Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 24, 1955, p. 4

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the church proclaims the gospel illustrated sunday school lesson m j- scripture marie 1613 act i1441 romans 10815 i corinthians 115s5 colotslaas lttts mwmrf bsffii-yy- i jrau appeared to us eleven disciples and gave them his command that they should go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation vhen the holy chost fell on the dis ciples they talked strangely seeming to be drunk peter standing with them told the people to listen to his words then peter talked of jesus whom they had crucified but who was raised from the dead and he called upon his hearers to repent and be baptized whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved but how could they believe without a preacher memos y vkrssbamn j die soldeu text the chcrch proclaims tidings the gospel after jesus ascension trie the soou news is for everyone holy ghost fel upon the du- i jesus appoints the ticclve for i am not ashamed of the gospel of chrijl for ii h ihs power of cod unto lalvation to every one thot believeth 10 the jew first ond also to the greekiroman 116 ised that one of his descend ants would be the messiah ending his speech with there- scripture mark 1615 acts 2 ciples as you remember from a fore et au the house of israe 1441 romans 10s15 1 cor 1 recent lesson and they began to know assuredly that god made 1s23 colossians 12129 sieak in strange tongues they that same jesus whom ve have were galileans but were speak- crucified both lord and christ by newman iampoe1 jng uke 0 n3t par- being told to repent and be our lesson today is about thians medes etc some sneer- baptized after their anxious the first christian missionaries tna e dlciples had par- question what shall we do the men who had shared jes- taken of too much wine nearlv 3000 were received into us life on earth talked with but peter standing up with the brotherhood him after hii resurrection and the eleven lifted up his voice writing to the romans whose received his command go ye and said unto them courteous- church he had organized and into the world and preach the ly ye men of judea and all preached to paul wrote gospel to every creature ye that dwell in jerusalem be if thou shalt confess with even the smallest children this known unto you and hear- thy mouth the lord jesus and can understand the joy of tell- ken to my words for these are shalt believe in thine heart ing glad news to others a new not drunken as ye suppose that god raised him from the baby has come to the home hear these words dead thou shalt be saved friend who has been ill is bet- then he spoke of jesus of for with the heart man be- ter a happy time is looked for- nazareth saying he was ap- lieveth unto righteousness and ward to and will be shared proved of god as they very with the mouth confession is with friends well knew because of his ma- made unto salvation for the so these friends of jesus ny miracles he reminded them scripture saith whosoever be- wanted to share their knowl- of his death on the cross and lieveth on him shall not be edge of him to all the world how god had raised him from ashamed not only because christ had the dead for there is no difference told them to do so but because peter then quoted david who between the jew and the greek they wanted to spread the glad prophesied that god has prom- for the same lord over all is rich unto a3 that cn upon him for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord snail be saved tien paul makes a plea for missionaries to carry the good news to the world he writes how- then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent as i is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things how many brave men and women have left their own peo pie and their own countries to bring these glad things to peo pie in far lands possibly some cf the children in your class have relatives who are mission aries to foreign lands and the youngsters have had a chance to listen to them tell of their experience it is always a great occasion when such a mission ary comes to visit the church at home and tell the congrega tion and sunday school of his or her life in faraway lands there may also be some young mon in these sunday school classes who are facing the ques tion maybe god may want me to become one of his ministers to carry the good tidings to all men memory verse for 1 am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to every one that believeth to the jew first and also to the greek romans 110 the tribune stoufvi ont thursday february 2i 1955 highest market prices paid for dead or crippled stock speedy pickup call collect banner rendering markham 24j4 or ly 623 pb533b s3 gaasasaaagss aacsgaaaaaaaaaag ffac ceat futftwo per rent ktwsrw people tuc tiling pu 