tie tribune stoaffviue ont thursday january s 1965 victims of christmas motor crash return home wrecks of beelby car left and auto driven by b srnard couzhlin stand on hiehway 7 curve phyllis beelby debra- anns aunt w admitted to toronto general hos pital with her brother and iisterinjawj mr and mrs donald beelby shown in wedding portrait were injured in crash which took their only childs life mrs beelby is expecting another baby hatters believe the unborn child is uninjured baxter has pneumonia mr edson johnstons had a family gathering at their home on new years day mr and mrs howard haines entertained mr and mrs don sheridan also mr and mrs lome shropshire on new years mr douglas hope has the phone installed mr wesley baker is the new trustee replacing mr will lundy school reopened with teacher mrs scott as principal and miss mainprize as jr tea cher w i euchre at school on fri night jan 7 at 830 good prizes and lunch i fh line whitchurch and mrs percy patten- ballantrae and sirs wm spent new years and mrs xorman family mrs alec cowan agincourt and mlss of toronto mr ssell couperth- waite and murray spent xew years with mr and mrs dix on miss fern young port col- borne mrs stella jackson and miss grace foote of toronto spent new years with mr and mrs s h foote new years guests with mr and mrs wm chamberlain antf gail and m were mr and mrs jack cham berlain and mr and mrs clare matthews sony to re port mrs chamberlains father mr bunting is in toronto gen eral hospital with a foot con dition miss judy chamberlain spent christmas holidays with her grandmother mrs cham berlain of toronto mr and mrs roy fugard of unionville had dinner on mon day with mr and mrs ross harper wednesday evening supper guests with mr and mrs ross harper were mr and mrs ar nold harper and allan of stou ffville and mr and mrs don ald harper david and lynn of agincourt mr sam holden had dinner on sunday with mr and mrs rae holden we wish everyone in the neighborhood a speedy recov ery from their colds pine orchard mr and mrs don sheridan spent new years with her parents mr and mrs shrop shire mr and mrs rae mcclure and children were weekend visitors with the whitfields at thornbury mrs harold eveleigh spent several days with her mother mrs chapman who is ill sorry to hear little keith goodwood new years dinner guests at the home of mr dave symes and son norton were mr symes sister mrs a wilson mr and mrs martin gall and two children mr and mrs lloyd bryant and caroline mr and mrs morley symes and mr walt symes and son gor don mrs wilson who is in her 85th year cooked the dinner which was enjoyed by all four teen of the family present lemonyille the womens association will meet at the home of mrs c graham on wednesday after noon jan 12th at 230 oclock day in and day out through the march of the years people enjoy talking more than any thing else i am a druggist to best serve the people of this community i maintain a stock of carefully selected merchanaise to be able to recommend the best product for every need it is part of my training to know the stand- xrdsof quality and measures that have been established by science and experience when i order goods my selection is based on the known merits of these widely recognized standards j hen i advertise to give people the news of my store because i know that nearly everybody reads a newspaper i use newspaper advertising regularly when people pay for newspapers they read them carefully for all of the news that is interesting to them when my ads are newsy and contain useful information j know that people will read them because they are news another fact thai merchants like about newspaper advertising is that they can buy it on the basis of known values that are just as definite as the measures of weight and quality that apply to merchandise which they handle businessman cannot afford to speculate with advertising when they buy newspaper space they can make their investments on the strength of circulation facts and figures that are verified it is good business practice to buy advertising by such methods just as it is good business to buy and sell merchandise on the basis of known standards this helpful information is ivailablc from reports issued iki nipaper ti o menaff of ln aj bnjj of grcvtottoai by the audit bureau of circulations a cooperative nonprofit association of more than 3575 publishers advertisers and advertising agencies at regular intervals the a bc of which this newspaper is a member sends an experienced circulation auditor to make a thorough inspection and audit of our circulation records the facts established by his audit are published in an abc report which tells you how much circulation we have where it goes how obtained how much people pay for our paper and many other facts that you need in order to know what you get for vour advertising money advtilnen of tftviica to ovt for o copy ol ovr lateit a5c report tribune stouffville 1200 tons sand for markhams icy roads markham twp road neer jack howard presented his yearend repor to the in augural seision of council on monday outlining the work accomplished and purchases made during the past year interesting was the fact that a total of 1200 tons of sand have beer spread on icyroads during december the follow ing is the text of the complete report as presented by mr howard the purpose of this repor is to give the reader a general idea of what some of our main projects were during the past year we do not wish to bore you with any great amount of detail but more information is of course available upon re quest the addition to our staff of mr c whetter as stock and time keeper has proved to be of great benefit he started with us early in the year and is doing a fine job late in the year