f9 u the stouffyluf tjuwki thursday may 19 1955 classified miscellaneous general caitpentkv shingling contract or hourly reasonable rates free estimates a shep- jwird stooitrflle 29tj2 50tf piano tcning fsepairs s hoffman formerly with gerhard helatt- man rhone farrs itadio electric stoutfvllle o480s 22tf all orders promptly attended to miscellaneous cnfd ccsxom bllldozing and shovel work crusiie stone siuid and fill spencer vekxox constkn musneliuan iake 12 phone stoutfvllle 21k2j6 articles for sale real estate help wanted for sale two fro quar ters of beef price 55c per ib ph 62105 stouffville rose bushes j3c each or 5 for 100 stouffville floral co pboee 70 for sale five range shel ters also quantity of eating potatoes ph mt albert 4120 for sale 100 tons of fill available reasonable phone 62715 stouffville if you wish tour pork or beef killed cured and pro cessed ready to cook or stored without pain to them or you jast call 12tf schells meat market ltd stouffville 0 will pick up and deliver stouffville hiock plain and rock face silo block is tile e jones son phone stouffville f17v2 ltcs 2j2 51tf we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyes meal market ph 35 stouff 49tt for sale boys bicycle is frame price 11500 ph 60203 stouffville for sale garden tractor equipment 3 hp nearly new ph 6sw4 stouffville house for sale in ballantrae on 1 acre of land ph stouff 63i0s township of wh room a board comfort able room with board avail able on church st stouff viie ph stouffville 243 to rent threeroom apart ment unfurnished on church st stouffville lome boad- way ph 25j2 evenings 49tf for sale two large barns located near village of king excellent condition equipped with steel stanchions water bowls litter carriers hay forks and grinders morgan baker phone hor king for sale mcclary apt size electric stove good condition phone 61016 silos prefabricated wet cast vibrated tongue and groove concrete stave silos these are available in 12 if and 16 widths and 2060 in height 4712 manufactured by camlbellfokd silos ltd represented by louis grove it ui stouffville phono marklmm iflwl electrical wiring installation servlco repairs leslie leonard ph 3swl stouffville 12tf ka vkstitouglling air conditioning furnaces vacuumed place your order now and avoid the rush later chrysler airtemp and gurney oil burners and furnaces estimates free with no obliga tion 49tf stouffeu hardware main street phone 00 barn for sale 14jc24 also fence posts planks windows and door frames earl keith phone s2wl for sale gents bicycle in good condition price 1500 phone stouff sowl evenings please farm for sale 200 acre good producing land with two sets of buildings in good repair hydro never tailing spring eight acres of hardwood bush in scott township lot 14 on the 5th concession ph 61r22 uxbridge charles dalton ui- bridge rri 12 i tenders wanted someone to shear j 20 sheep ezra browubeger of weed and brush spraying material 6210s stouffville wanted mart to sell raw- leigh products in local town ship ph 62307 stouffville single hired man wanted for farm near stouffville full time employment apply floyd steckley ph 6471s stouffville wanted single man to work on beef farm for the summer apply or write box 13 co the tribune practical nurse wanted of pleasant temperament for a private home available june 1st apply miss ruth wails main pine sts east end stouffville for sale outboard motor johnson twin 5 hp excellent condition price 6000 phone stouff 30wl evenings please harold atkinson radio tv service 43tf phone stouffville j8iv3 septic tanks we are in a position to install your septic tanks and drain digging and tile bed at lowest possible prices 43tf call murray baker phone 051 newmarket we move the earth trenching excavating grading terracing backfilling etc cv bellman associates ph 200 stouffville 1ti electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches f electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k h middlcmiss 16tf phono 367 stouffvillo washing machines all makes repaired and serviced good supply of new used machines always on hand wc nro exclusivo bcatty dealers for new washing machines lroners dryers etc c h bell son phouo stouffvillo 281w byers heating air conditioning eavestrough1ng sales installations service mcclnry oil burners 49tf free estimates easy terms phone stouffville 01800 for sale antique settee 1200 single