the thskk staattvvjn ont thurssar dewmvr 30 9m news for the farmer agricultural outlook for canada vsis the annua agricultural con ference was held la ottawa december 6 and 7 1954 repre sentatives of federal and pro vincial governments and dele gates from farmers organiza tions reviewed the agricultural situation and discussed the out look for 15x some of the high lights of the outlook are pre sented as an aid to farmers in planning their operations for 1956 general outlook for 1955 the present international economic outlook is more reas suring in a number of respects than it was a year ago busi ness activity in north america although somewhat heiow the high level of 1963 is now sta ble or slightly rising and in the united kingdom most of western europe and some commonwealth countries an expansion of employment and output is under way overall world trade contin ues at a high level and in gen eral the foreign exchange posi tion of overseas countries is stronger han at any time since the war there seems little or no reason to expect a reversal in tile substantial progress which has been made in the removal tf import restrictions against dollar goods the im port of agricultural products is still restricted to some ex tent however by controls re maining in elfect in the impor tant united kingdom and un ited states markets large sur plus disposal programs are al so being initiated in the unit ed states and the manner in which these programs are car ried out could iniluence the regular flow of agricultural trade world agricultural produc tion has increased in recent years by nearly three per cent annually compared with an in crease in population of 15 per cent the pressure for increas ed production has thus become less pronounced though the gains in production have not al ways been in the regions where requirements were greatest surpluses have emerged for some commodities but in many areas the strong drive for na tional selfsufficiency is contin uing economic conditions in can ada have shown a slight im provement during the last half of 19o- over the first part of the year this improvement is expected to continue in 1955 combined government expen ditures federal provincial and municipal are likely to remain about the same as in 1954 capital investment is likely to remain high per cap ita income levels should be sustained the declining trend in canadian exports appears to have ended conditions now prevailing in the world wheat market suggest some increase in sales new basic material de velopment will make available for export increased volumes of iron ore and aluminum mar kets for base metals and forest products are expected to re main firm prosiects for the sales of agricultural products in 1955 are good sustained consumer incomes per capita should in crease food consumption in canada and the agricultural export situation should im prove it is probable that farmers cash receipts in 1955 may be somewhat higher than in 1934 a large part of the 195155 wes tern wheat deliveries will like ly take place during the first seven months of 1953 this to gether with fall deliveries above the record lowlevel deliveries of the 1954 fall season would raise the returns from this source next year present indi cations suggest there will be no significant change in live stock cash receipts during 1955 increased marketings are like ly to offset any prospective price declines income from other products is expected to renriin at or about the 1954 level in 1955 farm net income is expected to be about the same as that of 1954 farm operating expenses are not likely to vary significantly from those of 1954 on the basis of an average crop estimated higher deliv eries and smaller carryover stocks at july 31 1955 farm in ventories of grain at the end of 1955 will be below the 1954 yearend levels this contin uing decrease in yearend farm inventories of grain would however be offset by the ex pected gain in cash income farm labour and supplies the requirements for farm workers in 1955 will probably be slightly higher than in 1934 it is expected however that a slightly larger number of wor kers will be available to agri culture next year so that the supply will bear about the same relationship to the de mand as it did in 1951 grains ami feeds world production of wheat in the 195455 crop year is esti mated at about gs billion bush els six per cent below the 195354 level stocks available for export and carryover in the hands of the four major ex porters in the fall of 1951 were running about one per cent higher than a year previously large wheat crops have again been harvested by some im porting countries but quality is low in many areas and accu mulated reserves in a number of importing countries have been largely depleted on bal ance it would appear that a fairly substantial export mar ket exists particularly for high quality wheat during the cur- ren crop year livestock an increased output of meat animals is probable in 195455 year ending sept 30th with the spelling bee by dorothy killian it was about eight oclock on production of hogs tip about 13 per cent and smairsr in creases ranging from five to seven per cent in marketings of cattle calves and sheep and lambs it is uniikely that the domestic market will be able to absorb the supplies of hogs new years eve when jane cattle and calves that will be walters turned to stare out the available and therefore canaj kitchen window into the win try darkness she didnt want don to see the