th trihyn svwffrl or thurmav feruary 10 1955 the stouffville tribune established 1883 member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations a j r i t4 as soriii4ss mall posoffice dpt ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada s250 elsewhere 350 c h kcuu editor jss thorns sports a ssst a v nolan son publishers notes and comments weekly newspapers are subject of royal banks monthly letter canada has 965 weekly newspapers with a com bined circulation of 2475140 says the monthly letter the informative bulletin published by the royal bank of canada the january edition of the monthly letter tells a lot about the weekly newspapers and their treat influence on the thought and action of the people of canada the average paper represented in the canadian weekly newspapers association said william h cranston publisher of the midland free pies- herald in an article he wrote for the financial post last august covers 82 per cent of the homes in its trading area has a net paid circulation of under 1500 copies a week and is produced by a staff of fewer than ten the staff usually includes the owner who may be publisher editor printing foreman advertising sales man and genera caretaker combined it can be said that on the whole the weekly press of canada realizes its social responsibility has main tained itself financially and economically so as to he able to withstand official or other interested pressure and does its best to use its freedom actively in the interests of its community suggests the monthly letter it ix ix never underestimate henry an enthusiastic sportsman of the spectator variety decided last fall that he would watch the grey cup game in comfort so he bought a television set costing 300 with aerial and installed it in his base ment recreation room clara his wife had decreed that the set go there because the children would naturally be the most constant televiewers so far so good but as the weeks went by henry and clara found they were spending more and more of their evening hours in the basement and fewer and fewer in the living room the recreationroom had been good enough for the children but was too dingy for the lord and lady of the manor or their guests claras new decree called for panelling painting and new lighting the contractor made a pleasant room of it and pocketed 500 clara was a little frightened at the rate they were now spending money and her next idea was on the economical side the recreationroom obviously had to have new furniture lo match the new decorations but their livingroom furniture was almost new and as the were spending most of their time downstairs why not take the furniture downstairs too down it went at no cost except to henrys tem per however clara is a native of ottawa and has flexible ideas of economy henry got a christmas bonus sufficient to make a good downpayment on 1200 worth of new livingroom furniture henrys personal share of the bonus is a new tie the situation is static for the moment but henry has moments of clairvoyance when he forsees that the new furniture in the living room will call for redecora tion there and after that the rest of the ground floor will look shabby in comparison and then sometimes henry wishes he had paid speculators prices for grey cup tickets last fall the printed word fr k it a fine organization lob ever take a strol down to the arena about one oclock on a saturday if youd take the trouble to do so you would see a real fine organization job ac complished by members of the stouffville lions club and others there are one hundred boys and more there every saturday to a casual onlooker the event may not appear serious but these young lads really take it seriously parents will tell you these boys are sometimes ready hours before its time to go to the arena not much help is needed to get ready and no urging needed to be on time few people appreciate the work of organizing and directing such activities however there are those few who do take a great pride and interest in such work and need no more pay than the gratitude and satisfac tion which comes out of such activities many have devoted years as real community builders in this type of work and fortunate is the town which can boast an unlimited supply of such people as they do eventually retire and others must take their place there is never an oversupply and there are always openings most of these men and we might include women too as many of them ae engaged in similar work among the girls in various organizations get a deep satisfaction out of the work they get a real bang out of it and are not too worried whether they are appreciated or not do parents appreciate this work being done for their children a great many of them do although they may not show it outwardly however the odd pat on the back now and then from some of these appreciative parents would not be out of place parents on the whole would do well to show more interest and give more encouragement to those who arc carrying on these activities it costs little to put in an appear ance or give a helping hand items from bygone days from the files of the the free press nov 20 1896 between 300 and 00 men are working on the extension of the electric railway to rlch- mond hill they were sotting 1 a da at first hut went out on strike for si 2 which waa finally granted by the contrac tor wheat has taken another spurt upwards a- the resulj of the recent election in the un ited states the dollar mark is still looked for a printing ottie i ometimes be rather a tough place and a newspaper worker lrkely to be a bad man but statistics do not eem to bear out that idea in the state pentitentiary of texas out of 3390 convicts there i not a single news paperman or printer and in kindlon