tare 4 the stousrfke trftei ftrarfdar march 2 itr and now ijg nylon arteries atior a ta an ontario scientist has del successfully rese rch sec as i corpor- alabama was led out on a veloped artificial nylon arteries imiaajeagea paiert dr tapp f use by surgeons o combat i formerly worked the na- diseaed vessels the invention klona rectrca cauncil in o- of doctor james s tapp headltawa 50c increase for tomato growers i tractor repairs j f we are equipped to service and repair all makes of i farm tractors we are alo the agents for inter- j national trucks estimates on body and fender work cheerfully given i burrows garage brougham ont phone pickering 332wl ontario orato growers a receive m cents a ton morefor the crop this year tran they did in ixti the 133 agreement for to- rr es to be grown under con tract for delivery to process es companies was signed in toronto today grower- will receive s37 a hon for number one quality beyond the control of either party agreement was reached on prices and term of purchase and sale after a series of meet irg- between grower and pro cessor representatives which i began february 3 in toronto tomatoes a rd s2i a on for no twos the ent also pro- vide- that gro we i are to re- cetve a run imum p ice of snoa gray electric plumbing heating electrical contracting crane plumbing supplies conroy oil furnaces brougham ontario phone pickering 333j3 a ton for ungraded tomatoes this years marketing agree ment contains the same terms shd provliors concerning pur chase and sale as the 1931 agreement including the clause limiting deliveries during a 10- diy period of peak production to 121 bushels per acre the 1955 agreement does con tain two new provisions only one receiver at a canning plant to be permitted to inspect a load of tomatoes which has been already graded in respect to asking that the load be re- graded and growers are to ob tain a delivery schedule within is hours of requesting a deliv ery schedule at factories which have a system of scheduled deliveries in effect also the words inability to obtain sup plies have been eliminated from the contingency clause which relieves processors and growers from their contract obligations for certain reasons routine requests handled by markham council markham council has grant ed approval to the mccoll- frortenac oil co to erect a gas station on a 150- ft by 150 ft lot at the corner of meadow- view road and vonge street in highland park the gas sta tion is ilo subject to the ap proval of the dept of high way s planning board had held up final approval of the project until mr r c gamble who owns the property had outlined his plans for the commercial frontage along yonge street mr gamble i only leasing the site to the mccollfrontenav company and a general motors car agency which is reported intending to locate next to the gas station mr gamble also dedicated feel to glen cam eron right of way in order that the roadway may become an authorized og foot roadway and be absorbed into the to ship road system in answer to a request by the womens auxiliary of the high land park association for a park area in the subdivision the township has agreed to ap proach the national lumber company to ask them to con sider donating part of the pro perty they hold in the area for this very purpose it is expect ed that additional park land will become available once the balance of the gamble farm is subdivided council will petition the de partment of municipal affairs for permission to take up the deeds on property normally put up for sale for back taxes the municipality could then hold the property selling it at a later date a an increase in re venue for the township the city of toronto has ag reed to pay markham the sum of s501s in lieu of taxes on the hospital property at lang- staff news for the farmer a goidflh put alone in a bow can become o lonely as to wind up a mental case while the bloodthirsty piranha fish of south america are so afraid of each other they will try frantic ally to escape through the glass of a tankwhen two or more are put together on oi trmca t cheiieu convertibu 0 0 ioimihbonui three superb series the custom series the lucerne series and the completely new richelieu series the entirel new 1955 monarch for 1955 is a dramatic new car with its entirely new and completely rcslylcd body more than ever in 55 monarch belongs wherever people live with excitement colour and flair monarch for 1955 is longer lower and roomier than ever before theres a wonderful verve and vitality in its long lithe lines a brilliantly imaginative use of colour and texture in its beautifully appointed interiors performance is dramatic too excitingly responsive and lively there is new smoothness new steadiness and new ease of steering with monarchs improved ball- joint from suspension in beauty and performance in riding luxury and driwnc case monarch is dramatically new and different your dealer mitcs you to discocr it for yourself behind the wheel t phkwigjib tuo new adiarctddesign cicrheadi at e s engines isshp and j9shp in busy traffic and on the open road monarchs performance is at exciting as its new lool here arc huge reserves of power at sour command at a touch of your toe with instant and eager response bringing you a new measure of safety new feeling of security whercser ou drisc row fwftrw cws 9 v t t- zter now at your monarch dealers wt fife ft frjmj ik 0 rlfottfiict jq r h murpmy limited main street east stouffville ont phone 159 potato field day set for september thursday september 22 has been chosen as the date for the lftj provincial potato field dsy in ontario it was announ ced by the field crops branch of the ontario department of agriculture the theme this ear will be quality and pro fit the farm of wilfred mur phy in north simcoe county near barrie was chosen three years ago as the location for the field day since that time certain rotations have been laid down and various fertility- levels built up in order to dem onstrate practical potato pro duction mefhods with special emphasis on quality the program will include spe cial features for junior farm ers potato club members and agricultural students in high schools there will be several contests and every attempt will be made to demonstrate varieties seed selection scab and blight control top killing grades and grading and wash ing in addition to demonstra tion plots there will be educa tional and commercial exhibits general chairman is 1 mor ris darby of waverley the sec retary is charlie scott of bar rie committee members have been chosen for each of the various projects and further details will be available later from either mr darby or mr scott or from s l page on tario department of agricul ture barrie observatory hampered by smoke and light the david dunlap observa tory in markham twp is con fronted with the problem of too much light that could mean the eventual removal of its 71- inch telescope to a site farther from the city increased light at night and smoke caused by rapidly ex panding suburban areas are af fecting the observatorys pro gram of direct stellar photog raphy means nov are being explor ed to reduce the effect of the light which prevents the leng thy exposure of photographic plates and thereby reduces the effective range of the telescope but dr j f heard the di rector of canadas only private lyendowed observatory feels the problem will be overcome we do not anticipate a move for at least another 50 years he said direct photographs of which the observatory now has almost 24000 are used primarily to de tect and study variation in the light of stars from this the distances of selected objects can be derived stars many times fainter than are visible to the unaided eye can be photographed said dr heard opened in 1935 the observa tory is a gift of the late mrs jessie dunlap to the university of toronto as a memorial to her husband mining financier david alexander dunlap who died in 1924 the present site was chosen because of its proximity to the university objects of its eestablishment were astronomical research the training of advanced stu dents at the university and to foster public interest in as tronomy last year more than 5000 persons took advantage of visiting periods there are two other observa tories in canada both operated by the federal government they are the dominion obser vatory at ottawa and the do minion asuophysical observa tory at victoria dunlap has three telescopes they are idle only when atmos pheric conditions prevent night ly observations said dr heard two of the telescopes a 19- inch reflector and a 6inch re fractor are located in domes atop the administration build ing the main 71inch telescope is houed in a hemispherical dome fil feet in diameter at the time of its installation in 1935 the huge telescopic mir ror was the second largest of its type in the world it was surpassed only by the 100inch reflector at mount wilson cal- today it ranks behind the 200inch reflector at mount pal- omar california and an 82inch mirror at mount locke texas as well as that at mount wif- son the observatory at vic toria has a 73inch mirror the dunlap mirror said dr heard weighs nearly 2i tons and is 12 inches thick its up per surfac coated with a high lyreflecting iaycr of aluminum ts accurate to within two one- mlitonths of an inch research work at the obser vatory d heard explained has been mainly concentrated in two fieldsthe determina tion of radial velocities of stars and the photometry measure- men i of variable stars photometry has led to the growing use of electronic in the astronomical field he ad and durrs the las 10 year ue observatory ras succc- get seed potatoes early advises field crops branch potato growers are urged by the field crops branch of the ontario department of agricul ture to make arrangements early for their supply of good seed potatoes at present many fed growj ers are grading their stocks taking order and reports in dicate that there is an increased demand for approved seed se- bago variety appears to be very popular and growers in the la fontaine seed potato re stricted area of north simcoe county who specialize in the katahdin variety say that they cannot meet all the demands for small sized foundation and certified c good seed can be defined as that which is inherently high yielding free from disease true to varietal type and in good physical condition in this way quality in seed pota toes is dependent as much on inheritable factors and internal characteristics as on physical condition and externa charac teristics growers of founda tion and certified seed constant ly strive to ensure all four of the characteristics mentioned above therefore the use of seed which has the official cer tification tags attached to each bag will assist materially in producing higher yields of bet ter quality potatoes the slight ditference in price over ordi nary table stock or binrun po tntoes is one of the best invest ments a potato grower can make lists of growers in ontario with seed for sale may be se cured from offices of agricul tural representatives in each county and district from offi cials of the seed potato certifi cation service at ottawa gue lph london barrie and winni peg or from the field crops branch ont dept of agricul ture parliament buildings to ronto information relative to official inspection and certifica tion of crops may also be ob tained from the same sources altona spring must be just around the corner now at merv bunk ers a few snowdrops are in bloom and the crocuses are in on sunday mr and mrs stan- lev lewis entertained mr and mrs bert lewis and grand daughters jan joyce and june mr and mrs gordon vaugh- n fad supper with her grand parents mr and mrs norman bunker on sunday the culhani bros have re- fxmgh the former dudley white farm and will take pos- seion april 1st mr and mrs bob lewis and oys were sun dinner guests f mr and mrs grenville wil son and on monday evening had supper with mr and mrs norman lehman mr wrh wallace spent last week in chicago mr and mrs dick jones of don mills rd were sunday supper guests of her brother merv bunker and family mrs s goudie spent monday at the hunker home fully adapted the photoelectric cell and its necessary adjunct the photomultiplier to its ob servational programs electronics provides greater precision and accuracy in obser vations said dr heard but also has the disadvantage of allowing the study of only one selected star at a time therefore it is not likely that it will supplant the camera which can photograph many stars other research work of the observatory he said has dealt with the study by photography of the spectra of stars the di rect photography of selected star clusters and the study of meteors wih small cameras lished they will be available to when these findings are pub- other observatories throughout the world this is made pos sible through the international astronomical union which co ordinates all astronomical ac tivity dunlap is one of 30 sub scribers to the union an incurable optimist is a person who can even see a silver lining in a war cloud if you dmt may you neierlearn only those stricken by war disas ter or other tragedies know at first hand how vitally essential red cross services are to our na tion those of us who mercifully have not learned from grim ex perience may well chrfu11y orjmofuiiy 5494100 is needed this year u cream for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers for immediate rentals stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone 186w 1 i wih exciting trips around the world british columbia quebec the telegram invites every boy and girl be tween the ages of 9 and 16 as of july 1 1b55 to join the tely clipper club to sec and know canada and the world one tely clipper club member will fly 38168 miles around tub would in 30 days four tely clipper club members will fly ti vancouver fnr a- oneweek vacation in british colombia four tely clipper club mem bers will drive to quebec city for a oneweek vaca tion in f r e n c if canada see details daily in the telegram toronto 1 or4t tfc tlr now irtm ymt fiimll li frfur m rv ltf r pm imftr t 4ci i r l i 1 il ir- it r i i r i r s t r i i r i r i t t i i r l