tears in her eyes but she hadnt been quieken- ough its a raw deal all right honey he said trom the chair where he sat with one leg in a cast propped up on a stool i take you sway from all your city friends and bring you back to brantville to live and then what do i do break my stupid leg during our first holidays together and leave you high and dry without an escort for the new years eve party you couldnt help it don she tried to sound bright but the truth was it did mat ter she had found herself more homesick than ever with the coming of the holidays this itte town to which don had come back as operator of the rain elevator was like a for eign country to her and with the furnace acting up here they were sitting in the kitchen of all places on new years eve jane sighed and turned slow ly away from the window what kind of a party will grandma jenner be having don chuckled oh itll be corny all right no blaritil trumpets and yet janie don leaned forward and went on earnestly i really think youd enjoy these people if youd well kind of let yourself go maybe so don- but i just have the feeling that they con sider me an outsider i did you hear that scufiling noise sounds like somebodys in our back yard lots of someliodys id say dian prices will be very closely related to comparable united states prices with the exception of hogs canadian prices of livestock are expected to show little change in 195455 compared with 1953- 54 although slight declines may- occur under the pressure of larger supplies prices of hogs are likely to show the greatest change in general domestic prices will be largely depend ent on the availability of satis factory export outlets for sur plus livestock and livestock products dairy products milk production in 1953 is provisionally estimated at 17 billion pounds up slightly from the 1954 total only a small in crease is foreseen as milk cow numbers are expected to rise little between june 1 1954 and june 1 1955 eggs and poultry little change is expected in the egg poultry market in 1933 compared with 1951 the egg market will not be stronger in 1955 than in 1954 until at least june and then may strengthen only if the 1955 hatch is smaller than in 1951 fruits and vegetables the 1955 apple crop may ap proxjmate 15 million bushels if weather conditions are fa vourable larger crops of ten der and small fruits particu larly apricots peaches cherries and raspberries are also ex pected domestic stocks of potatoes supplemented with imports will probably ensure adequate supplies for the remainder of the 195455 season prices are well above those existing last year and it is expected that this firm market will prevail prices received by farmers for their last seasons crop usually exert a considerable influence on their next seasons plant- to make a sale advertise in the tribune classified advs he arrived refreshed by bus percy tarr monument works slouffville ontario 1954 290000 acres and obtain yields equal to the 191852 aver age 187 bus per acre then a crop of almost 56 million bush els will be forthcoming in 1955 such a crop would be well ings if farmers plant about the above that of 1954 but well be- same acreage as they did inl tat of 1953 cedar grove there was standing room on ly and not too much of that at the cedar grove school con cert this year and the whole evening was worth standing to see the children opened the concert very appropriately with a musical medley includ ing everything from santa claus is coming to town to toyland their voices are sweet and true and it sounded lovely then there were recitations a short play a pretty dance an indian tableau and an oper etta that included the entire cessful enterprise every year the trustees of ss 20 spend a great deal of the ratepayers money on school maintenance and improve ments the spending of this money is a big responsibility and almost always brings a certain amount of criticism on dec 29th the annual meeting will be held in the school and members of the board would be very grateful if as many as possible would attend and hear their plans for the coming year they hope too if you have any ideas on the spending of your money that you will take schi mary barkis hardl opportunity to bring them work and patience were well rewarded and me best thing of all was the way the kids en joyed it all here are some interesting comparisons that have come to light since the white gift serv ice last week the executive worked very hard to make this service a special part of christ mas and their efforts were well rewarded there was over 55 donated six bushels of gifts and food and a big box of clo thing last year the collection was less than half the above amount and there were only 2 bushels of gifts collected add to this the participation of the children in this years service and it looks like a most suc- this magnificent choice of brilliant power teams which whs designed lo fit any purse and purpose is jusl the mart of the pontine story for 1955 in fact tin- 1955 pontine is changed in over a hundred cxciling ways not for nothing is it being hailed as the one car thats jlircly neir from the ground up the tires are different the chassis is uftercut the engine arc different thelhxivappointmenlscoiorsandstvies krc different and when you learn hotc different youll agree that nothing like this ponliae has ever been available in the lowpriced field after youve seen il you wont be satis- ficd until you try it on the road and were so delighted with this