tmg the stouffvibe tr2june thursday april 14 iks history of the heise hill cemetery dates to 1814 hog producers approve of selling agency the ceaiery adjoining the he hill brethren in christ church south of gonnley has a hutory that dates back more than 140 year the wife of christian zleise sr who lived ontario hog producers have approved the establishment of i a cooperative which will act have been messrs joshua cehas the selling agenc for their man david hhtz landon blec kley deibert mtttz ceal cut- len levi steckiev- geo keliy roy widernan and at present walter hill the trustees are whre joseph helse now re- messrs geo cohen levi stec eldes was one of the 6m to be ley and peter stickle- buried in the cemetery the 1st deed was drawn up on april 1st 1842 between john great- man and trustees john doner sr john stickle and the rev adam widernan a farmers in markham township the sum e twenty pound was paid for orehalf acre of land another deed was drawn up in 1s76 the trustees for the society called tunkers drew up the agreement between thomp son raymond jacob heise and daniel steckley in 1s77 it was agreed to purchase another parcel of land for the cemetery from thompson raymond for 75 eight years later another dd was drawn up between christian heise and trustees john v heise and joseph shirk onefifth acre of land was purchased for approxi mately s20 in j9co trustees county council to join in centennial celebration on june 30 ontario county council plans to celebrate the county centennial it is true that the celebrations will be one year late the county of ontario came into being on janpary 1st 1s01 the delay has given the county council the opportunity to cooperate with whitby town in its cen tennial celebrations the history of the county of ontario as it is known goes back to 1615 champlain the french governor ond explorer was the first white mart to visit geo forester john baker and the northern part of the county david widernan purchased land for the sum of s75 from john w heise eleven years ago the north part of the ceme tery property was purchased from joseph heise for sloo trustees geo coer peter stickley and levi steckey were carving on the board at the time in 189s there was a public mooting held in the church to make rules and regulations concerning heise hill ceme tery which was given its name at that time george forester john- baker and david wide- man were trustees and j w heise became treasurer and al so trustee joseph helse son of j w heise was elected treas urer of heise hill cemetery in 0920 and is still treasurer and overseer of plots up to the present time a period of over thirty years josh lehman was caretaker for 18 years and l b heise was trustee for 32 years geo caber for 25 years chris wide- man 7 years ira baker 7 years ralph baker 14 years others were levi hoover geo french joseph heise george leary at the present time levi steck ley peter stickley and george cober are trustees and roy widernan caretaker heise hill cemetery is con sidered to be one of the most orderly burial grounds in the district a satisfactory sinking fund is now in operation the trustees express their apprecia tion to all who have contribut ed and willed money to the inking fund and they hope the practice will be continued mr jos heise is the treasurer the caretakers in past years in his travels the first school in the prov ince was built at frenchmans bay in pickering townshin in 10c97o the first white settler was benjamin wilson who settled in east whitby east of oshawa harbor in 179s at the turn of the nineteenth century umo semblance of municipal government was set up for the townships of pick ering and whitby v in 1851 ontario county was united to york and peel for judicial and municipal purpo ses separation from these cou nties was achieved by january 1s51 when ontario county set this took place at a spe- 1 general meeting of their org held in guelph on april 13 attended by some 300 delegates from all over onta rio this meeting followed their annual convention by just five weeks for at that time the ex ecutive were instructed to set up the cooperative which has just been approved thus action was taken bjcause some mem- bens were- critical of the fact that united livestock sales which has acted as selling ag ency for the producers for the past two years was a private company and had made sub stantia profits under the new setup which will become operative the end of may every person who sells hogs for slaughter will auto matically become a member of the cooperative which in turn means he will be eligible to re ceive a share of any net sur plus from the operation of the cooperative in proportion to the number and quality of hogs sold reporting to the meeting charles mclhnis president of the ontario hog producers association said he was pleas ed to report that the ontario government had cooperated in amending the farm products marketing act to take care of changes which had been con sidered necessary with the new provisions in the act and the establishment of the new cooperative agency it was felt that the whole marketing machinery for handling hogs had been greatly strengthened and improved vtesutzedau mwy