mrs r baycrof is elected wccr chairman ladies bowling 11 l i k lion president welcomes allgirl choir additional lccals qbitcaky i loving fa mhnlco has i i rc r- a beeve i the vat- oak it- immun the boa for a in phantas 11a on ma xxi united ctaui iv feb 21 at 2 0 in goxxlwoo i id performance for the ig tnembi rs of the peter annual musical siilice f gormley united missionary church february 27th at 730 pm i quartettes duets solos and music i i sermon by the pastor offering for church broad- cast heard every sunday morning at 8 15 am over cklb 1210 on your dial dont miss this inspirational service 9 sponsored bv the voting peoples society j the frlenda even the trlvre statafrule oat high school news on ft fe x is stu tent ffbntsrr 1w5 a v trv t the bus returned i afternoon the basketball j to fxbridge me badly whipped the juniors better being alv 7 points their a 1710 playing ge girls provid- x i e for our ii ad a east i re is hoped for gain in stou- fter school p window hie of mon- le scratch juds for ct foundation doctrines of protestantism i justification by faith i sunday fed 27th 730 pm at vivian church rev w s wiiitcombe by way of introduction mr whitconibe will discuss the film on martin luther recently banned in the province of quebec you can get a brand new or at a terrific saving limited number for sale at a drastic reduction car lmmim3 1953 pontiac deluxe 4door beautiful light green finish completely equipped with radio heater slip covers rubber foam seats window washers oil filter undercouling and electric clock 1952 pontiac deluxe 2door finished in light blue equipped with radio undersea heater rubber foam seats slip covers electric clock and gasoline filter 1947 pontiac deluxe 4door original dark blue finish this would be an excellent family car very reasonably priced 48000 1942 chevrolet standard 2door this is a very good car equipped with heater clock etc needs some paint work we have reduced this to a special price of s15ot00 no reasonable offer refused on the above listings the above cars have been thoroughly checked and reconditioned where necessary by general motors trained mechanics we have also a i9h chev 3ton chassis and fab i91s international 3ton stake 1916 international stake all reduced to clear more for your money at mole motors ltd i a series of sermons on the above topic will be preached beginning with a message on on thursday and friday nights of last week the boss idwell allgirl choir from willowdale presented stoutf- ville audiences with one of the most colourful musical programs ever to be held here the program was pro moted by the stouffville with the loca churches i ions club the girls array dent ed in beautiful doorlength club gowns were enthusiastically word received the local service ya 1 club is anxious that the choir ntem onsiders a return engas lent this summer pictured above is the p- of the stouffv ill bill ford extending a word of welcome to miss son- lvey one of the hair on the left is miss phyllis wilthire an i the choir leader mr ross cald- noted agriculturist howard u harper passes suddenly continued from page 1 ontario soil and crop improve ment association lie suggested the chosen design of the in ternational trophy for seed potatoes which he had the honour of presenting to the royal winter fair in novem ber 1951 for annual competi tion he was a director of the roy al winter fair he promoted tile five hundred bushel club and was winner a number of times in ontario county how ard had returned from ot tawa late wednesday after hav ing acted as chairman at some sessions of the canadian hor ticultural council at these meetings he was working hard to get an equalization of the tariff on potatoes between can ada and the united suites he was recently appointed a mem ber of the advisory fertilizer board of ontario howard will be missed for his genial personality sound judgment and spirit of cooper ation which characterized his association with his colleagues he is survived by his wife three sons bert of mimieo harry at home jim of west ern agricultural school ridge- town two daughters lueila mrs harold lewis of altona mary on the staff of the uni versity of toronto and three grandchildren also surviving are three sisters irene mrs cecil jones ashburn jessie mrs ii beaver shelbtirne and evelyn mrs eugene beech toronto the large funeral on monday was conducted by mr john hill of goodwood and the rev a e lunaii of toronto rev lunau has been a friend of the family for fortytwo years the many floral