wardrobe 20 and dresser with large oval mirror 20 ph clare 50j2 for sale four burner elec tric range in good condition price 2500 ph stouffville ls6w for sale 3burner essotane gas stove with oven and oven control real good condition ideal for summer cottage andy forson stouff 67915 s m sinclair real estate broker s500 comfortable frame farm house and small barn on 3 acres orchard ravine large stream 5600 down 11000 small farm 26 acres frame house pig pen 14 acres workable balance bush 7500 down new 3 bedroom solid brick bungalows tiled kitchen and bath hardwood floors oil heat ing completely landscaped 2200 down for further particulars call mr martin or mr sinclair ph 232 s m sinclair realtor stouffville protestant teacher want ed fully qualified or exper ienced for ss no 6 glasgow 2vi miles from stouffville in uxbridge twp duties to com mence sept 6 1955 apply stating age qualifications and salary expected also name and address of present inspector if experienced to lloyd r wide- man secretary treas stouff ville ont rr3 523 sale register temporary help the ontario hydro village of markham require a temporary olfice employee to act as a re placement for regular staff dur ing vacation period employ ment would be for months ol june july august september hours s30 am to 5 pm and 5day week for sale kelvinator refrig erator 7 cu ft cap also blue convertible stroller baby car riage both articles in good condition ph stouff 61403 cars for sale preston bros geno and cinro excavating grading bulldozing wo spcclalizo in ponds i free estimates 22tf ph aurora parkvicw 71100 painting decorating alterations repairs se sure to call 7 g smith phone gormley 5222 524 farr s radio electric radio tv appliance sales service phone 01802 52tf for your convenience work may be left at lawrence barkeys main clarke sts west end for sale four chicken range shelters need some re pairs price 500 each harold hill gormley rr2 ph 5204 gormley for sale crosley shelvedoi refrigerator with freezing com partment across top s cu ft like now mrs l weldon ph 172w stouffville for sale babys combina tion crib and auto seat gen- dfon baby carriage in gray a national pressure canncr com plete with racks and book ph 62101 1937 oldsmobile for sale sedan in good condition ra dio and heater ph stouffville 365w2 for sale 1950 gmc com bination dump truck long wheel base steel box new tires ph 5s6113 newmarket evenings for sale 12 combination dump body and hoist in excel lent condition racks included also truck platform 12 x 76 ph 176w2 stouffville rototilling prepare your garden in one operation or preparing for new lawns 524 m sudeyko gormley rri rhone aurora pa 75133 filing repair shop all kinds of saws scissors etc sharpened also all types of lawn mowers mens boots and shoes half soled small lathe work done 4stf isaac smith rear of library phone evenings stouff 01810 or 05807 shoe repair your shoo repairs can all bo handled at georges shoe repair full or half soles and all types of repair all kinds zipper work done located in the 110lden block 23tf main street stouffvillo septic tanks pumped ph markham 241j 21lf for sale 1954 motorola tv demonstrator bargain 175 2 motorola clock radios reg 69 selling for 35 1947 ford truck make ideal farm truck 2burner moffat grill good condition ideal for res taurant 40 will accept cattle or anything useful on these articles apply v l hicks greenwood ph pick ering 1s7j1 bulldozing ponds and all general excavating work two machines one small and one large at your disposal free estimates phone stouffville 00802 burn preston 14 precast concrete septio tanks delivered and installed york county approved brooklin concrete product phone 155 brooklin tf for sale 1951 mercury car gray sedan with signal lights radio heater sun visor in al condition low mileage also a 1951 mercury truck 1ton ex press with racks and tarp in al condition apply to austin alcock uxbridge rri ph 9srll hay grain sealed tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned on or before 12 oclock neon thursday may 10th 1055 to supply and deliver to muni cipal shed vandorf ont in s gallon contalrfcrs approximately so gallons of 21d amine type weed spraying material and 10 gallons of 24d and 245t mixed brush spraying material abo price per gallon of low- volatile eter type spraying material tenders must state acid equiv alent per gal lowest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted 522 ernest davis itoad superintendent stouffville ont rri implements for sale loader for hay baler new holland 7 7 wil- mer ham ph stouff 20w3 for sale md hay rake 10 cockshutt mower 5 both in good condition phone 66713 implements for sale 2 only 16 ft lift spike tooth harrows will fit any 3point hitch trac tor brand new reg 17975 now only 4995 jones mill ing equipment ph stouff ville 263w3 beaver oats ajax oats and fort barley all no 1 seed grain edgevale farms sto 67910 44tf capitol soy bean seed price 350 per bus m farquhar- son ph gormley 5407 potatoes for sale cobbler seed good sample alex gray ph markham 25sw3 for sale corn on cob 22 per ton fob crib e w white 1st farm north of no 7 hgy on altona road 13 for sale red clover seed govt standard no 1 also timothy seed and a few bus wb sweet clover containing some red clover alex gray ph markham 25sw3 strawberry plants ro man beauty large size p savorettl ph stouff 66s22 evenings only trees for spring planting maple white spruce ash and blue beech all sizes 4510 fred t wicks 1st farm n of no 7 highway 0th con markham n goldkind son purchasers of all kinds of poultry 21tf 427 manning ave toronfo phone wa 25260 or call booths ph 123 stoutt or sowl aida cleaners cleaning that gives sancx moth protection at no extra cost phono stouffville 33 markham 335 6lf ken ogdens garage ballantrae all makes of 22tf tractors cars repaired phono stouffvillo 00024 trenching septic tanks tile beds ornamental ponds back-fill- ing and grading 50tf arnold bill lunger stouffville rrt ontario phone 00807 for sale walnut dining room suite moffat electric range kelvinator 10 cu ft oak table full length mirror all items in excellent condi tion and reasonably priced ph turner 41293 sale brand new tires all sizes terrific discounts 1 475500x19 4 ply dunlop fortes 2 525550x19 4 ply dunlop fortes 1 475500x20 4 ply dunlop fortes 2550x17 4 ply extra grip 2 650x15 4 ply cushion ride 1 670x16 4 ply cushion ride at cost price on above size listings mole motors ltmited twrk i tt u septic tanks 31 bedroom capacity p recast concrete steel reinforced wo will sell you n tank or complete inmallntlon york county approved inspected 3itf cy bellman associates call stouffville 20o harold air conditioning heating lullanthak dealer for howard furnace n1 oil burners sale installations service vacuum cleaning 3tf rhona blouffvillo 00318 custom bulldozing like trout fishing then we can help you design your pord landscape your grounds also excavate basements backfill and do all other types of bulldozing are you building see our various catalogues on rrefab styles plans and prices homes summer cottages and garages 41tf art steckley llionc oo810 or 00801 of markham tenders for rearing pheasants the township of markham in vites tenders for the rearing of approximately 500 pheasants day old chicks will bo supplied please file your bids with the twp clork on or before may 27th 1955 chas- hoover clerk twp of markham gormley rr2 township of whitchurch tenders for asphalt prime tealed tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12 oclock noon thursday may 10th 1055 for supplying hauling and ap plying approximately 50000 gal lons more or less of asphalt prime to be applied on roads in the township as directed by the road superintendent lowest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted 522 ernest davis road superintendent stouffville ont rr4 lost found lost female black and tan hound pup please call stouff ville 61424 i would like to express my sin cere thanks and appreciation to my friends and relatives for the many cards letters gifts fruit flowers candy received and for those who visited me during my stay in th3 western hospital and since returning home a special thanks for the prayers offered on my behalf to our pastor rev huson and the members of the stouffville united missionary church mrs roy g brown we wish to thank all our friends and neighbors tor their many acts of kindness during our recent bereavement words can not express our gratefulness to you all mrs woodland harry mar- jorle annie alex and grandchildren lost would the party who picked up a bag of swifts hog feed on the 9 th conces sion north of stouffville sat evening at 6 pm please call r j forfar stouffville 291j3 live stock for sale good work horse claremont 75w2 for sale holstein cow fresh vaccinated and from