60 no than in 1921 your rkikcx of itlttx to bar 60 and ouor impron- army lhanka to hijrhtr landtutia of aiinc a w can rcmiluna bua he ftjtinrvmthti of arte- you fnalinx kipendnca npom otborw yot r hat extra yew will be meura free from trr by investing nov in a the control system of a new guided missile has approxi mately 1500000 parts news for the farmer method of canning apples a new method of canning apples to provide a more con tinuous process than formerly to preserve a better flavour and to retain the shape of the bpplepieces has been develop- rd by the experimental station st summerland bc scientists in the fruit pro cessing laboratory at the sta tion constructed a stainless steel vacuum chamber for the treatment of apple tissue in the preparation of solid pack can ned apples and apple pie filling the process consists of expos ing the apple tissue in this cha mber to a vacuum of about 275 inches 30 inches on the mer cury tube is a complete vac uum for a period of from five to seven minutes and then re leasing the vacuum with steam teste under factory condi tions this chamber proved sat isfactory prcessing from 550 to coo pounds of prepared apples per batch in a 15minute cycle potatoes as boilers or bakers most consumers desire mealy potatoes for baking and for mashing but for boiling and serving whole these same cus tomers want a potato which is not mealy which will hold its form and not slough during boiling states the markets branch british columbia de partment of agriculture potato chip processors and those processing frozen french fries desire mealy potatoes or those high in specifiv gravity on the other hand the potato canning trade must have low specific gravity potatoes which remain firm and whole after cooking thus consumers de sire potatoes that possess cer tain characteristics depending upon how they are to be cook ed and the purpose for which they are to be used there is no such thing as a general pur pose potato because all varieties vary extensively within the same lot by separating lots of pota toes into specific gravity groups according to whether they sink or float in salt solutions each lot can be labelled and adver tised according to their best cooking purpose such as ex cellent for baking guaran teed to be mealy will not fall apart when boiled etc experiments conducted by the bc department of vege table crops indicate consumers are willing to pay 7 cents more for 5 pounds of bakers than for the same potatoes unsepar- ated as to specific gravity with out any reduction in volume of sales consumers also paid more for boilers than for the same potatoes unseparated peter gowland hollywoods famous photographer of glam orous starlets recently shot the worlds largest pinup nega tive 30 x 10 inches you asked for and here it is the 55 pontine boast the longet ipweat built-for- beautv linea ever enriched bv a tnsiv fleam of bright metal treat rcar anil complfe1 by a hiking combination of brilliant colora you asked for luxurious nw domtom and here it is i pontiaca complete ebuaii change inclndea a brand new frame new front and rear auspenaion and tubelesa tirca mating pontiaca amazingly amooth ride the ultimate in comfort s you asked for sunolngnew power and here it is ashas hp valvcinhead big 6 tops in economy backed tiy bigcar jwver and performance 1hc lincl performing valveinhend 6 engine in the automotive industry 1 ahnqhb7 hp valvcinhead kager power flashing performance and a moneysaving mind about gas all your- ith this great new vabeinhead stratohah awl80 hpvolveinhcad v8 sistosve brilliantly thai back up your slightest to touch viil aciionl i hr ocvet crratast v vs in canada you asked for a srfflmnymed mterior and here it is fount your eyc on the fabulous pontiac interiors youll see a completely new instrument panel with recessed controls youll find more room ileepseated comfort and trueangle seat hacks for relaxed riding youll enjoy the feeling of real motoring luxury you asked for a wmpajiount and here it is pontiaca wide open ami wonderful wraparound windshields give you alljender vuibatiy thanks to the 18 0 increase in seethrough visibility you really see u round both front and back for more pleasure and safety all that youve ever wanted in a car is yours with stem 55 pontiac arrw8 local dcalctis aotv mole motors limited phone 372 stouffvillo nursery in mexico speeds canadian wheat breeding in order to speed up the de velopment of wheat varieties resistant to new virulent races of stem rust and leaf rust the canada department of agri culture established in october 1954 a wheat breeding nursery on a farm near ciudad obre- bon on the west coast of mex ico reports dr r f peterson cereal breeding laboratory winnipeg previously wheat breeders in canada could grow only one crop of wheat hybrids on a field scale under rust conditions each year