penitentiary there is not one printer laff of the week isjsksvjr and be promised me the mora on a sttrer ajad i tstwt rrttbxt either for parents onit feeding birds in winter have you discovered what fun it i to feed the birds in the winter even the most common of little feathered friends are o appreciative of scraps from your kitchen and you may have the thrill of be- ins host to some of our rarer cold weather birds after a heavy fall of snow when a thick icy crust forms on the surface many wild birds may search in vain for enough nourishment to keep alive this often happens late in february or march when a thaw is fol lowed by a freezeup sweep a little patch near your back door clear of snow throw out crumbs rolled oats tiny scraps of food this unexpected feast may save a few feathered friends from perishing from hunger hut providing food for the birds does not have to be only an emergency measure when they need human aid it can become a fascinating hobby for old and young alike it is a wonderful activity for a child who is confined to bed by a long sickness a boy in the neighborhood who started to feed the birds in his backyard when he was ill found in bird watching a wonderfully satisfying hobby his whole family rejoiced in his new interest and cooperated in his plans for a food container and provisions for his bird friends a sunflower head fastened in a tree is a wonderful source of food for chickadees a cocoa- nut can be drained of its milk by boring several holes and then filled with peanut butter bread crumbs and seeds suet may he hung in a loosely cro cheted string bag or the kind of a container onions are often sold in avoid wire mesh hold ers as on subzero days a birds feet or even his eyelids might be seriously damaged by being stuck to the metal it is not hard lo make a satis factory wooden feeding tray all that is needed is a solid floor a raised moulding around it forming a little wall so the food will not blow away a roof and at least one sidewall to provide protection from snow rain and wind quite often the food tray is fastened on the outside window ledge or on a pole or hung by a strong wire from a tree it is possible to use a double wire by nancy cleaver with a pully arrangement simi lar to a clothes line fasten the far end to a tree and pull it in to a window verandah then you can fill the tray and after wards pull it out to the tree where the shy birds are more likely to come sometimes a cat pounces on a bird when the birds atten tion is focused on eating a deep band of tin around the pole or trunk of the tree pre vents a cat from climbing it and a strip of tin at fortyfive degree angle around the bot tom of the feeding box accomp lishes the same purpose cats or squirrels cannot reach a container hung from a strong wire in choosing the location for a feeding tray remember that the birds need shelter in the bad weather you will want it where you can watch them from a window and where you can easily replenish their food supply it is possible to make a food hopper for dry supplies such as seeds which will drop down into an opening as the birds remove the lower sup plies crushed eggshells and grit or line sand are needed by birds to digest their food they re quire drinking water too even in the freezing weather and in the winter often find it hard to find a wooden mixing bowl is a good water container and you can add hot water to melt its surface as it freezes over birds just like people have favorite foods suet is liked by woodpeckers chickadees nut hatches and titmice cardinals towhees and blackbirds delight in sunflower seeds and broken peanuts robins catbirds her mit thrushes are partial to pieces of apple and orange cur rants and raisins bread crumbs and scratch feed are quickly ealen by finches juncos and sparrows but there are a great many food scraps such as otato and apple parings and bacon rind which are often thrown in uhe garbage that birds would ap preciate bits of any kind of fat meat hard boiled eggs or cheese are real delicacies pum pkin and squash seeds rolled oats broken pieces of pastry cookies even dog biscuits pro vide nourishing morsels rest luck to you and your bird friends business directory dental out in the rain there is an interesting and somewhat pathetic incident in the life of thomas carlyle where he tells of how he stood outside his home listening to his father leading family devotions while he himself was out in the rain somewhat critical of what was going on inside the house carlyle was a born critic and he was swift in judgments on other people later in life when writing to a young man he urged him to be patient and charitable he said don t set into the habit of sneering at piple 1 have done far too much snickering at people myself not long ago a distant relative of mine came over from england on a short business trip he arrived at my home on a sunday morning and as i had an engagement to preach at a i small rural church about 20 miles away i invited him to come along like the man in the bible story he began to make excuses the chief one was that he had led such a busy life he had got away completely from the churchgoing habit he said 1 havent been to a church six times in the last twenty years he came along anyway and he was greatly interested in what he saw it was an anniversary occasion and the little church was overcrowded chairs had to be put in the aisles is that against the law remember the building was full before the hour of service my nonchurch going relative was amazed he watched the faces of the worshippers especially during the singing of hymns and the atmosphere of the service and warm fellowship which followed was a new experience for him on the way home he said to me i dont begin to understand