Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 21, 1955, p. 2

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taf stougrlce tribr tour may apr 14 1955 the stouffville tribune established 1833 a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations autberb4 u kcoixicuij ka poi5a dipt- ottawa jprfnted and issued every thursday at stouffville ont- ln canada 250 elsewhere 350 ch noaa pabiijser jis tooas assoc editor notes and comments watch those fires it would appear that spring has definitely arrived as we are having our annual rash of grass fires some grass fires of course are accidental others are set deliberately and seem to provide fun and game for the whole family until the wind changes or things get out of control and then the lire brigade has to be called to pui them out either kind can be dangerous directlv through the damage they may cause and indirectly bv the fact that while the fire department is fighting a grass fire their services might be needed elsewhere on more serious business even without considering the danger involved or the damage done grass fires cost the taxpayers money the simplest way to avoid trouble with grass fires is to resist the impulse in the first place failing this be sure that sufficient protection in the form of water pails and rakes and shovels are at hand as they may be sufficient to get the fire out before the fire reels arrive time for some road equipment it is time stouffville municipal council gave some consideration to the purchase of a small grader or some type of road equipment which could be put into service on short notice as well as be constantly on hand to keep the streets in reasonable condition while it can be said that not in many years have all roads in the province been as bad as right now never have our local streets been so bad and it may be a difficult thing to be able to rent equipment from neighboring townships who will be hard pressed to put their own roads in passable condition when the municipality was smaller such a system worked to an economic advantage but now with more streets to keep up and more travel to knock them to pieces the town should acquire some road equipment of its own to be ready when needed a goodsize tractor with blade would do a great deal of light grading which l is so frequently needed the tractor could also be equipped with bucket for snow removal and rotary brush for street sweeping certainly many manhours of labour could be saved in this latter connection fr tv fr be a booster no matter where you are or what you are doing a boost for your community may have favourable re- percussions you never know when your enthusiasm may reach some one whose influence can help the com munity however being a booster is more than spreading the good name of the community it means help and support in community endeavours to progress it means an interested and informed attitude toward the govern ment of the community industrialists know that community spirit and j pride are important factors in selecting sites for new factories management will not locate in a town which 7 lacks an attitude of progress and cooperation the story of the schaeffer per company in god- erich is a good illustration of the point a service sta tion attendants enthusiasm for his community helped convinc e a company official that the huron county town would make a good site for its canadian factory keep boosting your community for industrys bake your compliments may pay handsome dividends ir i should be tolerant of newcomers in recent months there has been a growing tend ency on the part of some canadians to criticize the entry into canada of what have been labelled somewhat- cruelly displaced persons it has reached the stage now where any person whose control of the english language isnt faultless is immediately branded a dp and often treated as an outcast let us look at the record the immigrants are from all strata of society among these are many who are professional men and women many were once successful in their own coun tries but because of conditions imposed by a power- hungry minority they were compelled to abandon their homes they have come to canada believing this to be a land of equal opportunity they have come willing to devote their best talents toward the development of their adopted land we ere in any event inherently hospitable be cause all canadians except the indians and eskimos are descendants of immigrants we should be tolerant of those newcomers immigrants to canada do not all come from non- english countries they come here from england ire land scotland and wales they come seeking a chance which economically was denied them in homelands so came our ancestors some only a generation ago as immigrants or descendants of immigrants we should be prepared to ofter the latest immigrants the welcome theyldeserve we need them their skills their cultures as much as they need understanding and tolerance iwhile they adjust themselves to new ways oshawa times job for the miracle man fijneles- a painter preaches ot or iki most famous paintings in the world is the light of the world painted by the english artist holman hunt and now hangs in st pauls cathedral london in that picture- we see jesus standing