fully ac credited herd stouff 65215 for sale male 5 mos claremont english collie old ph 33107 i wish to express sincere thanks to my many friends and neighbors for the beautiful cards kind notes and prayers also treats of fruit flowers candies etc during my illness these have all been greatly appreciated and have come from victoria square united church wms from gormley united missionary church and in stouffville from the united missionary church and sunday school and the bap tist church wms may our lord richly bless each kind and thoughtful contributor mrs margaret halg for sale 15 holstein heif ers due the early part of oct a few the latter part of sept- apply to austin alcock ux bridge rri ph 9srll for sale registered eng lish yorkshire pigs s weeks old gilts 2500 boars 20 eldrcd king ph stouffville 62s0s 12 bray chicks pullets dayold started canadian approved prompt shipment contact a- gent fred wise richmond hill 514 we wish to take this opportun ity of expressing our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many friends neighbors and rel ative for their kindness mess ages of sympathy beautiful flora tributes iid cards exlended to us in the loss of our dear sen and brother especially thanking the ladies of the community for pre paring and serving the lovely lunch also rev king for his comforting words mr and mrs david tran and family coming events for prompt anil efficient service call stouffville radio television centre next to the rnnhti alley stouff it istf assessor township of uxbridge applications will be received by the undersigned until eight oclock pm on tuesday may 17th for the position of assessor fcr the township of uxbridge applicants will please state qual ifications experience if any and salary expected for further information con tact the undersigned john ashenhurst clerk uxbridge township goodwood ont may 21st saturday night st johns bingo town hall newmarket jackpot 17500 time s pm admission 25c hid thursday may 26th vandorf hall s30 pm florida on a shoe string illustrated travel ogue of the beauty and interest spots between canada and key west by mr and mrs walter d atkinson admission 40c 25c proceeds to york- county hos pital for sale 2 registered red poll bulls from good stock 7 mos and 2 mos also grado heifer calf and masseyharria cream separator phone sto 65320 the sixtyfifth annual conven tion of the whitchurch town ship sunday school association will bo held tuesday may 31 955 at vivian mccormick mem orial church commencing at 930 am theme lets have the family in sunday school 12 in memoriam ramer in loving memory of our dear mother and father teressa rarrcr who passed away may is 1950 and mal colm ranter july 13 1553 from our happy home and circle god has taken those we love borne away from sin and sorrow to a better home above lotlngly remembered by lie fily you are cordially invited to attend the anniversary services of the goodwood baptist church to be held on sunday may 29th at 3 pm and at 730 pm rev harold e wu of toronto vice president of baptist convention of ontario and quebec is to be guest speaker a trio from mr lewis chtrch will provide spe cial music rev a e england pastor 12 dont miss the boat y011 sure will it you dont buy chicks this year we predlcl high egg prices this fall and winter when you purchase chicks be sure and buy the right breeds for maximum egg production we have three special breeds that will lay more eggs on less feed thin j any other breeds we offer j send for full details also s i broiler breeds turkey poults 1 free illustrated catalogue j tweddle chick hatch- eries limited fergus out i wish to thank al my neigh bors and friends who so kindly remembered me with visits cards flowers and kind enquir ies of my progress during my stay in hospital daisy mustard the faniliy of the late mrs brownsherger wishes to thank tne friends and neighbors for their expressions of sympathy for cards flowers also the don ors of gideon bibles our thanks to the pailbcarers and to the ladles of the excelsior class of the ringwood church for their assistance alma vague it isnt the woman who pays ny more its too easy o have i chargcx you dont pay for the feed until the hogs go to market f 2 there is no extra charge f you keep all the profits 1 your pigs will do well or master feeds enquire today stiver bro stouffville phone oi308 mere words just cant express the gratitude we