same persons by reminding them that as of spring the town ordinance on this matter went into effect as usual dogs may no longer be al lowed loose they must be enclosed chained or led on leash the dogs had their day during the winter the gardener has his now until the middle of autumn we do not mourn for the dogs they can lie in the sun while the human has to work in it vandorf wesley womens associa tion will meet at the home of mrs harry west on wednes day june 1st at 2 pm the girls softball meeting ah girls interested in play ing competitive softball please meet at the town hall on friday may 20 at 730 pm devotional and topic the vine will be in charge of mrs j crawford roll call a flower of the bible hostesses mrs f avis mrs h oliver mrs wilbur graham mr and mrs r b brown and boys were sunday supper guests of- mr and mrs harry west mrs herbert oliver returned home after spending several days with her cousins dr and mrs frank andrews of cold- water michigan mrs grant morley attended the womens institute presi dents conference at o a c guelph for 3 days last week mr harry simpson repre senting the whitchurch town ship sunday school associa tion visited wesley sunday school on sunday morning mr harry west had sunday dinner with mr and mrs g morley and visited bethesda sunday school in the after noon itll soon be hoe hoe v time but dont tell us that gar den wbrk is a big laugh crossword puzzle books showed that these ac cumulated and reinvested pro fits amounted to at least 25 of the paidup capital in ad dition a large amount of vol unteer labor was invested in our plant to protect the orig inal shareholders a stock dividend of 25 was declared our campaign to sell stock wis unsatisfactory but during the years 1909 and 1910 we ex perienced the greatest annual percentage increase in the number of telephones in serv ice that we have had during all our history from 200 tele phones in service the number rose to 520 this required capi tal and on march 1st 1910 we floated our first issue of bonds s15000 bearing 6 interest and maturing after five years after retiring the mary c bruce mortgage we had suooo remaining long before that bond issue fell due we were in dire need of more capital and on march 1st 1913 made a second bond issue of 23000 our plan was to endeavor to retire the first issue by re deeming the issue by exchang- ng bonds of the new issue and in this we succeeded in making the exchange for all but an insignificant percentage but we were disappointed in the sale of the surplus from the new issue the bonds sold slowly in fact 4500 were nev er sold but lay in the vault of the standard bank until oc tober 1922 within less than five months of their maturity date when they were stolen by the bandits who blew the banks vault those bonds were payable to bearer they had been signed and counter signed by our proper officials and might have been cashed in some faraway place had our company been widely known and had our credit stood high our obscurity saved us sometimes it is an advant age to be unknown and pover ty stricken to this day we have never heard of those bonds but when they matured in 1923 we were inconvenienc ed and put to some expense ere we could obtain a discharge from the trust co that held the mortgage for the bond holders but let us return to the year 1913 during that year our fin ances reached a critical stage our bonds had not sold as we had hoped a special meeting of shareholders was called for nov 22nd upon reading the minutes of that meeting i am reminded of some circumstan ces that may be interesting according to the minutes 20 shareholders attended in per son but not one by proxy pro bably no proxy forms had been circulated in the hope that this might result in greater at tendance avhen the hour for the meeting arrived the secre tary announced that a oheck of those who had registered upon inquiry at the switch board one of the operators said that she believed she could locate mr smith this was successful mrs bruce was located and the meeting was able to function incidentally mrs luisa e bruce was the first woman to make the ven ture of attending a meeting of our shareholders how custom has changed during the 42 years that have passed having obtained a quorum the directors presented a for mal report the substance of which was that our company had reached a crisis in its fin ancial affairs that all the mo ney received from the recent bond issue had been expended the directors had reached their limit in borrowing money upon their personal security and there were only two alterna tives open sell more stork or sell the plant and wind up our business after much discus sion the meeting appointed a committee of ten shareholders who were not directors to act along with the directors in a campaign to sell more slock on december 1st this special committee met with the direc tors to plan our campaign it was decided that the objective would be to sell sufficient stock to bring the total paidup stock to 25000 at the annual meet ing held feb 25 1914 we were able to report that the paidup capital had reached 28150 thus had passed the most ser ious crisis in our companys history for the time being the directors felt that by compari son they were living on easy street but world war i was drawing near although we were blissfully unconscious of the fact with the outbreak of war at the beginning of august 1914 there was an immediate rise in prices of all materials and very soon wages began to rise fortunately for us almost ev ery mile of our possible pole line had been constructed and for some time we were able to carry on without increasing our capital but by 1917 we had revived our old custom of borrowing money upon the laff of the week ii j modernism im still letting food results from my dewey bottoor whmt bt are you using- wyrwsrr across 1 agreement s to chooie 10 ikifh across 3 turkish refit ment 33 prowen 18 story 1 le ib philippine i undt timber tree w hindu peasant so protfae of india powtt ex- sloilve takes leia dtmcuit 21 common i haw 24 kind of farm 23 macaw 31 ancient 33 thos in power m perform 37 person who follow christs teachlncs 40 wlncd 41 wash in clear water 41 ralsehood 43 tallr 44 hindu chart- bla fift 43 dlsadvanucea 4t signal of di- tresa 4 place 49 as it suada mot i 50 worm 31 clau 32 3unate ndl1 33 kirn m snake 40 snares 64 state 63 brazilian in diana 67 kind of cheese 63 the smooth breathing 69 part of boat 70 upper tone of disjunct ictra- chord 71 skills 73 