Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 27, 1955, p. 7

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lasy bobs it n aa au i this weeks sunday school lesson jts much easier to rercove tailed spots aratl staia 1 you lac in th spot by using erabroctery txpi oo the material brushina spocg- in or pouring boiling waer over the stain u simpler wheo the ma terial is taut plastic draperies which are fad ed make wonderful bags or slp- eorers in which to store clotxni as well aa linens jtst fold the d-a- maxs xatlkk au xkkd ji yes his thougho lfc auary 30 becipk or the week earorj salmon steaks serves tl 8 salmon steaks small 4 teaspoons cour 1 teaspoon salt vt teaspoon paprika dash of pepper 1h cups milk 1 teaspoon rau onion 1 tablespoon b iter crease large shallow pan and arrange fish in it combine dry ingredients milk and onion mix well and pour over fish dot with butter and bake in a moderate 375k oven for 45 minutes penes and sear the two sides to gether old sheer curtains make intc wonderful dishcjths simply sew several thicknesses together and stiei the edges together with biai tape try covering both hands with pair of old wool socks you can then do a wonderful polishing anc buffing job on furniture with both hands working at the same time when windows require putty mix together putty and paint one you will not have to putty first and then paint around the windows cleaning walls if water and scads tend to drip down your arms to make you uncomfortable fasten si washcloth around tho wrist tc absorb water and suds fioitlv n tevt what i nun that thou art mindful of fiim and tbe ii of man that thou iiitot him for thou hut made hirn a lilllv iuuer chan the anck and hat crouned him uith xio and honour fsalui jfct 5 the lessox as a whole hy j c maeaufay od approach to the lesoon what a bundle of cortradie- ticrts is man he came directly fron the hand of the almighty creator and at the same time he carne from the dost the earih he was made in the im age of god yet he can take the form of a very devil he was created for communion with the holy god yet he can stoop lower than the beasts iri his conduct he was made to have dominion over all gods earthly creature yet he can be lick ed by an invisible microbe and sent hurtling to his grave the stuff of eternity u in him yet he return- o the dust and the worms devour his body he was made to reign yet his whole experience makes pos sible the dolefu pnrosophy ex pressed in the lines o robert burns ive seen you weary winter sun twice forty times return and every time has added proof that man was made to mourn he was created for a heavenly destiny yet he can make his bed in hell we can reverse the order we can say of man that he ls but a speck in the vast uni verse yet he has that in him which is vaster than the uni verse his body can be confined to a cell a few cubic feet in mind cart range he unmeasured distances of space he cart be destroyed by a slight accident i flying stone a falling branch terious laws of nature to serve him he can be a very denser jrcate by giving re to th that are r him yet tie cn reveal nobility of soul that bespeaks his divine origin what a complex creature what a contradiction is there an ex planation is there an answer ls there any way of taking hold of this bundle of opposites delivering him from the down ward drag making of him a creature worthy of the creator end realizing the promise of his origin in a glorious destiny the bible gives a mighty cate gorical yes to the question and its answer to the dilemma is christ verse by verse gen 123 let us make man in our image and let them have dominion xote the plural let us a suggestion of plural ity in the godhead with re spect to god man was to be in his image with respect to the world he was to be monarch verse 27 so god created created created xote the repetition of cre ated three times this word bara is used only of divine operation man came from the hand of god he is not a prod uct of intermediate evolution ary processes verse 2s and god blessed them bo fruitful and multiply and replenish and subdue have domin ion a divine benediction brew word does no ttecessar- i means simply note the word subdue suggesting that man would meet with op-posi- tion in exercising his godgiver dominion does this point to the opposition of satan the de posed prince of this ivorld i is an ltrgutng thought verse 23 behold i have given you every herb belng seed and every tree vielding seed for meat bearjfcg seed and yielding seed are only variant translations of the same hebrew phrase meaning liter ally seeding seed here then was the mark of all human food in the beginning it must be seed bearing fruit of the earth flesh diet came later verse 30 and to every beast every green herb for meat the pacific character of animal life is indicated by its herbaceous diet verse 31 and god saw ev erything very good the sixth day what changed ood of verses 4 10 12 is 21 25 into the very good of this verse doubtleses the completion of the work but more particularly the establish ing of man in his place