feel to the many friends neighbors and relatives who came to our aid last friday when fire destroyed our barns and implements our grateful thanks to the brougham firemen who responded to the call and who fought so hard to save our home our thanks also to ina madill for her prompt action in roducers i calling the firemen to the- kind who took our live stock to those who offered and brought feed for them to the iadles who made sandwiches and coffee to serve the men and to the men who arc giving of their time in cleaning up thanks also to the kind ladies who have brought food and everyone else who helped in any way we wlh attention hog it you will be needing feed neighbors from now until harvest time try a master hog feeding contract here are the advantages 1 the average food manufac turing company earns about 2 cents on every dollar of sales and the average food re tailer earns one cent on the dollar saturday may 21 actloa sale of 1hc tractcr coop tractor threshing machine farm implements furniture etc at o 29 con 5 picker ing tp mile eajst of white- vale property of howard a turner sale at 2 pm sharp terms cash no reserve as farm sold ken clarke pren tice auctioneers saturday may 21 auction sale of 5 room house lot and barn household furniture in cluding frigidalre 4burner stove westinshouse retrigera- lor good organ china dishes cooking utensils bedding iu- en etc at lot 29 con 9 pick ering twp on townline mile east of altona the pro perty of mr and mrs john palllser terms on chattels cash no reserve propciy and buildings excepted reason for selling owners giving up home sale to begin at 1 pm sale of property at 3 pm e baker clerk a s farmer auctioneer wednesday may 25 auc tion sale of new dion thresh er cockshutt 30 tractor masseyharris binder farm machinery holstein cattle surge milker milk cooler etc the farm of a 11 carr 7th line 1 mile cast of stoplights at maltou sale at 1 pm dst a p cheyne auction eer wednesday may 25 ex tensive auction sale oi garage equipment farm machinery electric motors etc all new or nearly new opposite the cnr station in oxbridge thu sale closes out the mh dealership and garage business of jos g watson terms cash no reserve 2 auction rings sale at 1230 sellers and atkinson auctioneers wednesday may 25 im portant auction sale of pure bred registered holstein cat tle pigs sheep laying hens spring chickens modern farm machinery combine baler tractors etc on lot 10 con 3 king twp property of c l gray near eaton hall farm sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve ken clarke prentice auctioneers thursday may 26 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements holstein cattle hor ses grain full line of farm implements household furni ture at lot 35 con 7 ux bridge 14 miles north of town the property of ivan monkman terms cash no reserve farm sold herb pear son clerk a s farmer auc tioneer saturday may 2s auction sale of household furniture including chesterfield suite dining room suite dishes gar den tools etc in the village of claremont the properly of mrs d a pugh no reserve as property sold sale at 130 pm dst e baker clerk a s farmer auctioneer tuesday may 31 auction sale of deluxo kelvinator re frigerator like new moffat electric range like new con nor electric washer good 3- piece chesterfield good hang ing lamp chest of drawers antique 3 pieces congoleum good dishes etc the property of mrs r j wilson on ger man st markham village note this is an extra good lot of furniture terms cash sale at 1 pm sellers atkin son auctioneers wednesday june 1 auc tion sale of farm stock and implements including short horn cattle farmall a trac tor and tractor equipment hay and grain straw etc at lot 15 con 5 uxbridge twp 2 miles cast of goodwood the property of p h benns no reserve as farm sold terms cash sale at 130 dst geo todd clerk a s farmer auctioneer thursday june 2 auction sale of farm stock and imple ments 35 head of hereford and holstein cattle fresh cows and springers and baby beef calves yorkshire hogs horses at lot 16 con 7 uxbridge 5 miles west of manchester 7 miles east of goodwood the properly of g b simpson no reserve as farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm dst a s farmer auctioneer saturday june 4 auction sale of household furniture westlnghouse electric refrig erator westlnghouse electric stove dining room suite ches terfield suite bedroom furni