mr john nigh joined the staff as an engineering assist ant and of course last summer mr t canning was appointed road foreman as for the other members of our road depart ment all that we can say is that markham township is for tunate to have such a fine group of men last summer we were put on a permanent fiveday week but whenever necessary the men are always ready and willing to work day or night while on the subject of staff it might be well to mention that a resolution was passed officially appointing the firm of h a babcock as consulting engineers for the township this was thought necessary due to the great amount of ex tra engineering required in re building bridges destroyed by the oct 15th hurricane upon looking back we find that a total of twelve road com mittee meetings were held dur ing 1954 in addition to this there were three days spent last spring when the road com mittee and other members of council toured all of the twp roads several pieces of new equip ment were bought during the year a new fiveton interna tional truck was purchased to replace the old kb 8 thorn- hill village invested in a small tractor to cut weeds etc two other purchases were an air pump for the garage and pump ing equipment for spraying cold patch also worthy of men tion are a steering booster for the cat 12 grader and a used road drag at the time that our budget was set last year it was decid ed to do more road oiling as phalt prime than the year be fore we are responsible for some 150 miles of road and of these about 55 miles were trea ted with asphalt prime at a total cost of 38212 in addition 30 continuous miles were treat ed with calcium and the bal ance were all spot treated with calcium in front of houses the total cost of this calcium am ounted to 15298 one of the disadvantages of oiled roads is the prevalence of pot holes therefore any program of oiling should be accompanied by a program of patching we have used hot as phalt cold mix and a calcium mix but the most satisfactory appears to be a spray patch using asphalt emulsion and gravel it was for this purpose that the abovementioned spray pump was purchased approxi mately 13515 was spent on patching during 1951 prior to the hurricane 24998 tons of gravel had been placed on our roads at a total cost of 20810 since then 22621 tons have been used but most of this has been where the flood had washed out sections of road about one mile of road was completely rebuilt last sum mer and an additional 414 miles were reditched both sides an other project was the improv ing of the proctor ave hill miscellaneous minor drainage problems were investigated and appropriate action taken the usual weed control pro gram was followed in the early summer this consisted of spraying ninety percent of our roadsides with weed killer and cutting as much as possible our sprayer was also used on the warble fly project road and driveway culverts accounted for their fair share of our time during 1954 a total of about 119 drive cul verts and 30 road culverts were installed many of our old road culverts are in poor condition and we feel that it is important that these be replaced some jobs which were con tracted out were the construc tion of 700 feel of storm drain at unionville the construction of 500 feet of sidewalk at tho- rnhill and the asphalt resur facing of ruggles ave essex ave sussex ave and two sec tions of kennedv road we were of course busv with snow fencing this fall so far this winter we have not had to handle verv much snow but slippery road- have been a problem fortunately we had a small paved area constructed in our yard thus summer and this is a tremendous aid in mixing sand and salt and load ing trucks about 1200 ton of sand have been spread on our roads since the beginning of december considerable dme was spent by the engineer two projects for victoria square birthday greetings to mr ja cob williams on jan 6 to da vid noble who will be one year old on january 10 and to miss lillian nichols whose birthday is january 12 belated birth day greetings to mrs harvey colard for january 1st sympathy of the community is extended to mrs meryl mor ris nee ruth caseley and family in the sudden passing of a loving husband and father congratulations are extended to mr and mrs jim smith on the birth of their daughter on december 27 messrs ronald gee and den ton brumwell are spending thus week attending the short course at the oac at guelph mr and mrs elmer huggins and family of taunton spent new years day with mrs a frisby and richard mrs ella ratclitte mr an gus of stouffville mr and mrs andrew forson and family of ringwood mr r e sanderson and mable spent new years day with mr and mrs ralph boynton mr and mrs l l nichols miss vera nichols mr wilfred anderson mr and mrs doug las gee and family mr doug las mcwhirter mr nelson bu chanan mr ivan crompton penetang miss stephanie star- key toronto and mr joseph eden toronto spent new years day with mr and mrs cecil nichols and family mr and mrs walter ridlev and family mr and mrs har vey attwood and family all of whitby mrs h attwood of uxbridge miss greta lieffers and mr elke ostinga of osh- awa mrs b plews of toronto miss rosemary march mr and mrs percy bennett and kay spent new years day with mr and mrs p w willows and mrs ida melllmurray mr and mrs frank gill of toronto spent sunday with mr and mrs stanley defoe mr and mrs herman mort- son mr and mrs harold mort son mr and mrs gordon mort mennonifes give 155000 in supplies canadian mennonites donated 155000 worth of clothing food shoes bedding and hospital supplies to various parts of the world in the past year the do nations came from many men- nonite groups throughout the country including contributions from the stouffville area it was a