tributes showed the high esteem in which how ard was helil by relative- friends business and govern ment associates the pallbear ers were charles watson lome findall walter todd ii e goodin harold barber and e c snyder interment was made in the family plot at goodwood cemetery audley last friday evening about eighty sal down to the well- 1 laden tables at the potluck supper which was arranged by the wa after all appetites were well satisfied mrs a cle- nwnce president of the wa led in a short devotional serv ice of hymns a responsive read ing and prayer vby rev a e young the wa members ans wered the roll call by naming their favourite hymn- mr- john puckrin read the minutes of the january meeting and mrs a belie gave the treasur ers report mi- george squire leader of tne west group acted as chair man for the program mrs c trigg gave two piano selections patsy main carolyn bell ei leen guthrie linda zeisner terry conway douglas matth ews and paul kyle played t numbers on their lutes mari lyn vaughan played two selec tions on her piano accordion moonlight waltz and drink to me only with thine eyes mr robin nicholson of whit by sang a musical number a bit of advice to married men mr young showed two films contrary mary and hansel and gretel mr young posing as a bearded friend from the peace river district dressed in a raccoon hat and fur coat gave an interesting account of a hobby fleas putting two imaginary ileas through some tricks mr nicholson led in commu nity singing including some favourite hymns god save the queen brought an enjoyable evening to a close the club meets at the home of mr and mrs bert guthrie on wednesday march 2 the committee have planned a game of croquinole dont forget the euchre party being held this saturday eve- nine in audley school the world day of prayer service will be held this sun day afternoon during the chu rch service at 230 pm mr and mrs bert guthrie and fred puckrin attended the afternoon session of the sun day school convention at cla- rcmdiu on wednesday balsam several from here attended the sunday school convention the claremont baptist church last wednesday mr elmer wilson was appointed secretary treasurer of the organization for the coining year mr and mrs walter carson mr willie carson and mrs errol carson attended the fun eral of mrs agnes cormiek at toronto last wednesday the sympathy of the com- extended to mrs cecil jores in the sudden death of her brother mr how ard harper of goodwood who passed away at his home on friday mr and mrs cecil disney sheila and ivan had supper on friday night with mr and mrs mark lockyer at brooklin winners at the euchre last friday night were mrs lloyd iwilson m- pcrcv lone- mr geo pickett and mr rich wilson there will be another party this friday evening mrs geo wilson left satur j c it c week withl m i mrs paul wilson at i mr irving mcavoy kj icen and mary attended a blrl ij lay party sunday for mrs ij gregg at the home of mr andjc mrs wilmot mcavoy in tor- i cherrywood reverend and mrs king and daughter expect to move into the new parsonage this week mrs s gates spent a few day- with h sister mis goi- lan of toronto mr and mrs bob morriii and peter visited with mr and mrs r morrish on sunday mis mariene holcombe en tertained a few friend- to a birthday party on thursday mr and mrs howard for syth mr and mr- win maye and mr and- mrs bert maye of goodwood had tea on friday evening with mr and mr- win sinclair the cherrywood wa ladies are having a sale of raking and cindy at the stouffville sale- arena on feb 20 mr and mr- wes petty and mr and mrs win twcddle visited with mr and mrs e rouqutu of the queens wav on su i m mrs i mor- ceclar grove couple hsrk diamond anniversary by miss plodweri davies sixty years ago cedar grovel was a very busy place down in the valley of the rouge stood the three storey grist mill and the planing mill and farmers for miles around con verged there with grain to be ground and timber to be cm and planed there were two roads into the village one was the mill road running south off the bux grove side road past the great stone house and the white pine barn thai peter reesor had built and where his son andrew now lived the road crossed the river near the dam passed the grist mili south of the road and the plan ing mill to tiie north then went past another great stone house built by peters son samuel the second road from the north followed the line of the tenth concession dipped down a steep hill into the val ley and oyer a wooden bridge