ture dishes glassware rra- penlcr tools the estate of the late orla heisc at lot 26 con 3 markham mile west of victoria squars terms cash sale at 130 dst a s farmer auctioneer saturday june 11 auction rale of farm implement co op tractor woods threshing machine farm machinery fur- nitureetc at lot 20 conces sion 3 north york twp on finches ave i mile wcst of dufterln st property of w j buchanan sale at 1 pm no reserve terms cash farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers editorial position there is a position open at the stouffville tribune for a report er on the editorial staff some typewriting ability preferred also a car but not essential gooc opportunity for young man 01 high school graduate with initia tive hospital insurance an pension benefits provided the stouffville tribune phone xli wanted highest prices paid for all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph mark 16sr 36tf wanted one or two rooms in stouffville or district apply box 12 co the tribune pasture wanted for 20 heifers fully accredited homey farm ph 575w markham wanted to buy all kicda of live poultry best cash prices paid call mr m nash stouffville 267j 13tt highest trices paid for good quality poultry live or dressed bruce rusnell phone stouffville 49w3 42- wanted to rent 6room house or bungalow unfurnish ed modern conveniences de sired in stouffvillo area apply box 2 co tribune 45tf wanted to rent a small dutch family wants to rant a house or apt in stouffville area downstairs ph stouff ville 299w2 522 wanted quantity of baled straw delivered to stouffvillo area ph stouff 90wl even ings please passengers wanted to and from toronto dufferin-eglin- ton area monday thru friday leave 630 return 430 phone stouffville 91v5 evenings after 630 pm transportation wanted for 2 passengers to toronto via don mills road from 1st sido- road north of mt joy mark ham rd leave 64a am ar rive queen and logan by s00 am return 430 or 445 ph markham 2sml dead stock dead and crippled farm animals re moved promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect to stouffville 255 or toronto em 33636 gordon young ltd claremont gw2 tt cherrywood the members of cherrywood wa entertained as guests the ladies from groups at brough am cedar grove dunbarton locust hill and avhitevale at their thankoftering meeting on wednesday it was a gather ing of inspiration and chal lenge as given by the speaker mrs j d murdock president of toronto east presbyterial of wms she based her remarks on the veree from st peter 4 10 under four headings be gin where yon are use what you have see your opportuni ties give of your best and in so doing we would strengthen our organization and thus con tribute as individuals to tho world mission of our church encouragement and comfort were given to us all in the de votional period conducted by miss m sommerville and mrs r braybon of dunbarton as was also given by the solo be side the still waters sung so impressively by mrs austin reesor of cedar grove the president mrs r tin- dall presided and dedicated the offering invitations were accepted from markham wa centennial wa and dunbar ton the ladies of cherrywood served a delicious luncheon at the close of the meeting and a happy social time was enjoy ed by all mr and mrs roy morrish at tended the baptism of their granddaughter kathy morrish daughter of mr and mrs jack morrish t weston on mothers day imr m tindail of claremont spent sunday with mr and mrs r tindail mr and mrs s powell and family of brougham had sup per on sunday evening with mr and mrs wm sinclair mr and mrs ross wright and family visited in toronto on sunday mr and mrs joe garland en tertained a number on sunday master david hollinger en tertained a number of friends to a birthday party on satur day far reaching ui publicly thank bruce judd who risked his life to save our scotland yard probably the cattle but for him our lossl mat mous police would have been much greater headquarters got its name be may god bless you all jack ruth mitchell some couple- get along riih imply because the wife has a will o her crwa cause il stood until 18s0 in a short and ancient street where the kngs of scoflsnd stayed in medieval times when they came to pay homage to the english crown when it comes fo selling buying liiringrswapptcg or renting youll want tha fast ana economical servicfl oar ads give phohe mm iuakeitpayi