at a door and waiting patiently to be admitted the look on his face is one of infinite gentleness and patience and thousands of people have been deeply moved by hunts masterpiece the doo looks oldfashioned snd is covered with ivy as though not much in use he bears in his hands the lamp of truth he stands and knocks the suggestion of the artist is that he has been kiccking many times but without receiving any response his eyes tell of love his face beams with yearning a unci cibl accompanied by her mother once saw the picture as she took in the scene her sympathy was aroused and she said to her mother why doesnt he open the door and go in v because her mother answered the latch is on the inside and he cant go in unless those in the house open the door that little thing was one of the marks of a great painting it is said that one of the bible verses which was in the mind of holman hunt when he painted the picture was behold i stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice and open the door i will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me revelation 320 but that door can only be opened from the inside there is no other way to get in it is one or the strange things about life that no one can be compelled to do the right thing they must decide for themselves they only can open the latch we often wonder why god does not compel men and women to be good if we stop and think for a moment we see that if people were compelled to do right there could be no virtue in it human beings would be no better than machines we all have freedom of choice we have the power to make our own decisions there is always the possibility that they might be wrong but there is no reason why that should be we have the power to open the door to the highest and the best this is surely one of the mysteries of life that men can accept or reject the overtures of gods grace think how true this was of the earthly life of jesus ye will not come to me that ye might have life how often would i have gathered thy children together as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings and ye would not behold i stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice and open the door i will come in to him and sup with him and he with me there is no such thing as moral compulsion even jesus must stand at the hearts door and knock and wait until that door is opened from within there was a sense in which these people had already come to jesus they came to him in such numbers that he could scarcely find time to eat they crowded him and crowded around yet these approaches were physical and what he wanted was a surrender of heart and life on one occasion when in the midst of a crowd he surprised his disciples by asking who touched me they replied with astonishment thou seest the multitude thronging thee and sayst thou who touched me but jesus looked around to see who had deme that thing for he knew there had been an approach which was not merely physical reproductions or hunts painting have been printed by the thousand one might almost say by the million centuries ago a great christian leader said truly all preaching is not of the pulpit our quotation today is by tennyson closer is he than breathing nearer than hands or feet laff of the week cos efc dmnt yo et my bote kor parents only why did he do it by nancy cleaver nature week hails life of jack miner probably even jack miner didnt realize what he was starting 51 years ago when he coaxed the first wild geese to land on his farm near kings- ville in western ontario in later years his property became a famous bird sanctu ary and his name a household word among lovers of nature last week canadians gave thought to the man who spent most of his life protecting wild life as they observed the 8th anniversary of national wild life week the week was established by parliament in 1947 to begin each year on jack miners birthday april 10 the noted bird lover died in lf44 the late prime minister mac kenzie king said of mr miner the inspiration he has given the young and old of many lands by his life and work will live after him during the week federal and provincial fish and game de partments will stress conserva tion and many clergymen will preach on the great outdoors the week falls during easter holidays when school children are free from classes where teachers usually impress upon them the need for conservation two postage stamps depict ing two of canadas nature rari ties the whooping crane and the muskox will be issued by the post office department there are only 21 whoopers left on the continent and about ten thousand muskox john thomas miner was horn near cleveland ohio april 10 1s65 he came to canada with his parents in is7s an ardent hunter he real ized something had to be done to save canadas fastdecreas ing wild life in 1904 he bought four wingtipped canada geese and started his game sanctuary he banded bis first duck in august 1909 and from then until 1915 he is said to have banded about 5o0o3 in 1915 he started placing a verse of scripture on each band as well as his name and address his birds were spot ted across the continent jack miner a brick and tile manufacturer with only a few months education behind him rapidly became famous as