it but those people got a great thrill out of it all he told me that in bis neighborhood on the outskirts of london all his friends mowed their lawns and loafed around on sunday mornings and none of them were churchgoers i took that with a pinch of salt for i was brought up in the north of england and on our street there were dozens of families that were regular in their church attendance my friend returned to england in about two weeks time he is a fine fellow and i like him but i am wondering if he is returning to his golf and loafing around on sundays he was not critical of what he saw that afternoon he just didnt understand it he looked on rather wistfully almost enviously all the time wondering what these people had that he was missing like thomas carlyle he felt he was out in the rain and he would like to be inside his attitude reminded me of what i once heard a preacher say no matter how beautiful stained glass windows may be and some are exquisite they must be seen from the inside to be appreciated looked at from the outside they are not at all impressive the apostle paul once wrote a letter to some christians ol his day in which he urged his readers to remember them that are without paul did not want these christians to be smug and selfcomplacent they had a responsibility for out siders he knew that the very essence of christs teaching was that the gospel message was for everybody perhaps he had heard of the masters words go ye into the highways and hedgeways and compel them to come in there are a lot of people out in the rain and it is too bad for everybody concerned perhaps those people on the inside arc partly to blame our quotation today is a verse written by a monk long long ago but what to those who inri all his nor tongue nor pen enii show the lore o jems tuftai t is none but ffis tolled ones know neil c smith ld5 dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone l57w stouflvlll e s barker lds uds honor graduate of university of toronto office over harolds grill phone 374w stouhvili medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien a main phone 196 coroner for york county dr f j button dr g f buckley telephone 171 a 37sw xray hours dally 9 to 12 m and 130 16 300 pm evenings 7 to 9 pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment office over buttsu itik drs mitchell smith physicians surgeons xltat phone 23 stouffville office hours dally 9 12 am 14 pm 79 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday office open 2 3 pm chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am oprometric report from parliament by the j k smith si p horses is ordered for tomorrow from the tribune jan 14 1926 feb 5 1931 the pa week ha beer one of great activity at the new market depot fifteen can of grain have beei shipped from here mostly larey and three cars of egg have been ship ped d reet to liverpool a ear ais shipped to to- would be mbq return or s5c while some parts of the pro vince are hound up with snow and motor traffic is at a stand- till motoring from stouffville to toronto is still good along the main highway carloads of turnips arc being hipped this week from the local station by the uko the farmers expecting to realize 25c per bushel a new section of plate glak was placer in the window of buttons hardware store on tuesday to replace a cracked pane whioh was broken right across by a young hoy recently on wednesday of this week a large 30passenger motor bus wa in town having made the trip from toronto with a cou ple of officials investigating the prospects for business should they extend the bits service now operating from toronto to markham village to begin with a car would leave here every morning at 7 oclock from the extreme eat end of the village returning leaving toronto about 8 pm the fare fourteen below zero on sun day morning gave the local people the heaviest touch of at iondon and pari- will make second session of the 22nd parliament is now well underway and is likely to con tinue until sometime about midsummer i will be in otta wa during this period and i hope as in the past any who may have problems concern ing federal administration will feel free to write me any time the address is 1 e smith m p parliament bldgs ottawa and during the session no stamp is required i plan to be at home every weekend and will be available for personal interviews at my office in richmond hill every saturday morning of outstanding national and international importance the ratification of the paris agree ment for the rearming of ger many has overshadowed all other issues here in the capi tal adopted by the canadian par liament by a vote of 213 to 12 the ratification resolution was one of the most momentous in recent years a hushed and keenly solemn house heard that outstanding canadian and world statesman hon lester b pearson outline the points in favor and heard almost un animous support from all sec tions of the house the ratification was support ed by the official opposition and the leaders of the other par ties the twelve voting against the resolution were members of the ccf party mr pearson expressed the confidence of the canadian government and parliament that the agreements drawn up couidei cti by many peron to ronto on mondav and a car for inge winter weather we have ex perienced this season setting in last friday a regular bliz zard lasted for a day and a night piling snow high and deep in places the stouffville united chu rch in the year 1930 raised a sum totalling 8137 for all pur poses including congregation al offerings and organization endeavors the large amount records one of the biggest years in the churchs history hydro extension is going on steadily east of stouffville so that by spring several more farmers