the eveningmorning marks the 6th cycle whether we regard the cycles as days of 24 hours or as creative davs rom 323 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god here is a sum ming up of the tragedy that befell the human race instead of going on to display the glo- why a briefvbgkqjcmfwyvbg fry of god as created in his image man sinned the image was marred the glory depart ed and every son of adam has been involved in the fall not and a divine commission while only inheriting a fallen natur the english word replenish signifies to fill again as of something which once was full and has been emptied the he- but confirming by his own in iquity the action of his first father heb 26 what is man that the tribune siouffville ont thursday january 17 1p95 no 209s is cut in sizes 12 14 16 is 20 36 3s 40 42 44 46 size is o yds 39in no ill knitted shoulder shawl in triangular faggoted de sign complete instructions given in large actual size detail mill ends in many different colors regular as high as 69c yd a yard send 35c for each pattern with name address tsyle number and size to iudrey lane patterns po box 70 place darmes montreal que with an take a long slow stroll around the 55 pontine let your eyes linger on its low lovely lines watch how your gaze is caught and held by the nparkle of a massive front bumper then gently led from the proud front around to the impressive rear quarter now slide behind the wheel and after youve caught your breath take a sweepcircle view oh those wind shields youll swear there are acres of eyeroom and the views just as spacious all round the com pass then when you drive this all- new car youll know its the wideopen wonder for 55 with pontiacv nll- voiind beauty and politicos nllvouiid view the worlds your oyster when the 55 pontine is your car do try it right now lbewjhprktd wraparound windshield ut 4 tender visibility at a low low price se through area of pontiac new front viniliim ha been lncre up to 18 reducing blind a pot caused by corner pillin you now really pee out both front and rear for more pleajturc and safely 1 ft beany ikits ml olthlt world wflli allnew gbmorimlc interiors youve nerer teen anything to match the luxury of iontiact appointments theres a brand new instrument panel with receosed controls brand new steering wheel more leg room and new deepseated romfort in front and back seats i h allnew recirculating bailtype steering t tut reduces steering effort pmc the iontiae and ee how it rr per and tunc with littt any effort huad h ar- nxhinned teeriiic effort i reduced but herring i liar and quick oh what a vutr of a car to handle pntixs rsrefuttoaarr allnew wat balanced ride pontiac completely new ehai brings ou level riding firm handling eliminates noedivc stop tint amaiing smooth nc is due to a brand new frame new front and rear suspen sion ne lubetcstircphia new steering and lrakes ewitss that starts it tbt pemd with allnew tuseless tires new tubele tires give a smoother ride added protection a gai nl blowout from impart hreaks and ordinary puncture can bo repaired right on the rim itclf problem relating to tube failure hare now be come a thing of the past 10 read p0wtlaci8gfteat power twms- ano fitankly 1 wa ivtsksu0 so vt time i 5av aw pt7lac dcail apc0hlmj all new fr th ground op s now thou art mindful of him visitest him psalm 8 is quot ed here but carried beyond the vision of the psalmist to the farther reaches of new testa ment revelation it is the seem ing insignificance of man in view of the vastness of the heavens that strikes the psalm ist yet god manifests special concern for this microbe man this speck of dustj the earth verse 7 a little lower than the angels thou crownest him with glory over the works of thy hands here is the dig nity of man as ruler under god of all gods handiwork notice that in this passaeg the domin ion of man is more extensive than in the psalm going be yond allsheep and oxen verse 8 all things in subjection under his feet nothing that is not put under him two statements stand out in this verse first the uni versality of mans dominion un der the appointment of god and second the fact that this dominion has not been realized therein lies the tragedy but even in the statement of the failure there is hope that not yet says its coming yet verse 9 jesus for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honour taste death for every man jesus is gods answer to mans failure he stooped to mans estate to become mans cham pion he stooped to death which was not his due to ex haust deaths demand on man as man he triumphed and won mans forfeited crown not for himself alone but to be shar ed with all who will be joined to him by faih the heart of the lesson all the searching of the scien tist has not produced a more satisfactory account of the or igin of man than that given in the holy scriptures it should be remembered that the expla nations olfered by the evolu tionist are not demonstrated facts but inductions from cer tain natural phenomena in the nature of the case the or igin of man cannot be demon strated ultimate