fls trwo swjjm3 ont thursday soreniber 18th 1954 confidentially yours ey ztiwlbil0uljvu montreal dont let it happen dont let the tense pressing agony of rheu matic pain strike at you or anyone in your familv without having help on hand get absorbine jr today only 125 for a longlasting bottle as doctors explain rheumatic pain tnay be largely caused by pressure sensitive nerves get irri tated and that makes for tender swollen areas when you rub absorbine jr on these spots it eases the pain quickly easily effectively because it helps to counteract the pressures se available at all drug counters sutton police bill 15000 county learns fsrta 3 1 an balm use it after eirj exponue to work weather water this tried n true product the lotion made jor bury hands has generations of proven pucceaw be hind it just rub one drop quickly into your hands after youve finished the dishes or the laundry or the housecleaning take that moment and keep the precious beauty of soft haryl have a bottle handy upstairs and downnairrf for everyone in your family to ue its u-onder- ful for chapped sore or roughen ed hands at 37c 59c and jl09 would you give anything to get rid of painful corns and cal luses well you dont have tol the inexpensive answer is pheny- hum the new wonderworking medication in bluejay cora plasters it gets under your corn and helps push it out from under neath the first really new medication for corns and calluses in over seventy years i in actual tests it went to work 339o faster worked 35 more surely than any other leading remedy truly once youve used new bluejays youll never go back to the oldstylo remedies your favourite drug counter has new bluejays with phenylium get some today more and more its fretting a quiekindeay world with the new trend m cooking smart housewives pat themselves on the back for short cuts like kraft dinner which save them end less drudgery in the kitchen take kraft dinner fr instance heres the finest of cheddar cheese mclloufiavored and pre cooked macaroni all ready to heat in seven minutes into a creamy nutritious centre for an appetizing meal best of it is too that kraft dinner does wonders for your food budpet costs lcs than 5c a serving so delight your family tonight with flavorful kraft dinner a salad and hot biscuits see em smile imagine hour good this 1st heres jut one of the sixteen fascinating ideas taken from the new free booklet by krafts miracle whip called cooking icilh remove the contents from a can of corned beef hash in one piece slice crosswise and broil on both sides top each slice with miracle whip salad dressing and garnish with parsley serve hot to your delighted family doesnt that sound delicious this free booklet has other recipes for using miraclo whip and bringing that one-and- only flavor to meats seafoods cas seroles vegetables and sauces write me jor your copy confi dentially yours mil crescent st montreal whip how long is it since you added laundry blue tjo your rinse water theres a reason for using laundry blue and its a good one laundry blue works differently from your other washday products soaps and detergents regardless of their colour take out dirt bleach takes out stains but laundry blue adds whiteness to your white things in your rinse water laundry blue becomes mil- lions of tiny particles that weave through your clean clothes catching light like miniature sequins to give your white clothes new bril liant whiteness it works in seconds get reckitts blue or keens blue unless the provincial gov ernment is prepared to under write the cost of maintaining york county police the force may be disbanded at the end of this year this possibility loomed strong when york county council unanimously agreed that it could not afford a police force unless there was a drastic change in the distribution of fines or unless the government paid maintenance costs the question of where the money is coming from to pay for the forces upkeep is one of a long list of financial problems facing council since 12 former municipalities became part of metropolitan toronto a year ago at that time the attorney- generals department agreed to pay the forces maintenance costs for one year a special committee will meet officials of the department and the former county munici palities to discuss the future of the force some members have already gone on record as opposing continuance of the force a committee report said that in the past year the force had devoted 90 percent of its time to metropolitan toronto affairs and 10 percent to county police work the main function of the 16- member force is to serve the courts take care of records and transportation of prisoners it coasists of a chief one detec tive two sergeants a matron and 10 constables the system of fines distribu tion also came in for a barrage of criticism from council un der an existing arrangement all fines from provincial police prosecutions go to the govern ment fines from municipal po lice prosecutions are distribute ed to the government and 60 percent to the municipality we are being robbed right and left in our own courts charged reeve lamont of sut ton he said tha because of offenses mainly by outsiders his village was saddled with an annual 15000 police bill eightythree aged folks living at county home the hardest person to please is one who isnt pleased with himself for results use tribune classified ads when a womans age starts telling on her is when a woman stops telling her age eightythree elder citizens are now residing at york man or according to the report of the home commissioner last week to county council thir tyfive are ladies and 48 gentle men from york county there are 13 from metro 38 arid from ontario county 2 the report stated that the xrnmlssion appreciates the efficient and kindly supervision of mr and mrs wilde the new superinten dent very favorable comments are received on the daily menus from the department of wel fare many improvements have been put into effect this year these were reported in detail in the june reports and such items as new paint new hand rails on stairways and new rubber treads and remodelled scullery etc are now in use the grounds have been im proved and enlarged and sever al old trees removed the com mission recommends that an elevator be