then climbed another high hill on tiie south side at the top of the hill stood a mennonite church and here the two roads met across the road from the church stood a blacksmith shop the tenth concession roadrtm south past tiie village tore and down to simeon reesors lumber miil which stood where the rouge crossed the road al the town line in the summer of 1s95 arthur clondenen was a young blacksmith newly married and he brought his bride to live in an old cottage that stood under lie black locust trees beside the blacksmith shop he was a on of a scottish farmer who lived at mount jay angeline goudy his bride was the granddaughter of a scottish settler in waterloo wiio had married a mennonite girl her father was a mennonite minis ter when the minister was appointed to tiie mennonite church at mount joy arthur clondenen then a boy on the farm asked if the minister had any daughter- ye- he was told he iiad several daughters the oldest of them eighteen years of age that- tiie one i want for my ifcife he said and when the goudy family arrived he looked ai angeline with a very approving eye it was years later before he accepted him and then he had to go to kitchener for the wed ding which took place on jan uary 20 1s1xj last saturday night their neighbors at cedar grove filled the clcndencu home and brought the bride and groom a gift to commemorate sixty for the victor 3 appreciated i v 1hiug to do- do so by leaving ir gifts the church not i th feb 2sth river between tiie mills and the m imentum would carry them hall way up andy ree sors hill arthur clendenen recalls how for twenty six years he i anted the house and black smith shop from joe lapp for ss5 a year and lie took most of it out in work one day joe lapp decided that the clem den ns needed ti stable for their new horse so he took down a building further down the tenth reerected it where it still tends beside the black smith shop without raising the vent granddaddy sam reesor was still a very vigorous old man when the clendenens be came his neighbors he was the son of peter reesor who had ridden up from pennsylvania in 1796 to leak over the land in upper canada and who in iso ied the calvalcade of conesto- gas with which the reeors travelled into canada to settle in tile valley of the rouge when the young clendenens began to prosper and were able to buy a line horse and a mc laughlin buggy naturally they felt very proud of their new possession and d o u b t 1 e s s arthur felt he had the bet and fastest horse in all the country side granddaddy sam feu the same way about his horse and he waited for a chance to take the young blacksmith down a peg one night the clendenens were riding home from maikham when on the tenth they were riding home from markham when on the tenth they were overtaken by a horse who thrust his head between their shoulders arthur whipped up his horse and shouted encouragement and the horse sped down the road as fast as he could travel but they couldnt get that horse head mil of the mc laughlin buggy at last they turned aside into their own stable only to see their chuck ling pursuer turn down the mill road granddaddy sam till had the edge on his young neighbor now dad clendenen is nearly as old as granddaddy sam was when he moved to cedar grove and mr and mrs clendenen have greatgrand children of their own dad clendenen likes to ay he has done work for live generations of recsors sam colin arthur austin and finally the twins colin and coleen as tiny tots took their wagon to the village blacksmith to be fixed arthur clendenen started united missionary church rev h shantz minister j sunday feb uary 27 moist joy 10 am siind v school 11 am mo ie- worship rev glenn mckinley will speak 730 pm evangelistic rev g mckinley special meet ings will continue until sun day march g special sing ing come ani enjov these services dickson 111 mi 1000 am morning worship by the pastor 1100 am sunday school st james presbyterian church stouffville iter 1 is mikilliian i1a s u y february 27 10 atu moraine worship vivian mecormack memorial church rev w s triittcoiiibc ma pastor sunday ia hi uary 27 1030 am sunday school 730 pm evening worship tues 830 pm ladies meet ing at mrs warren raes all ladies welcome wed s30 pm young peoples thurs feb 21 s pm prayer meeting at the home of lloyd grose ft friday feb 2a 230 pm womens world day of prayer in the church brethren in christ church heise hi iormlcy pastor iv a l winger sunday fcauaiy 27 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship and min istry of gods word 700 pm evangelistic wed 730 pm prayer meeting a cordial invitation is ex tended to all stouffville united church rev douglas davis minister sunday february 27 10 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening worship under the direction of the young people speaker mr lloyd free special music tuesday 730 pan cubs and scouts wednesday s pirn lenten de votions thurs 7 pm cgit 815 pm choir practice friday 1 pm explorers friday 3 pm world day of prayer service in the bap tist church thurs march 10 the ambas sador choir will present a sacred cantata in this church thurs s pm prayer service and bible study friday holiness federation members will meet a serv- out to be a gristmiller but could not tolerate the dut so turned to the ancient art of the ice of inspiration will be at blacksmith he apprenticed years of happy marrii d ii and sixty years of goo i borliness plate b and tin a i it a stei 1 lint an inc rmful of tall vould be hard who wet e liappie i e ho arid hosti s or the some of i beed the cendenei he con of the himself for years his pay the first year to be 25 the second year 50 and the third year s77 but in the third year his employer released him because he had a chance at a new job where he was to earn a dollar a day tiie young man felt like a plutocrat at cedar grove the farmers v h came to the mil- left in the valley and c horses to be 1 at the i ay or came to have i of things made or ircd arthur and his re ut at dawn in rvest time d teams were i long w y down the king i a turn al the forge ond d sx the help s v the young black- nli i put on horse hoes hand i let ecu dawn till wo s in his shop ind there at a neighbor for around who has with omething led or made when tie turned i stout v iliiros i in demand ting at his 230 great youth rally at 8 pm rev m c summers pastor of weleyan church toronto friday i pm childrens happy hour sunday february 27 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship 730 pm evangelistic monday s pm young peoples aitoxa 1030 am sunday school 730 pm evahg ill tic rev gibson brown peaki r coming events al stoufl vlile united miss church march 3 bui inc- meetb march 0christian edu sunday march 10ai1 prea her choir from wilmori 1 march 20 comma n sei march 27 to april al in to the convehtio melville bethesda and peaches united churches rev ii i moiblle sunday fo i u 27 10 am peaelu hi 1 1120 am meh ill 1 v ii art n 1 nam th- li memorial christian church ltrv k moiuhe pastor sunday february 27 10 a m sutdiv school 11 co am morning worship 730 pm evening worship tues march 1st 230 pm pilgrim workers at the home of mi- ii warner at s pm prayer meeting at the home of mr a w allen the word is wnl united missionary church gormley k rethesda rev c v 1 limiting minister sunday lybruarv 27 kktiiksiia 1030 am worship service 200 pm sundav school gubmlkv 1 45 pm sunday school 213 pril preaching service 730 pm evening service annual musical service spon sored by the youtig peoples society friday fell 25 holiness fed eration in stouffville united missionary church at 230 and s pm broadcast time s15 each sun day morning cklb oshawa christ church anglican itcv 1 i tlluolt kcctor sunday february 27 1st in lent 10 am morning prayer 1100 am sunday school friday 3 pm world day of prayer at baptist church fri 730 pm lenten service choir practice after service thou shall not tempt the lord thy god matt 17 bloomington and ringwood christian churches rev l v brown pastor sunday february 27 bloomington 10 am sundav school 1100 am worship subject how the purposes of god are effected friday s pm christian en deavour ringwood 10 am sunday school 230 pm- worship monday s pm monthly mis sionary meeting at the home of mr joe fockler altona 1030 am sunday school 730 pan wo hip subject going deeper with god a me- age for chris- la wed 8 pan prayer meeting friday feh 25 230 pm wo men- day of prayer in viv ian church mrs wm whil- roinhe will speak reformed church ok canada dutch meeting held in the kellovrslilp centre lcinoiivillo pastor mr dykslra sund ly february 27 10 am worship service 1 1 am sunday school evangelical baptist churches rev norman rowan pastor binary 27 second miikliiiin 1000 m sunday school 1 1 i am worship and min- in young peoples pastor d james prayer meeting aly open dis- pakkp hill sunday school worship and min- nary offering for prayer meeting sttmffville baptist church ft i lranton pastor fe eh bible school rnng worship nine service ieek service peoples womens