continuation of re lief work intensified during the second world war when men nonites in the united states and canada spent millions in war relief this year some of the sup plies went to arab refugees in jordan and to old folk and children in central europe about 6000 christmas bundles were distributed to children the mennonite central com mittee with headquarters in waterloo is the organization handling mennonite relief its director is e g snyder of hes- peler the committee maintains staffs in the various countries it serves in conjunction with american mennonites about 18 canadians serve throughout the world woodrow ramseyer of baden was one of the latest to leave going to korea clothing ls one of the more important items included in re lief bundles miss alice snyder looks after this department which includes a cutting room where material ls prepared for sewing by mennonite churches in the district more than 30000 worth of canned beef was also sent last year the cattle is donated out right or purchased with funds donated by individual menno nite churches cattle are slaughtered at the j m schneider ltd plant and canned by s s martin and sons of floradale the central committee also does work in paraguay and ur uguay assistance has included sending roadbuilding machin ery building hospitals and op erating an experimental farm next summer one u the con struction of roads in plan 3505 under the local improvement act and the other is the con struction of the road 16 bay- view drainage ditch under the municipal drainage act an other project scheduled for next year is the erection of street signs naming our con cession roads along no 7 high way and our north and south town lines the engineer has from time to time been busied with cer tain work in connection i h the planning board anotner important phase of his work has been in regard to the pro gram of test drilling for water a report such as this for the year 1954 would of course not be complete without some ref erence to hurricane hazel however the writer has sub mitted earlier reports cover ing this diturbaree and we feel that it is not necessary to repeat what has already leen said suffice to observe that there is still a lot of work to be done before our bridges are re built and our roads back in norma condition and thus we conclude our re port for 1954 we have tried to serve the taxpayers of mark- barn township to the best of our ability and i h hoped th3t we have succeeded in at vat lining upisoiie small measure completion rfapcfuiv submitted 1 a howard b asc p- e engineer and road supt son and family mr and mrs norman tyndall and family spent new years with mr and mrs clarence stong a yestn mr and mrs george barrett mrs j lunau mrs r perkins and cora spent new years with mr and mrs donald pic kering and family the regular monthly meet ing of victoria square sr wo mens insvitute will be held in the victoria square commun ity hall on tuesday evening january 11 at s oclock each member is asked to bring a small piece of china or pottery a representative from the t eaton co toronto will give a demonstration on table dec orations and arrangement of china miss betty huston will be guest soloist all the ladies in the community are invited to attend the wm3 executive met at the home of mrs fred mcrob- erts on wednesday of last week to make out the annual reports and to plan the programs for the coming year following the meeting mrs mcroberts served delicious refreshments the annual meeting of vic toria square united church will be held in sunday school room on friday evening jan 21 at s oclock the regular monthlv meet ing of the wms wilfbe held on wednesday afternoon jan 12 at 2 15 at the home of mrs heber mccague richmond hill all the ladies in the com- unionville mr and mrs kenneth wat son spent new years with their daughter and husband mr and mrs ronnie baggs of thornhill muss sharon ogden of agin court visited with her grand parents mr and mrs gordon ogden east drive for the chis holidays mi and mrs e c harley of mitchell enjoyed the christmas holiday with her parents rev and mrs butt and bill mrs hawke of orillia has been holidaying with her daughter and husband mr and mrs wm inglis and family mr and mrs william mc- cowan and son bruce of scar- boro visited her parents mr and mrs j weir on sunday mr and mrs chuck coulson and famiiy formerly of union ville have rented the mrs j champion house for a few months miss lily dyke of aurora spent a few days this week with mr and mrs alfred dvke and mrs g hiltz munity are invited to attend congratulations to mrs j lunau who on monday cele brated her eighty ninth birth day friends and relatives call ed during the day to wish every happiness and best wishes it is the sincere wish of everyone that she may be spared to see many more birthdays garnet v gray optometrist will be absent from his stouffville office on tuesday jan isth in order to attend the midwinter congress y of the optometrical association of ontario interruption of hydro service in order to safely carry out essential work it will be necessary to interrupt hydro service in stouffville markham claremonr brougham green river locust hill and the rural districts surrounding these villages on wednesday jan 12 from 130 to 330 pm in case of inclement weather the interruption will be postponed until the same time on the next suitable day we regret this inconvenience and request your co operation the hydro electric power commission of ontario markham rural operating area carnation milk tall fin aylmer tomato catsup 11 oz j crown brand syrup 2 lb tin 31 habitant pea soup 28 oz tin 15 green giant peas fin 19 pork shops 1 lb 59 hamburg 1 lb 39 blade roast 1 lb 49 devon bacon 1 lb 55 carload groceteria fctolfkviiik ihoxe 20