breathtaking car ourselves that we urge you lo put it lo the test we arc supremely confident that a demonstration drive will com pletely convince ycu thai your best new car investment is ponliae the truly new car for 1955 prrcfilrnletl trinimiin thai mh a iirvt pjrp in lot- magnificent power iemi at ice oflvr prrformanre wi rae ur lrivinr try au of tlirse pootilc dricr 180 horsepower if 0 valveinheod u0 with choice of never no never before a cor so completely new from the ground up a general motors vaiui zmmfeg ptwtr tor moisia ttipen tv mo streik teirad with tive hnuunt ranmiinn thrill in jutfl jtmy in inmtnt ptiri or re the mo eiritinn power team in ivnliae hitr mratrt ffer n mole motors limited stouffville phone 372 don replied there was a resounding thump on the back door jane opened it and stepped back bewildered surprise surprise a cho rus of voices shouted as a cou ple of dozen people trooped in grandma jenner in the lead swinging a huge granite coffee pot you do look floored my dear she said planting a peck briskly on janes cheek but its an old custom around here when you cant come to a party the party comes to you look at don there he does nt seem too surprised don grinned i was kind of hoping this would happen he said but jane hasnt gotten too well acquainted yet i know grandma said quickly and its mostly our fault to tell you the truth honey she turned to jane we were kind of afraid of you you seemed sort of distant hut when you phoned that you and don couldnt make the party i heard the tremble in your voice i suddenly realized that youre just as human as the rest of us so here we are now lets get on with the fun it seemed no time at all be fore grandma called out we have just tinie for a spelling bee before midnight and re freshments get yourselves lin ed up folks while i put the coffee on to boil the crowd laughingly divided into two lines on either side of the big kitchen as jane hesi tated someone pulled her into position speer the words mac grandma said to the school principal youre used to this kind of thing mr macray began giving out words amid shouts of praise for the successful spellers and hoots of derision for those who stumbled over a word the game progressed until only jane and mr xichols were left the caller cleared his throat and turning towards jane pro nounced the word hospitable jane hesitated and looked slowly around the loom she aw grandma jenner hovering over the coffee pot at the stove mr appleton gently adjusting the cushion under dons out stretched leg and mrs ames just coming in from the pantry with a tray of apple pies yes i can spell hospitable she said braxtville there was a moment of si lence bravo cveral voices called out and just then the kitchen clock began to strike twelve happy new year jane echoed with the rest as she looked around at her new friends and finally met the eyes her beaming husband it was indeed going to be a good year up parliament- opening televised jan 7th television cameras for the fust time in history will be used in the senate chamber to record the opening of the next session of parliament jan 7 the announcement was made by senate speaker wishart robertson who said cover norgeneral massey who will read the speech from the throne at the formal opening has gra ciously given his approval senator robertson said he has been assured by officials of the cbc that the televising can be done with dignity and clar ity and with a minimum of in convenience to his excellency the governorgeneral and all in attendance senator robertson said he made the decision recognizing that the opening of parliament is one of the most historic and important events concerning our traditional democratic sys tem moving pictures were taken of the opening of parliament in 1919 and in 1952 with the de velopment of the television it seems to me appropriate that advantage should be taken of this latest medium to carry the significance of the event you may not go in for water skiing but you will feel fit and refreshed for any activities at your fa vorite resort if you go by bus florida circle tour 12 days1 1730 from toronto return fare sightseeing and hotel room double 8 nights i ask your agent for details of this or other package tours low round trip fares subject to change new orleans 5080 los angeles 9355 miami 6375 tickets and information at snowballs barber shop phone 270j2 aegacnscgabangcpggpagaabacca highest market prices paid for dead or crippled stock speedy pickup call collect banner rendering markham 24j4 or ly 6237 umminui tmm ggssscsiscsaaaaa beos mnniniwv nim cream for best results ship your cream lo slouftville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers for immediate rentals stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone 186w aiiihiiai nacebcb notice to markham township residents re debris deposited in stream beds by hurricane hazel it has been brought to our attention that the recent hurricane has resulted in miscellaneous deb ris being piled on private property at different places along our rivers and streams such debris could aggravate a flood situation during the runoff next spring and cause further property damage by block ing the normal flow and lodging at bridges etc you arc therefore requested to inspect your property and clear away such debris well above the high water mark if you feel that the problem is too big to handle by yourself please contact us j a howard basc p eng engineer road superintendent rr2 gormlcy ontario