installed to take patients with heart conditions and limb troubles to and from the lower floors and the wards so that they may enjoy the sit ting and dining rooms with the other residents the recommen dation of the commission that the rate for paying guests be raised to 55000 per month is now in effect the farm and herd opera tions for this year have been encouraging the revenue from the sale of hogs amounts to 1665 32 remain on the farm 32 head of cattle 15 of which are milking have produced revenue of 5118 the sale of young cattle has amounted to 1785 for 9 head one of the best milk producers kenev- elyn rag apple marilyn was honoured with a production re port in the september issue of the holstein friesian journal in her fourth year 305day rec- 745 lbs fattocfaresere vbgv ord of 20672 lbs of milk 316 highest milk record and the 10th highest fat record ever reported in that class in can ada there are 180 hens at the farm from april first to this date they have supplied the manor with 566 dozen eggs the revenue received from the sale of eggs is s2s300 second war dead book is now nearly complete personalized gteflng cards this christmas send really personalized and different greeting cards using your own favorite snapshot negativel wo offer a choice of 6 distinctive designs as shown below all very pleasing to the eye and so inexpensively priced ah yot need do is give us your favorite negative and choose the design you like best well do the res choice of 6 designs two holding bag plus 93 troul pay 600 each two men were fined 600 and costs or two months by magistrate o s hollinrake for having 93 outofseason lake trout william parker who lives on the mainland across from georgina island in lake sim- coe and calvin harris of pef- ferlaw said they had gone to georgina island last friday to take away a shack owned by parkers father who died re cently before leaving they were ap proached by two men they said who offered them two bags of fish in return for trans porting three bags to the main land where they were to leave them under a cedar bush the fish aggregating more than 500 pounds would sell at 50 cents a pound retail magistrate hollinrake said that if any leniency were to be shown it would be to parker an indian as it might be con- sidered an indians natural right to have the fish but that he would make no exceptions a survey shows that 25 per cent of the women slip their shoes off when riding on trains proper sizes might cure this the best angle from which to approach any problem is the tryangle dealer when ordering phase stale the number on the design of your choice available only at your local houstons rexai drugstore this chain saw wont let you down the fmprdvod heavy duty model qq with the now m anrr 2a8ert00th chain 1 000 wtitful5w trrongor k rrecvrh stouffville phone 229 by bernard dufresne a book of remembrance list ing canadas 41901 dead in the second world war is near completion nobody seems to know where it should go the 66451 dead in the first world war are recalled in the memorial chamber of the par liament buildings peace tow er there on aug 3 1927 the duke of windsor then prince of wales set apart the altar of this chamber to receive and hold forever the book of re membrance that the glory of those whose names are writ ten herein may live for all gen erations so far there are no plans for a second memorial chamber to enshrine the book now in pro duction there is only a re quest to the cabinet for ap pointment of a committee to study the matter suggestions filed however a number of infor mal suggestions about a suit able repository have been filed for reference some government officials are reported inclined to disre gard suggestions that the book foe placed in the new veterans memorial building which will soon house the veterans affairs department or in a war me morial planned for gatineau park north of ottawa they prefer a site closer to the present chamber at the foot of the peace tower in parlia ments centre block one view here is that the new book would foe out of place alongside the first one all the sculpture in the chamber is re lated to canadian achievements in the first world war it is doubtful that space for a second chamber could be found higher in the 293foot tower the carillons 53 bells take up most of the space seen off gallery there is a suggestion that a chamber could foe built just off the circular gallery which runs above and around the cen tre blocks main entrance con federation hall or there might be space near the entrances to the senate or commons wings some support for a memorial chamber near the present one comes from the policy of the imperial war graves commis sion which has recommended that second world war me morials should be as far as possible additions or exten sions to first world war me morials canada is a member of the commission the new book of remem brance in preparation more than three years is the work of ottawa artists headed by alan beddoe 61yearold retir ed rcn lieutenantcommander who did the decorative illumin ation on the 601 pages of the first book the names were inscribed by two men with a similar hand writing jean paul cham pagne 26 now an army pri vate and j d e rae decora tive work on the 600odd pages now almost completed was designed by mrs yvonne dice- man the colors are being fill ed in by mrs nancy ann den- ney and sandra lowther the book should be completed in about vi years designed windows beddoe is one of the few top people associated with the first memorial chamber still living others are f j hollister toronto who designed the stained glass windows fran ces loring designer of the fig ures over the doorway and col a fortescue duguid re tired director of the defence departments historical sec tion who wrote the history of the war for the stone tablets lining the walls and sketched the arrangement of military emblems squdn ldr william h bald win who inscribed the names in the first book was killed dur ing the second world war now his name will be listed in the new book of remem brance sherwill farm jerseys sold well here last wednesday the stouff- ville livestock pavilion held the sherwill farm jersey sale when 41 head were put on the auction block the cattle sold well with the top priced heifer at 27500 mr