Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 7, 1955, p. 1

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3400 copies this issue foftftmlle classified ads on page twelve vol fc so 47 the tribune stouffv1lle thursday april t 1955 v twelve pages history of telephone boundary dispute no 13 of series by mr a d bruce it is with great reluctance that the writer recalls the re grettable incidents that will be recorded in this article how ever leaving this chapter un recorded would be to present an unfaithful picture in the preceding chapter we recorded how the b s tel co had built into markham village how we had retired from markham and how we had extended our line into unionvihe each of these moves was made at the request of the markham pickering tel co or with their approval the result of their inability to occupy new territory the ex tension into unionvihe had been made early in june 1906 the m p co having inform cd us that they could not un- dertake the extension and that they were agreed that we should undertake it that the area might be saved from fall ing into the orbit of the bell company we resume the story of our relations with the m p tel company june 1906 my recol lection is and inferences drawn from references in writ ten records confirm my recol lection that the first bound ary line agreed upon between our respective territories was the sideroad at lots 2021 on the 6th line markham as the matter of keeping the bell tel co in check was urgent we pressed the develop ment we built southward 2vz miles and had one telephone on what is now xo 7 highway and east of unionvihe very soon we required two and ev entually three party lines to carry the business from this new area under date of feb 27 1907 less than nine months from the date of our extension to union vihe we received a letter from the m p co stating that when they granted us permis sion to take over in unionvihe they also had reserved the right to extend their line to union vihe they also notified us that they purposed at an early date to build into unionvihe and other western points in areas that had originally been allot ted to their company our directors were more than surprised when this letter was laid before the board remem bering all that had occurred in connection with our exten sion to markham they felt that this was a repetition of the markham episode and that the m p co was imposing upon us because of the good feeling that was supposed to exist among all independent tele phone companies under date of march 15 we wrote to the m p co our company hereby enters a protest against your company extending into territory which was once indeed allotted to your company and which we occupied to save it from being taken by the bell co as to the question of your company coming to unionvihe as our competitors for business we will not consent moreover we would be obliged if you would inform us as to when and in what terms you reserved the right to build to unionvihe this was an important reserva tion and we have no record of it this happened in march 1907 and we heard no more concern ing the intention of the m p co to build into the disputed territory until the spring of 1909 when it became probable that an independent telephone company was about to operate in vaughari township we de cided to seek connection with their system and as we be lieved that the m p co would also desire to make a similar connection we endeav ourcd to have a conference for the purpose of clearly de- lining the boundary between our respective territories we failed to obtain uch a confer ence but we did learn that rep resentatives of the m p co had been canvassing for sub scribers in the western part of markham township and had been stating that they were about to build into richmond hill and thornhill and also into unionvihe the annua meeting of the executive committee of th york ontario telephone un ion was drawing near and we decided to bring the matter of our boundary line before the meeting which was held in the tremont house markham on april 30h 1909 as it happen ed the writer was president of the union and mr a f wilson a member of the bd of directors of the m p co was secretary when our item wx reached i left the chair and mr alex xeilson of the scarboro co who was our vicepresident presided each company pre- drives a million accident free miles all new sidewalks to be built under local improvement act all new sidewalks in stouff ville will be laid under the local improvement act following 3 resolution passed by the local municipal council on monday evening it was anticipated that requests would be received this summer from a considerable number of areas in town re questing new walks and coun cil agreed that the burden of expenditure on these walks principally in new subdivis ions must be lifted from the other ratepayers in the com munity heretofore all new walks in town were laid on a fiftyfifty bast the municipality sharing half the cost under this system there was no compulsion on the ratepayers to pay their share and no method by which coun cil could legally collect like wise one ratepayer on the street could hold up the entire walk if he did not desire to pay under the local improve ment act the system used in practically all municipalities for such local works the total cost of the walk will be borne by those desiring it a signed petition of at least seventy per cent of the ratepayers desiring such walk must be presented to council and the cost which is determined by tender is ap portioned on a frontage basis and debentured against these properties for a period of years councillor timbers made the observation that stouffville had been most generous in the past in paying for half the cost of these walks reeve daniels stated that he believed quite a number of new walks were pending and the cost would be high if handled any other way than by local improvement del forsyth appeared before council and made the sugges tion that council pass a bylaw limiting the number of taxi cabs in town to one however council did not take the view that there was much likelihood of any additional cabs starting up in business in a commun ity of this size clerk garfield brown stated that the auditor for the village had asked that council set an annual salary for the building inspector however council believed that the year was too far advanced to make any change in the present system of pay for the building inspector and instructed the clerk to advise the auditor that consid eration would be given to a salary next year easter