a speaker and writer on wild life in 1934 king george vi awarded him the order of the british empire for the great est achievement of conserva tion in the british empire planning can double effect of farm flowers shrubs a farm home can be made attractive with plantings of flowers and shrubs it can be made doubly attractive when the plantings are arranged be forehand miss louisa heringa of the horticulture department of the ontario agricultural college suggests drawing a sketch of the grounds and marking in the most effective arrangement possibly you will need some expert guidance in this task the main principles in ar ranging plantings are keep the trees chiefly to the sides and rear of the house ra ther than in the front thus forming a background and frame for the home picture place at least one or two trees near enough to the house for convenient shade but not so near as to exclude the sun light or cause dampness in the continued on page 4 fe8 proclamation daylight saving time village of stouffville april 24 to september 25 1955 whereas the village council by resolution adop ted on april 1 1955 has authorized me to issue a proclamation requesting the citizens to observe a period of daylight saving time for the current year commencing at 2 oclock am on sunday april 24th and continuing until 2 oclock am on sunday september 25th to cartv out this request of the village council it will be necessary that all clocks and watches be advanced one hour at 2 oclock am on sundav april 24th elmer r daniels reeve god save the queen joo what happens in your home when your child is in trouble perhaps he is a little fellow and his fathers woodcraft hobby fascinates him hut he has dis obeyed his dads command not to touch the tool lox maybe your younger daughter feeling her wardrobe is not quite ade quate has borrowed her older sisters favorite kerchief and lost it misunderstandings between members of a family are bad enough but parents particular ly dislike their child getting into hot water away from home sally has missed a lot of schooling from sickness and she is only back to school a week when she is accused of copying tom is big for his age and sensitive about personal remarks two of the smaller lads in his class gang up and tease him with such effect that he loses his temper and mops the ground with both of them now their mothers combine to complain of toms bullying juvenile delinquency has a terrifying sound in parents cars when a child gets into serious trouble with the law his folks are usually alarmed and quite rightly so but mo thers and fathers can often learn a good deal from under standing judges social workers and psychiatrists wise hand ling of a first offender in the great majority of cases re sults in the youngster steering clear of delinquency in the fu ture not long ago judge loren stewart in one of our largest citys juvenile courts made a significant comment a ten year old lad was up in court and pleaded guilty on the cha rge of breaking into a gas sta tion the previous night he had been caught and his father said angrily the kids always getting into trouble the judge asked delay off a this youthful offender through the courts clinic from long experience judge stewart pointed out until we find out why a child did some thing we cant be sure he wont do it again why is a query often on the lips of children but par ents lead such busy lives that they frequently seem to be al most completely unconcerned with what thir offspring is do ing they seldom stop to won der about his motives but if they are to be really helpful to a child in trouble they must try to discover the reason for week tot find out more about his difficulties blaming reproaching or nag ging at a youngster are very poor approaches certainly he must accept his share of re sponsibility for what he has done but why did he do it as parents have you not a part in his guilt in china in the old days when a youth misbe haved the elders in the village asked who is his father any situation can be a learn ing one together parents and child should find why he has refused to conform to the rules of the family the sohool or the laws of the community then there is genuine hope that he will not make the same blunder twice it is amusing to see adults with no children of their own who expect perfection from youngsters honest parents who see in thheir own lives a blending of success and fail ure can hearten their child when he is in trouble they can stand by with their love and their faith in him and re assure him when i was your age lk was not all smooth sailing i made my blunders too but when 1 was able to see why i had acted as 1 did it was a big help we had an old saying in our family a fool makes the wife tried out on you last week j kitchen the next time fish- jdsy rolls arxind in their menu report from parliament by mtchad starr mj ontario riding that new fih recipe your handy thing to have around ife uied out on you last week msy well have originated in the toemfs of tie west block of the parliament buidigs mamg four of the recipe hidden 3 way down there am- j pamphlets that i have seen are idst the steam pipes and old leaded fish delictus recipes lumber a little group of 3ttrac- j fh for yearround salads tive