several greenhouse crops could be grown each year but on a much smaller scale the new nursery in mex ico makes it possible to grow two ftillscale field nurseries of hybrid wheats under rust con ditions each year one in can ada and one in mexico in august and september 1954 the wheat breeders at winnipeg selected in their plots over 3000 hybrid lines from various wheat crosses that were resistant to rust occur ring there and prepared the seed for sowing in mexico these lines were sown each in a sevenfoot row in the mexi can nursery along with some introduced wheats of interest as potential parents in future breeding work a smaller num ber of plots of oats and barley were included the entire nursery of nearly 3500 plots occupies 214 acres it will be ready for harvest about the end of march or ear ly april shortly before harvest two scientists from the labora tories at winnipeg will go to mexico to select hybrid plants and lines having resistance to rust races occurring in western mexico and to bring back the seed these selected lines will be sown in western canada in may 1955 a year earlier than if the material had all been de veloped in canada other plant breeding institu tions growing wheat oats or barley nurseries on the same farm are the state experiment stations of wisconsin minne sota xorth dakota south da- kota montana and washing ton the field containing these nurseries is surrounded by an irrigation canal and has a grid of smaller canals cutting the field into units 37 x 74 fee in size each containing 2ss plots laid out in four series with sep arating paths ingeniero too- doro knclso a graduate of the national agricultural college at chapingo mexico super vises the growing of the crop the departments or lastitu- tion submitting seed for a nur sery have contracts with the rust prevention axiaton minneapolis minn which in turn has an overall contract with the farm owner who pro vides the land local supervisor and labour the mexican de partment of agriculture par ticularly interested in the bree ding program and its coopcraj lion is invaluable chemistry is no new indus try in america the first chemi cal plant was opened in boston in 1635 making saltpeter and alum now more than 9000 companies manufacture thou- sands of chemicals canadian government annuity tw mt sm cs v mr annuity plan nr iuble to mill your individual r any raident of canada brtwmi ihr ax of i waa andts a eligible to bay consmanonl annuity find out rajeht now bow you ran buy guarantor rvlimnrnl tncoma aaurinr your carains yean conautt your district anmjitiks kepre- semtative who win rail at time aowiiai to you or nail lb a bdow tostace fkek ja cmcrr uuum eataasmi resras immai a uat onus khtah reo nature gave you a neck to hold your head up but pride can help out a lot reed utsh ttnor awoxm f randy- caalt air to rikt k la this newspaper to toy soli rami watat aal la ik uwar t probltm crossword puzzle ttjzxus jf m s3 husbands i wives want new pep and vim rhouiands of couples are weak wornout ex hausted lolely because body lacks iron for new vim vitality try ostrex tonic tablets suppliei iron ou too may need for pep supplemen tary doses vitamin hi introductory or pel- acquainted size only 60 at all drueet horizontal 1 11 pen h saloon 10 bridge term i a firm- 15 german river is opening in skin it rearrxnee- ments jo hotels 21 fondle 33 coma of india s3 benttt of burden 34 foot ike part 25 skills 37 aeriform fluid 28 kxtent of land 29 away 32 slabbiu 39 net 34 sloths 37 aid 38 grate 3 coatrulate 40 sheltered side t setel palm 42 furs 43 ancient 44 tardy 45 golf mound 44 crippled 47 chess piece 48 cravat 51 visible vapor m woodland deity 36 obey awtypeo military officer iso poker stake fil cereal grains 62 musical drama 63 rtms to right 64 part of church 65 chairs vkkticat 1 minute groove 2 certain years of ones life 3 golf clubs 4 makes mlstaka 5 sink 6 geometric it cap o period of time 10 routes 11 bird 12 wild buffalo of india 13 state of dis order 18 mimics 10 asiatic 34 nance step 35 place of combat 25 pcruso 27 obtain 28 in wonderland 29 season so unruly outbreak 31 kuoa dp aapaa bhta ddooq qqq qsnejb ail oaa aau uou aaaasatahqa aoaa ansaaa aaa qhqdl anna aaausnanrri aaa oaaaaa fflaai aaaaa- one aauaavaaa qsbuu r 1 n 3 f t o m p r n s asunrer t- 1bss1 n 329 33 nimbus 33 brother of cain 34 tall mana grass 35 mediterranean island 38 small weight 39 inciter of alphabet 41 poplar 42 writlnff implement 45 number pl 46 spikes am art rink 47 billiard snot 48 genua of moths 40 inaeur 30 icelandic tartac bl obstacle 52 sound quality- 33 heraldry grafted s4 excavation 5 be of low 68 chart 59 hawaiian hawks mid winter sale feb 17 lo mwtcii 1 tremendous savings on kitchen living room and bedroom furniture theaker drewery furniture hone 810- mi albert

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