could be 31 to 81 degrees the weather for easter ap ril 10 well during the past ten years the average temperature for that date was 513 degrees over 40 years the april 10 readings range from 31 to si but there are only two 31degree readings on record and one 32 local plowmen winners at bc spring match mr james peddie of clare- mont a trucker has driven nearly one million miles with out an accident mr peddie started driving trucks only 20 years ago after moving from his home farm at glen major to ottawa for two years he operated a small sedan delivery vehicle and later drove a large straight truck on a route from ottawa to brockville for a bis cuit company he has been a resident of claremont for the past thirteen years mr peddie uses for his mot to the three cs care cour tesy and common sense he attributes his fine accidentfree record to this slogan the claremont trucker trans ports both livestock and freight and his allontario licence takes him to many distant points he has two trucks the other vehicle is driven by mr walter hopkins of ashburn mr peddie is of the opinion that many accidents are caused through mechanical defects one must keep his truck or car in top working condition advises the experienced owner the driver feels that excess speed is also responsible for many highway accidents a driver should regulate his speed according to the condi tion of the road warned mr peddie he limits his speed to 15 mph his vehicle is licensed for a load not to exceed six tons he is able to transport either nine steers fiftyfive lambs or forty pigs in a load he is able to get 100000 miles out of a set of tires mr peddie has two main am bitions one is to reach the one million accidenwree mark and the other is to get behind the wheel of a tractor trailer christianity has done great things for india india is a free republic to day because of the christian gospel miss winnie bonner missionary from india told the morning congregation at the united missionary church in stouftville on sunday miss bonner is one of a number of missionary speakers who were part of a weeklong missionary convention in this church con cluding with three services on sunday miss bonner took her text from the tenth chapter of john the 9th verse i am the door by me if any man go in he shall be saved todays christians are most privileged while world statesmen trem ble they have a message to tell the world in my travels half way around the world no color or race barrier could be found if there were true fellow ship with god the speaker said she told of the plight of in dia with three hundred million people bound down to the wor ship of idols when the first mis sionaries came she continued with interesting experiences in the city of calcutta the india government has to day done away with the caste system which separated the people and now the untouch ables are in high places and professions the emancipation of women in india was also credited to the introduction of christianity the gospel has brought new medical care and new hospitals are springing up everywhere it has also brought education every high school student she said must read the sermon on the mount miss bonner unfolded the in teresting story of the conver sion of her grandfather who was an upper class hindu priest through the preaching of alex ander duff miss bonner spoke c the af ternoon and again at the eve ning service the vouth for christ band provided the musi cal portion of the program at night and mr lambert stouf- fer led the congregational sing ing at all services during her evening talk the of interesting experiences in mission work in india she stressed the blind futility that faced millions in her country and told the startling story of five thousand persons being stampeded to their death dur ing a pilgrimage to the ganges river in search of an idol that might meet their spiritual needs only one radio station in in dia will allow christian broad casts that being radio free seylon where a half hour of christian church time can be purchased the amount raised in cash during thhe year is 296121 1 and the amount raised in cash during the convention is 4540- 81 the promises and pledges totalled 119000 the exact to tal raised is s09502 march building in markham 100000 value of building in mark ham township during march amounted to 137105 accord ing to figures presented to twp council at their regular meet ing monday afternoon seven teen permits were issued dur ing the month including nine new homes valued at 109000 two ontario plowing cham pions finished first and second in two separate contests at the annual chilliwack plowing match in chilliwack bc on march 30 hugh baird of blackwater ontario 1954 winner of the esso tractor class at the inter national plowing match bres- lau ontario last october cap lured firstprize in chilliwacks open tractor class and also won a trophy for the best plowing of the day norman jarvis of markham ont who won the 1954 esso horse championship at breslau finished second in the chilli wack open horse class just one point behind the winner the ontario men visited chil liwack during a western tour provided for them as part of their championship prizes the trip sponsored by imperial oil limited also took them on sightseeing tours of vancouver vancouver island edmonton and portage la prairie f a lashley secretarymanager of the ontario plowmens assn accompanied the plowmen a total of 19165 was erected in commercial buildings with the balance made up of addi tions and accessory buildings the building inspector walter craig presented the report anthony sale totals over 20000 one of the largest crowds to attend an auction sale in this district turned out to the camp bell anthony auction at white- vale last week total receipts of the sale were moro than 20000 and the selling was conducted by sellers atkin son auctioneers a load of small trinkets on a wagon brought nearly 150 and a fine herd of holsteins as well as a number of good imple ments found ready buyers the combine sold for 3900 the tractor 1400 a ford trac tor 950 pto baler 1200 drill 355 2wheel trailer 175 oats went for 127 a bushel and hay 43c a bale the top price cow brought 235 and cows averaged 200 the entire herd was disposed of in 70 minutes 40 head mr and mrs anthony have purchased a home in markham where they will move shortly stouffville oddfellows and their ladies enjoyed an oyster supper in their lodge rooms on monday evening many recall when the ufo annual oyster supper was a most popular event in stouftville fine spring weather brings out baby parade