ofltiflenfaf jfasur sbrvice effective april 24th between toronto and winnipeg saskatoon edmonton jasper vancouver convcmnt schsduus train schedule are plinned for your convenience you arrive t convenient hours in the hem of the city refreshed and relaxed canadian nationals super ross th u lst continental ieavc toronto dahy 600 pm elapsed fim tot winnipeg 29 bovn 30 mlnutei saikatoon 40 hours 5 minutei edmonton 47 hours 25 minvfei josper 53 hours 25 minutes vancouver 70 hours 45 minutes running time cut 5 hours 15 mbutes 7 hours 40 minutes 9 hours 25 minutes 10 hours 1 5 minutes 12 hours 1 5 minutes the super continental gives you new speed new convenience without added cost note the continental wiil continue to operate on on improved schedule rallauto travel pun by arrangement at major points you can rent- acar ana use it on arrival m hi 25yearold pony foais coif absolutely unique an event occurred at brookiin last week which drew exclamations of unbelief from horsemen a 25yearold hackney show pony victoria darling owned by do- reen and margaret burton gave birth to a colt the pony is believed to be canadas old est not only is the mother be yond the average life span but it is her second colt the first being born when she was 23 years old the little colt is bay with a white star on the fore head standing 10 hands 3 inches high 17 inches the pony is on the farm of robert burton highway no 7 two and one- half miles west of brookiin she has won many awards and has frequently been seen at oshawa fair we have moved we have moved we are now located on he norlh side of the markham whitchurch ownline between the 6th and 7th concessions farrs radio electric sales and service phone stouftville 61802 up housekeeping for itself in view of the general inter est the celebrations will ar ouse a series of articles will be published in the times- gazette each friday for several weeks giving a detailed story of the county of ontario con siderable research has been done delving into the archives now reposing in the county vaults the history is by no means complete and an invita tion is extended to anyone who may have authentic documents that may reveal hitherto little known facts that may be in corporated in these articles old photographs that can be copied will add to the general interest euocft prices in addition to regular dining ctf senice the super comtnenal pro vides dinette or cortee shop service- good food it budget prices can ad ian national railways blind beaver carries on a trapper at tweed reports seeing a blind adult beaver be ing guided to work by a pair of younger and smaller bea vers the trapper reported to the game garden r j davidson that the smaller animals swam on either side of the blind bea- changing telephone rates had interesting history continued from front page borrowed money had been paid and also our usual dividend we had paid our 1260 per tele phone while our basic rental was only 1200 per year our income from line service and from bell tel co long distance business saved us from being in the red in 1915 our balance was slightly better but it was im perative that we obtain more revenue and by this time other companies in the telephone union were willing to join with us in making application for an increase in rates the un ion made the application but each of five companies that were interested were heard separately in their application for- increased rates but all the companies in the union ap- converts your packer to a seederpacker seed the best way with a seeder- packer centurys new seeder quickly nipunts on most packers mulchcrs and tractors sows all grasses leg umes and small grains alone or in ony mixture mixtures will not settle out seeding is accurately controlled from i lb to 6 bu per acre buy a lowcost century seeder with your new land roller chas cooper clarcmont ontario ver directed him to a fallen trunk then swam back to the beaver lodge with branches he chewed off at the end of the work the trapper said the young beavers swam out to the trunk again and guided the blind fellow back to the lodge the eyes of the larger animal were almost pure white a sure sign of blindness plied for a toll charge connecting trunk lines our directors made prepar ation for the hearing by giving thorough publicity first we mailed to every subscriber a circular letter informing the subscribers of the intention to apply for increased rents when the date of the hearing was known a second circular letter was mailed to every subscriber informing him of time and place of the hearing before the railway board and also adver tising a series of eight public meetings to be held throughout our territory for the purpose of informing the public of all the facts connected with our application and urging our subscribers to attend at least one of these meetings the meetings were well attended over and at some of them we obtain ed votes of approval for our proposed increase at only one meeting was there manifested anything like active hostility to the proposal when 13 men voted against approval of the new rates while is voted ap proval and a large number did not vote either way when we appeared before the railway and municipal board