american com modore 73 existence doits 1 state of brazil 2 beverages 3 metal con tainers 4 gunt 3 character in uncle toms cabin 5 kndure 7 african ante lope 8 receptacles 9 malay pewter coin 16 wander 11 reimburse 13 succulent slant etnea 31 animal 33 dltter vetch stanley theatre 2 shows nkely 7 9 pm matinee saturdays 2 pm u answer u piuu n 341 43 lair 33 in music mih 27 tho m power 36 measure of land ipl 29 short lor a thickskinned animal 30 wild buffaloes of india 33 amateur who followa an art superficially 34 unaccompanied 33 vehicles m leek of hair doctrine 39 river island 40 high rare 43 brlht 46 pronoun 46 occupied a seat 51 male forebaf 52 flower 34 girls nam 33 evils 56 at au times 37 lasc 3 young nlmos 61 hot weather drinks 63 strokes lightly 63 widgeon 63 snake 66 vessels curved dlanklag mtviiuiiliimuuil inuumiltitm cream j for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold stodage lockeds for immediate rentals stouffville creamery co to hare our truck call phone is6w friday saturday may 20th 21st conquest oi cohise john hodiak and robert stack plus marry me again marie wilson and robert cummings ii monday tuesday may 23rd 24 th deep in my heart jose ferrer and merle oberon plus cartoon m wednesday thursday may 25th 26th ii j we want a child persons under 16 years of age not admitted advanced admissions msj auction sale farm stock implements horses holstein cattle grain fall ilne of implements household furniture at jjot 38 concession 7 uxbridge township lji miles north of town the property of ivan monkman thursday may 26 cow fresh calf by side cow due in june fresh cow holstein fresh cow 4 years roan holstein guernsey heifer due in august holstein heifer due in sept holstein heifer due in sept holstein cow due in july holstein heifer due in sept 4 holstein heifers coming 2 yrs blue calf 4 months holstein steer 6 months all above cattle vaccinated chestnut mare belgium bay mare aged clyde gray mare aged bed and springs iron chest of drawers dresser stove quebec stand settee pullout couch 2 rocking chairs 2 chairs 3picce chesterfield several tables small rangelte electric kitchen cabinet 2 couches extension kitchen table number of kitchen chairs curtain stretchers quantity of sealers 2 lawn mowers mower new ideal set sloop sleighs ihc fertilizer drill mh binder fi ft cut ihc cultivator 22tooth for tractor steel roller 3drum siffiooih cultivator mh 2sec drag harrows light 2sec drag harrows heavy horse rake mh 2 single plows cockshutt 2fur plow 2row corn scuffler small scuffler steel wagon and rack potato planter root pupr electric brooder 400 can set 2000 lb scales hay rack gravel box milking machine- unit separator renfrew fanning mil beatty car near new manure spreader cockshutt 4 50ft rolls of snow fenee about 30 cords of miied wood set of double harness no of hore collars about 200 bns ajax oats about 2s bus dawson wheat no reserve farm sold terrn ejuh sale at 130 dst lciikh serrei by the wi hkrr peaiwov clerk a s farmer auctioneer personal security of the direc tors at a meeting held march 2nd 1917 it va resolved that each member of this board shall endeavor to secure money in their respective districts and report each day to the gen eral manager truly vre must have been hard pressed in 191s a substantial amount of stock was sold and in 1919 another effort brought our to tal paidup capital to s350co in january 1922 we ventured to apply to the standard bank for a short term loan on the credit of the company we succeeded to the point that our application was forwarded to the head office where it appar ently was killed or on feb 3 all the directors signed a note that was cashed by the stand ard bank but easier days were not far distant at the annual meet ing in feb 1923 a resolution was passed at the request of the standard bank authoriz ing the directors to borrow on the credit of the company such sums as in their judg ment may be required also on march 1st of that year a new issue of bonds was float ed for 10000 due ten years after date after retiring the preceding bond issue the bal ance was available tfor further expansion and that issue did sell as and when we were in need of money after 19 years of stress and strain the b s tel co had really established a fair credit standing in 1923 there was a business recession that passed and we looked forward with confidence the great depression of uie 1930s had not yet cast its shadow before a health article says that pain strikes the body at its weakest place no wonder we hear so much about headaches if a person were to see him self as others see him hed most likely rush out and have his eyes examined headquarters for power lawn and garden equipment everything in power lawn mowers both reel and rotary types garden tractors in various makes and models featuring the famous new line of rotavators new and used equipment custom rotavator work free demonstration on request mima feed supplies phone claremont 33629 or stouffville 61326 o oooooooooooooooo c p and her feet feel good fool shoes moke a difference in you mood appearance health choose comfortable smart shoes from our new collection a sunburst of sfraps moloj fh strilung vamp on our soft fcolhcr wedgies 4n pretty cutouts lend on any tnood to our slingstrop sfrnll- crs wos grocefuf coiuoij feoturingil double buctlo styling and sleek line 4 05 is the fundamentalistmodernist controversy now a dead issue or are the churches in this district still in danger of modern unbelief rev w s whitcombe will discuss the above important topic at vivian church sunday evening at 730 pm xwop coocooo tribune classifieds get results r0xy theatre markham evenings docks open 630 sat mat 130 friday saturday may 20 21 two thrillpacked hits ten times the sock ten times the shock r columbia fictuats randolph lt jocelyn richard brando boone ski koueier donna kmi alfosso bedom sorn hit i otkix wi scon br0wi1 reoorerioa rwkrf tj hurry joe sbown onati tj 6juci kmbsron plus the exciting cofeature tarzans newest adventure tarzans hidden jungle with gordon scott special holi day sunday midnite may 22nd at- 1205 am adult entertainment an allied artists producllon monday suesday may 23 24 viqmjrs the life they lived i allied artists picture plus m billy graham added feature is mm wednesday thursday may 25 26 lehmans shoes s- t ttitrtftii scandals of a reckless era flgmngerlmlqr the indian attack en fout atkinson i nebraskan wuuotao kmltilitnuablhamul moi mua imanj turn no f ns stouffviue ontario r