local minister honored at bible school graduation rev oscar burkholder for mer local son was honoured last week at the annual gradu ation exercise of the ontario mennonite bible school at kit chener the graduation also in cluded graduates of the bible institute where mr burkhol der has been located for the past four years he was presented with a plaque in recognition of his 37 years as teacher and a letter of appreciation from the board also was given to him diplomas earlier in the day went to 14 bible school gradu ates and to five in the bible institute the diplomas were presented by principal roy s koch and dean john f gar- ber at the same time sunday school certificates were receiv ed by 21 students these were in recognition of two years of study enos bearinger class president of the institute pre sented a 14volume set of ref erence books to the school lib rary a gift of the graduates rev howard s bauman the school board chairman presid ed at the night service the commencement address was given by rev myron augsbur- ger college pastor of eastern mennonite college harrison burg va music was directed by rev v paul martin bible school graduates comprise one from ohio and one from indiana with the rest from ontario milo shantz is class president bible school graduates are tillie anderson fair oaks ind irvin cressman kitch ener catherine gingerich sta nley g gingerich doris a gingerich and milo d shantz all of new hamburg also doris gingerich wal- lenstein patricia grove mark ham erla martin west mont rose orvie martin and do rothy grace strieker both of waterloo mary louise miller kent ohio eileen mae roth shakespeare john myron ru dy baden institute graduates are enos bearinger hamilton john bohm waterloo a margaret detweiler breslau doris ada seick and verdella mae schmitt both of kitchener markham to ban top soil removal commercially markham township council moved on monday afternoon to stop the commercial removal of top soil from farms in the township deputyreeve w l clark stated that it was esti mated that six hundred acres of good markham soil had al ready been carried away mr clark aid that denuding a hundred acre farm of top soil was a good business venture as the farm would bring as much as 3000 an acre at present council has power only to restrict subdividers from removing top soil all members voiced the opinion that the matter was serious township solicitor j d lucas was present at the meeting and informed council that legislation had passed the ontario house which would allow council to prohibit the commercial sale of top soil council agreed that a bylaw should be drawn to stop the sale council sanctioned payment of the annual levy to the don valley conservation authority of 6313 and to the rouge authority of 118205 solicitor lucas informed council that action is again pending against objectionable swill feeders in markham township a parade of baby buggies on the sidewalks in stouff ville is a familiar sight al most every afternoon moth ers take advantage of the warm spring sunshine to give their young sons and daugh ters a stroll in the fresh air pictured above in front of the town post office are left to right mrs george arm strong mrs don craven mrs lcs clarke mrs torne scheu and mrs harry scheil mr and mrs h k mitchell are visiting their son dr r 13 mitchell they have been va cationing at nassau in the ba hama islands south of florida for the last two months mr mitchell is a retired doctor claremont couple married 54 years on sunday april 3rd 19s6 mr and mrs kirkrwood beel- by of claremont formerly of greenwood celebrated their fiftyfourth wedding anniver sary with a supper held at th home of her sister mrs wni e cowie claremont fiftyfour years ago thejy were married at the home of the brides parents mr and mrs thos graham lot 22 con 8 pickering twp this be ing the place where mr beelby had been born the officiating minister was rev dr camp bell of the claremont presby terian church the bridesmaid was the brides sister mary mrs wm e cowie and the best man mr john beelby brother of the groom following their marriage mr and mrs belby farmed for 48 years at greenwood on the farm known as clear view farm which was purchased by mr closson upon their re tirement since then they have resided at the home of their only daughter mrs john mid- dleton at the anniversary supper a toast to the couple was pro posed by mrs r j nesbitt and was ably responded to by mr and mrs beelby mrs kath- leen haslam read an address to the honoured couple and mrs margaret symes presented them with flowers and per sonal gifts mrs ella mcarthur of to ronto was a guest during the weekend at the home of mrs v nolan town council to raise own salaries to 150 the matter of councillors salaries came up for discussion on monday evening at a record fivehour council session and after much discussion members agreed that the solicitor should be requested to prepare a by law setting out the salary for each council member at 150 a year present salary is 75 a year reeve daniels stated that as far as he could learn stouffville council members were tne low est paid of any officials in this capacity lowest figure being 150 members attended twentyeight meeting- last year according to the record councillors wagg and tim bers expressed the view that the new salary rate was not too much to ask for the work required and other members while not pressing the matter expressed the view that the present remuneration was low tenders are being called this week for fifteen yards of gravel this year and frank marritt county weed inspector is to be contacted to ascertain if spray ing of roadside weeds or some streets would be feasible coun cillor timbers stated that the use of such spray might be deemed dangerous in builtup areas building inspector ogdcns report showed seven permits issued during the last month two for new dwellings and the balance for additions dufc to the death of the late mrs thos williamson the residence formerly occupied by mrs williamson at the corner of blake and main sis has passed to the williamson estate fund set up for the poor of the town by the late thos williamson council agreed to place the dwelling on the mar ket immediately and offers for the house are being called for in this issue of the tribune the clerk was also instructed to notify all dog owners that their canines must be tied up this period of the year tags must also be obtained from the assessor and failure to comply in either connection will bring a court summons

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