giris are doing much tc canadian shellfish for every- cb3rge the eating habits of fit- day meals and canadian fish teen million canadians and recipes in the process they have prob- if you would like copies you ably increased the income of need merev send a postcard canadian fishermen by more or letter to the fisheries dept than a miriion dollars a year these young ladles are a qualified dietitians and em ployees of the consumer bra nch of the fisheries depart ment their job is o persuade canadians to eat more fish and to make the fish they ea more enjoyable when they started work in i960 we can adians ate on an average about twelve pounds of fish a year now we are nudging fourteen pounds a year and the figure is going up steadily much of the credit is given to the con sumer branch for they are a sort of sales department for the entire fishing industry of canada constantly pushing the sale of every kind of fish every time they increase average fish consumption in canada by one sale of an extra fifteen million pounds of fish that may mean the difference between success and failure to hundreds of ca nadian fishermen one of- the ways in which you are affected by their work is through the recipes they de velop and publish in pamphlet form these little booklets are av ailable for the asking free and wives will find them a ottawa and ask for their fijh recipe pamphlets theres no charge in fact you dont even need to put a stamp on the let ter because mail addressed to the govornmnt gos postage free 1 suppose because members of parliament are thought to talk to a lot of people and maybe because we have to ap prove the expenditures of the fisheries department as part of our work every member re ceives an annual invitation to a fish luncheon in the test kit chen of the department the test kitchen in itself vs quite a place it has all the most mo dern cooking equipment ex cept a dishwashing machine while the place of honour is held by an oversize kitchen table used for demonstration purposes hung from the cell ing over the table is a great mirror so angled that a large group of people may sit at one end of the kitchen and watch every motion of the demonstra tor who is preparing a fish on the table this is necessary be cause during the year many groups visit the consumer branch and are lectured on the best ways of fish preparation crossword puzzle yczzuc k ssf across 1 stanza oi six lines t level 13 compress 14 flower pi 18 preposition 17 back of neck pi 19 so be it 20 heivy flic 31 sign of the zodiac 23 interpret 32 french for and 34 while 35 summer drink 37 state nbbr 3fl subdued 31 abstract bolng 33 to correct 35 journey 36 doves cry 37 smarts 38 challenges 40 condition 41 hard money 43 nahoor sheep 44 hearing organs 47 kind of deer 49 province of india 60 land measure si german meta- ghyalcian inter measure 54 symbol for tellurium 5 state of dis order 8s barthy deposit 00 nonmoslem subject of ottoman em pire 03 heraldry f rafted neendiarlsm 04 russian name 65 spire 07 muffle 09 extend 70 flower down 1 member of up per bouse of congress 3 newts 3 to spill over 4 symbol for tantalum 9 heatlnx vet- cols o to rip 7 accelerates 8 billiard shot 9 preposition 10 eskcr 11 hour of day 13 pa yin c attention to 13 instruct authoritatively 13 whipsockeu ii musical n- alrument 34 paid notice 30 brlue 39 of greater brtth 30 kxccm of tfftt r iircr a trit t a l t 6 aaauubui ijhuiiuih hobbfl quo bei3i3q onci dllokfi aaa- ansa quo uvu dauauuauiiu uitiu arxsaa bdd uuutu aaa aaaan 11333330 bjllhooyf owls 3 l a i n eec s t 1 1 r a mi p i s err i t k 1 answer to xe ttf solar year 31 dawn goddess 33 particles 34 trojan hero 30 letter of alphabet 37 as it stands mut 39 hasord 40 vessel curved plank ing 41 dlhfraces 43 father and mother 43 sntlnfic 45 allotted portion 40 daab 48 breathed isak ly asleep 49 form of to be 53 war cry of ancient artead 03 anglosuoo slaves 50 walk 57 fortune teller so summer bev erage 60 to be born bf 01 that which matures 60 hebrew letter off bj all under one roof a branch of a chanered bank is much more than the best place to keep your savings it is an allround banking servicecentre that provides services useful to everyone in the community in every one of 4000 branches in canada people are using all sorts of banking services they make deposits cash cheques arrange loans rent safety deposit boxes transfer money buy and sell foreign exchange only in a branch of a chartered bank are all these and many other convenient banking senices provided under one roof a visit to the bank is the way to handle all your banking needs simply safely easily see the bank about it only chartered bank offers a full range of banking services including savings accounts current accounts joint accounts personal ioans commercial loans farm improvement loans sha mortgage loans home improvement loans foreign trade and market injormation buying and selling oj foreign exchange commercial collections money transfers money orders and bank drajts travellers cheques letters of credit safety deposit boxes credit information purchase and sale of securities csfttody of securities and other valuables banking hy mail the chartered banks serving your community

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