3400 copies this issue classified ads on page twelve vol 55 no 43 the tribune stouffville thursday march 3 1953 twelve pages escape from ontono grants will perilous advances g j to be paid immediately it mr a i bruce no 12 of series primarily the bsthesda i stousvills telephone system j was conceived thai a few re these three sisters will skate have connection with their tlie new unconditional grants chief business centre which i announced by premier frost happened to be siouffviue no week will give stouffvilie though was given to deiriirg a boot of 302775 the limits of the area that -r- amount will he made up to be served as more and morel a municipal grant of 1-119- applicatloas for service were 173 pu school 012 and high i school sg9g these amounts are part cf a 7250000 hand out to munici palities for education and un employment and a 3300000 grant based on school attend- received our lines began sprawl across the country with out much thought concerning where we were being led and ere long we had subscribers who weri interested in reach ing centres other than stouff- viue the first of these extensions was made to markham iate in the fall of 1901 suggestion from suhseribars or wouldbe subscribers indicated other ex tensions in march 1903 an extension to aurora was sug gested as being desirable and in march 1900 thornhiu and richmond hill were suggested our directors actually appoint ed committees to obtain infor mation concerning the pros pects of obtaining subscribers in those district- we even made approach to the stark telephone light and power co of west toronto junction we were in imminent danger of embarking upon a program of expansion that had we pursued it might have landed us in financial difficulties and finally in disaster for our company the story of the developments which diverted us from wild expansion is a very important phase of our history as has been stated the exten sion to markham had been made and was completed on dec 1st 1001 less than five months after the connection had been made the officials of the markham pickering co intimated to us that they thought that markham village should be considered as being exclusively within their terri tory this had been our opin ion when the connection had first been mooted to us by the markham pickering co we had suggested a boundary line somewhere along the sth con line about midway between ringwood and markham but the m p co officials declar ed that they were not in a posi tion to undertake the construc tion yet urged us to undertake it immediately in the interest of independent telephone deve lopment in the district we were surprised that the m p co officials had so quickly changed their minds yet we agreed that their claim was reasonable and at a board meeting held may 11th we de cided to offer to sell 2i miles of our line to the markham pickering co for 27300 which was the cost of its con struction to the offer to sell we attach ed the condition that the ii p co extend their system to unionville anddevclop that village as we knew that con nection with unionville would be valuable to some of our prospective subscribers more over the bell telephone co had been installing telephones in some farm houses in that region and it was important that an independent company should occupy the ground the offer to sell was forwarded to the m p co weeks went by but no acknowledgement came from the m s p co in june we wrote requesting some kind of a reply still no response on july 2sth we pressed for a reply as delay was injurious to both com panies in response to our pres sure the m p co informed us that they accepted our offer but the year 1905 closed with out the transaction having been completed in january 1900 we made forma protest concerning the delay in the consumatiun of the sale in march 100g a unionville merchant john f davison applied for loek in our com pany and several applications came to us for rented tele phone service in unionville on april isth our directors decided to mate one more effort to have the sale com pleted failing which we would bring the matter before the the easter thank offenn executive committee of the meeting of the wms of the york ontario independent jstoufrvule united church will telephone union at their be s in church on thurs- approaching annual meeting xi 7 230 pm mrs upon the day set for that meet- br ing and without the membership drive by horticulturists the canvassers for members in the stouffvilie horticultural society will be calling at your home shortly the membership fee is still sico and that gives vou a choice of one of the fol- jnce in both primary and sec- owjris options 1 gladioli ondarv schools liulos 10 2 pm fr0 flower these grants will be received older 3 fall bulbs 1 do- almost at once bv the muniei- nala t0 lh park garden o parities and school boards in voucher value ooc to be re order that they may be taken seemed at don lewis on pur- into consideration when arriv- chase of shrubs roses trees ing at their 1953 budgets f mc t0 be redeemed at stiver bros on i purchase of seeds fertilizer or j annuals the vouchers must cial grant equal to onehalf the basic unconditional subsidy paid under the unconditional grants act of 1933 as stated in the budget of march 10 the total amount of municipal assistance this year is more than 13700000t in comparison with 1s000000 in 1913 the grants now proposed to be voted will raise this contri bution to s1g5000000 the am ount the house voted for edu cation last thursday was 9s- 0co00o with thus special new- grant of 3500000 expendi tures for education this year will amount to the huge sum of 101500000 as compared to only 11000000 12 years ago the premier tabled in the house particulars of the un conditional grants computed on the basis of municipalities and counties mr frost said he has had man- consultations with muni cipal authorities on unemploy ment and municipal works since the preliminary announ cement concerning a dominion- provincial conference was made last january mr frost termed the grants an interim measure to make a special contribution to muni cipalities in order to place them in a position in which they can provide welfare assistance when it is required and at the same time stimulate employment assistance will be given to the municipalities on an inter- imbasis for 1953 pending re sults of the federalprovincial conference at which the fiscal position of the province and the municipalities and the sub ject of unemployment will be reviewed be used before july 1st your membership and interest are needed to beautify stouffvilie and help us go over the top for over 500 members a native of dicksons hill dies at ottawa local judo artists reach semifinas lome schell of stouffvilie and ken ogden of ballantrae were successful in reaching the semifinals in an allcanada ju do competition held at the ym- iia in toronto saturday the two local men defeated three teams before being eliminated thirteen teams from all parts of canada participate in the elimination tournament lome schell and ken ogden have been taking judo lessons for over two years they train in toronto every wednesday night announce erection of a 100000 motel for the 9th con and no7 hway the three robb sisters christine myrna and joanne daughters of mr and mrs john robb sth concession of markham are all accomplish ed skaters and members of the stouffvilie skating club they will be seen in a special t d number at the ice revue this friday night at the local rena the music for this ter red cross drive over the top the red cross campaign ill pickering twp and village will be completed on saturday from information received from red cross headquarters in toronto it was revealed that the appeal of the newly organ ized pickering twp and vil lage branch would wind up with an indicated total response of over 150 of its unofficial objective metro offer for park too low county will not sell york countj- council meeting last week voted to retain the 500acre county park at lake simcoe deploring the offer of 120000 made by the metro politan council as much too low the county has the title to the park and is the owner of it they had asked metro to share the operating costs of the park as a survey revealed that two- thirds of those people using it were from the metropolitan municipalities metro officials hinted that the county wished to maintain the park for future gain as subdivision property but warden ralph corner georgina denied this metro chairman fred gardi ner stated that he believed the offer to be very fair and could not ujyerstand why the coun ty wc 1 turn it down kingston sentences for local coop robbery on sunday march 20th col dr john dickson courtenay died at his home at ottawa in his 93rd year dr courtenay was a son of israel courtenay and margaret dickson and was born at dick sons hill he was educated at dicksons hill and kemptville public schools hamilton col legiate institute and graduated from toronto medical school in 1ss5 following graduation he began practice at morriston in wellington county where he married miss minnie morison moving to waterdown ont he continued in general practice for several years deciding to specialize he went to britain where to took post graduate work in diseases of the eye ear and throat returning to can ada he located in ottawa in 1s96 where he became widely known during world war i he served overseas in the can adian army medical corps his wife and daughter eliz abeth predeceased him he is survived by two sons dr harold and lysle and 3 sister miss ann courtenay all of ottawa two grandchildren and several great grandchildren also survive burial took place a morris- ton on march 23rd extensive alterations to local business places extensive alterations to sev eral business places along main st including the establishment of a new super market began this week largest operation is the changeover of the schell meat market corner of mil main sts to a super market including meals the new pre mises will extend back the full 114 ft of the lot with the new store occupying the front 75 ft and the rear portion being used for meat cutting and cold storage the building will be entirely of brick construction two storeys high with apart ment above plans are also be ing prepared for an entirely new front in the building bud spang is the contractor for this extensive job on the same corner the en tire front of the longestablish ed spoftord blk is being re moved to make way for a new- front central entrance more window space and large electric display sign only recently sev eral new offices were completed on the second floor of this build ing other alterations planned but not as yet underway include the enlarging of the ratcliff co premises to include the en tire block as a super grocery new store front on the sellers house on the south side of main st and a seven hundred sq ft 2storey addition to the trib une to allow for more front office space alteration of the bellman blk was recently completed allowing for three business premises rather than one as formerly james budd was sentenced to five years and kenneth budd four years in kingston peni tentiary when they appeared before magistrate hollinrake in newmarket court this week to stand trial for the breakin and robbery at stouffvilie coop a few months ago charge against kenneth budd included illegal possession of explosives boyd mason another member of the gang was sentenced to two years less one day definite and one year indeterminate and mrs dorothy budd was given one year in the reforma tory on several forgery char ges all had served time for previous convictions both constables hilliard and stewart were in on the local in- vestigatiton and constable ste wart presented the evidence at the trial good speakers at missionary convention here the weeklong missionary convention got off to a good start sunday march 27 in the united missionary church in the morning service miss mar tha hood gave a very enthusi astic message on her thirty- three years in nigeria and v africa miss hood read psalm 120 and compared the sowing time of pioneer missionary days with the present reaping time when the work is de veloping and many more are responding to the message of christ in the evening service dr and mrs ross bell also from nigeria addressed the congre gation mrs bell used the theme of love taken from 1 cor 0g to explain that this christian grace was very neces- sary in missionary work dr bell read from romans 10 and gave many wonderful incidents concerning the hospital work the medical staff at the hos pital take time before every operation to pause for prayer this avenue of service presents opportunities for witnessing among the natives who come to be treated dr bell is super intendent of the 10bcd hospital situated at tungan magajya nigeria w africa on monday night miss nor ma cuthhertson canadian re presentative of the voice of the andes showed pictures of her trip last year to quito and sur rounding places in south amer ica she told much about hcjb the first missionary broadcast ing station which had its be ginning in 1931 this station now operates five transmitters on both long and short wave with a roundtheclock sched ule broadcasting the gospel of jesus christ in ten different languages and in more than 1100 gospel broadcasts month- iy on tuesday night brigadier b welbourno of the salvation army who spent over 20 years in missionary work in korea told thrilling accounts of his work there he said that up and down the hills of korea lights have boon lit and al though the land is going thro ugh chaos and destruction fhe lights will never be put out before he left there were 29 churches and 5000 christian people a request for permission to erect a 100000 motel restaur- 1 ant garage on the south side of no 7 highway west of con cession 9 was submitted to markham township conned at their regular meeting on mon- day evening the proposed con struction would be tniilt on a four and onehalf acre lo with a 020foot frontage and a depth of 300 feet the plan has al ready been discussed with the markham twp building in spector and the dept of high ways the lots are in the area desired to be annexed by mark ham village should we mess up mark ham villages master plan in view of the proposed annexa tion questioned reeve ie- masurier and if the land isnt annexed do we want this motel in markham twp we are prepared to build it to township specifications stated one of the representa tives reeve lemasurisr sug gested that the blueprints and recommendations be placed be fore the planning board the spokesman for the dele gation requested that council and the planning board take prompt action on the matter as their option on the land expires april 5th mr j k salmon appeared be fore council and requested that stiffer building restrictions be placed on homes in the area extending north from no 7 highway along the sth conces sion to the mount joy sideroad and half way to the 1th and tith concessions mr salmon re quested that the lots fthould have a minimum frontage of 105 feet and a depth of 235 ft we dont want this area to become cluttered stated mr salmon reeve lemasurier assured the owner that council would turn it over to planning board and would recommend it be given serious consideration keep monday april 11 for the open horticultural meeting in the united church base ment mr ken pipher of to ronto will show pictures taken recently in mexico was lifelong gormley resident on mo day march 2sth mrs violet jones a lifelong resi dent of gormley passed away in her gist year she was the daughter of the late mr and mrs j s lehman she is survived by her hus band three sons orval in eng land morley and albert of un ionville and one daughter phyl lis mrs harry savers rich mond hill there are also two brothers wesley lehman of chremont and tom lehman of detroit michigan there are eight surviving grandchildren the funeral service will be held on thursday afternoon from the wright and taylor chapel richmond hill with interment in heise hill ceme tery bishop alvin winger and rev c hunkihg will conduct the service the pallbearers will be messrs e hunt c steckley levi steckley roy brillinger jesse steckley and gordon mcwhirter receive 18000 government grant markham twp will receive a total of 1885775 in uncon ditional grants from the ontario government the announce ment was made by premier frost last week of this amount 700575 will be a municipal grant and 11192 an elemen tary- school grant the grants have been proposed in an ef fort to provide welfare assist ance when required and to sti mulate employment these grants will be received almost at once by the munici palities and school boards mr and mrs win timbers and mr and mrs harry klinck motored to niagara on tues day to see the big ice jam in the niagara river death warriner at orillia on march 2s 1935 walter warri- ner beloved son of mr and mrs harold warriner of stou ffvilie in his 21th year private funeral from the chapel of l e oneill wednesday march 30th at 230 pm interment in stouffvilie cemetery vast development would benefit unionville the planners assure residents the farreaching plan residential development as landmark at brougham destroyed by fire matter being brought before the exe cutivethe m p co com pleted the purchase of the 2 miles of our line a the price that we had specified but at the same time they informed us that they were rot able to proceed with the unionville extension and that they were agreed that the bcteda continued on page 6 230 co gray wife of rev bruce gray of kew beach united church toronto wili be the guest speaker mrs stanley hastings will conduct the de votional period mrs claude brillingei will be guest soloist a cordial invitation is extended to a women interested in the work of the missionary society etntly laid before markham township council and plan ning board would be a definite ijinefit to unionville and not a cause for any alarm the planner dr alfred bernhart assures residents possible future overloading of the narrow village main st would be taken care of by means of a second route to the east of the present 6th con school needs would be taken ire of by the submvider as well as the provision for water ad sewers to the older estab lished part of the village a new type of neighborhood dfferent from usual monoton ous rows of single houses along straight or slightly bent roads is being planned on approxi mately 115 acres west of union- vide the layout of the 270 homes emphasizes the getto gether aspects of suburban life i without neglecting the pleas- mes of country livin of garland dts to the wonderful re- scenery of the land and the ideal water and drainage con ditions the main aim in designing the layout of the proposed nei ghbourhood is to promote and encourage a neighbourly social ife friendship and cooperative participation in common activi ties the homes will be group ed in courts of six to twelve bouses thus providing for the next level of social life above fhe family life itself a com mon play and park area for each group of houses will be provided and can bo used ac cording so the wishes of the residents either as flower gar dens small childrens play grounds wading pools or green areas with shrubs barbecues etc the siting of the houses makes the utmost use of the beauty of the land and the land- sea pe several housing groups will form a garden block and sever al garden blocks connected by ja centra meeting place will the proposed neighbourhood make up the neighbourhood which will be fully architec- the elementary school the rink turally controlled follows the land the neighbourhood natural trend of growth of the village of unionville towards tne west and will form a har monious link between develop ments north of highway no 7 and pomander avenue developer sam scilierras is well known for his efforts to improve planning designing and workmanlike construction of contemporary homes among others he developed the sand- rirgham district graymar dist rict and haddington district in nirth york and the northcast bock of ilirchmounl road and danforth road in scarboro the neighbourhood is plan- j ned by dr alfred p bernhart p erg and e e kmbaeher p i en introducers plan- jrs dream to have metropoli tan toronto grand park will be the centres of the nei ghbourhood social life the groups of houses will be con nected not only by roads as usual but in addition by a system of green strips and footpaths completely divorced fiom automobile traffic thus allowing for the safe walking running and cycling of lifle ones and permitting a leisurely and pleasant walk for adults the daily shopping a- the exist ing or future local shops can thus be done by umg either the footpaths or the roads thoughtful planning has made the watercourse crossing the neighbourhood and handling the runoff of some 500 acres mere westerly to be an aset the rev j s lowden orcupy the baptist pulpit sunday in ciaremont ict an curly morning fire at pickering townsiup a brougham or friday destroy year old sto j s2 ed historic iardxark ia by judge j a grudes and the to move m april the loss is estimated at 50000 firemen from breu- gham and pickerg battled the twohour blaze rather than a nuisance for the urrounded by ireighbcurhool several small satellite garden pords and a folpjith are pro- villages separated from iheirxked along the watercourse metropolis and from each other j the largest paii io be the een- bv wide grcenbei- uniomdlle j tre of the future 2j acres they feel will be one of the neighbourhood park poncvj moil beautiful sowers in this i continued on page 7