origins are inscrutable but the conclu sions of the evolutionist put a burden on faith far heavier than the simple statement of scripture that god created man in his own image in the image of god created he them that statement satisfactorily accounts for the complexities of man as no theory of evolu- tion required for striped flannelette a yard good heavy quality suitable for mens boys pyjamas nightshirts and cheap enough for quilt jinings regular price 69c yd 5ve also have other remnants to choose from such as shirting flowered flannelette circular pillow cotton iflr golbewb clothing store come in and look around intention was to extend the sphere of mans dominion for when we turn to hebrews 2 the limits mentioned in gene sis 126 28 and psalm 87 8 give place to an unrestricted all things man was not made to mourn as robert burns makes his old philosopher say but he was made to reign then why the mourning why the conflict why the de feat why so little of the im age of god why the lack of glory why the failure to teign avhy a brief struggle and then the grave why the unrealized hopes and dreams why all the aspirations that turn to ashes the reason is sin all have sinned and come short of the glory of god that tells the whole story of mans failure it is the reason for all the frustrations disillusion- ments and disasters that is why we face today situations which completely baffle us man the sinner has tried to ex tend his dominion only to find that he ls preparing his own destruction but god has not abandoned his creature what he decreed for man must and will be real ized so god found himself a man to stand for man to re gain the lost crown and to ra deem the fallen race we see jesus he is the answer he stooped to a place lower than subsistence the angels he tasted death in a like physical structure may for every man and was crown cosh income for farmers drops 12 income earned by canadas farmers dropped last year by 333000000 to 2408600000 the bureau of statistics reports this is a drop of 12 percent from the 2711300000 cash in come in 1953 and a drop of 15 percent from peak of 2826600- 000 in 1952 cash income is the farmera gross earnings from the sale at his products and from pay ments received under prairie grain pools out of that he must pay his expenses and of course his net income ls lot lower than that the large drop in cash in come last year was due largely to a substantial reduction in returns from wheat sales the bureau said crossword puzzle mole motcius ilimitscl phone 372 stouffville be found between man and the beast they are only such as are required for subsistence in a like physical environment arid are us satisfactorily attributed to a definite act of god as to any organic relation of men to the lower animal on the other hand there is nothing in the beast that answers to the hu man intellect or to the mors nature of nun attempts to trace these from the lower forms are acceptable only to those to whom anything la more acceptable than a sover eign vt of j man v of god show fc and xe order th deed ne tage h night the gry of god r hs own ap- sphere the sovereign- 1 he was to rule the gods vicegerent in- seens as the divine ed with glory and honour all things being made subject to him what was lost in adam has been recovered in christ uy union with christ we too become sharers of the crown the dominion the glory the new humanity with chrlst as head will realize the divine intention in the creation of man world without end in him the tribes of adam boast more blessings than their father lost veve oten wondered how it houzontax i llotuu- i sales boofb 10 juwfujc welcht bcfor drgumriinc h flneapple- 13 wild inuiiv of india is name in crrcce 17 genu of maples is iov of ones country 10 seetne 22 cod ui 23 topi of heed pf 34 neelble tubes 35 swordsmans dummy stake 37 clipped as wool jo thouuuul 34 flank em- ojce roubee 34 nothn 37 word of eeis o be o wfalihy you iavtn j sorrow ayone to wh yoj were as j j r a j 43 ffawaimn tud 41 cue after tic mayor of a small ohio irveiw town rolm ibt a u mus so ht ran oat it poiaby ad e so fcuiaids j law so pertatnlnc ia certain continent 53 1ollsb rlvca m trap sg jinunlnc 61 vomer itusalan rxilra- 3 sea eiise cz arotd wilb edible root c4 ttonee ti talk saucily co aids 67 oboerves vrstticaf 1 mineral sprlnst 3 scotehmai 3 arrow potaoss 4 arctic cetcearve 6 juice of plant 5 sweppeci 7 fokt stakes 8 i tncee uurd s hawaiian wreath 10 iart of ftower pl 11 came to earth 13 get up 13 doetrkes is l closes 31 painful s3 ko graceful 17 condltvws is temtntnm swarm 3 african antelope 30 potynesjaal herb 11 tapuoua n slender rcklme hoot 31 aliased elec tric forces 13 year old is thins in law 40 relics 42 a ceorslan of statues 47 plaited straw- flute u htrh cards ii rail hotels si pierce wml pointed was pass m arkan sax 96 to scrape 67 periods of time 10 as it stands fmusl 60 aeriform flutst ma lis ujim ujiiuu daaaao im3itji aaaao onuo aaa aaua aaauaa as aaaauo ua bnsaaad uuiioroi aajrjuu dqqu cjul aaaan aauauaavv

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