sheridan lhe owner has sold his farm to mr butler of scarboro and will hold an implement auction in the spring this jersey sale was the 200th sal for the stouffville livestock pavilion and was conducted by sellers and atkinson with jas bremner of the jersey breed ers association on the pedi grees the holstein sale of clifford mcdougall of newmarket held on armistice day saw some good prices for fresh cows 210 was realized on a young cow the milking machine com plete sold for s26so0 the hor ses 75 and 68 respectively vb sale was conducted by f n smith and w d atkinson mr mcdougall had an acci dent a few weeks ago necessi tating the sale hurricane hazel oh hazel was a hurricane as wild as she could be she roamed upon the land when she should have stayed at sea in the caribbean she started then to the northward turned to hait jamaica and carolina then for canada we learned radio announcers gave warning as friday evening came in view people started home in cars the same as they usually do rain beat down on the houses ditches and fields covered oer trees bent neath the powerful gale and the storm resembled a war policemen firemen men of valour frantically worked to get vic tims free houses trees bridges and cars were scattered like unwanted debris when all was still and over many had died in the storm fortunes vanished loved ones too yet their hearts were truly warm the humber and the marsh lands woodbridge schomberg and raymore will remember hurricane hazel of october fiftyfour marilyn slack goodwood ont business directory dental neil c smith lds dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 167w stouffrille e s barker ljs dds honor graduate of vniversity of toronto office over harolds grill phone 27nr stonffvlue medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county dr f j button dr g f buckley tolepuono 871 373w xray hours dally 9 to 13 am and 130 to 300 pm evenings 7 to 9 pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment office over button blk dr herbert b freel physician telephone 164 xray houra dally except sunday 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday 7 to 9 pm drs mitchell smith physicians surgeons xray phone 380 stonffviue office hours daily 912 am 14 pm 79 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday office open 23 pm brierbush hospital day and night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government llcened main street east sttruhville stouffville monument works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone s9j2 marie jack hairdressing lloyd avenue stoutlville permanent waving machine machineless cora way hairstyling and shaping phone lowl betty beauty salon victoria street machineless machine cold wave hair styling shaping rhono stouffville 287 k badecro auctioneers sellers atkinson ph agin 201w2 ph sto 363 licensed auctioneers and sale managers over 30 years experience sales conducted anywhere spe cializing in farm stock furni ture and property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised bills prepared and posted at no extra cost our rates are most reasonable for this complete service which really pays off no sale too big or too small chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday to 12 am hair dressing permanents machine machineless cold waves also hair styling for appointment 6tf ph stouffville 74j4 miss a zeller mill street jjbaaaabbaa3aa3aaeebi bethesda mr and mrs william stew art and george spent a weeks holiday at barwiclc with mr and mrs r taylor nee isa bel stewart the young people will be on friday evening at the home of mr and mrs cliff burkholder master david paisley had sunday supper with master rae atkinson miss jean empringham and a girlfriend miss laura shep herd of newmarket spent sun day with mr and mrs wtx empringham mr and mrs clarence atkin son spent sunday with mr and mrs art fines of toronto stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin plant phone 188 office phones s70 a 120 t pearl r onley dc chiropractor and electro therapist main street stourtvtllo phone 22a for appointment optometric e a grubin ro optometrist plcton stouffville at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays dec 18 14 jan 10 11 afternoons and evenings only phones 86j2 and 25jl ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one milllken po ph agin s2wt markham po ph mark 306 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 come in and tryrtoutl th person with a closed mind didnt close it until he had crammed ithockfull of preju dice stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop garnet v gray ro optometrist hours 080 am to 500 pm every tuesday evening by appointment wm birkett residence main st west 3 doora west of albert st phone 4612 for appointment insurance berkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259w2 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxbrldge ft pickerin townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephono stouffville 67312 s d pollard phono stonffvlue 61818 licensed auctioneer farm stock implements household furniture a real estate 60m real estate when buying or scluni real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone 8711 funeral directors ken laushway general insurance phone 270wl 270w2 stouffville ont fire automobile liability joy beauty salon permanent waving individual styling razor shaping mrs verna austin prop phone stouffville 98w2 f g alsop insurance stouffville ont fire life auto casualty 10th year in business shin st east phone 223w f m pugh the future belongs to those who prepare for it be prepared by insuring with tho mutual life of canada prompt courteous service phone 38w2 stouffville general insurance insure today the coop way for information enquire at your local coop or write to john sytema jtewniarkct ph 211 j 1 harry jones life insurance jjl prnion plans annuities phonk 07016 htoufftille l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephono service day or nlftht phone stouffville 98wl immmtumimihtl j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy ft service telephone 90 markham ontario iimnimmimtil amamawwwamat gazzgzabggsbzgagaagsbbb stouffville machine tool works telephone 258 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs