Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 10, 1955, p. 2

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an editors beautitude blessed are the merchants who advertise for they have faith in their business and their prosperity shail increase many fold blessed is the woman who sends in a written ac count of a party or wedding for she shall see details and the names of her guests correctly reported blessed are those who do not expect the editor to know everything but who tell him whenever an inter esting event occurs for they shall have a better news paper in their community blessed are they who get their copy in early for they shall occupy a warm space in the editors heart blessed are they that cooperate with the editor in his efforts on behalf of the community for their community shall be known to all men as a good place to live and do business blessed are they who dont think they could run the paper better than the editor does yea thrice blessed are they because there are so few of them the bancroft times weekly keeps town history if you want the local history of any small cana dian centre youll probably find it best recorded in the towns weekly newspaper tiles says the financial post in the absence of local historical societies marly of these papers have the only record of local happenings no doubt with this thought in mind a bill has been presented to the united states senate to promote the preservation of the history of the united states as recorded in pioneer weekly newspapers and as current ly published our country is young and most emphasis has been placed on the future rather than on past happen ings weekly newspapers can and do make a very worthwhile contribution to their communities and to canada by accurately recording events and develop ments for future generations tt t trse tvtrjr stouffvsu on tnurf march 10 1555 j the stouffville tribune established 132s a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspaper association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorise moadclaj mad fotos5c dpr ottawa printed and isued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada s250 elsewhere 350 c h nolan publisher jils taoniaa acuc editor notes and comments thin is education week while they do not command the publicity which is afforded industrial growth and the forward march of national progress canadian schools are staging a march of their own and it is more important and more far reaching than any other of the many manifesta tions of progress in our country today in 1916 canada had about 2100000 children from 514 and about 1000000 teen agers from 15- 19 years of age it is estimated that by 1961 these figures will rise to 3800000 and 1110000 not just because of increasing births and new canadians but because more children stay at school longer municipalities are inclined to shake their heads and worry about the expense provincial governments are urged to face the problem and take up their share of the financial arrangements building trades and construction firms look kindly on this avenue of more work for their men and suppliers and in the midst of the arguments everyone forgets all too often to remember that this largess of children in our national life really constitutes riches for which the controlled states of europe have been ready and willing to pay a high price throughout the last half century a nation rises over the graves of its great men and on the hope of more to come canadas teachei3 and canadas pupils will tell the story of tomorrow for the pupils of the day after tomorrow so we must look this problem squarely in the face and this week education week is a good time to start in the next few years we will need more schools they will be a capita investment not a current cost we will need more teachers and there will need to be more incentive and more opportunity for men and women who are willing to make this their lifes work teachers salaries have come into line throughout the past few years but there is still a great shortage of adequately trained teachers for both the public and high schools the national committee sponsoring this week says the qualifications for teaching must be raised much evidence points to the fact that more persons will be attracted to teaching as a career if the qualifications are raised not lowered this is one fact to face today fob parents osxt saving face b j t wferrj0u r s e lye s bj nancy cleaver li you ever meet a mother who was not ease- to talk about her cud there is no subject of conversation that is of more interest to them usu ally they proudly comment on their sons or daughters clever aj 11- or success at school or in ports but occasionally an ambitious mother confides in a friend her disappointment to his self esteem when he teas expelled from a boy church club for misbehaviour fortun ately a great naay patient and ile midweek oiih leaders and sun school teachers have lessened the juvenile delin quency in many areas and kept boys out of tangles with the law a teacher in a sunday school childs actions if he i offered to teach a clas that had acquired a particularly had rep utation because there were so many problem children in it the former teacher had only made matters worse by mak ing an example of each child who was saucy the new teach er was really interested m her scholars they felt her under standing and desire to help them she praised whenever sue could as the weeks passed she got to know the children who had been labelled incorrigible to gether they planned a hike and picnic supper which was en joyed by everyone gradually this teacher found out about her pupils home environment without exception the difficult child came from a broken home or a home where the parents were constantly quarreling the children felt uncertain of love at home and they were sensitive that their family life was different from other peo ples because she loved them and believed in them and knew enough to save their face this teacher was a real force for good in the lives of every one of her pupils she believed in the old scottish proverb give a dog an ill name and he will soon be hanged teachers parents anyone who has anything to do with children should be particu larly careful not to destroy a childs good opinion of himself this does not mean that bad habits or wrong doing must be ignored no a child should be helped to face his wrong habit or misdeed he likely needs help in breaking a bad habit by replacing it with a desirable one the small boy who will not share his play things must learn through ex perience that if he refuses to share other children will not want to play with him mother will save face by talking this over with him when the two of them are alone noes in juniors preence naturally he dislikes being pulled to pieces he wants to appear in the bet posibe light why of all people should hi mother not remember his need of saving face have you not heard com- ments something like these and been aware of the inner misery of the child who was being painted in an uncompliment ary way tommy has been so diso bedient lately ive told him not to touch his fathers car but this morning 1 found him in the front seat pretending to drive 1 dont knw what has got into him helen almost failed to pass into the next class this year her older sister was so clever she always was near the top of the class johnny has been picking up the most undesirable words from the older children whom he plays with on the street disobedience low grades at school bad language are sel dom helped by discussing them with a caller matter- like these should never be talked about in a childs hearing a child needs to know that mother and daddy love him and are try ing to help him overcome his faults or difficulties mothers do well to speak of a childs good points rather than his failings if they feel they must speak of their youngster when another mother calls losing face at school is hard for a child from a happy home but it is poison for an insecure boy or girl from an unhappy family environment if trouble with the law or scandal or divorce have caused his parents to be in the public eye it is the worst time for him to be scolded in public a young man in a reform school told his counsellor that his parents never spoke well of him and it was the last straw copyright report from parliament wil m v kttt u r th pmrhmm at iran id bar tomethiei cmtf r iript by michael starr mp ontario riding the biggest problem facing the government these days is the unemployment now exist ing in canada it has reached the point where it is now the highest it has ever been since prior to the second world war because of this a debate was launched in the house of com mons in order to impress the government with its serious ness and to appeal to those re- ponsible for the economy of this country to present some plan to eliminate the present situation and also to provide some measures to forestall any thing similar in the future although the government is not saying that the unemploy ment in canada at the present time is seasonal the minister himself in his remarks gave no indication that he felt it was of a nature that demanded any drastic action on the part of the government to alleviate the situation as of january 20th 569582 persons were looking for work through the national employ ment service information is that the figure has risen since then to around 600000 unem ployed the president of the trades and labour congress of can ada has urged that a federal- provincial conference should i be called to devise ways of cre ating more jobs this confer ence he stated should include municipalities and representa tive- of labour organizations the conference should of course be called at once the tentative date for a federal provincial conference as out lined by the prime minister has been set for some time in june in a recent speech trade minister howe said that can ada will have a very good year iir 1ivv5 providing all current forecasts materialize the main problem he said wa- to main tain and expand foreign mark ets for canadian goods he ad mitted that exports declined last year but he added that we have succeeded in the main in providing markets for all that canada can produce but he said that he experience of iftol does not indicate any real set back in our ability to find mar ket- for that part of canadian production which is surplus to jrr own requirements he wen icjl to that there was some 1 i t exports crtpii s- rig intinuing a a eh yl industrial aoiivitj i- expanding a ons xpenduiirci rising all oi which tend to give a better outlook on the economic scene on the other hand we find that the government may en ter the new production year this spring with a 50 million lb butter surplus despite the heavy response to the govern ments offer of reduced prices to canadia institutions this very large surplus would rep- tesent about 30 million dollars in taxpayers money every time the government sells but ter below cost this also means a loss chalked up to the tax payer the argument put out by the officials is that large stocks of butter would be han dy in the event of a bad pro duction year the government currently holds more than 60 religion and shakespeare shakispiabl did no aim at teaching morality by precept yet all his works indirectly teach the mora order of the world he docs not quote directly from the bible but he reveals an intimate knowledge of it and in scores of striking passages one recognized this fact he holds as it were a mirror up to nature and shows how inevitably sin is punished teaches in all his works that there are moral regards and penalties over and over he demonstrates that the gods arc just and of out pleasant vices make instrument to plague us outward success and failure in shakespeare are not the measure of the regard of heaven the rewards and penalties of heaven are inward and move within the region of the soul if macbeth winning his hearts desire were left with a tranquil and expanded heart if in the outward triumph of his hopes he had the inward triumph of his spirit then it would be reasonable to hold that heaven was indifferent and regardless bit the horhor of the tragedy is this that in accomplishing the evil he was set on all that makes life beautiful departs from him and he moves into the darkness of the night be serf your sin will find you out says scripture it does not say your sin will be found out it says that sooner or later it will find you out in the deep and secret places of the soul and the awfullest horror in macbeth is not the murder of the helpless duncan it is the way in which macbeths sin found him out his soul shrank and shrivelled all that was sensitive in him turned to stone he became the prey of agonizing fears he could not sleep macbeth hard murdered sleep suspicion haunted him terror was round about him life was a living death he lost all kinship with what was fair and lovely he made his bed in hell the tragedy of macbeth presents perhaps more forcibly than any other drama in all literature the utter misery of a troubled conscience to shakespeare evil was something which wrecked and ruined and destroyed there was no escaping its dire consequences and heaven was always on the side of the good he taught that for a time goodness might seem to be vanquished and evil triumphant but the terrible punishment following wrong doing was inevitable because it was in the very nature of the universe that wrong could not remain victor ious there is evidence everywhere in his works that shakespeare thought much on the deep problems of life and his thinking led him to have faith in the wisdom and goodness of god even when his ways jre mysterious in anthony and cleopatra he makes one of his characters speak thus of unanswered prayer we ignorant of ourselves bey often our own harms uliich the wise powers deny us for our good so find we profit by losing of our prayers goodness may be vanquished but our heart remains upon the side of goodness evil may be victorious but wc loathe it even in its victories in the dark mysteries of many coloured life man at his deepest sides with what is good and so doing aligns himself with god if shakespeare left us sullendnwtfo entsfo ds etaoin if shakespeare left us sullen and despairing we might flee for refuge to the gods of pessimism but that is precisely how he never leaves us though the stage be strewn with the bodies of the good he leaves us with the glowing certainty that the good are the real victors though they perish and that heaven though dark with cloud is on their side there is both tragedy and comedy in shakespeares works but there is never flippancy where sacred things are concerned his deep reverence is everywhere manifest every reference to holy things is marked by impressive reserve here is his reference to the holy land in henry iv those fields over whose aeres walked those blessed feet which fourteen hundred years ago were nailed for our advantage to ihe bitter cross our quotation today is by j b brierly whciicuer men think deeply they think religiously million pounds of butter which according to government offi cials is about 20 million pounds larger than they were at the same time a year ago the gov ernment is currently offering to buy all surplus butter at 58 cents a pound wholesale holding the stocks for witer disposal at fil cents a pound in carload lots farmers have warned that they will wage a bitter battle if any attempt is made to reduce price supports the next seven or eight weeks should tell whether the gov ernment will decide to continue the current support or reduce it there is some doubt raised at crossword puzzle the present time whether the special commons committee on estimates will survive the cur rent session at least in its present form the government had steadfastly opposed forma- continued on page 6 stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop accountants ruziik n in across i kiln 3 pine t interval 10 seajon 14 5rirr tr 1j mechanical man 1 succulent plant nam it outer eover- mi of fmlt m cftoklea 33 former sw yorv giant manager 33 shed tor heep ipl 1 m juiee of plan 3 large room lor tociai cathermci j pronoun 31 reveraia m scotch for john 34 mark on card 3t ofgr 44 wild burial of india 41 s a merle mountain aratem 41 fornih pre- fix mr inf town 43 icn 7 4 rird j vit birda rm aa ytax 47 make boner 4 m rom num 44 oceupe or teat 30 female ruff l car 53 account m weasel s tnl nf tj so m rutan pea m weariea 7 sustain m rait jt herbhavtnf aromatic eed heraldry rafted 71 state of dis order 71 childs marbe 71 female deer ipl nowy 1 cereal rain p 1 latea off ireland 1 or of a cameroon people 4 snares 5 korturil india nstlve cety in nierr leon 7 anjs receptacles french for a javarvajm s 10 0 l e a k b t fa v 5 ve h l ati n l v ejj o v 1 ion its li hip etc 2 u o 0 e s t oaiogsef i5t e q 1 soi h kps eton e v 1 i s c ojell s j p sj t e 3 o jo j inj hul5pab 1 0 slips tt st e e bt5 s 5il2 itmsk c v v 1 1 a t c a t 1 a i tg n e i t 0e trances t 0 l ec s e 1 n e s john c wylie fcis chartered secretary public accountant auditor income tax returns kr8 stouitvilte tkikimionk oiil hair dressing permanent machine business directory brierbush hospital dental neil c smith liks- uu graduate of university ot toronto office over canadian bank of commerce releptioce i67w stouotlue e s barker ius- ods honor graduate ot university of toronto oflice over harolds grill phone 2lw stouttville medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county dr f j button dr g p buckley telephone 371 375w xkay hours daily 9 to 12 im and 130 to 300 pm kvenings 7 to 9 pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment ollico over button blk drs mitchell smith physicians surgeons xkay phone 2ao stouilvillo office hours daily 9 12 am 14 pm 79 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday office open 2 3 pm chiropractors a c kennedy cliiroprnclor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am optometrii e a grubin ro opxomkthist piclon stouffville at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays afternoons and evenings only april 4th th may 2nd 3rd 30th 31st phones 80j2 and 21 garnet v gray ro optometrist hours n30 am to 500 pm every tuesday evening by appointment wj1 birkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phono igj2 for appointment insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 2b9w ken laushway general insurance phone 270wl 70w2 stouffville ont fire automobile liability f g alsop insurance stouffville ont fire iifc auto casualty 10th year in business main st east phono 223w fred m pugh general insurance phone stoiiftvillc 382 what if the unexpected would happen today how would your dependems fare commit your local mutual life of canada representative fred m pugh ta and ntsht service maternity medical 3nd surgical member of the allied prlvat hospital association tioieriimeru llceuxl mam street eat stouttville marie jack hairdress1ng lloyd avenue stouffville permanent waving hairstyling and shaping machine maeaiaeless cold vav phone ltrtwt mttybeautysalon victoria street machinelkss machine cold wave hair styling i shaping phono stouffville s u itadcero auctioneers sellers atkinson ph agm 201w2 ph sto it3 licensed auctioneers and sale managers over 30 yens experience sales conducted anywhere spe cializing in farm stock furni ture and properly sales au sales personally lifted and ad vertised bills prepared and posted at no extra cost our rates are mom reasonable for this complete service which really pays off no salo too big or too smalt ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one milliken po ph agin 52w3 markham po ph mark 206 prentices have been established auctioneers slnco 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxbridse pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telcphono stotiltviiie 17313 s d pollard rhono stouffvillo 01818 licensed auctioneer farm stock implements household furniture real estate 50j6 real estate insure today the coop way for information enquire at your local coop or write to john sytema newmarket ph 2iij4 when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison rcgd real estate broker phono s7ji funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phono stouffvillo 98wl theaker drewery fniicra dirrrlnrs amihiavck 8kuvicf imioik- kioi alt albert 7vmimiiflha ggsg5sg5ggsg machlneless cold waves alro hair stylins for appointment 6tf ph ml stouffville 74j4 a kijikk mill street in ii crrr tnrih 13 injccom- panlrd 1j spr4t tnr flnmt 21 5m131v 53 pene 1 foollik prt n youth m irtff fh 3 diftfjt 1 i tr 43 oil m ro 4 among 4a riven inlantf 4 allow si nunjt jt s3 prtit5 ri of rxiria lp4r m ttsofaotej 55 wcitelhof plcmeflts j a tsitrttm r ctt3 ft3 mlmtci ft am pvl u oftttrt stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at tha bin plain phone 125 otthe phone 3to a ija joy beauty salon permanent waving individual styling razor shaping mrs verna austin prop phone stouftville 98w2 j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 00 markham ontario mtttttmmtnilrg stouffville machine b tool works telephone 353 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm ma if very machinery repairs

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