will be enjoying the privilege of the niagara cur rent the town solicitor informs us that the details relative to the annexation of north church street are now complete and passed by the railway hoard consequently the properties in volved are now a pan of the village and our population is thus advanced by some twenty- two inhabitants while the emcnl will he increased by 000 an important contribution to world peace from the firm foundations of defence strength and constructive unity which they provide for the free world it is hoped it will be possible to convince the soviet leaders of our firm intention and de termination to dofend ourselves without in any way menacing them the paris agreement which provides for the supervised and regulated rearming of west germany has been subject for an exteaive red campaign against ratification appeak were made through the press and through an intensive lob by of members which were quite clearly recognizable as part of a russian propaganda campaign with ail of us there are i think certain doubts and mis giving about rearming a na tion which so recently was guil- i ty of such atrocities against mankind my deskmate vn the house in ieon d crestohl member for artier riding in montreal he of ce jewish faith and in expressing support for the agreement to admit germany to the north atlantic treaty organization he said he did so with an ache in his heart hav ing in mind the tragedy of nazi atrocities his own uncles and aunts and cousins number ing over fit persons were tor mented and put to death by the nazis despite his very nat ural emotions under these cir cumstances he supported rati fication because he was con vinced it was a praotical step on the road to lasting peace com nion wealth conference prime minister st laurent left last ifriday to attend a conference of commonwealth prime ministers in london he will he away about two weeks and rt hon c i howe is now acting prime min ister last week we had the pleas ure of meeting here in ottawa mohammed ali the prime min- isler of pakistan the disting uished visitor was guest at a reception given by the speaker and he later attended a session of the house the 15 year old moslem leader presides over the destinies of more than k mil lion people in pakistan new members six new members were intro duced at this session including a minister of the crown hon george marler the minister of tranport mr marler has had a long experience as a member and cabinet minister in quebec province and is no newcomer to politics we all regret the absence of hon george diew leader of the opposition who is convalescing after a very ser ious illness his place is being very ably filled by our neigh bour and mileage hon karl rowe of dufforinsimcop one of the veteran members and popular in the ranks of all par- ties e a grubin ro optometrist picton stouffville at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays fell 7 a mar 78 afternoons and evenings only phones 80j2 aud 23jl garnet v gray ro optometrist hours pilo am to s00 pm every tuesday evening ly appointment wm birkett residence main st west 3 doora west of allien st phone igj2 for appointment insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies fit reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259wj ken laushway general insurance phone 270wl 270wl stouffville ont fire automobile liability f g aisop insurance stnllftvllle onl fire life auto casually 10th year in business main st east phone 22atr fred m pugh general insurance phone stoiiflvillc js2 what if the unexpected would happen today how would your dependents fare consult your local mutual life of canada representative fred m pugh insure today the coop way for information nrjnirc at your local coop or wrile lo john sytema newmarket ph 21 ij4 stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop jcy beauty salon permanent waving individual styling razor shaping mm yerna austin prop phone stouftville s8w2 brierbush hospital day and nisht service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied prlvai hospital association government licend main street east siouffvlile marie jack ha1rdress1ng lloyd avenue stouffville permanent waving hairstyling and shaping machine mchtneless cold wv rhobs ltowl bett ybea utysa lon victoria street machineikss machine cold wave hair styling shaping phone stouffville 287 r badgero auctioneers sellers atkinson pb agin solws ph sto 3ss licensed auctioneers and sale managers over so years experience sates conducted anywhere spe cializing in farm stock furni ture and property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised hills prepared and posted at no extra cost our rates are most reasonable for this complete service which really pays off no sale too big or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one millikan po ph acln s2w3 markham po ph mark 206 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licenced auctioneer york cly lixhrldge ft pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone stouffville 07813 s d pollard phone stouffville 61818 licensed auctioneer farm stock implement household kiirniluie a itcnl estate 6028 real estate when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison refid real estate broker phone s7il funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funkral director and embalmer continuous telephone service lnv or nlkllt phone stouffviuo 38wl j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy a service telephone 90 markhnm ontario stouffville machine fir tool works telephone 2bs rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs hair dressing permanent machine machineusf cold waves also hair styling for appointment tit ph stoiiffvlllr 74j4 miss a 7eiiek mill street