our action in holding these meetings helped us very much when informed concern ing the two coverages by oircu- lar letter and of the series of meetings the circular advertis ing the meetings being tabled the chairman said do you mean to say that you went to all that trouble that looks to me like seeking for trouble we informed him that we be- lived it had saved us from trou ble we also informed the board concerning the votes of approval that had been passed at the conclusion of the hear ing re the application of our company the chairman of the railway and municipal board made a statement that certain ly was pleasing to our direc tors he said i am very glad indeed to have had this meet ing with you because you seem to know what you are about we can see that the men con cerned with the management of these systems appreciate the situation and are endeavoring to apply business principles to their business we obtained approval for an increase of 300 per telephone per year in our rentals but did not obtain permission to im pose toll charges that had to wait for a future date and when the toll charge did even tually come it was made com pulsory by the railway board regardless of the desire of local companies the relief that we obtained through the increase in rentals in 1915 was of brief duration in 1920 we again made applica tion for an increase with a re bate for prompt payment that would leave our net basic rati at 1650 per year the hearing was in the coun cil chamber at stouffville and very few of our subscribers at tended we had no difficulty in obtaining the order from the railway board but when the accounts were sent out un der now changes a storm broke but this is a story by itself remember its better to be late mr motorist than to be the late mr motorist reasy jb0is by ham kale telt hats which have become spotted with rain can be treat ed by rubbing the spots very gent ly with steel wool until the nap is raised and the spots disappear have some putty leftover you can keep it from drying out bj placing in a tin can with a tight lyfitting cover before placing th cover on the can place a few drops trayel treats jmms optngttmsq 0 new york washington atlantic city 2505 2550 2705 recipe of the week mintmat 4b mallow sauce makes 2 cups 4 cup confectioners sugar ya cup water 8 marshmallows 1 egg white 1 drop oil of peppermint green vegetable coloring boil sugar and water 5 min utes add marshmallows cut in to small pieces stir until melt ed add this mixture gradually to stifllybcaten egg wnite fla vor color and chill before rerv- ing this sauce is excellent for puddings souffles or ice cream y yv- s tickets and information at snowballs barber shop phone 270j2 of lubricating oil in the groove where the lid fits bonehandled knives which have yellowed handles can be bleached if you will take a flannel cloth and dip it in hydrogen peroxide and apply to the handles when youre making buttonholes on materia which tends to ravel readily mark the line desir-isi- the buttonhcc with colorless nail polish to clean gilt frames on pic tures mix together equal parts of ammonia and denatured alcohol and moisten a bit of cheesecloth in the solution for cleaning fol low this by rubbing with a dry i cloth a bit of lemon oil after this cleaning will give the frames a luster as well as sor finish to protect them against soil cut neavy aluminum foil into large sited sheets which will cov- 1 er the bottom of your atn this j fjhect will catch foods which rue j ever aod will nv oven cleaning i potlac leads with style i the allnew pontile u o dyna- mir in every phae of drxign and choice of eolor that it a stand out in style style that functional an well ai beautiful from the a teaming front to niaietve rear bumper thii car a leader i its a straight st for performance illustrated pontiac laurentian sport coup a general motors valui vim it take pontiac coning or going talce it on itylc on power em per formance compare it with any other car in its class and youml find that pontiac comes ont the leader every lime this brilliant new leadership becomes evident the moment yon tea the new pontine it becomes n positive reality the instant you slide behind the wheel touch your foot to the accelerator and feel poatlao surge out and away its comnjete when pontiac has given you the most amazingly smooth drive and brilliant performance youve ever enjoyed dont wait another day take a demonstration drive in pontiae today pontiae offera the wideit rboirof tranimution in iu fiat what- eer tranjmiion you ehooe frnm ihr ijeatjdult 5nehro- mh to the dualranie hydra- ma tie youre nurr of arums ih ultimate in prv performance ad of its class with power take yonr pick of pontiaeaeoodomi- ral 115 hp valve inhead bis 6 the brilliant 162 hp stratoflaih vr or th unbeatable 190 hp sfrato5treak v8 enaine no other car in ita rla ran foal 1ontiara great rhoirc of enginr pont i acs way out front with economy no wonder buyers from both ends of the price scale areswi tching to dollar for dollar pontiae toe doubted y offera the mot aur pontiae i the bwi troowefree ear in the industry and horeporf for hore- power tootiae i ejtiet on i mole motor limited stouffville ontario phone 372